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Analysis of Effective Teaching in Spoken English Education Between the Age of 5 to 8 in ChinaAbstractFor the issues of the present situation of English education and the ineffective teaching in class in our country, the educators studied those through the foreign language educational psychology and found that English education should be based on the strong interest and willing and help students to transfer the foreign language study to the foreign language acquisition. Foreign language study is a very complex process referring to a mass of factors, especially to children. The research object of this thesis is the children between age of 5 to 8. The language educator should take advantages of the childrens physiology and psychology and combine the advantages with the English teaching. Aiming at practicing the theories of the effective teaching adequately, the educators should take the spoken Englishthe application function as the cutting point of the English Education, and mark the interesting education and creating education of English as the intended teaching goals. By referring to the findings of the effective teaching at home and abroad, this thesis focuses on childrens effective spoken English teaching, and crystallizes our country s effective teaching principleseffectiveness, profitablity and efficiency.Key words: spoken English; Effective Teaching; childrens psychology摘要针对目前我国英语教育现状及课堂 “无效教学”等问题,从外语教育心理学的角度上分析问题,可以发现,英语教学必须建立在强烈的英语兴趣和求知欲上,使学习英语向习得英语的方向转变。外语学习是一个非常复杂的习得过程,它涉及各种因素,而儿童英语口语教学更是如此。本文将5至8岁儿童作为研究对象,将儿童生理和心理上的优势作为切入点,使其与英语教学相融合,并从口语教学即语言的应用功能入手,把培养儿童对英语的兴趣爱好和创新独立思维作为教学目标,使得“有效教学”在儿童口语教学得到充分体现及应用。同时通过借鉴和引用国内外对“有效教学”的研究成果,对儿童进行切实有效的口语教育,将我国就有效教学所提出的“有效果,有效率,有效益”的教学理念具体化。关键词:口语;有效教学;儿童心理学iiTable of ContentsAbstracti摘要ii1. Introduction12. The Meaning of Spoken English Education between the Age of 5 to 8 in China32.1The current situation32.1.1 The scale and the social needs32.1.2 The dilemma situation42.2 The important influence52.2.1 Influence of the social and economic development52.2.2 Influence of the childrens growing and development63. The Teaching Aim of Spoken English Education of Children between 5 to 893.1 The cultivation of interest and passion93.2 The development of ability93.3 The initiation of habits94. The Restrictive Factors of the Effective English Teaching in the English Education Development114.1 The features of ineffective teaching114.1.1 Aspects of teachers114.1.2 Aspects of students114.2 The reasons of ineffective teaching124.2.1 The ineffective irritation124.2.2 The ineffective attention124.2.3 The ineffective study style135. The Application and Implement of the Effective Teaching in Childrens Spoken English Education between 5 to 8145.1 The effective teaching145.1.1 The major standards of the effective teaching in our country155.1.2 The expounding of the effective teaching by Zhang Lu and Roland Tharp155.1.3 The aim of the effective English education165.2 The factors of effective spoken English education of childrens between 5 to 8175.2.1 The features of behaviors175.2.2 The ability of expression175.2.3 The ways of thinking175.3 The application of the effective teaching theory185.3.1 The creative activities and the achievement of effectiveness185.3.2 The real live education and the achievement of profitablity195.3.3 The challenging activities and achievement of efficiency206. Conclusion21References21Acknowledgements231. IntroductionThe effective teaching means that teachers, abiding by the objective law of the teaching activities, use the minimum time,energy and resources and gain the maximum teaching effect to achieve the teaching objective and satisfy the need of the society and personal education. Form 90 time end 20 century, the study of the effective teaching has been started in our country. But people, at that time, didnt pay too much attention to it. Since 2001, with the start of the new elementary education curriculum reform, the study of the effective teaching became the one big popular topic in the educational circles. Actually, people could learn this teaching thought since the every early timethe time of John Dewey(18591952). John Dewey pointed out that the education should be the one to inspire childrens mind. He also made a mention of the “five-steps teaching method”, which had a deep influence on the educational theory and practice in America at the first half of 20th century. Roland Tharp(1930), the professor of the university of California, has mentioned the five standards for effective pedagogy in elementary settings in his study. In our country, the study of effective teaching also has productive achievements. Until 2008, there are 4 PhD dissertations on China Excellent MA and PhD Degree P, Analysis of Effective Communication in Class (张希希, 2001), Studies of Effective Pedagogy (姚利明, 2004), Studies of the Standards of Effective Pedagogy in the Class (孙亚玲, 2004) and Critiquing of Effective Pedagogy (何善亮, 2007). The thesis Analysis of the standards of Effective Pedagogy (张璐, 2000) was published on Theory and Practice of Education. In her thesis, she referred five standards: Language Development, Creative Activities, Making Meaning, Challenging Activities and Teaching Conversation. These five standards of effective teaching would be the guidance standards in this thesis. According to the reports from the education departments in our country, at present, there are over 70% of the elementary schools of the cities and towns has set up the English courses and over 30% in countries. Many colleges and universities are driving to set up the English department and enlarge the enrollment. Though government spends a lot of time and money on the English education, their strategies of personnel English training are wrong. Very few learners attain the ability to master English for general technical communication. There is no denying fact that it is a kind of waste to invest the massive manpower, physical resource and financial resource on the English education. Compared with the cost of time, expense and opportunity, the profit from the English education are actually limited. For the issues of the present situation of English education and the ineffective teaching in our country, the educators studied those through the foreign language educational psychology and found that English education should be based on the strong interest and willing and help students to transfer the foreign language study to the foreign language acquisition. Children between 5 to 8 have their own advantage of foreign language study. They have their own way of thinking, expressing and acting. The second language educators should take advantage of the childrens characteristics, teach in an effective way by observing the effective teaching theory, and build up a good start for childrens life.The thesis consists of three parts. Part One is an introduction to the effective teaching theories, the research background, the reasons and purpose of studying the spoken English education between age of 5 to 8. Part Two is a detailed analysis of the effective teaching application on the spoken English education. It is divided into four chapters. Chapter One is the research background that reflects the meaning of the spoken English education between age of 5 to 8. Chapter Two is an analysis of the teaching aim of spoken English education of children, which makes a clear list for teachers to instruct the teaching practice and realize the optimization of the spoken English education process. Chapter Three is mainly about the restrictive factions of the effective English teaching. Chapter Four focuses on the application and implement of the effective teaching in childrens spoken English education. It involves the effective teaching theories which are expounded by Zhang Lu and Roland. Part Three is a conclusion of the thesis.2. The Meaning of Spoken English Teaching between the Age of 5 to 8 in ChinaEnglish has become more and more important in our social and economic development. Due to the emphasis on English education, many primary schools start the English class since the early primary education and many universities set up the foreign language department to satisfy the social need of the English talents. But it also brings a lot of problems. The language educators dont have enough time and energy to take care of each student in large classes. They could not satisfy all the students need. And this phenomena leads to the issues of ineffective teaching. The current situation of the foreign language education in China has stuck in a dilemma2.1 The current situation There is a growing tendency of English leaner that the English Language ability can be tested by means of some testing, for example, TOTLE, GRE and ect. Actually, it cant prove anything even if students have the ability to pass these exams. As people arrive America, the only way for them to survive is opening the mouth, trying the best to express themselves and voicing themselves loudly to be heard. If someone can only read in English but communicate, then he or she would have a hard time in these English speaking countries. In China, English corners would be found easily in every schoolelementary schools, middle schools, collages and universities, even in the Foreign Language Training Agencies, and every participant with high enthusiasm talk with each other in English. But these unprofessional practices cause the unprofessional English presentation. Consequently, Chinese are used to communicate with the foreigners in their Chinese-English which make the foreigner confused and Chinese also cant get the meaning of the native speaker. For the language study, it supposes to follow the order of listening-speaking-reading-writing. If the language education couldnt follow this order and the students are unable to hear and understand what the native speaker said, then all the other higher developments would only be told in the paper. 2.1.1 The scale and the social needs According to the reports from the education departments in our country, at present, there are over 70% of the elementary schools of the cities and towns has set up the English courses and over 30% in countries. The numbers of the pupils in the whole nation, nearly 13 million, mean that there are at least 5 to 6 million pupils has begun to learn English in different times. According to the requirement of China, the foreign language education should be set up as early as possible, generally, in the grade three. With the rapid development of the social and educational system, many areas start the course at grade one, or even in the nursery school. Now some schools have set up the bilingual education since grade five or grade six, and some of the nursery schools start the bilingual education at the beginning. Truly, Chinese education enterprise,especially the higher education, has developed in a very high speed in nearly two decades with the economical development of rapidness. In 2005, the number of students in junior colleges and university undergraduates has reached 16.25 million. Its fact that 90% of the foreign language courses, which have been set up by all these schools, are English. It means that there are over 100 million enrollments learning English. With the addition of the pupils and adults who learn English, it is no exaggeration to say that China possesses the largest population of English learning. In recent years, the demand of high English applied ability is raised by the enterprise concerning foreign nation. More and more colleges and universities are drive to set up the English department and enlarge the enrollment by the growing tendency of the needs of English talents. 2.1.2 The dilemma situationThough Chinese government emphasizes the importance of English education, most of the English learners, accepting the English education more than ten years, are unable to understand the English, communicate with English, not to speak of writing their own resumes in English. Many graduates, including the postgraduates, are inclined to take the English courses by their own in some educational agencies while they enter the services. The professional experts and social critics voice their skeptical view highly about the quality of the English education systems, and some of them air their opinion of incisiveness. At present, the biggest controversial problem of the elementary English education system is that it takes too much time on it. On the one hand, government brings forward the minimum age for starting to English study time after time. In the past, students began to learn English in the middle school, but now, they adopt them in grade one. On the other hand, government lengthens the time of the elementary English education again and again. In another word, a doctor also needs to acquire the elementary English education and a master must spend him or her over eighteen years to accept this kind of education. Though government spends a lot of time and money on the English education, their strategies of personnel training of English are wrong and very few attain the ability to master English for general technical communication. There is no denying fact that it is a kind of waste to invest the massive manpower, physical resource and financial resource. Compared with the cost of time, expense and opportunity, the profit from the English education are actually limited. English examination is just one of methods to evaluate the education in the process of English education, but not the only one. The situation of the status in quo is completely reversed to passing the exam has became the aim of study to a great deal of students. Not only the students, but also the leaders of school, the teacher and the parents have the voice that the passing rate of the exams is one of the teaching evaluation criteria to measure the educational effects of the school. At present, there are three kinds of English standardized tests implemented in China. The first one is the high school entrance examination, to pick out the high school for the students. The second one is the college entrance examination, to find out which kind of university students have the qualification of enroll. The last is the CET4 which most of the sophomores are asked to pass. Some of the colleges and universities require the juniors and seniors to take the CET6 when they have passed the CET4. For the English major students, it is obliged to pass TEM4. The excellent students could take the TEM8 to prove their ability. The colleges and universities bind the degree with the CET4 certificate or TEM4 certificate. In order to get their degree, students have to do a lot of exercises to pass CET4 or TEM4 and regard the result of passing them as their occasion to survive. Consequently, the English education is lead to the unhealthy and twisted situation by means of the exam-oriented education system. To achieve their goal, the students prefect to memorize grammar rules and word lists, complete a great deal of exercise, take more mocks, rather than read some classics or finish the textbook from cover to cover. The guidance book written to provide some methods of fast success are big sells in the bookstore. Truly, they can help students to enhance the result, but not the ability to English communication. 2.2 The important influence The booming economy and society development not only need an international environment of lasting peace and the hard word from Chinese people and leaders, but also need the development of foreign trade and the absorption of advanced foreign technology. The ability to communicate in English and read in English will be a necessity in the future.2.2.1 Influence of the social and economic development Compared with English, Chinese, owing the maximum number of user in the world, is not the major language, neither in the international policy nor the economic struggle. Furthermore, there are over 4 billion people in the world use English as their native language and mass number of counties speak English as the second language. The important effects of English have far exceeded the Chinese. It would have a far-reaching impact on the further development in China if we can master the English. 2.2.2 Influence of the childrens growing and development All second language learners, regardless of age, have by definition already acquired at least one language. This prior knowledge may be an advantage in the sense that the learner has an idea of how languages work. On the other hand, as we shall see, knowledge of other languages can also lead learners to make incorrect guesses about how the second language works and this may cause errors which a first language learner would not make.(i) The psychological features of childrenLightbown, M and Spade, N(2002:33) found the following: Most child learners do not feel nervous about attempting to use the language-even when their proficiency is quite limited, but adults and adolescents often find it very stressful when they are unable to express themselves clearly and correctly. Nevertheless, even very young children differ in their nervousness when faced with speaking a language they do not know well. Some children happily chatter away in their new language; others prefer to listen and participate silently in social interaction with their peers. Fortunately for these children, the learning environment rarely puts pressure on them to speak when they are not ready.The psychologists report their studies that the critical period for children second language acquisition is between 2 to 11 or 12 years old. In this period, the ability of language acquisition does not develop in a direct line. Children betwe


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