



Unit 3 Could you please clean your room?Section A(1a1c)学习目标1.学习词汇do the dishes, sweep the floor, take out the rubbish. fold your clothes,clean the living room, do chores, have to do sth, like to do (doing) sth, make dinner, make your bed2.句型 -Could you please clean your room? -Yes, sure.-Could you please do the dishes?课时重点1.能用英语说出常做的家务活。2.能运用句型“Could you please ?”来表达有礼貌的请求。3.会用“Sure.”和“No problem.”等来回答别人的请求。预习导学一、自主学习本课(1a-1c)完成下列练习1.My mother told me to_(打扫) the floor every day.2. Dont put your jacket on the chair._(折叠) it and put it on the bed.3. Jack, can you help me c_ the living room?4. -Could you help me with my English? -No p_.5. Lets t_ out the rubbish and put it in the trash bin.二.短语1._ _洗餐具 2. _ 倒垃圾3. fold the clothes_ 4.sweep the floor _5.make your/the bed _ 6._打扫客厅7._没问题 合作探究活动一1.看动画片段灰姑娘导如入本课话题和新词汇“chores”美丽善良的灰姑娘因继母的嫉妒,每天得做所有的家务。片段的主题使学生联想到本课的话题。2.learn some new words and phrases Look! What is she / he doing? 看图学习动词词组 do chores, do the dishes, make the bed, take out the trash, fold the clothes, do the chores, clean the living room.3. Guessing game. According the phases that they have learned, the teacher asks some students to do some actions one by one. Then ask the others to answer these questions:What is she doing? What is he doing?通过记忆力游戏,让学生适时对所学词汇进行回忆以及进一步的巩固。并适当活跃课堂气氛。4. Pair work. 1a, Do you do these things at home? Write “Y” for “yes” and “N” for “no”.活动二 1.Listening . 1b , Peters chores or Moms chores?理解目标语 Could you please clean your room? Yes, sure.Write “M” for Moms chores, “P” for Peters chores in the chart.活动三1. Pairwork,1cLook at the picture, Ask your partner to do the chores that you see.A:Could you please sweep the floor?B:Yes,sure.Can you do the dishes?A:Well,could you please do them? Im going to clean the living room. B:No,problem.活动四1.总结本节课的教学重点。2.HomeworkRead the words and phrases you learn today.Make a dialogue between you and your parent about doing the chores.知识超市1.Could you please? 表示委婉语气,礼貌地提出请求“请你可以吗?” 肯定回答:Certainly./Of course./With pleasure/No problem.否定:Sorry, I cant./Sorry, Im afraid I cant.【做一做】单项选择( )Could you please _the classroom?_ No problem.A. clean B. cleaning C. to clean D. cleaned2.take out the rubbish倒垃圾 take out “把拿出去” v.+adv.结构,接代词需放两者中间 take it out中考常考:turn on/off / up/down ; put on ;take off; cut up; put off ;try on试穿 mix up混合;pick up捡起 【做一做】根据汉语提示完成句子真难闻。请把垃圾扔出去。It smells terrible. Please _ _ the rubbish.导学测评一、用所给动词的适当形式填空1. The boy needs _(sweep) the floor after school.2. Two years_(be) a long time for me.3. Could you please _(fold) your clothes after dinner, Mary?4. When he finished _(read) the book, his eyes were already full of tears.5. My brothers job is to wash the_(dish) in a restaurant.二、单项选择( )1 . Could you please sweep the floor? _.Im busy babysitting my sister.A. Sorry, I cant B. Yes, sure C. Yes, I can D. take care of( )2. Ted, could you please _ the rubbish? Of course, Mom.A. take after B. take off C. take out D. take care of( )3. Your room is in _ mess now. Why not clean it up every morning? A. a B. an C. the D./( )4. Two days _ too long. You only have


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