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descriptive chinese abstract i 摘摘 要要 跨文化交际的成功与否同交际意图的表达和识别密切相关。本文就交际意图与跨文化交际能力培养之间的紧密联系做了较为深入的研究,并从这一角度出发,提出跨文化交际能力培养包括两个大的方面:恰当表达交际意图和正确识别交际意图。这两大方面都具有文化负载的特点。 受到学界对交际意图和跨文化交际能力培养的理论研究的启发,如 sperber 和wilson (2001)、verschueren (2000)、林波 (2002) 及张德禄(1998)对交际意图的研究, byram (1997) ,陈国明(1997),贾玉新(1997), lustig和koester (1999), 陈申 (1999), samovar 和 porter (2004) 及 moran (2004) 对跨文化交际能力的深入探讨,又鉴于文化与交际意图表达和识别的紧密关系和目前将两者结合起来对交际进行研究的不足,本文以文化负载的交际意图表达和识别为视角探讨跨文化交际能力培养。以文化负载的交际意图表达和识别为出发点,本文探讨了跨文化交际中的七种能力,并以交际过程中普遍存在的无意识地以自己的文化为标准来表达交际意图和理解对方的交际意图的现象为切入点,深入分析了跨文化交际失误的原因。在此基础上,作者提出在跨文化交际能力培养的过程中,文化移情对表达和识别交际意图具有重要的意义:说话人从听话人的角度来表达交际意图和听话人从说话人的角度来识别交际意图对于跨文化交际中必须具备的“文化调适”具有重要的价值。这一理念的确立有利于跨文化交际和谐地进行。 本项研究的主要意义在于联系文化预设等方面的差异,从表达和识别文化负载的交际意图的角度来探讨跨文化交际能力的培养。作者认为在外语教学的过程中,对跨文化交际能力培养,尤其是文化移情能力的培养,可以采用以下两种方法:互动法和体验法。前者体现了交际的本质所在,而后者则有助于语言学习者通过亲身经历来加强对目的语文化的理解,从而为在具体的交际过程中做到真正意义上的互动提供感性素材。因此,这两种互为促进的方法可以使外语学习者在跨文化交际的过程中更为恰当地表达自己的交际意图和准确地识别对方的交际意图,从而提高跨文化交际能力。 关键词 关键词:交际意图;跨文化交际能力;文化移情交际意图;跨文化交际能力;文化移情english abstract iienglish abstract successful intercultural communication is closely associated with expression and recognition of communicative intention (ci). this thesis investigates the close relationship between ci and the development of intercultural communication competence (icc). from this perspective, the development of icc involves two broad aspects: appropriate expression and correct recognition of ci, both of which are culture-loaded in characteristics. enlightened by the researches into ci, such as sperber and wilson (2001), verschueren (2000), lin bo (2002) and zhang delu (1998), and by the theoretical researches of icc by various scholars such as byram (1997), chen guoming (1997), jia yuxin (1997), lustig and koester (1999), chen shen (1999), samovar and porter (2004) and moran (2004), and considering the present deficiency of ci expression and recognition research in association with culture, the author of this thesis explores icc development in relation to culture-loaded ci. in this thesis, the seven competences of icc are studied from the perspectives of both culture-loaded expression and culture-loaded recognition of ci. moreover, the thesis investigates the common unconscious tendency of using the speakers or the hearers own culture as the standard both for the organization of expression and the proceeding of interpretation of ci, and analyzes how this tendency leads to intercultural communication failures. it is further argued that for the development of icc in relation to ci, exercising cultural empathy in both expression and recognition of culture-loaded ci is of fundamental importance because of the mutually enhancive relationship: the speakers expressing the ci from the hearers perspective and the hearers interpreting the ci from the speakers point of view are of vital value for the necessary cultural adaptations to make intercultural communication smooth in progression. the main significance of this research is the investigation of icc development from the perspective of expressing and recognizing culture-loaded ci by associating cultural differences in aspects such as cultural presupposition. it is proposed that in english abstract iiiforeign language teaching, the development of icc, especially cultural empathy development, can be conducted through the two mutually facilitative approaches: the interactive approach and the experiential approach. the interactive approach reflects the basic property of communication and the experiential approach is helpful for language learners to improve their understanding of the target culture through their own cultural experiences because these experiences can provide them with perceptual materials that will be valuable for the real interaction in communication. therefore, these two approaches are valuable for language learners to have appropriate and tactful expression and correct and efficient recognition of the culture-loaded ci for the promotion of icc. key words: communicative intention; intercultural communication competence; cultural empathy 湘潭大学湘潭大学 学位论文原创性声明学位论文原创性声明 本人郑重声明:所呈交的论文是本人在导师的指导下独立进行研究所取得的研究成果。除了文中特别加以标注引用的内容外,本论文不包含任何其他个人或集体已经发表或撰写的成果作品。对本文的研究做出重要贡献的个人和集体,均已在文中以明确方式标明。本人完全意识到本声明的法律后果由本人承担。 作者签名: 日期: 年 月 日 学位论文版权使用授权书学位论文版权使用授权书 本学位论文作者完全了解学校有关保留、使用学位论文的规定,同意学校保留并向国家有关部门或机构送交论文的复印件和电子版,允许论文被查阅和借阅。本人授权湘潭大学可以将本学位论文的全部或部分内容编入有关数据库进行检索,可以采用影印、缩印或扫描等复制手段保存和汇编本学位论文。 涉密论文按学校规定处理。 作者签名: 日期: 年 月 日 导师签名: 日期: 年 月 日 chapter 1 introduction 1 chapter 1 introduction 1.1 status quo of the research communicative intention (ci) expression and recognition are crucial for successful communication. according to the ostensive-inferential model of communication in relevance theory by sperber and wilson (2001), the mutual manifestation of ci plays the ultimate role on the success of communication. and for the recognition of the illocutionary force of an utterance, ci also plays a vital role. appropriate and tactful expression of ci on the speakers part and correct and efficient recognition of ci on the hearers part are the two essential facets for communication to be successful. for intercultural communication competence (icc), various scholars have elaborated its importance; for example, jia yuxin (1997: 3) proposes icc development as the ultimate objective of foreign language teaching. and icc development has been the focus of research for other scholars such as byram (1997), jia yuxin (1997), chen guoming (1997), lustig and koester (1999), chen shen (1999), samovar and porter (2004), and moran (2004). their deep and insightful researches are great enlightenments for the writing of this thesis. however, in the authors opinion, the research of icc development from the perspective of culture-loaded ci expression and recognition is still deficient at present, such as the cognitive approach in relevance theory that leads to the inadequate consideration of the sociocultural factors in ci research. and there is still room for further researches to be done from the culture-loaded dimension of ci expression and recognition for icc development. 1.2 purpose, significance and methodology of this research the main purpose of this research is to find some practical ways of appropriate expression and correct recognition of ci in intercultural communication. taking the status quo of ci and icc development researches into consideration, the author investigates icc development from the perspective of culture-loaded ci expression and recognition. from chapter 1 introduction 2these two broad dimensions, the author makes some researches into the role of culture in ci expression and recognition processes, both in verbal and nonverbal communication. and the thesis also explores cultural empathy development with the purpose of promoting ci expression from the hearers perspectives and ci recognition from the speakers perspectives. and for icc development in foreign language teaching, it is considered that the interactive approach and the experiential approach are of great value for students to improve their icc. the main significance of this research is to associate cultural differences, such as those in cultural presuppositions, with ci in investigating the significant role of culture on ci expression and recognition for icc development. in intercultural communication, this role has a particular reflection in the culture-loaded expression and recognition of ci. ignorance or lack of knowledge of the culture-loaded dimensions of ci expression and recognition is quite likely to cause communication difficulties, even severe communication breakdowns. therefore, for the objective of icc development, the culture-loaded, especially the cultural-specific, expression and recognition of ci should be urgently and cautiously considered in foreign language education. in order to have a solid theoretical foundation for the research project, the author has made a relatively systematic investigation of the theories concerned, especially for ci and icc. on the basis of these theories, this thesis makes some investigations of culture-loaded ci expression and recognition by cultural and theoretical analyses. and empirical research such as case study is also utilized. 1.3 thesis structure this thesis consists of four chapters. the first chapter is a brief introduction of the research project, including the status quo, purpose, significance and methodology. the second chapter inquires into intercultural communication and ci and the close relationship between them. the third chapter explores icc, with seven components investigated from their respective close links with ci. the fourth chapter investigates icc development in relation to the culture-loaded ci expression and recognition, including cultural empathy development out of its significant role in ci expression and recognition processes in intercultural communication. this chapter also makes some pedagogical investigations from the interactive chapter 1 introduction 3approach and the experiential approach for icc development. and the thesis ends with the conclusion and some suggestions for future research. chapter 2 intercultural communication and communicative intention 4 chapter 2 intercultural communication and communicative intention 2.1 intercultural communication with the improvement of modern technologies and especially chinas entry into world trade organization, we have more and more opportunities to interact with people from other cultures. in this “global village”, various trends, such as economic globalization, have made intercultural communication part of our life. and intercultural communication is becoming more and more important in the present modern society. 2.1.1 definitions and characteristics of culture and communication culture has been studied by various scholars of different academic backgrounds. they have given their own definitions of this concept from their own academic perspectives. according to lustig and koester (1999: 28-30), there are four common approaches to defining culture. and culture has been defined as “the deposit of knowledge, experience, beliefs, values, actions, attitudes, meaning, hierarchies, religion, notions of time, roles, spatial relations, concepts of the universe, and artifacts acquired by a group of people in the course of generations through group and individual striving” (samovar, porter and stefani, 2000: 36). moran (2004: 46) has made a very detailed research of the five dimensions of culture: products, practices, persons, perspectives and communities. and he has defined culture as “the evolving way of life of a group of persons, consisting of a shared set of practices associated with a shared set of products, based upon a shared set of perspectives on the world, and set within a specific social context”(moran, 2004: 24). according to samovar and porter (2004: 33-45), culture is learned, transmitted from generation to generation, based on symbols, subject to change and an integrated system. in a broad sense, culture is all-pervasive, being everywhere in existence and all the time in influence. and culture in this thesis involves all the spiritual as well as material facets set within a particular society or environment that have the potential to influence the proceeding chapter 2 intercultural communication and communicative intention 5of communication. just like culture, the concept “communication” has also been studied by various scholars for various purposes. communication has been defined as “a symbolic process in which people create shared meanings” (lustig and koester, 1999: 25). and chen guoming defines communication as “an interdetermining process in which we develop a mutually dependent relationship by exchanging symbols” (陈国明, 1997: 21). communication in this thesis is a social behavior for various purposes such as exchange of information, maintenance of interpersonal relationships, and share of experience. according to sperber and wilson (2001: 50-54), communication is an ostensive-inferential process on which the cognitive environments of all the communication parties play a key role and chen guoming (1997: 21-24) explores communication as a holistic phenomenon, a social reality, and a developmental and orderly process, especially the development of relationship, therefore dynamic and mutually dependent in nature. samovar and porter (2004: 15-23) says that communication is a dynamic, self-reflective, systemic and complex process, and it involves making inferences and has a consequence. moreover, lustig and koester (1999: 25-27) point out that communication is also symbolic and involves shared meaning. and another key point concerned is that communication is closely associated with the context in which the message is responded and created. 2.1.2 link between culture and communication there is a consensus that culture and communication are closely associated with each other. culture is the foundation of communication. it is our invisible teacher to shape our communication patterns. “it is in our culture that we learn how to communicate”, and “it is also our culture that teaches us what to communicate” (唐德根, 2000: 90). culture not only conditions our perceptions of reality but also programs our language patterns, including the various aspects to be considered in communication. and “communication in turn influences the structure of culture” (陈国明, 1997: 25). communication reflects and transmits culture because “culture is necessarily manifested in our communication patterns by teaching us how we should talk and behave, producing different behavioral patterns in different contexts” (ibid: 29). the verbal aspect of communication is closely related to culture. the close relationship chapter 2 intercultural communication and communicative intention 6between verbal language and communication has been studied by various scholars such deng yanchang and liu runqing (2003), samovar and porter (2004) etc. culture is significant in verbal communication because we cannot truly acquire the verbal messages until we have had a sufficient understanding of the cultural context in which the language is used. and cultural differences can further provide language learners with great insights into different approaches of viewing the world that physically exist, which is a key dimension in actual communication processes. concerning the nonverbal dimension, scholars such as du xuezeng (1999), tang degen (2000), and bi jiwan (1999) have done great and deep researches into the different connotations of nonverbal cues, such as body behavior and concept of time and space in chinese and western cultures. this nonverbal dimension is crucial in communication because “most nonverbal behaviors tend to be elusive and frequently beyond our awareness” (唐德根, 2000: 354). according to the iceberg theory, a significant part of the constituent elements impacting on communication are tacit, most of which being nonverbal. this feature of communication places cultural perspectives such as perceptions, values, beliefs and attitudes, in a crucial position in the communication system. they are closely associated with culture or even may be culture-specific in characteristics. and they have the deep-root effects of directing the actual proceeding of communication. nonverbal language is equally important to verbal language: when, where, to whom, how to use nonverbal cues are significantly loaded in culture. therefore, both verbally and nonverbally, culture and communication acts on each other. this interaction makes communication significantly culture-loaded. in intercultural communication, differences in culture can lead to significant differences in the actual communication patterns, concerning various aspects of what to talk about, to whom, at what time, in what way and so forth. this inextricable relationship between culture and communication indicates that in intercultural communication, what is of vital significance is how cultural differences,especially those belonging to the deep structure of culture such as values and perspectives, influence the proceeding of communication in communication processes. 2.2 communicative intention chapter 2 intercultural communication and communicative intention 7communicative intention is significant in communication processes because “being directed at certain goals is no doubt an aspect of what goes on in language use” (verschueren, 2000: 48). the two reasons for this dimension of communication are “by producing direct evidence of ones informative intention, one can convey a much wider range of information than can be conveyed by producing direct evidence for the basic information itself and modify and extend the mutual cognitive environment they share with one another” (sperber and wilson, 2001: 64). grice once defined speaker meaning as the speakers intention in the making of an utterance to produce an effect on the hearer by means of the hearers recognition of the intention to produce that effect. therefore, successful communication, or the successful transfer of meanings, is a process by which “a state of mutual knowledge of a communicative intention is attained, with the help of (intentionally applied) principles of cooperation” (verschueren, 2000: 47). 2.2.1 definition and importance of communicative intention as has been discussed above, communication is an ostensive-inferential process involving informative intention and communicative intention (ci) in relevance theory. informative intention is “to make manifest or more manifest to the audience a set of assumptions” (sperber and wilson, 2001: 58), and ci is “to make it mutually manifest to audience and communicator that the communicator has the informative intention” (ibid: 61). therefore, to communicate intentionally by ostension is to produce a certain stimulus with the aim of fulfilling an informative intention, which further leads to the ultimate fulfilling of ci. in actual communication, inf


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