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八、国外常用语 (一)日常用语1您(你)好。How do you do?Hello!2再见。Goodbye3劳驾,帮个忙好吗?当然可以。Excuse meCould you please do me a favor?Sure4什么时候出发?When shall we leave?5节日愉快。Have a good holiday!6请进。Come in,please7请坐。Sit down,please8厕所(邮局旅馆商店)在哪里?Wheres the WC(post officehotelstore)?9今天(明天)天气怎么样?Whats the weather like today(tomorrow)?10今天(明天)下雨(雪)。Its going to rain(snow)today(tomorrow)11今天很热(冷)。Its very hot(cold)today12你明白了吗?Do you understand?13对不起,请再说一遍。SorryRepeat it,please14请出示护照。Your passport,please15对不起,现在几点了?Excuse meWhats the time?16请问今天是星期几?What day is today?17今天是几号?Whats the date today?18你会英语吗?Do you speak English?19是,我会一点。(对不起,我不会。)Yes,a little(Sorry,I dont)20您想喝点什么?我想喝汽水(可乐)。What would you like to drink?Id like to drink soda(coke).21谢谢。不客气。Thank youYou are welcome22对不起。没关系。SorryThats all right23我要走了。I have to go24你最近怎么样?How are you?25祝你生日快乐。Happy birthday26我想理一下发。I need a haircut27我明天要回国了,前来向你告别。Im going back tomorrow and I just came to say goodbye to you28祝您一路顺风(一路平安)。Have a pleasant journey29祝您好运。Good luck!30祝你健康。Good health!31欢迎再来。I hope to see you again32祝你愉快。May you be happy!33请您多保重。Take care of yourself!(二)介绍用语34请问您叫什么名字?Whats your name,please?35我的名字叫。My name is36见到您很高兴。Nice to meet you37你从哪里来?我从中国来。Where are you from?Im from China38我是中国人。Im Chinese39您做什么工作?Whats your occupation?40我是工人(护士农民)Im a worker(nursefarmer).41您(他)结婚了吗?Are you(Is he)married?(三)医疗、应急用语42我想去看医生。I need to see a doctor43我觉得不舒服,请帮我叫医生好吗?I dont feel wellCould you please call a doctor for me?44你哪儿不舒服?Whats wrong with you?45我咳嗽。I have a cough46我在发(高)烧。I have a(high)fever47我头疼。I have a headache48我肚子疼。I have a stomachache49我吃不下东西。I have no appetite50我受伤了。Ive been injured51我烧(烫)伤了。Ive burnt(scalded)my skin52有什么问题吗?Any problems?53这里危险,快出去!Danger hereGet out of here at once!54站住,不要动。Dont move!55快叫警察。Call the police at once!56快叫医生。Call a doctor at once!57抓小偷!Stop thief!58救命!Help!(四)交通问路用语59我想到中国大使馆去。I want to go to the Chinese Embassy60哪有中餐馆?Is there a Chinese restaurant around here?61请问,哪有出租车?Excuse meWhere can I call a taxi?62请问附近有电话吗?Excuse meIs there a public phone nearby?63你能给我画一个路线草图吗?Can you draw a map for me?64一直往前走。Go straight ahead65向左(右)拐。Turn left/right66请把地址写下来。Could you write down the address?(五)电话用语67您好,我叫。我找先生(小姐)。HelloThis is speakingMay I speak to Mr(Miss)?68你找哪一位?Whom would you like to speak to?69先生(小姐),请接电话。Mr(Miss),youre wanted on the phone70请问怎样与你联系?How can I contact you?71你的电话号码是多少?Whats your phone number?72请稍等。Just a moment,please73今天晚上有时间吗?Are you free tonight?74先生暂时不在。Mr is not in right now75我可以留个口信吗? lMay I leave a message?76今晚我不能去了。I cant go tonight77这里可以打国际长途吗?May I make an international phone call from here?78请问怎样打国际长途?Excuse meHow to make an international phone call?(六)购物用语79请让我看一看这个好吗?Can I have a look at this?8O我只是看看。Im just looking81这个多少钱?能打折吗?How much is this? Can you give me a discount?82。太贵了。谢谢。Its too expensiveThanks83总共多少钱?How much is it altogether?84请问你买什么?What would you like to buy?85请给我换一件好吗?Can you change another one for me?86你要多大的?Whats your size?87我要大一点的(小一点的)。1 want a biggersmaller one88你要什么颜色的?What color do you want?89我要红(绿白黑黄)色的。I want a red (green/white/black/yellow)one90这个合适吗?合适(不合适)。Does this fit you?Yes(No)91请把钱数写下来。Please write down the amount of money(七)邮寄用语92我想买些邮票和明信片。 Id like to buy some stamps and postcards.93这封信我要寄航空。I want to send a letter by airmail.94我想寄挂号。I want to register the letter95劳驾,我想寄一个包裹到中国去。Excuse meId like to send a parcel to China.96寄到中国需要多少天呢?大约需要一周。How long will it take to China?一About a week97寄往中国的信件要贴多少钱的邮票?How much will it take to mail a letter to China?(八)银行用语98我想把美元换成币。Id like to change US dollars into99我想换元。1 want to change yuan100请出示一下护照(身份证暂住证)。Your passport(identity card/temporary residence permit),please101我想存(取)款。Id like to deposit(withdraw)money102请给我换一下零钱。Do you have small change?103给您存折,请确认一下。Heres your deposit bookPlease confirm it104请问兑换率是多少?Whats the exchange rate,please?105我想汇款去中国。Id like to remit my money to China106好了,这样可以吗?OKIs that So?(九)乘机(车、船)用语107请问中国民航(CAAC)办事处在哪?Excuse meIs there an agency of CAAC around here?108这是我的行李。Heres my luggage109我的行李办托运。Id like to have my luggage checked110请帮我查找我的行李。(出示行李牌)Please help me find my luggage(Show luggage claim tags)111请跟我来。Follow me,please112请乘电梯。Take the elevator,please113我要去机场(码头车站)。1 want to go to the airport(portstation)114我想订几张车票(船票机票)。Id like to book tickets115我想买今天(明天后天)去的票。Id like to buy a ticket to for today(tomorrowthe day after tomorrow)116请问候车(船)室在哪儿?Excuse meWheres the waiting room?117请问检票口在哪儿?Excuse meWheres the platform (gate)?118我可以坐下吗?May I sit here?119请问在哪转机?Excuse meWhere can I catch a connecting flight?120请问在哪办理转机手续?Excuse meWhere can I go through transferring formalities?121请问我在哪个登机口登机?Excuse meWhere can I board the plane?122问询处在哪?Wheres the information desk?123我要一张交通地图。Id like to get a map124我迷路了,我要去Ive lost my way1 want to go to.(十)出入境用语125您的旅行目的是什么?Whats the purpose of your trip?126我来工作(旅游访问)。I come here to work(travelpay a visit)127你打算在我国待多长时间?How long will you stay in our country?128你办理的是什么签证?What kind of visa do you have?l29我办理的是工作(旅游商务)签证。I have a visa for work(travelbusiness)130请问在哪儿可以取得海关报关单?Excuse meWhere can I get a customs declaration?131请帮我填一下表,我的英语不太好。Please fill in this form for meMy English is poor132请问可以用汉语填写吗?Excuse meMay I fill in the form in Chinese?133你什么时候返回(北京)?When will you return (to Beijing)?134这事与我无关。It has nothing to do with me135你有几件行李?三件。How many pieces of luggage do you have?Three pieces136你的行李中有违禁品吗?没有。Is there anything not allowed in your luggage?No137请打开你的行李。Open your bags,please138你有需要申报的物品吗?有(没有)。Do you have anything to declare?Yes(No)(十一)工作用语139几点钟上班(下班)?What time do you go on(go off)shift?140干得不错,不过注意安全。Well done! Pay attention to your safety,thoughl41我将尽力做好。1 will do my best142这件事由你负责。Youre in charge of it143这是谁干的?这不是我干的。Who did it?I didnt do it144机器出了点小故障。 lSomethings wrong with the machine145请关掉机器。Stop the machine!146请关闭电源。Cut off the power!147你能修理一下吗?Can you fix it?148请把那件工具递给我。Pass me the tool,please149小心轻放。Handle with care!150你愿意加班吗?Would you like to work overtime?151今天(明天后天)我休息。Im off today (tomorrowthe day after tomorrow)152今天我做什么?What shall I do today?153我需要一个帮手。I need a help154快点干。Quick!155请保持场地清洁。Please keep the site clean156怎么干请示范一下。Please show us how to do it(十二)餐馆用语157你想点什么?What would you like to order?158我想要。Id like(十三)警示标识159禁止吸烟。No Smoking160禁止拍照。No Photography161禁止停车。No Parking162禁止通行。No Thoroughfare163禁止入内。No Entry164私人宅院(禁止入内)。Private Property (No Trespassing)165出口(进口)Exit(Entrance)166紧急出口Emergency Exit167请勿靠近,危险!Keep away! Danger!168注意!Look 0ut!(十四)常用词汇1大使馆 Embassy2领事馆 Consulate3警察局 police office4理发店 barbers (hairdressers)5银 行 Bank6旅馆(饭店) Hotel7餐馆(餐厅) restaurant(dining hall)8医 院 Hospital9商 店 store(shop)10邮 局 post office11电影院 Cinema12火车站 railway station13汽车站 bus stop14地铁站 subway station15出租车站 Cabstand16码头(港口) Port17飞机场 Airport18登机口 boarding gate19检票口 gate(platform)20航班、班次 flight No.21行李提取处 luggage claim area22行李托运处 check-in gate23休息室 Lounge24晚 点 Late25早 点 Early26推迟(延误) Delay27换汇处 money exchange28东西南北中 eastwestsouthnorth/middle29上下左右 up/down/left/right30前/后 forward/backward31多/少 more/less32大小 bigsmall33大白菜 Chinese cabbage34卷心菜 cabbage35菠 菜 spinach36黄 瓜 cucumber37西红柿(番茄) tomato38胡萝卜 carrot39茄 子 eggplant40芹 菜 celery41菜 花 cauliflower42马铃薯 potato43扁 豆 haricot bean44蒜 garlic45葱 shallot46洋 葱 onion47蘑 菇 mushroom48苹 果 apple49梨 pear50橘 子 orange51香 蕉 banana52芒 果 mango53西 瓜 watermelon54橄 榄 olive55草 莓 strawberry56菠 萝 pineapple57椰 子 coconut58桃 peach59荔 枝 litchi60石 榴 pomegranate61葡 萄 grape62哈蜜瓜 Hami melon63可 乐 cok


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