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.职业英语技能大赛模拟题11第一部分 能力测试Section 1Directions: In this section, you will hear five short sentences and questions. There are three pictures marked A, B, and C for each question. Choose the picture that best matches the question. Each sentence and question will be read twice. You will have 10 seconds for each question. (图片判断。在本节中,你将听到5个句子和相应的问题,每道题配有A、B、C三幅图片,请选择与题目内容相符合的一幅图片。每道题读两遍。每题你将有10秒钟的作答时间。) 1. W: John is crazy about playing the Internet games. M: What may be one of Johns hobbies?A)B)C)2. W: It is a great time to dress up in costumes, trick-or-treat, and have partiesM: What day is the woman talking about?A)B)C)3. W: Sydney is beautiful city, and my parents and I want to spend our holiday there in the coming winter holiday.M: Which scenic spot will the family visit this winter?A)B)C)4. W: Ive got a toothache, and I need to see the dentist right now. M: Whats wrong with the woman?A)B)C)5. W: I will have a job interview tomorrow. M: What will the woman do tomorrow?A)B)C)参考答案:BABBAPart IListening 听力Section 2Directions: In this section, you will hear a dialogue, and fill in the blanks according to what you hear. The dialogue will be read twice. You will have 1 minute for the task. (填空。在本节中,你将听到一段较长的对话。请根据对话内容填空。对话读两遍。你将有1分钟的作答时间。) A Birthday PresentPresent(6)_Color(7)_ Price(8) _Discount(9) _Payment(10) _ 参考答案:(6). necklace (7). blue (8). $ 586 (9). No/no (10). Credit card or cash对话原文:Assistant: Can I help you, sir?Steve: Im looking for a suitable birthday present for my wife.Assistant: I see. How about these earrings? Maybe they are perfect for your wife. Steve: These yellow ones? But I dont think yellow is a good colour for her. Assistant: Then what about the necklace? The blue one is of the latest style, and its really beautiful.Steve: Hmm, she does like the blue colour. How much is it?Assistant: Its $586. Steve:Do you have any discount today?Assistant: Im sorry. But we dont have any discount today.Steve: Oh, Ill take it. And how can I pay for it? Using a credit card or in cash?Assistant: Either is OK, sir.Steve: I know. Could you gift-wrap it for me?Assistant: Certainly, sir. Your wife is a lucky lady!Steve: Thank you. And Im a lucky man!Part IIReading 阅读Section 1Directions: In this section, you will read five short texts. There is a question and four possible answers for each text. Choose the best answer for each question. (选择题。在本节中,你将读到5个短信息。根据短信息,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳答案。) 11.MENUFoodDrinksDessertsHamburger$3.50Hot dog $2.85Turkey $4.05Bread $3.10Egg sandwich $3.60Beef sandwich$3.80Fruit salad$3.90Cokesmall$1.65large $1.85Orange juice small$1.95 large $2.15Coffee small $2.10large$2.35Ice cream$3.05Chocolate$3.10Apple pie$4.15Jeff ordered a hamburger, a large cup of orange juice and two apple pies. How much did he pay?A. $13.95 B. $13.75 C. $13.65 D. $9.8012.LOST AND FOUNDFOUNDIs this your book? Please call John on 495-3456.FOUNDIs that your black backpack? Please call Mary. Phone 476-5939LOST My pen case. Blue and white. Call Tom On456-8700.LOSTMy school ID card. My names Harry. Please call 487-2349. FOUNDA set of keys. Please call Lily on 498-2456.LOSTA cat. Black and white. Last seen at the school gate. Call Lisa on 412-9856.If you have lost your keys, you should call to find the Keys.A. Tom B. Harry C. Lily D. Lisa13. WANTED: BABYSITER Do you like children? Do you have free time in the afternoon? We need a babysitter for our son. He is six years old. Hours are Monday to Friday, 3.00p.m. to 6.00p.m. Sometimes you will work at the weekend. Pay is $10 per hour. For the job, you will: * Watch our son * Read to him * Play with him You will work at our house. We live in London, near 10 Downing Street. Please call (020)296-8956. Ask for Miss SmithThe best babysitter for the job _.A. cannot read storybooksB. is busy on Wednesday afternoonC. wants $15 per hourD. enjoys playing with children14.SupermarketABusiness Hours: 5:30 a.m.10:30 p.m.Eggs (1 kilo):$4.90Apples (1 kilo):$2.00Pork (1 kilo):$16.80Tomatoes (1 kilo):$1.81Conditions: Very goodService:GoodSupermarketBBusiness Hours:6:00 a.m.10:00 p.m.Eggs (1 kilo):$4.50Apples (1 kilo):$1.97Pork (1 kilo):$16.20Tomatoes (1 kilo): $1.74Conditions:Very goodService:GoodSupermarketCBusiness Hours:5:00 a.m.10:30 p.m.Eggs (1 kilo):$4.70Apples (1 kilo):$2.10Pork (1 kilo):$16. 80Tomatoes (1 kilo): $1.80Conditions: Need to improve Service:Just so-soSupermarketDBusiness Hours: 6:30 a.m.9:30 p.m.Eggs ( 1 kilo):$6.60Apples (1 kilo):$1.90Pork (1 kilo): $16.60Tomatoes (1 kilo):$1.78Conditions:Just so-soService:BadXia Yu doesnt think people would like to buy things in because of the service.A. Supermarket AB. Supermarket B C. Supermarket C D. Supermarket D15.New Library Rules1. From Monday to Friday: open time:8 :30-4:30.2. No talking,3. No eating any food.4. No listening to music.5. No taking photos.6. No taking books out if you dont ask the people here.7. Keep the library books for only one week.8. Give the books back on time.9. Renew books on time.10. Pay for the lost books.What can we do in the library?A. Eating food.B. Taking photos.C. Borrow books.D. Take books out before we ask the people in the library.参考答案:ACDDCPart IIReading 阅读Section 2Directions: In this part, you will read five short descriptions and six pieces of information related to them. Match the description and the related information and fill in the brackets with the letters. Notice there is one extra piece of information you do not need.(信息匹配。在本节中,你将读到5段描述和6条相关的信息。请将这些描述和相应的信息匹配起来,并把与信息对应的字母填写在括号内。注意有一条冗余信息。) OneDecide which concert would be the most suitable for the music lovers.1) Mike and his girlfriend are both university students. The coming Sunday (January 6) is his girlfriends birthday. As both of them are music fans, Mike would like to take his girlfriend to enjoy some live music and learn something new. .2) Joey and his friends always enjoy their weekend by attending late night activities. However, he hasnt joined them for a long time because he has been working for a couple of weeks. This weekend he wants to have some fun and excitement with his friends, who are interested in western music. .3) Alice is a college student who studies music, and playing the piano is her favorite. Her parents approve of her attending concerts and pay for the tickets. As a result, she doesnt care much about how much the ticket might cost. .4) Tracy is interested in a variety of music. Like most of the other university students, she has a part-time job. She would like to amuse herself by attending concerts. Since she does not earn much, she can only afford a ticket that costs no more than 100 yuan. .5) Sally enjoys listening to foreign music in her spare time. She would like to attend concerts performed by foreign bands or orchestras whenever its possible. But according to the school rules, she has to return to her dormitory before 11:00 pm. .A. Raymonds Solo Concert: Raymond, the talented singer who shifts freely between musical, folk songs and hip hop, is to give a solo concert this weekend. The event will be part of the Asian tour promoting his new album. His concert has very high ticket prices, but his fans have bought tickets worth one million yuan in just four days.Place: Grand TheatreTime: 8:30 10:30 pm, January 6Price: 380 2,000 yuanTel: 7322-3411B. Prince of the Piano: Clayderman has established a truly international career as a best selling recording artist and concert performer. He has recorded over 1,000 melodies and created a New Romantic style through a repertoire which combines his trademark originals with classics and pop standards. In fact, despite his natural shyness and reserve, he is completely in his element on stage; a Richard Clayderman concert is a real Spectacular.Place: The Great Hall of the PeopleTime: 8:00 10:00 pm, January 7Price: 180 1680 yuanTel: 7310-5266C. Live Music: Audiences in the city will be able to make a date with one of the most famous German Orchestras on the evening of Jan. 27 at Century Center. Conducted by Florian Stubenvoll, the orchestra will perform 11 classics including Beethovens Fledermaus Ouverture, Mozarts Symphony No. 40, and four pieces by Johann Strauss.Place: Century TheatreTime: 8:00 10:30 pm, January 10Price: 120 680 yuanTel: 7988-7311D. Jazz Night: Enjoy real American jazz from Herbie Brown, the famous trumpet player. Hes coming with his new 7piece band, Herbies Heroes. Herbie is known to play well into the early hours, so dont expect to get much sleep. This is Herbies third visit to China. The first two have been sold out, so get your tickets quickly.Place: The Jazz ClubTime: 10:00 pm till late! January 7, 9, 11Price: 100 200 yuan, Tel: 7599-7862E. Scottish Dancing: Want to get your body some exercise while enjoying live music? Take your partner here and get ready to dance till you drop. Scottish dancing is fun and easy to learn. There will be instructors demonstrating the dances. The live band is also excellent.Place: Jack Steins Time: 7:30 10:00 pm, January 5 7Price: 70 yuan including one drinkTel: 7832-1788F. Beijing Rocks: “The Night of Chinese Rock” is set to bring rock fans special performance. Eight Chinese rock bands will perform at the concert, including older generation bands, middle generation and some recent arrivals. The audience can even decide what songs they want to hear, which is sure to bring a storm.Time: January 8, 9Place: Workers StadiumTime: 8:00 11:30 pm, January 4Tel: 7633-0640Price: 90 680 yuan参考答案:CDBEFTwoDecide which travel route would be the most suitable for the travellers.1) Arthur is a college student who majors in geography and wants to admire wonders of nature in the world this summer vacation. .2) Walrus is from France. Hed like a trip to live in a third-world place for a month to experience the different local customs and lifestyles from Europe. .3) Garry and Peter, quite outgoing, have a wide range of interests,enjoy mixing and a wide variety of amusements. They want to a place that is very popular and fashionablethis summer. .4) Cindy is very interested in Chinese tourist attractions and wants to experience Chinese culture, but the time is too limited for her. Its only about a week before she leaves China. .5) Mr. and Mrs. Hunter are looking for a beach-based holiday in southern Europe, to a quiet beach location where there are not too many tourists. .A. Chinas best tourist attractions are spread out across the country. So how can you pick which one to go to?You dont have to make a tough decision, just head to the Chinese Folk Culture Village near Shenzhen.Here you can see miniatures of almost all of the major tourist attractions in China.B. Hawaii Volcanoes National Park, containing more than 218,000 acres, is open daily and offers guided tours and more. It has both the worlds most massive volcano and the worlds most active volcano. It also offers the best place to view the beautiful sunrise and sun sets sceneries.C. Crete, a small island in Greece, is not too romantic, but in terms of history and variety it has more to offer and fewer tourists than any of the others. You can relax on the beach and enjoy the sunshine comfortably. D. Beijing Botanical Garden is home to more than 1.5 million plants that belong to over 10,000 species. Its a botanical research laboratory as well as a place for the public to enrich their knowledge about plants, enjoy the scenery and relax.E. Traveling in Thailand is as much enjoyable as it is tiring because Thailand has lots of places to visit, lots of nice people to meet, lots of uniqueness, lots of activities and of course lots of new experiences and moments to capture. F. India is actually a Jewel in the Crown as far as tourism is concerned. India is a vast country with people of many different ethnic backgrounds, religions, customs, languages and lifestyles.参考答案:BFEACPart IIReading 阅读Section 3Directions: In this part, you will read a passage and five questions about it. Choose the best answer for each question. (选择题。阅读下面短文,请从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳答案。)Passage OneYour boss holds your future prospects in his hands. Some bosses are hard to get along with. Some have excellent qualifications but no idea when it comes to dealing with people. Of course, not all bosses are like that.The relationship you have with your boss can be a major factor in determining your rise up the career ladder. Your boss is not only your leader, he is also the person best equipped to help you do the job you are paid to do. He can inform you of company direction that may affect your professional development.Your boss also needs you to perform at your best in order to accomplish his objectives. He needs your feedback in order to provide realistic and useful reports to upper management. But how does this help you establish a meaningful working relationship with your boss?The key is communication. Learn and understand his goals and priorities. Observe and understand your bosss work style. If he has not been clear with his expectations, ask! Likewise, ask for feedback and accept criticism gracefully. And if he understands that you do not view your job as just something to fill the hours between 9 and 5, he may be more likely to help you.In short, getting along with your boss requires getting to know his likes and dislikes and learning to work with his personality and management style.1. The main idea of the first paragraph is that _.A. bosses are hard to deal withB. bosses have good characterC. bosses determine your career futureD. bosses must have similar personality2. In the second paragraph, “rise up the career ladder” (Line 2) means _.A. going to work abroadB. changing jobs frequentlyC. being promoted in positionD. pursuing an advanced degree3. In order to achieve his objectives, your boss expects that you will _.A. do your best in your workB. show your management skillsC. get along with your colleaguesD. write reports to upper management4. The most important factor for establishing a good working relationship with the boss is _.A. high expectationsB. quick feedbackC. frequent criticismD. effective communication5. The best title for the passage might be _.A. How to Take Care Of Your Boss.B. How to Get Along with Your BossC. How to Accept Your Bosss CriticismD. How to Accomplish Your Bosss Objective参考答案:CCADBPassage Two关闭提示 关闭确 认 取 消Online shopping started not so long ago. Tim Berners-Lee invented the World Wide Web in 1990. The first online bank opened in 1994. In 1995, Amazon started operating and is not one of the largest online shopping malls. Then in 1996, eBay started its online shopping site.By sitting at home you can now buy anything from knives to cars. The worry you may have about traveling and parking can be avoided while you shop online. With online shopping, you need not worry about the weather. Online shops have no holidays, closing times or any other problems. You can shop 24 hours a day, 7 days a week and 365 days a year. Some online shops also keep customers opinions about each product, so you can easily find out what other customers think about the product before buying it.When you go for real-world shopping, you can actually touch and feel it, but in online shopping you can only see the pictures. Also if you are shopping online, you have to be careful with your credit cards.The first step in online shopping is to search for what you want to buy. Once you find the required product, put it in a “shopping cart” and continue shopping. After you have got enough in your “shopping cart”, check out the product. You can add or take out the products in your shopping cart. The next step is to login(登录) using a username and a password. Enter the address where you want the product to be sent. Some sites even ask for your email, phone numbers, ect.Then wait for the confirmation(确认) of your order. You can also cancel(取消) the order if needed. Online shopping is a different experience and you can make shopping online easy when you get used to it.1.According to the article, which of the following statement is correct?A. Tim Berners-Lee invented the online shoppingB. The first online bank appeared in the 1990s.C. Amazon became one of the largest online shopping malls in 1995.D. Online shopping became very popular in 1996.2. When shopping online, you can _. A. park your car where you wa


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