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12-13(上)大学英语网络自主学习作业设计教学级别:A1 使用教材:新世纪大学英语综合教程1 单元:1题号题型题目内容答案出题要求1阅读理解略略此部分题目由教研室统一制作2词汇填空略略此部分题目由教研室统一制作3词汇翻译1. 个人看法2. 不费什么力气3. 提到4. 哭笑不得5. 另谋出路6. 合格的教师7. 可笑的噱头8. 在情理之中 9. 做没用 10. 这有几分道理11. 比具有很大优势 12. 走向另一极端13. 完全对等的东西14. 反之亦然 15. 建立在基础上16. 行为主义心理学17. 热衷于 18. 我个人认为 19. 将与联系起来 20. 值得牢记的是 1. personal opinion2. with very little effort3. a reference to4. dont know whether to laugh or cry5. look for another job6. a qualified teacher7. a ridiculous claim8. It is natural 9. It is no use doing 10. This is true to a certain extent 11. have a great advantage over others12. go to the opposite extreme 13. a precise equivalent 14. and vice versa15. be based on16. behaviorist psychology17. be fond of18. in my personal opinion 19. relate to 20. It is worth remembering that 从本单元核心课文(Text A)中选取20个词组,词组紧扣课文内容,难度符合大学英语四级词汇要求。4句子翻译1) 我每天都会在报纸上和公共汽车上看到广告。2) 他能够用三个月、甚至十天就说一口流利的外语。3) 许多人相信这些可笑的噱头。4) 每一个老师都有其自身的特点。5) 这在一定程度上是对的。6) 认为英语中的每一个词在另一语言中都有完全对等的词是错的。7)我个人认为,假如没有兴趣,任何人都不可能学会说英语。8)人类不喜欢发出噪音,除非他们明白这些噪音是什么意思。9)值得牢记的是,语言是一种交际手段。10)还有一个相关问题值得一提。1) Every day I see advertisement in the newspapers and on the buses.2) He will be able to speak a foreign language fluently in three months or even ten days.3) A large number of people believe these ridiculous claims.4)Every teacher is an individual with his own personality.5)No doubt this is true to a certain extent.6)It is wrong to assume that each word in English has a precise equivalent in another language.7) In my opinion, no one can learn to speak English unless he is interested in it.8) Human beings do not like to make noises unless they understand what the noises mean.9) It is worth remembering that language is a means of communication.10) There is another relevant point worth mentioning here.从本单元核心课文(Text A)中选取(也可改编)10个句子,句子紧扣课文内容,长短和难度都符合大学英语四级句子翻译要求。5作文What My College Life Will Be作文题目与本单元的主题有一定的相关性,题型要求符合大学英语四级作文考试要求。教学级别:A1 使用教材:新世纪大学英语综合教程1 单元:2题号题型题目内容答案出题要求1阅读理解略略此部分题目由教研室统一制作2词汇填空略略此部分题目由教研室统一制作3词汇翻译1.开业行医 2.把他当成了自己人 3.消息传播得很快 4.簇拥 5.忍不住眉开眼笑 6.融入我那些少年朋友的圈子 7.能管好自己的事 8.出于反叛 9.满了十八岁 10.上了大学 11.把我比作我父亲 12.我会不惜一切地 13.尴尬的沉默 14.靠自己的本事 15.你开车难道不看路吗? 16.被撞瘪了17.眼泪在眼眶里转 18.似曾相识的笑容 19.想起了白天的事 20.用双臂搂着他的肩膀 1.settle into ones medical practice2.accept him as one of their own3.word passes quickly 4.crowd around 5.cant stop beaming6.fit in with my teenage friends7.manage quite well on ones own8.as an act of rebellion9.turn eighteen10.enroll in pare me with my father12.Id give anything to13.an awkward silence14.in ones own right15.Why didnt you look where you were going?16.sustain serious dents17.choke back ones tears18.a smile of recognition19.recall the days events20.wrap ones arms around his shoulders从本单元核心课文(Text A)中选取20个词组,词组紧扣课文内容,难度符合大学英语四级词汇要求。4句子翻译1) 很快,当地人就把他当成了自己人。2) 入学的第一天,同学们就簇拥着我。3) 在我十几岁的时候,事情起了变化。4) 他们说我长大了一定是一个可敬又勤劳的年轻人。5) 出于反叛,我开始对父亲直呼其名。6) 第二年秋天我上了大学。7)我们开始谈论起我们童年最讨厌的事。8)在大学的四个月中,我交了好些朋友。9)我讨厌被当成一个孩子对待。10)然后他转身向门口走去。1) Soon the local people accepted him as one of their own.2) On the first day of school, my classmates crowded around me.3) Somewhere in the midst of my teenage years, something changed.4)They said that I was growing up to be an honorable and industrious young man.5)As an act of rebellion, I began to call my father by his first name.6)The next fall I enrolled in college.7) We began to talk about the things we hated most about our childhoods.8) In four months at college, I had made a number of new friends.9) Im sick of being treated like a child.10) Then he turned and headed toward the door.从本单元核心课文(Text A)中选取(也可改编)10个句子,句子紧扣课文内容,长短和难度都符合大学英语四级句子翻译要求。5作文How I Manage My Tuition Fee作文题目与本单元的主题有一定的相关性,题型要求符合大学英语四级作文考试要求。教学级别:A1 使用教材:新世纪大学英语综合教程1 单元:3题号题型题目内容答案出题要求1阅读理解略略此部分题目由教研室统一制作2词汇填空略略此部分题目由教研室统一制作3词汇翻译1. 基因构成 2. 思考,考虑 3. 总结,归纳,概括 4. 塑造个性 5. 付出努力 6. 由组成;由构成 7. 大体上,一般而言 8. 分成 9. 响应,反应 10. 请客(吃饭);举行(聚会) 11. 不把告诉(某人);防止(某人)听到(某事)12. 处理情感 13. 智力特征 14. 沉思 15. 以幽默的方式 16. 在工作中;在干活 17. 从处遗传 18. 对有影响(起作用) 19. 产生影响 20. 另一方面 1. genetic make-up2. 3. sum up4. shape personality5. make the effort6. be composed of7. 8. fall into9. respond to10. 11. keep (sth.) to12. handle emotions13. 14. 15. 16. at work17. 18. have an impact on19. 20. on the other hand从本单元核心课文(Text A)中选取20个词组,词组紧扣课文内容,难度符合大学英语四级词汇要求。4句子翻译1) 人有高矮胖瘦。2) 一个人的个性可以用一个词语来描述。3) 实际上,人的性格远比这些复杂。4) 人的个性由许多元素组成。5) 听到一个好消息时,你也许会高兴地跳起来。6) 有的人也许喜欢在空余时间独自沉思。7)环境对个性也有影响。8)你满意你自己的个性吗?9)青少年期是性格形成期。10)你是一边在学习,一边改变自己。1) People come in all shapes and sizes.2) Ones personality can be summed up in a word.3) Actually, personalities are more complex than this.4)A persons personality is composed of many elements.5)When you hear a piece of good news, you may jump up with joy.6)One person may prefer spending his spare time in deep thought.7) Environment also has an impact on personality.8) Are you satisfied with your personality?9) Adolescence is a time for personality development.10) You are changing while you are learning.从本单元核心课文(Text A)中选取(也可改编)10个句子,句子紧扣课文内容,长短和难度都符合大学英语四级句子翻译要求。5作文How to Improve Relationship with My Classmates作文题目与本单元的主题有一定的相关性,题型要求符合大学英语四级作文考试要求。教学级别:A1 使用教材:新世纪大学英语综合教程1 单元:4题号题型题目内容答案出题要求1阅读理解略略此部分题目由教研室统一制作2词汇填空略略此部分题目由教研室统一制作3词汇翻译1. 充满活力2. 搬进(新居3. 引起兴趣 4. 一个粉红色蝴蝶结 5. 饭厅6. 一声巨响 7. 回头 8. 装配;组装 9. 肺炎的受害者 10. 逝去的年华 11. 美好记忆 12. 有志者事竟成 13. 与有联系 14. 确保 15. 日益临近 16. 不行 17. 包装鲜艳的礼物 18. 伴随;相配;协调 19. (设法)做到或干完 20. 接手;接任 1. full of life2. move in3. arouse ones interest4. a big pink bow5. dining room6. a loud crash7. turn around8. put together 9. a victim of pneumonia10. a lost time11. fond memories12. Where theres a will theres a way. 13. in touch with 14. make sure15. race by16. no way17. a gaily wrapped gift18. go with19. get through20. take over从本单元核心课文(Text A)中选取20个词组,词组紧扣课文内容,难度符合大学英语四级词汇要求。4句子翻译1) 由于无法再照顾自己,所以她搬去和我妈妈一起住。2) 她手脚关节可以动。3) 洋娃娃的脸摔成了十几块。4) 她满脸泪水。5) 我心里感到很骄傲。6) 有志者事竟成。7)我永远不会忘记奶奶拿起洋娃娃抱在胸前时的表情。8)这次是开心的泪水。9)我们做了一个洋娃娃的近似复制品。10)爱,不管来自何方,给人的感受都是一样的。1) No longer able to manage a home of her own, she moved in with my mother.2) Her arms and legs bent at the joints.3) The dolls face smashed into a dozen pieces.4)The tears in her eyes spilled over.5)My heart filled with pride.6)Where theres a will, theres a way.7) I will never forget the look on grandmas face as she lifted the doll and held it to her chest.8) This time they were tears of joy.9) We have managed to produce a close copy of the doll.10) Love, wherever it comes from, always looks the same.从本单元核心课文(Text A)中选取(也可改编)10个句子,句子紧扣课文内容,长短和难度都符合大学英语四级句子翻译要求。5作文The Relationship between My Parents and Me作文题目与本单元的主题有一定的相关性,题型要求符合大学英语四级作文考试要求。教学级别:A1 使用教材:新世纪大学英语综合教程1 单元:5题号题型题目内容答案出题要求1阅读理解略略此部分题目由教研室统一制作2词汇填空略略此部分题目由教研室统一制作3词汇翻译1.温暖宜人 2.与聊天 3.家庭野餐和聚会 4.回忆童年往事 5.第一次约会 6.给讲解生理知识 7.高中毕业舞会 8.出落得成熟漂亮 9.巍峨挺拔 10.日益密切的关系 11.出乎意料 12. 一个令人不安的问题 13非常了解 14整理思绪 15. 患心脏病 16. 开心手术 17. 有的机会 18. 年少时的滑稽举动 19. 编织的回忆 20. 自豪地微笑 1.warm and pleasant2.chat with 3.family picnic and gathering4.recall events from childhood5.ones first date6.tell sb. about the facts of life7.senior prom8.turn into a beautiful young woman 9.tall and straight10.increasingly close relationship11.by surprise12. a disturbing question13become well acquainted with 14gather ones thoughts15. have a heart attack16. open-heart surgery17. have a chance to do sth.18. youthful funny behaviors19. create memories20. smile with pride从本单元核心课文(Text A)中选取20个词组,词组紧扣课文内容,难度符合大学英语四级词汇要求。4句子翻译1) 一个温暖宜人的夏日午后,在一棵松树下,我坐在一张旧毯子上与母亲聊天。2) 有时我们回忆我的童年往事。3) 松树长得巍峨挺拔,直至高耸入云。4) 母亲和我静静坐着,呼吸者新剪的草散发出的清香。5) 我非常了解母亲的习惯。6) 这表明她有心事。7)有好几分钟的时间,我们静静地坐着,整理者自己的思绪。8)我们哭了,拥抱在一起,只愿有更多的时间在一起。9)我的家人的生命也会跟它们一起延续不息吗?10)我希望跟我的孙儿们分享这个地方。1) One warm and pleasant summer afternoon, I sat on an old blanket under a pine tree chatting with my mother.2) Sometimes we recalled events from my childhood.3) Pine trees grow tall and straight until their needles seem to touch the clouds.4)Mother and I sat quietly breathing in the scent of freshly mown grass.5)I have become well acquainted with my mothers habits.6)This indicated she had something serious on her mind.7) For several minutes, we sat in silence gathering our thoughts.8) We cried, held each other and wished for more time together.9) Will the lives of my family continue to grow with them?10) I want to share this spot with my grandchildren.从本单元核心课文(Text A)中选取(也可改编)10个句子,句子紧扣课文内容,长短和难度都符合大学英语四级句子翻译要求。5作文Am I a Good Listener?作文题目与本单元的主题有一定的相关性,题型要求符合大学英语四级作文考试要求。教学级别:A1 使用教材:新世纪大学英语综合教程1 单元:6题号题型题目内容答案出题要求1阅读理解略略此部分题目由教研室统一制作2词汇填空略略此部分题目由教研室统一制作3词汇翻译1.黑店 2.圣诞精神 3.默默地 4.点餐 5.为一点小事打孩子 6.一阵令人不快的寒风 7.湿淋淋的破旧大衣 8.空空如也的小费盘 9.收集信息 10.把花压平 11.一张二十法郎面额的钞票12.没有零钱 13.直起身 14.把花举在胸前 15.迅速地16.像炸弹似地爆炸开来 17.双手魔力十足地敲击键盘 18.头和着旋律频频点动 19.随着节奏挥动着花 20.纵情高歌 1.a tourist trap2.Christmas spirit3.in stony silence4.order the meal5.slap a child for some minor fault6.an unpleasant blast of cold air7.a dripping, ragged overcoat8.an empty tipping plate9.collect information10.press the flower flat11.a twenty-franc note12.do not have the change13.straighten up14.hold the flower in front of sb.15.in one quick motion16.explode like a bomb17.beat the keys with magic hands18.nod ones head in rhythm19.wave the flower in time to the music20.bellow the song with uninhibited enthusiasm从本单元核心课文(Text A)中选取20个词组,词组紧扣课文内容,难度符合大学英语四级词汇要求。4句子翻译1) 我们住进了一家邋遢的旅店。2) 饭店里只有五张桌子坐了人。3) 顾客们都在默默地吃着饭。4) 年轻的海员已吃完,起身准备离开。5) 我可以将这花作为礼物送给您漂亮的女儿吗?6) 圣诞的欢乐激情像炸弹似地爆炸开来。7)钢琴师魅力十足的双手敲击着琴键。8)我的妻子随着音乐的节奏挥动着那朵鲜花。9)她嘴角上绽出笑容。10)他释放了我们心中压抑的爱和快乐。1) We checked into a shabby hotel.2) Only five tables in the restaurant were occupied.3) Customers were eating in stormy silence.4)The young sailor finished his meal and got up to leave.5)May I have permission to present this flower to your beautiful daughter?6)Christmas exploded throughout the restaurant like a bomb.7) The piano player began to beat the keys with magic hands.8) My wife waved her flower in time to the music.9) The corners of her mouth turned up in laughter.10) He released the love and joy that had been smothered within us.从本单元核心课文(Text A)中选取(也可改编)10个句子,句子紧扣课文内容,长短和难度都符合大学英语四级句子翻译要求。5作文I Appreciate Good Manners作文题目与本单元的主题有一定的相关性,题型要求符合大学英语四级作文考试要求。教学级别:A1 使用教材:新世纪大学英语综合教程1 单元:7题号题型题目内容答案出题要求1阅读理解略略此部分题目由教研室统一制作2词汇填空略略此部分题目由教研室统一制作3词汇翻译1. 人际关系2促成 3感觉受冷落 4往往 5借助 6考虑在内 7一定会 8引起 9避免误解 10缺乏交流 11面临 12言语交流 13生理功能 14血液流通 15跟上 16任某人处置 17心理因素18起作用 19忘乎所以 20. 牢记 1. personal relationships2contribute to3feel deserted4tend to5resort to6take into account7be bound to8give rise to9avoid misunderstanding10lack of communication11be confronted with12verbal communication13physiological function14blood circulation15keep pace with16at ones disposal17psychological factors18come into play19be carried away20. bear in mind从本单元核心课文(Text A)中选取20个词组,词组紧扣课文内容,难度符合大学英语四级词汇要求。4句子翻译1) 我们时常听到人们抱怨。2) 这样的抱怨不仅出自孩童之口,也出自成人之口。3) 误解常常源于缺乏交流。4) 人们仍然面临这样的问题。5) 科技发明确实有助于人与人之间的交流。6) 要成为好的聆听者首先需要集中注意力。7)我们听别人说话时,周围都有外界的和心理的干扰。8)说话人可能无法跟上听话人思想的速度。9)其他心理因素也同样会起作用。10)语言交流是人们相互了解的很好方式。1) It is not uncommon to hear people complaining.2) Such complains come not only from kids but also from adults.3) Misunderstanding often arises from a lack of communication.4)People are still confronted with this problem.5)Technological inventions do help facilitate human communication.6)To become a good listener begins with concentration.7) We have to listen to other people with physical and mental distractions around us.8) A speaker may not be able to keep pace with the working of the listeners mind.9) Other psychological factors also come into play.10) Verbal communication is a good means for many people to understand each other.从本单元核心课文(Text A)中选取(也可改编)10个句子,句子紧扣课文内容,长短和难度都符合大学英语四级句子翻译要求。5作文What Is the Pressure in My College Life作文题目与本单元的主题有一定的相关性,题型要求符合大学英语四级作文考试要求。教学级别:A1 使用教材:新世纪大学英语综合教程1 单元:8题号题型题目内容答案出题要求1阅读理解略略此部分题目由教研室统一制作2词汇填空略略此部分题目由教研室统一制作3词汇翻译1. 全优生 2. 充分发挥 3. 学习优秀 4. 首先 5. 决定轻重缓急 6. 换言之 7. 另外 8. 个人偏好9. 任何时候都表现优秀10. 活跃参与 11. 整理笔记 12. 安排时间 13. 安排做作业的速度 14. 手头的工作 15. 被压得喘不过气 16复习和完善功课 17. 写下 18. 在于 19. 同样重要 20. 澄清疑问 1. straight-A students2. make the most of 3. attain academic excellence4. begin with5. set the priorities right 6. in other words7. in addition8. personal preference9. p


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