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Unit 12 Life is full of the unexpected.Section B 3aSelf check一、【教材分析】教学目标知识目标 1. 复习并掌握下列单词和短语:backpack, oversleep, give a lift, miss, unexpected, block, worker, stare, disbelief, above, burn, alive, airport, till, west, cream, workday, pie, show up, bean, market, fool, costume, embarrassed, costume party, announce, spaghetti, hoax, sell out, discovery, lady, cancel, officer, believable, disappear, embarrassing 2. 能熟练掌握运用过去完成时的句式:(1)By the time I got up, my brother had already gotten in the shower. (2)But before I got to the bus stop, the bus had already left. (3)Well, at least by the time you got to school, you were only five minutes late for class.(4)Before I could join the others outside to see what was going on, the first plane had already hit my office building. (5)But by the time I got to the airport, my plane to New Zealand had already taken off. 能力目标能够根据所学知识进行写作,提高写作能力。情感目标注意人们所持文化认同感和对玩笑容忍度的差异, 愚弄他人时应持审慎及得当的态度。教学重点掌握并熟练运用本单元的词汇、常用表达及句型。 教学难点能够在写作中熟练运用一般过去时和过去完成时这两种时态。教学方法自主探究教学法;任务型教学法;写作策略二、【教学流程】环节师生活动二次备课I. 复习热身 1. Daily report本模块复习本单元的话题,训练学生的听力。Find two students to give a report. Talk about the unexpected in their daily life.2. Talk show (Speaking)小组合作学习,复习本单元的重点词汇及句型,教师对学生展示的情况进行适当的指导和补充。When I got to school, I realized that I had left my backpack at home.By the time I got back to school, the bell had rung.Before I got to the bus stop, the bus had already left.Talk about the unexpected in their daily life.A: What happened to you on?B: Well, a friend invited me to a costume partyII. 基础回顾1. Words and expressions1). Have a dictation Students write down some words and expressions. Then check each other. Give students several minutes to review them.2). 用括号内单词的适当形式填空。 (1). The little girl gets _ (dress) herself every day. (2). None of my friends showed up at 10, so I realized it was a trick and felt really_(embarrass). conversations with friends.(3). We can trust what he said. He is a_ (believe) person. (4). His parents are both _ (office) in the army in Beijing. (5). It will not be _(expect) if Tom comes late again, because he is always like this. (6). Tamara stared at him in_(belief), shaking her head. (7). He was trapped in a _(burn) house. (8).People _(live )should try their best to live better. (9).What do you do on April _ (fool) Day?(10). Tom got _(marry) to Mary 5 years ago.Answers: Self check 1: Let some students read the words in the box. Make sure all the students know the meanings of the words . Let students read the sentences in Self Check 1. Then students try to fill in the blanks with the correct form of the words in the box. Let some students read their answers. Check the answers with the students .2. Grammar1). Talk about Past Perfect Tense. (Grammar focus)When I got to school, I realized that I had left my backpack at home.By the time I got back to school, the bell had rung.Before I got to the bus stop, the bus had already left.2). Finish the exercises on 同步3). Self check 2: Tell students that they have to fill in the blanks with past perfect tense . More than one answer may be possible. Students think and try to complete the sentences by themselves. Let some students read their answers to the class. Share their answers together.3.Listening practiceListen and fill in the chart4. Reading Finish the reading practice on 同步.5. Group work Activity 3aCan you remember a lucky or an unlucky day? What happened? Make some notes about what you remember.III. 点击中考1. 单项选择。1).We _ four thousand new words by the end of last year. A. learned B. had learned C. have learned D. will learn2). He told us that he _ the letters already. A. will post B. have posted C. was posting D. had posted3). Lily is outgoing. She likes _ others.A. play jokes on B. playing jokes on C. to play jokes with D. playing jokes with 4 Jim, you look sleepy. Whats wrong ? I _ to write a report last night. A. looked up B. ended up C. stayed up D. took up 5). On New Year everyone _ and goes out to visit friends and relatives. A. gets dressed B. puts up C. hurries up D. looks upIV. 语言运用1. Reading practice 完成同步上的阅读训练,限时完成。2. Writing Activity 3bWrite a story about your lucky or unlucky day and tell your story to a partner or the class.1) 写作指导本篇作文主要是写关于意外发生的事件的,首先,交代when然后what,why。作文主题部分要写事情发展经过,即what happened next。运用过渡词进行上下衔接。如:later that day, then,finally。最后交代结局时什么。别忘了写上自己的感受。I thinkwhat a lucky/an unlucky day!2)Useful expressionsI will always remember the date This was the luckiest day of my lifeLater that day I couldnt believeAfter thatFinallyI thinkWhat a lucky day! 3)Show an example. And students finish their own writing. Then share it with others.4)Check each other.V. 总结反馈1.结合板书和课件,盘点本单元所学单词、短语及重要句型。Ask some students to say what they have learnt today.1)words 2) phrases 3) sentences2.Emotional educationLearning is a lifelong journey.VI. 作业布置1. Review Unit122. Finish all the exercises.3.Make a survey. Ask your friends if they fooled others or they were fooled by others. Write a small article and share with others.Pr


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