



Unit4 Pygmalion单词学案学习目标: Learn the new words and expressions 学习重点: The usage of important words and expressionsTeaching steps:Step1 Warming up.Step2 读单词- Unit4 pygmalion词汇表单词所有单词。Step3 Learn the following words by yourselves(自学词汇表词汇). The guidance for learning 自学指导 此部分内容供同学们自学,要求自己理解掌握。自学过程中发现问题要翻查工具书,如果还不能解决,请作好标记,老师会给你提供帮助。 1. adaptation适应 , 改编 adapt适应于,适应不同情况(或环境)(to) ; (使)适应, (使)适合adapt to1) The novel lends itself to adaption as a film. 这部小说适合改编为电影。2) She has not yet adapted to the climate.她还没适应气候。2.classic著作, 赛事等)最优秀的, (可作)典范的;经典的,第一流的 The novel is regarded as one of the classic works.这篇小说被公认为是最优秀的作品之一。2) It is a classic style of Gothic buildings. 这是哥特式建筑的典型样式。3.whistle吹口哨 ; 鸣叫;呼啸;发出笛声He whistled to his friends to keep hidden.他吹口哨通知他的朋友隐蔽起We heard the whistle of a train.我们听到了火车的汽笛声。4.hesitate犹豫; 踌躇; 迟疑不决: hesitates about sth / hesitate to do sth1)She hesitates about the choice between the two dresses.2) He hesitated to take such a big risk.他不情愿冒这样大的险。5. uncomfortable令人不舒服的;,不安的 uncomfortably 不舒服地,不自在地 comfortable舒服的;安逸的 comfort舒适,慰藉;宽慰 live in comfort 1)He has enough money so that he can live in comfort.他有很多钱, 足可舒舒服服过日子。2)She is a great comfort to her parents.她是她父母最大的安慰。6.outcome 结果 We are anxiously awaiting the outcome of their discussion.我们急切地等待着他们讨论的结果。7.mistaken弄错的;理解错误的 mistake名词 n. 错误, 过失 ; vt.弄错; 误解 make mistakes犯错误 mistake A for B 把A误认为B 1) You are mistaken if you think hes clever.如果你认为他聪明, 那你就错了。2) Regardless of how often I correct him, he always makes the same mistake.不管我怎样经常告诫他, 他总是犯同样的错误。3)At first, he thought he had mistaken the address.一开始他以为地址搞错了。8.classify分类; 归类 ; 划分;区分;界定Librarians spend a lot of time classifying books.图书馆工作人员花许多时间将书分类。9.remark 名词 . 及物动词 : 评论, 谈论 ; 注意; 察觉; 1) In the light of his remarks, we rejected her offer.鉴于他的评语, 我们拒绝了她的提议。2) Mrs. Morse remarked that she seemed a very nice girl.莫斯太太评论说她像是个好女孩。10.betray对不忠, 背叛;出卖,泄露(机密);1) He promised never to betray the organization.他发誓永不背叛组织。2) He betrayed his own brother.他出卖了他的亲兄弟。11.condemn谴责,指责 ; 宣判;判处(某人某种刑罚) 1)The prisoner is sure to be condemned.这个犯人一定会被判刑。2) The meat was condemned as unfit for human consumption.这种肉已被宣布不适宜人们食用。12.to ones amazement使某人惊奇的是 be amazed at / to do sth对。惊奇13. pass off as把某人冒充成 / pass down 流传/ pass out昏过去 / pass away去世14.Generally speaking/ In general ,men run faster than women .类似:Judging from / considering / talking of / seeing that To tell the truth / to be honest / to begin with 15.in terms of 就。而言,从。角度 / in the long ( short term)从长期 / 短期看 / come to terms with与。达成协议 The job is great in terms of salary , but it has its disadvantages.就薪而言着工作不错,但也有一些不利之处。16. approve of doing sth赞成干。 / disapprove赞成,不许17. rob sb of sth掠夺某人某物 / steal sth from sb从。偷得某物18Show.in.带领。进来 showaround带领。参观。 show up 出席,到场 show off 炫耀 be on show在展览19.made ones acquaintance = make the acquaintance of sb 结识某人 acquaintance with sb / sth 对某人 / 某事略有了解I made his acquaintance at a party .我是在一次聚会上认识他的。20compromise妥协,折中 make a compromise作出让步 ;reach / come to a compromise 达成和解In any relationship , you have to make compromises .在任何关系当中,人们都得作出让步。21overlook俯视,忽视,不理会He seemed to have overlooked one important fact .他好象忽略了一个重要事实。She has been overlooked for promotion several times .几次提职时都没有


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