必修三练习用括号中词的适当形式填空1. He was meant_(be) a doctor.(第一单元)2. Missing the bus means _(wait) for another two hours.3. These children are _ (starve) for love.4. During the famine last year, many people _(starve) to death.5. The school was _(origin) quite small.6. The _ (origin) of the custom are unknown.7. What he said was _(belief) because he never told lies.8. I havent much_ (belief) in his honesty.9. He was tired of their_ (play) a trick on people who cant speak properly.10. I have great _(admire) for his courage.11. He gave her an_ (admire) glance.12. She is looking forward to _(see) her grandson again.13. Hangzhou, _(know) to the nation for its West Lake, has changed greatly.14. When a pencil is partly in a glass of water, it looks as if it _(be) broken.15. She acted as though nothing _(happen).16. You can trust him. He is a man who always_ (keep) his word.17. I must_ (apology) for not being able to meet you.18. Please accept our_ (apology) for any inconvenience we have caused.19. I was completely _(breath) when I got to the top of the mountain.20. A _ (drown) man will catch at a straw.( 人快淹死时,稻草也要抓)21. To know happiness one must first experience_ (sad).22. Everyone in the factory should eat a _(balance) diet.(第二单元)23. I have never heard a _(good) voice.24. Dont give her any sweets. She is _(slim)25. A student should always be _(curiosity) to learn.26. Do remember not to have the lights _(burn) all night.27. He forgot to have his clothes_(wash).28. He _(lie) to his mother that he was _(lie) in bed when she returned. 29. When the police entered the house, they found the man _ (lie) on the ground, bleeding.30. He was _(strong) against the plan.31. The latest development has further _(strong) my determination to leave.32. Ill do nothing without_ (consult) you.33. I have_ (digest) most of the important points in the book.34. This rich food is bad for your _(digest).35. The old gentleman just stood there _ (glare) at the pickpocket and did not say a word.36. Life is _(limit) and we should try to make good use of it.37. The ship was sailing on the _(limit) ocean.38. Fresh air is _(benefit) to our health.39. If he _(take) my advice, he would not have made such a mistake.40. If I _(be) you, I would not accept his offer.41. Success was achieved by the _(combine) efforts of the whole team.42. The tailor was_ (cut) out a dress.43. She _(sigh) as she lay back on the bed.44. _(consult) your teacher if you meet any trouble.45. Dont eat too much _(fry) food.46. She was_(bring) up by her grandparents.(第三单元)47. Your suggestion will_ (bring) up at the next meeting.48. We dont permit _(play) basketball in the playground between six and ten in the morning.49. Their father didnt permit them _(go) to the party.50. He found the whole village_(cover) with snow when he woke up.51. His mother found him _(watch) TV when she returned from work.52. They found the place _(be) perfect for the picnic.53. He was _(spot) by the police when boarding a plane for Paris.54. You wont get another chance _(go) there.55. A large amount of money_ (be) spent on advertisement every year.56. Large amounts of electricity_ (have) been sent to the western part of China so far.57. She has a chance of _(win) the game.58. He has no pride if he lets the children talk to him so _(rude)59. Their teacher punished them for their _(rude).60. It is good _(manner) for us to greet people when we meet.61. He earns an _(believe) amount of money.62. You cant work here without a work _(permit)63. After three hours of waiting for the train , our _ (patient) finally run out.64. He _(seek) help by sending signals in the accident. 65. _(violence) criminals (罪犯) like that are a danger to society. (第四单元)66. He _(like) this kind of fruit because of its bad smell.67. It is _(harm) to your health to drink too much.68. The Roman Empire_ (exist) for several centuries.69. We must prevent the plan from _ (carry) on.70. John seemed_(puzzle) about what the question meant.71. He didnt believe in the _(exist) of God.72. The fans _ (cheer) up when they saw their favorite star.73. “We cant go out in this weather,” Ben said,_ (look) out of the window.74. After the interview, the manger went into the office,_ (follow) by the interviewers.75. More than one hundred fires_ (break) out in our city last year.76. John and Sam are _ (pull) the rope. 77. Buddhism (佛教) is one of the world Buddhism_(religion).78. Clouds are_(mass) of every small drops of water that float in the sky.79. They criticized one of the citys transportation _(system).80. _(like) his brother, he preferred music to sports.81. Wet climate makes the trees extremely tall, some_ (measure) over 90 meters. (第五单元)82. Rather than _ (have) the radio repaired, hed like to buy a new one.83. You, rather than he, _ (be) to blame for the matter.84. She often spends hours on the phone_(chat) with her friends. 85. They got to a house,_ (surround) by lot of flowers. 86. They took some_ (measure)to prevent the factory from pouring waster water into the river.87. He was the last one_ (go) aboard the plane.88. He _ (manage) to run his business well although he was so young.89. She _ (catch) sight of the thief who stole her ring last night and phoned the police at once.90. He has a gift for _ (learn) language.91. She was _ (slight) hurt in the accident.92. The manager gave orders that the work_ (finish) before 4 oclock.93. The suggestion that the students_ (have) plenty of exercise is very good.94. Research has _(confirm) that the risk is higher for women.95. Leaves begin to turn yellow,_ (confirm) that autumn is coming.96. What she saw _ (terrify) her and she had bad dreams every night after that.97. He is a _(wealth) and kind man. He gives a lot of money to the poor every year.98. Can you write down three most _(impress) things during your trip?99. Eating dumplings at the New Years Day is one of our_ (tradition).100. They tasted the _(mix), but it tasted terrible.101. They felt _(terrify) at what they saw.41. to be 2. waiting3. starving4. starved5. originally6. origins 7. believable8. belief9. playing 10. admiration11. admiring12. seeing13. known14. were15. had happened16. keeps17. apologize18. apologies19. breathless20. drowning21. sadness22. balanced23. better24. slimming25. curious26. burning27. washed28. lied ,lying29. lying30. strongly31. strengthened32. consulting33. digested34. digestion35. glaring36. limited37. limitless38. beneficial39. had taken40. were41. comb
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