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Unit 2测试姓名_ 分数_1、 根据首字母填写单词,注意其形式。(10分)1. A car a happened yesterday.2. If you win the game, youll get a p . 3. Jim p not to be late for class again.4. If you cant attend the meeting, I can go i_ .5. The a_ of information on the Internet is huge .6. He was so w_ that he won the game. 7. We must r_the importance of learning English.8. Do you know his telephone n_. 9. His little s_ is good at playing the guitar.10. Three is always heavy t_ on this road.2、 短语翻译。(5分)1. 挣钱;赚钱 2. 从那时起_ 3.不再 _ 4. 全年,整年 _ 5. 下象棋_ 3、 短语填空,注意其形式。(5分)1. 很久以前在这个村子里面有个聪明的年轻人。_ _ _ _, there was a wise young man in the village.2. 在墙上除了一张图画我什么也看不见?I can see _ _ a picture on the wall?3. 小男生向那些人挑战打网球。The little boy _those people _ a game of tennis.4. 你抄写下他的电话号码了吗?。Did you _ _ his telephone number?.5. 你可以画任何你想画的东西,比如,动物,植物,房子,等等。You can draw anything you like, like as animals, plants, houses _ _ _.4、 单项选择。(20分)( )1.Mothers Day is on the _Sunday in May every year.A. two B. second C. six D. sixth( ) 2.May is the _ month of a year. A. fifty B. fifteen C. fifth D. five( )3.When you are in trouble, you should ask the police _ help . A. of B. at C. for D. with( ) 4.Jenny gave us _on how to learn English well. A. some advices B. many advices C.some advice D.an advice ( ) 5.My parents often order me _ some cooking,A. do B. doing C. to do D. did ( )6.Our school is so famous that _people come and visit it every term. A. hundred B. hundreds C. hundred of D. hundreds of( )7.-When and where were you born? -I was born _October 1st ,1998_Suzhou.A. on, on B. in, in C. on, in D. in ,on( ) 8. -Excuse me. Where is Mr. Greens office? -Its on _floor.A. seven B. the seven C. the seventh D. seventh ( ) 9.She had not a pen, so she used a pencil _. A .also B. instead C. too D. instead of( )10.-Do you know how long the new bridge is? -Yes. It is about _meters long. A. one thousand one hundred and eighty B. one thousand and one hundred fifty C. two thousands one hundred forty D. two thousand one hundred forty5、 语法选择。(10分)Last week our school held a sports meeting. Everyone in our class felt very 1 because we were the winners. In the boys relay race, Michael_2_very fast and our class won the first place. Yu Ting is good 3 the long jump and she_4_ won. Were sorry that we_5_in the high jump, but were sure we _6_do better next time. I took part in the boys _7_race. I did my best and was the first _8_the finish line. This encourages _9_a lot. Now I love sports better. I want to be a soccer player. I will take more exercise every day and I hope some day and I _10_able to take part in the Olympic Games. ( )1. A. worried B.surprised C.excited D.frightened ( )2.A.runs B.ran C. run D.is running( )3.A.for B.in C.to D.at( )4.A.also B.too C.either D.as well( )5.A. do badly B.did badly C.do well D.did well( )6.A.could B.can C.may D.would( )7.A.400-meter B.400-meters C.400 meter D.400 meters ( )8.A.passes B.pass C.passed D.to pass ( )9.A.me B.him C.her D.us( )10.A.am B.be C.will be D.was6、 完形填空。(10分)In learning English, one should first pay attention to listening and speaking. It is the groundwork of reading and writing. Youd better 1 your best to speak while you do much listening. Dont be _2 _of making mistakes. But be careful not to let them stop you from improving your _3_. While you are doing this, a good _4_ is to write-keep a diary, write notes or letters. Then if you can, ask some others to go through 5 you have written and tell you where it is wrong. Many mistakes in your speaking will be 6 found when you write. Though correcting mistakes, you can do better in learning English.If you are slow in speaking, dont 7 about it. One of the helpful ways is reading, either aloud or to yourself. The important thing is to choose 8 interesting to read. It mustnt be too difficult for you. When you are reading 9 this way, dont stop to 10 the new words if you can do that some other time.( ) 1. A. have B. send C. make D. try( ) 2. A. sure B. afraid C. proud D. tired( ) 3. A. English B. Chinese C. Japanese D. French ( ) 4. A. start B. idea C. way D. manner( ) 5. A. how B. when C. why D. what( ) 6. A.happily B.easily C.really D. slowly( ) 7. A. talk B.fear C.worry D. hurry( ) 8. A. somethingB.everything C.anything D. nothing( ) 9. A. by B. on C. at D. in( ) 10. A. look at B. look for C. look up D. look over7、 阅读理解。(30分)(A) Once there was a king. He had two old ministers. One was kind and the other was bad. The bad minister often said bad words about the kind minister before the king. The king was very angry. One day the king said to the bad minister,” write two words on two pieces of paper. Write live on one piece and “die” on the other. Then put them in a jar and tell him to choose. If he takes out the paper with “live” on it, I will let him go. If he takes out the paper with “die” on it, I will kill him at once.” The bad minister was quite happy. He got two pieces of paper ready. He wrote “die” on each piece of paper. The kind old man came. He knew the bad minister wanted to kill him. He also knew the words on the two pieces were both “die”, but he knew what to do. Later the king had to keep his word and let the old minister go. Do you know what the kind man do about this at that time? He chose a piece of paper and ate it. When the king saw the word “die” on the other piece, the king and the ministers thought the word on the piece the kind man had must be “live”. So he saved his own life by his cleverness. ( )1. The king was angry with _. A. himself B. the kind minister C. the bad ministerD. the two minister( )2. _ was told to write “live” and “die”. A. The king B. the kind minister C. the bad ministerD. the two minister ( )3.The kind minister would _ if he choose the paper with “live” on it. A. die B. live C. give D. run( )4. There is no “live” on both pieces of paper because _”A. the kind minister didnt want itB. the bad minister couldnt write the wordC. the king told the bad minister not to write it D. the bad minister hated the kind minister and wanted to kill him.( )5. _ must be disappointed in the end.A. the king B. the kind minister C. the bad minister D. All the other ministers (B) When we dont understand each others language, we can talk with the help of signs.A Frenchman was once travelling in England. He could not speak English at all. One day he went into a restaurant and sat down at a table. When the waiter came, he opened his mouth, put his fingers in it, and took out again. He wanted to say . “Bring me something to eat.”The waiter soon brought him a cup of tea. The man moved his head from side to side. The waiter understood him and took the tea away. In a moment he came with a cup of coffee. But the man again refused it. He shook his head whenever the waiter brought him something to drink, for drinks are not food.When the man was going away, another man came in. This man saw the waiter , and he put his hand on his stomach. That was enough. In a few minutes there was a large plate of meat and vegetables on the table in front of him.So you see, we can understand the language of signs as well as we can understand the language of words.( ) 6.According to the passage, when people do not understand each others language, they can talk with the help of _.A. a waiter B. a teacher C. an Englishman D. their hands, heads, and other parts of their bodies.( ) 7.A Frenchman signed to the waiter_.A. to give him some medicine B. to bring him a cup of coffeeC. to ask him for food D. to tell him what he said( ) 8. The waiter brought the Frenchman _.A. a cup of tea, a cup of coffee, and a lot of other drinksB. a large plate of meat and vegetablesC. a lot of drinks and a big plate of meatD. a lot of food and drinks.( ) 9.Another man saw the waiter, and put his hand on his stomach. He meant_.A. he had a stomachache B. he was hungryC. he was very thirsty D. he was full( ) 10. From this story we know_A. people can only understand the language of wordsB. people know the language of signs as well as the language of wordsC. people can make a waiter understand what they wantD. people can only understand their language CThere are some popular singers these days. Many of their fans enjoy getting together to share their love for the stars. My younger sister, Mei-ling, is one of these fans.Mei-ling is crazy about Rye Kim. She has been in one of his fan clubs since last year. Mei-ling did not have any close friends before, and she always felt lost and lonely. But she has made many friends with the same interests since she joined the club. Now Mei-ling and her friends are planning a big party for Kims birthday. Mei-ling is happy, but my dad is not. In fact, he is very worried. Rye Kim is a total stranger to him, and he cannot understand why a man who sings crazy songs can be so important to his daughter. He really


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