



Unit 5 Canada The True North Section 一、用适当的连词、疑问代词或疑问副词填空1The fact _ he works hard is well known to us all.2The news _ the president was kidnapped surprised us greatly.3Hes come from the government with a message _ the meeting wont be held tomorrow.4He often asked me the question _ the work was worth doing.5The nurses are trying their best to reduce the patients fear _ he would die of the disease.6There is no possibility _ Bob can win first prize in the match.7The report makes people worried _ some teenage girls smoke like boys in some middle schools.8The question occurred to me _ we were to get the machine needed.9Do you have any idea _ is actually going on in the classroom?10A number of questions will be discussed by the students _ beginners of English fail to use the language properly.二、合并句子1She expressed the hope.The hope was that she would go on a tour of Guangzhou again.She expressed the hope _.2The question is who caught sight of the accident then.We want to know the answer to this question.We want to know the answer to this question _.3The news was not true.The news was that he managed a company.The news _ was not true.三、请借助同位语从句把下列句子译成英语1但是我看不到能通过升学考试的可能性。_2莉莉不知道她长大后打算干什么。_3他学习很用功,因此,毫无疑问他会获得一等奖的。_4那位医生建议我待在家里好好休息。_5得知中国派三位宇航员进入太空的消息,我们很激动。_6女儿是收养的孩子的秘密最终泄漏了。_7我们如何在这么短的时间内弄到如此多的钱仍然是个问题。_四、完形填空After I gave a talk on the subject of happiness,a woman in the audience stood up and said,“I wish my husband had come.” Much as she _1_ him,she explained,it wasnt easy being married to someone so unhappy.This woman enabled me to put into words _2_ I had been searching forreasons for taking happiness seriously.I told her that each of us _3_ it to our family and friends to be as happy as we can be.I was not a particularly happy child.One day,however,it _4_ to me that I was taking the easy way out.Anyone could be _5_;it took no courage or effort.True achievements lay in _6_ to be happy.The notion(想法)that we have to work at happiness comes as _7_ to many people.We assume its a(n)_8_ that comes as a result of _9_ things that just happen to us,things over which we have little or no _10_.But the opposite is true:happiness is largely under our control.It is a battle to be started and not a feeling to be _11_.To achieve a happier life,its necessary to overcome some puzzling _12_,one of which is:Comparison with Others.Most of us _13_ ourselves with anyone that we think is happiera relative,an acquaintance or,often,someone we _14_ know.I once met a young man who struck me as particularly _15_ and happy.He spoke of his love for his _16_ wife and their daughters,and of his joy at being a radio talk show host in a city he loved.I remember _17_ that he was one of those lucky few for whom everything goes effortlessly right.Then we started talking about the Internet.He _18_ its existence,he told me,because he could look up information on multiple sclerosisthe terrible _19_ afflicting(折磨)his wife.I felt like a _20_ for assuming nothing unhappy existed in his life.1Ahated Btired Cdisappointed Dloved2Awhat Bwhere Cthat Dwhy3Alends Bowes Caffects Ddestroys4Aoccurred Bstruck Clit Dreported5Aanxious Bangry Cunhappy Ddelighted6Awalking Bimagining Cdreaming Dstruggling7Amessages Binformation Cnews Dnotes8Aidea Bfeeling Ctopic Dmind9Agood Blucky Cordinary Dcommon10Aconnection Bcontrol Ceffect Dsense11Aawaited Bgained Clost Dborrowed12Aopinions Bquestions Cdebates Dblocks13Aregard Bdiscover Ccompare Dmeasure14Aalready Bwell Cbarely Dmerely15Asuccessful Bproud Cmean Dfamous16Asick Bcruel Cbusy Dbeautiful17Areminding Bthinking Cinforming Dhoping18Arefused Badmired Cblessed Dmistook19Aaccident Bevent Cdoctor Ddisease20Aprofessor Bfool Cstranger Dfriend五、语法填空阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(不多于3个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。Organizations and individuals advertise because they want to persuade people _1_(behave)in certain ways,for example,to buy _2_ certain brand of rice or see a movie at their cinema.Advertisers spend a lot of time and money _3_(make)advertisements and so they want to make sure they achieve their purpose.Unfortunately,not all advertisers are good or honest people._4_we have ways to protect ourselves,these dishonest advertisers will tell lies or use methods that mislead us.Fortunately most countries have developed ways to control advertising and prevent false or _5_(suit)advertising.One way to control advertising is to make laws that prevent advertisers _6_(do)the wrong thing.Many countries have laws _7_ forbid advertisements to be shown at inappropriate times or _8_ inappropriate places.For example,an advertisement that has an adult theme cannot be shown during childrens television programmes.In some countries advertising alcoholic drinks or tobacco _9_(ban)altogether.In most places there are also laws which prevent advertisers making false statements about their products or from promoting immoral or _10_(harm)behaviour.1_2_3_4_5_6_7_8_9_10_参考答案一、1that2that3that4whether5that6that7that8how/where/when9what10why二、1that she would go on a tour of Guangzhou again2who caught sight of the accident then3that he managed a company三、1But I cant see any chance that I can pass the entrance exam.2Lily hasnt any idea what shes going to be when she grows up.3He studies hard,so there is no doubt that he will win first prize.4The doctor gave me some advice that I stay at home for a good rest.5Were excited to learn the news that China sent three astronauts into space.6The secret was finally let out that the daughter was an adopted one.7It still remains a question how we can get so much money in such a short time.四、1D由上一句的“要是我丈夫来了就好了”以及下文的“但和一个那么不快乐的人一起过日子可真不容易”可知这位女士是爱她的丈夫的。因此此处用loved表示“虽然她很爱他”。2A上面这位女士就说了一句话“I wish my husband had come.”此处用what表示“这位女士正好道出了我一直想说的话”。本句中的“what I had been searching for”实际的位置应在put之后,为了平衡句子结构把它放到了words之后。3B本句中的it指代“尽可能的快乐”这件事情,因此此处用owes来与上文的“我们要认真对待快乐”呼应,即“这是我们每一个人应该给我们的家庭的”。4A由上文的“我本来是不太快乐的孩子”可知,此处应表示“然而,有一天我突然明白了”。句式It occurs to sb that.表示“某人突然想到”。5C此处应用unhappy与下一句中的“be happy”相呼应。即“任何人都可以不快乐,因为那不需要勇气也不需要努力”。6D由上文的“不快乐不需要勇气也不需要努力”可知,快乐应该需要勇气和努力,能够和这个含义相吻合的动词只有struggling,表示“真正的成就在于努力寻求快乐”。7C作者认为多数人认为快乐是自然而然的事情,不需要去争取。因此此处应news表示“我们必须努力争取快乐对许多人们来说还很新鲜”。8B由本段最后一句中的“not a feeling”可知此处应用feeling,表示“我们认为幸福是一种的感觉”。9A本句中的it指代上文的happiness,与happiness相关的事情应是good things。10B由下文的“under our control”可想到此处应用control 表示“对于那些


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