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北师版过关六年级上学期小学英语期末模拟试卷(八套)说明:本套试卷精心编写了各考点和重要知识点,测试面广,难易兼备,仅供参考。全套试卷共八卷。目录:北师版过关六年级上学期小学英语期末模拟试卷A卷(一)北师版过关六年级上学期小学英语期末模拟试卷B卷(二)北师版过关六年级上学期小学英语期末模拟试卷C卷(三)北师版过关六年级上学期小学英语期末模拟试卷D卷(四)北师版过关六年级上学期小学英语期末模拟试卷D卷(五)北师版过关六年级上学期小学英语期末模拟试卷D卷(六)北师版过关六年级上学期小学英语期末模拟试卷D卷(七)北师版过关六年级上学期小学英语期末模拟试卷D卷(八)1 / 37北师版过关六年级上学期小学英语期末模拟试卷A卷一时间:90分钟 满分:100分题号一二三总分得分一、基础练习(40分)1. 她正在向我展示她的新书。She is_me_new books.2. 写出图片代表的节日:_ 3. 写出图片代表的节日:_ 4. Alice _the beach during summer holiday.A .went toB .visitedC .took5. 选出你所听到的图片( )A .B .6. I _my grandparents last summer holiday.A .went toB .visitedC .took7. 该是晚饭的时候了。_8. 二、词语练习(30分)9. He is _to China .A .flyB .flyingC .flew10. A .Jims birthday is on September 10th.B .Jims birthday is on October 10th.11. 读一读下列单词并按例词画线部分的发音归类Aput Btogether Cday Dmonth Ecome Fpaper Gbee Hthin lpurple Jclean Kdirty Lbread Mface N. umbrella1. (1)duck _2. (2)thank_3. (3)eight _4. (4)girl_5. (5)sea _12. 一What makes the air dirty?一The smoke factories makes the air dirtyA .ofB .inC .from13. Linda often goes to the_ (dance) lessons on Saturday.14. Breakfast is very_.(重要的)15. My brother often comes to school b_b_. 三、提升练习(30分)16. These are_ _.(非洲象)17. There is not much coal and oil on _ 18. There _(be) three_(people) on the mountain just now.19. We all go to see the Dragon Boat race.(变为一般疑问句)_ _all go to see the Dragon Boat race ?20. The children of Class B the art museum last Monday A .sawB .visitedC .watched21. Listen! The birds _ _( sing ) in the tree .22. My friends to Beijing last week A .comeB .comingC .came 第 5 页 / 共 37 页 北师版过关六年级上学期小学英语期末模拟试卷B卷二时间:90分钟 满分:100分题号一二三总分得分一、基础练习(40分)1. 根据题意,补全对话。 What is it? _.(它是地球)2. We went to some _places in Beijing.A .fromB .farmerC .famous3. because daughter4. stop robot5. I _a wonderful summer holiday last year.A .hadB .haveC .has6. 选出你所听到的句子( )A .How was your summer holiday?B .How was your NewYear holiday?C .How was your winter holiday?7. 选出你所听到的句子( )A .Now,there are not many pandasB .In the past,there were many pandas.C .In the pastthere were some pandas8. 二、词语练习(30分)9. Write in the book.(改为否定句)_ _in the book.10. Who is she? _. (她是我的妈妈)11. 12. I went to_ _ _.(故宫)13. 你朋友经常边玩电脑边吃薯条,你应该对他说: A .You should exercise a lot and eat healthy food.B .You should eat a lot of candy and chocolate.C .You should play computer games more.14. My parents often watch _ 15. The king is very happy today .(把today改成yesterday)The king _very happy _.三、提升练习(30分)16. 阅读理解Dear Pat, My name is Jack. Imfrom Australia. I live in Sydney. My birthday is on 3rd July. When is yourbirthday? Its summer here. Itshot and dry. Whats the weather like in China?How often do you have school holidays? We have holidays four timesa year. Its our summer holiday now. We dont need to do homework but we needto read books. What do you do in summer? Please write and tell meabout yourself.Your friend,Jack=根据email内容,完成相关信息My E-friendName: JackFrom: _.Lives in: _.Birthday: _.Weather now: _.Need to do in summer holiday: _. 17. 18. He showed me his new clothes.(改为同义句)He showed his new clothes _19. We all go to see the Dragon Boat race.(变为一般疑问句)_ _all go to see the Dragon Boat race ?20. Smoke from cars makes the air dirty.(变为一般疑问句)21. Listen! The birds _ _( sing ) in the tree .22. She puts rubbish on the ground.(变为否定句) 第 8 页 / 共 37 页 北师版过关六年级上学期小学英语期末模拟试卷C卷三时间:90分钟 满分:100分题号一二三总分得分一、基础练习(40分)1. 找出下列单词中不同类的单词( )A .ThanksgivingB .ChristmasC .lantern2. 选出句子中所包含的单词或词组( )A .famousB .importantC .handsome3. 怎么啦,发生什么事了?(用一般过去时)_4. _ your mother see a film yesterday evening?A .AreB .DidC .Was5. Mike is going to be a head teacher. (同类词)A .word bookB .fishermanC .tonight6. I _(not have) a mobile phone now.7. 判断下列各组单词画线部分发音是否相同1. (1)earth those2. (2)ocean police3. (3)fork north4. (4)school choose5. (5)plant blank6. (6)picture picnic8. Can we eat much sugar? No, Too much sugar your teeth.A .is good forB .is bad forC .is bad to二、词语练习(30分)9. 10. easyA .earlyB .ear11. 根据句意选择正确图片A. D. 1. (1)The man is ill.2. (2)We must pay attentionto the traffic lights.3. (3)My uncle is a pilot.4. (4)They like playingfootball.5. (5)They like hiking.12. 13. Linda often goes to the_ (dance) lessons on Saturday.14. The Earth needs our helpCan we do to help it? A .somethingB .everythingC .anything15. I want to play _ football but he wants to play _volleyball.A ./; theB ./ ; /C .the; /三、提升练习(30分)16. 根据短文,判断句子对错 One Sunny day, a rich old businessman in asmall town meets a factory worker, a coach and a fisherman. He gives them threeseeds and says Bring me the flowers in three months. The man with themost beautiful flower can have my much money! After 3 months, the factory worker brings abig red flower. The coach brings a small purple flower. But the poor fishermanbring nothing. He is very sad, I dont know why, I watered it everyday. The businessman says, You are honest!The seeds are bad and will never sprout! The much money is yours. Finally the fisherman is very very happy. Theother two men feel quite ashamed and sad.1. (1)The rich businessmanis young.2. (2)The rich oldbusinessman lives in a small factory.3. (3)He gives three seedsto 3 people-a worker, a teacher, a coach.4. (4)The worker brings abig purple flower to the rich businessman.5. (5)The coach brings asmall red flower to the rich businessman.6. (6)The fisherman bringsnothing to the rich old businessman.7. (7)The fisherman is thehonest and very very happy finally.8. (8)The factory worker andthe coach feel very very ashamed and sad.17. Id like to see_ _.(白雪公主)18. Where Tom and John two days ago?A .areB .wasC .were19. My parents_(amisare) going to Renmin Park.20. 听完第二段对话,完成3小题1. (1)Is Liu Yuns father a postman? A .No,he isntB .Yes,he isC .Yes,he does2. (2)Where does Liu Yuns father work? A .In the post officeB .In the shopC .In the police station3. (3)What is Liu Yun going to be? A .To be a workerB .To be a postmanC .To be a pilot21. This is _(he)book,and that is _(me). (填适单词当形式)22. 选择正确的选项。Abeef Btogether Cword Dcat Ecandy1. (1)Look at the_.It is fat 2. (2)The little baby is eating the_. 3. (3)Father and mother are_. 4. (4)The nurse has a purple_book 5. (5)Lea likes eating_. 第 12 页 / 共 37 页 北师版过关六年级上学期小学英语期末模拟试卷D卷四时间:90分钟 满分:100分题号一二三总分得分一、基础练习(40分)1. 按要求写单词 1. (1)swim(现在分词)_2. (2)watch(第三人称单数)_3. (3)ride(现在分词)_4. (4)write(现在分词)_5. (5)want(第三人称单数)_6. (6)get(现在分词)_7. (7)go(第三人称单数)_8. (8)have(第三人称单数)_9. (9)come(过去式)_10. (10)eat(现在分词)_2. What _ your mother _?A .do;doB .does;doC .does;does3. My brother usually up at six in the morning, but he up at seven this morning. He was late for school.A .gets; gotB .got; getsC .gets; gets4. thisA .mouthB .these5. 选出下列单词中划线部分发音不同的选项( )A .duckB .cupC .blue6. Ken_ a lot of photos in the park yesterday. ( took/takes )7. I_ a red packet and my sister _ a doll.A .has; haveB .have; hasC .have; have8. A .I have a stomachache.B .I have a toothache.二、词语练习(30分)9. 一 Hello, is that Bob?一 No, Tim.A .I amB .This isC .That is10. easyA .earlyB .ear11. There were some oranges on the trees.(改为否定句)There _ _oranges on the tree.12. whats, cartoon,this,about,(?)_13. They went to the farm last Saturday.(改为一般疑问句)_they _ to the farm last Saturday?14. 一Where is Peters classroom? 一Its the second floorA .onB .inC .at15. We _(walk) in the park every morning. But this morning, we _(dont).三、提升练习(30分)16. What does Johns mother do? A .Shes a postwomanB .Shes a scientistC .Shes a police officer17. If you want to buy some books,you can go to the A .bookstoreB .shoe storeC .post office18. Id like _(buy) some _(peach) in the supermarket.19. Bobby的妈妈正在厨房里煮饺子。20. She often watches films at weekends.(用next week改写句子)21. My parents_(amisare) going to Renmin Park.22. 从前,国王对人们很好。Long long ago, the king_nice _the people. 第 16 页 / 共 37 页 北师版过关六年级上学期小学英语期末模拟试卷卷五时间:90分钟 满分:100分题号一二三总分得分一、基础练习(40分)1. 选出下列单词中划线部分发音不同的选项( )A .eatB .seatC .bread2. I_to Shanghai last Sunday. (come/came)3. sitA .fiveB .list4. 阅读理解并判断正误。 Len was thirty years old and he had very long hair. He lived in a big city. Because of his long hair, he did not find any work. One day he met an old friend, and this man said to him, People in this city dont like long hair. Why dont you go to a barber? He can cut a lot of it off, and then you can get some work. At the barbers Len said to the barber, Please cut most of my hair off. The barber began. He cut and cut for a long time and then he said to Len, Were you in the army a few years ago? Yes, I was. Len answered. Why did you ask that? Because I found a cap in your hair.1. (1)Len was old, so he did not find any work.2. (2)Len often wash his long hair.3. (3)Lens hair was short4. (4)The barber found a cap in Lens hair.5. (5)Len was in the army now.5. _you go to the museum?No, I_.A .Did; didB .Do; dontC .Did; didnt6. Glad to meet you. .A .Im good.B .Glad to meet you,too.C .How are you?7. 选出你所听到的句子( )A .Now,there are not many pandasB .In the past,there were many pandas.C .In the pastthere were some pandas8. 阅读短文,选择合适的选项 It was Spring Festival again. The children were very excited(兴奋的). They got some presents from their parents. Mikes mother bought him a nice coat. His father gave him a football. Mike was very glad to have the football. He likes playing football very much. Wang Bing likes making model ships. His uncle and aunt went to the model shop to buy him a big model ship. He was very happy.1. (1)What festival was it?A .Spring Festival.B .Christmas.C .Teachers Day.D .Childrens Day.2. (2)How many presents did the children get?A .Three.B .Five.C .Four.D .Six.3. (3)Who gave presents to the children?A .Their friends.B .Their teachers.C .Their parents.D .Their parents and relatives.4. (4)What does Mike like?A .He likes playing basketball.B .He likes playing football.C .He likes swimming.D .He likes making model ships.5. (5)Did Wang Bing get the model ship?A .Yes, he did.B .No, he didnt.C .Yes, he was.D .No, he wasnt.二、词语练习(30分)9. 选出你所听到的句子( )A .The air keeps them high in the skyB .It keeps them high in the sky.C .It keeps them fine in the sky10. They find a sign _ a tree.A .inB .onC .at11. Please help me _ my homework.A .doingB .doC .did12. 选出你所听到的句子( )A .Id like to go to the cinema with JennyB .Id like to go to the museum with JennyC .Id like to go to the library with Jenny13. 周末你打算做些什么呢?根据实际情况写出你的周末计划。要求:1).条理清楚,意思连贯,语句通顺,标点正确,书写规范。2).不少于6句话。14. My cute cat is ill. We should go to the pet h_. 15. Whats Zhang Pengs music teacher like? A .He is oldB .She is youngC .He is young三、提升练习(30分)16. What does Johns mother do? A .Shes a postwomanB .Shes a scientistC .Shes a police officer17. Who _(come) home late yesterday?18. Id like _(buy) some _(peach) in the supermarket.19. Where does he work? A .His hobby is paintingB .He works in a car companyC .He is a singer20. My friends to Beijing last week A .comeB .comingC .came21. What kind of shop is it?A .I like a clothes shop.B .Its a clothes shop.C .I will go to a gift shop.22. It was my sisters birthday yesterdayWe to a nice park and had a picnic A .goB .goesC .went 第 20 页 / 共 37 页 北师版过关六年级上学期小学英语期末模拟试卷卷六时间:90分钟 满分:100分题号一二三总分得分一、基础练习(40分)1. Su Hai lived in the new house with her family. She _ (be) happy.2. 3. 怎么啦,发生什么事了?(用一般过去时)_4. Please _(put) your hands on the desk.5. 选出句子中所包含的单词或词组( )A .the green partsB .the brown partsC .the blue parts6. Turn left _ the hospital, then go straight.A .onB .atC .in7. Whats your name?A .I like apples.B .This is Peter.C .My names Gao Wei.8. What _ you do last night?A .didB .doesC .do二、词语练习(30分)9. I want _(be) your friend.10. Its time for breakfast .(同义句)Its time _ _ breakfast.11. I _ in the classroom a moment ago.A .wasB .wereC .is12. 选出你所听到的句子( )A .Id like to go to the cinema with JennyB .Id like to go to the museum with JennyC .Id like to go to the library with Jenny13. 周末你打算做些什么呢?根据实际情况写出你的周末计划。要求:1).条理清楚,意思连贯,语句通顺,标点正确,书写规范。2).不少于6句话。14. Hello, may I speak to Ms Deng, please?Hello, Ms Deng .A .speakB .speaksC .speaking15. How many _do pandas eat a day ?A .hoursB .hourC .an hour三、提升练习(30分)16. 当你看到你的同学的腿受伤时,你会说:( )A .Im fineB .GoodC .Oh, Im sorry17. 选词填空went brought were saw flew became On Saturday morning, I _ to my grandparents home. I _ some presents for them. They _ very happy. I _ a bird in their garden. Then the weather _windy. The bird _ away.18. 以下为不文明现象,请为每个场景选择合适的文明提示语。A. D. 1. (1)Please line up.2. (2)Dont throw rubbish everywhere.3. (3)No drunk driving.4. (4)You mustnt eat here.5. (5)No smoking.19. My parents_(amisare) going to Renmin Park.20. want,buy,a,to,I,dictionary,new (. )(连词成句)21. This is _(he)book,and that is _(me). (填适单词当形式)22. Mike,wear,clothes,should,this,warm,morning(. )(连词成句) 第 22 页 / 共 37 页 北师版过关六年级上学期小学英语期末模拟试卷卷七时间:90分钟 满分:100分题号一二三总分得分一、基础练习(40分)1. 根据题意,补全对话。 What is it? _.(它是地球)2. 很久以前,有一个聪明的人。Long long ago, there_a _man.3. 4. 阅读理解并判断正误。 Len was thirty years old and he had very long hair. He lived in a big city. Because of his long hair, he did not find any work. One day he met an old friend, and this man said to him, People in this city dont like long hair. Why dont you go to a barber? He can cut a lot of it off, and then you can get some work. At the barbers Len said to the barber, Please cut most of my hair off. The barber began. He cut and cut for a long time and then he said to Len, Were you in the army a few years ago? Yes, I was. Len answered. Why did you ask that? Because I found a cap in your hair.1. (1)Len was old, so he did not find any work.2. (2)Len often wash his long hair.3. (3)Lens hair was short4. (4)The barber found a cap in Lens hair.5. (5)Len was in the army now.5. 阅读对话,判断句子正误。A: I was busy last Sunday. What about you, Mary?B: I was on the farm with my uncle.A:What did you do?B: I did exercise in the morning. noA: Were you free in the afternoon?B: No, I wasnt. I cleaned the farm.A:Did you watch TV?B: No. I must finish my homework.A: Im sure you were tired.B: Youre right. But I think it was interesting.1. (1)Mary was on the farm with her grandfather last Saturday.2. (2)Mary did exercise in the morning.3. (3)There were some chicks on the farm.4. (4)Mary didnt watch TV.5. (5)Mary wasnt tired last Sunday.6. We had a picnic _ National Day.A .onB .atC .in7. 选出你所听到的句子( )A .Now,there are not many pandasB .In the past,there were many pandas.C .In the pastthere were some pandas8. _big building !A .WhatB .What anC .What a二、词语练习(30分)9. They _big eyes .A .hasB .haveC .are10. When you see a red light, you must .A .goB .lookC .stop11. Beijing is the capital China A .ofB .toC .for12. His friend gives a birthday gift.A .himB .heC .his13. I had a good _ _.(暑假)14. 阅读理解 Last Sunday morning, Kitty and Ben were in thepark. They flew the kite happily. At first, the wind blew gently. The leavesmoved slightly. The clouds moved slowly. Suddenly(突然), the wind became strong. The clouds movedquickly. The strong wind blew their kite away. Kitty and Ben went home at once. Kitty and Ben watched TVat home. The wind became a typhoon and blew fiercely(猛烈地). Trees fell down. Ships and boats sank (下沉) in the sea. The typhoon passedquickly. Kitty and Ben walked carefully in the street. They saw some streetcleaners cleaning the street.根据短文内容,判断下列句子正误1. (1)It was a fine day lastSunday.2. (2)The wind


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