



1 / 4 经典英文爱情诗 小编语:写一封情书向心爱的人带去自己最真挚的感情,也向字最爱的人表达自己最深沉的爱恋。别让年轻的爱恋变成以后的遗憾,也别让此刻的甜蜜变成以后的心酸。以下关于经典英文爱情诗,仅供参考。 1、 Without you?Id be a soul without a purpose. Without you?Id be an emotion without a heart Im a face without expression,A heart with no beat. Without you by my side,Im just a flame without the 没有你 ? 我将是一个没有目的的灵魂 ;没有你 ?我的情感将没有了根基 ;我将是一张没有表情的脸 ;一颗停止跳动的心 ;没有你在我身边 ;我只是一束没有热量的火焰。 、 If you were a teardrop;In my eye, For fear of losing you,I would never cry And if the golden sun,Should cease to shine its light, Just one smile from you,Would make my whole world bright 如果你是我眼里的 ;一滴泪 ;为了不失去你 ;我将永不哭泣 ;如果金色的阳光 ;停止了它耀眼的光芒 ;你的一个微笑 ;2 / 4 将照亮我的整个世界。 、 My river runs to thee. Blue sea, wilt thou welcome me? My river awaits ! sea, look graciously. Emily Dickinson 我是一条朝你奔流而去的小溪,蓝色的大海啊,你愿意接纳我吗 ?优雅的大海啊,小溪正在等待你的回答。 、 the world is there really such a miracle that you like him, he also likes you, two, for a lifetime. 世上是否真的有这样的奇迹,你喜欢他,他也喜欢你,两个人,一辈子。 、 If I were to fall in love,It would have to be with youYour eyes, your smile,The way you laugh,The things you say and do Take me to the places,My heart never knew So, if I were to fall in love,It would have to be with you. Ed Walter 如果说我已陷入情网 ;我的情人就是你 ;你的眼睛,你的微笑 ;你的笑脸 ;你说的一切,你做的一切 ;让我的心迷失了方向 ;所以,如果说我已陷入情网 ;我的爱人就是你。 、 You say that you love rain, but you open your umbrella when it rains. You say that you love the sun, 3 / 4 but you find a shadow spot when the sun shines. You say that you love the wind, but you close your windows when wind blows. This is why I am afraid, you say that you love me too. 你说你爱雨,但当细雨飘洒时你却撑开了伞 ;你说你爱太阳,但当它当空时你却看见了阳光下的暗影 ;你说你爱风,但当它轻拂时你却紧紧地关上了自己的窗子 ;你说你也爱我而我却为此烦忧。 、 We get old and get used to each other. We think alike. We read each others minds. We know what the other wants without asking. Sometimes we irritate each other a little bit. Maybe sometimes take each other for granted. But once in awhile, like today, I meditate on it and realise how lucky I am to share my life with the greatest woman I ever met. “ 我们渐渐变老,也早已习惯了彼此。我们想法一致、灵魂互通。无需询问我们便知道对方想要什么。偶尔我们也会惹对方不高兴,但那或许是因为我们真正把对方视作了理所当然的伴侣。有时候比如今天,我沉思之后意识到,能够与你这样一个我所见过的最伟大的女人共度余生,我是多么的幸运。 ” 、 I cannot exist without you - I am forgetful of 4 / 4 every thing but seeing you again - my Life seems to stop there - I see no further. You have absorbd me. “ 如果没有你,我要怎么活呢 ?看不到你的时候,我记不起任何事情,我的生活似乎停滞了,我什么也看不到。你吸引了我的全部注意。 ” 、 My blind eyes are desperately waiting for the sight of you. You dont realize of course, , how fascinatingly beautiful you have always been, and how strangely you have acquired an added and special and dangerous loveliness. “ 我那被遮住的双眼只期待与你的眼神相会。你可能不知道自己有多么的美丽迷人,你的可爱如此独特与危险,这真是令人惊奇。 ” 10、 I beg to know expressly your intention touching the love between us. Necessity compels me to obtain this answer, having been more than a year wounded by the dart of


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