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Pronoun,代词,2,一.概念,代词是代替名词的一种词类。用来代替上文中提到过的人或物。大多数代词具有名词和形容词的功能。,人称代词 物主代词 反身代词 指示代词 疑问代词 不定代词 相互代词 关系代词,二、分类: 按其意义、特征及在句中的作用分为:,主格 I, you, she, he, it, we, you, they, 宾格 me, you, her, him, it, us, you, them,adj性 my, your, her, his, its, our, your, their, n性 mine, yours, hers, his, its, ours, yours, theirs,myself, yourself, herself, himself, itself, ourselves, yourselves, themselves, oneself,this, that, these, those,each other, one another,who, whom, which, whose, what,who, whom, which, whose, that, as,sth; sb; both; all; no; another, others ,1.人称代词,主格: I, you, she, he, it, we, you, they, 宾格: me, you, her, him, it, us, you, them,1).用作主语时用主格,用作宾语、表语时用宾格。,The Kings are music-lovers. They often go to the concert. Nancy is a P.E teacher. Ive known her for years.,2)两个以上的人称代词并列时,其次序排列原则: 二三一 人 称. “我”总是放在最后, 在并列主语中,排列顺序为: you, she/he and I, 并列宾格: you, her/ him and me,You, she and I will be in charge of the case. Mr. Li asked you, Tom and me to clean the windows.,6,3) 人称代词的特殊用法: she, her 通常用来代表国家、船只、大地、月亮等。,The Titanic, the largest ship at that time started her first journey on a sunny day. China is my motherland, although she is not rich enough now, I still love her very much.,it 的用法: 1).代替上文中提到的动物、无生命的或抽象的事物 2) 表示性别不明显的婴儿 3)指代录像、照片以及心中所想的人,或只闻其声未见 其人的, 非活生生的具体真人。 4)指代天气、时间、距离,A: Whos the man beside you in the photo? B: Its my cousin Henry. A: Someone is knocking at the door, Who can it be? B: I bet its Mike.,I warned him not to smoke, but it didnt help.,Look at the baby, its so cute/lovely.,It is Wednesday today. It is ten minutes walk from my house to the park. It is fifteen years since he came to Shanghai.,5)在一些惯用结构中作形式主语或形式宾语,It is important for us to learn English well. It is kind/nice of you to help me 。 I find/think it useful to read English every day. It is said that an traffic accident happened to him last night It seemed that his interview was a success.,make it (口语)获得成功; take it easy 从容,不着急 let it go 不去理会,随它去(不屑或懒得多说或做什么) this / that is it 这/那正是我(们)所需要的; 这/那正是失败的原因所在; 这/那正是最后的结果了。,He never really made it as an actor before 2000. We still have half an hour, take it easy! I overheard her talking about me, but I let it go. Ive been looking for a house for months and I think this is it. Im afraid thats it, we have lost the match !,2.物主代词,adj 物主代词属于限定词, 后面必须有n, 只能作定语。 n 性物主代词在用法上相当于 “adj 词性物主代词+n”,既有表示所属的作用又有指代作用,,This isnt her pen. Hers looks newer and cleaner.主语 I lost my bike, Can I use yours.宾语 Look for your keys in your bag, not in mine.介词宾语:,含有物主代词的词组 on ones own=by oneself 独立地,独自地 try / do ones best to do sth竭尽全力做某事 lose ones way / temper /life. 迷路/发脾气/丧命 lose ones heart to sb/ sth=fall in love with 钟情于 in ones forties/ fifties 在某人40 / 50岁的时候 do ones homework 做作业; in ones opinion 依某人看 be ones own master / mistress 独立自主,12,keep / lose ones balance( 因保持/失去平衡而) 稳住/倒下 Keep / lose ones head 保持镇定/昏头,冲动 Keep / break ones promise 信守/违背诺言 keep / break ones word 守信 /失信,食言 eat ones words 承认自己说错话 on ones way to sp在去某地的路上 in ones free/ spare time 在某人的闲暇时光 hold ones breath 屏息; lose ones breath气喘吁吁 to ones surprise/disappointment令某人惊讶/失望的是,1).作动词的 Please help yourself to some fish, Lora. 2).作介词的宾语 Shes very angry with herself for her carelessness. Im confident of myself= I have confidence in myself. . 3).作表语: Im not feeling myself today. 4). 作同位语,起强调作用 The book itself is good, but it isnt suitable for you.,3.反身代词,myself, yourself, herself, himself, itself, ourselves, yourselves, themselves, oneself,enjoy oneself=have a good time 玩得开心 teach oneself sth =learn sth by oneself 自学 buy oneself sth=buy sth for oneself 为自己买 call oneself a writer / Jay Chou 自称作家/周杰论 introduce oneself 自我介绍;be proud of oneself自豪 devote oneself to 全神贯注于;献身于 behave oneself 举止规范; express oneself 表达思想 hurt oneself 弄伤自己; dress oneself (up) 穿衣(打扮) Help oneself to some随便吃/ 喝点. make oneself at home, 放松;别拘束 make oneself understood 让别人明白/理解自己 think more of oneself than others考虑自己多于别人 feel oneself 感到有精神; look oneself 跟往常一样健康 by oneself =on ones own 独自地;独立地,一些常见的包含反身代词的词组,指示代词的句法功能: 作主语、宾语、介词宾语:,4.指示代词:,this , these 一般指时间或空间上较近的人或物; that, those 常指时间或空间较远的人或物。,1 This is the best way to do learn English. 2 I like this better than that. 3 I dont want to talk about that.,16,指示代词的特殊指代功能: 1.介绍别人时要用 this is; This is Miss Li. This is Tom 2.this 常指下文中要讲到的事物,有启下的作用; that 则指上文中提到过的人/事物有承上的作用。,I want to tell you this: The party will be put off. He hurt his leg yesterday. Thats why he didnt come.,3.打电话时“你” “我” 不用“you” “I ” 而要用 that, this,A: Who is that? B: This is Lily speaking.,4.that和those可作定语从句的先行词, those常用来指人 We are looking for those who sing and dance well.,5.相互代词,each other, one another,each other指两个人/物之间, one another指多个之间, 但 each other 常用来代替 one another 相互代词只能作动词和介词的宾语,相互代词可加-s构成所有格,例如:,People should care about and help each other / one another. We write to each other.,Although theyve talked for five hours, they dont know each others names.,6.疑问代词:,指人: who, whom, whose; 指物: what; 指人/物: which 疑问代词在句中作主语、宾语、定语和表语,位于谓语动词之前, 没有性和数的变化, 除who之外也没有格的变化。who问姓名/关系, what 问职业 等,就划线部分提问 1.The man with long hair is an artist 2.The man has long hair 3. The car over there is mine. 4. My car is over there. 5.Sally gave John a card yesterday.,Who is an artist? Which man is an artist ? What is the man with long hair ?,What is yours ? Which car is yours ? Whose is the car over there ?,Whose car is over there? What is over there? Where is your car,Who gave John a car yesterday ? Whom did Sally give a card to yesterday ? What did Sally give John yesterday ?,Who has long hair? What does the man look like?,*7.关系代词,是用来引导定语从句的代词,包括 who, whom, which, whose, that. 用于指人 : who whom, that ; 用于指物 : which和that , whose 既可指人也可指物;,1.who, which和 that用作主语, He is the man who/that lives next door. The train which/that has just left is for Beijing. 2.whom, which, that用作宾语, The man (whom/ that) you saw is a famous actor. Is this the book (which/that) you bought last week? 3.whose用作定语, 如: He is the man whose car was stolen last week. This is the car whose windows were broken.,8、不定代词,1). something, anything, nothing, everything,Something is wrong with my watch. Is there anything important in todays newspaper? Would you give me something to drink?,不定代词具有名词和形容词的性质,并有可数和不可数之分,在句中可以作主语、表语、宾语、同位语、定语、状语等(every、no只能作定语),2).one, ones,指代与上文中提到的n 同类中的一个/一些,单数为one, 复数为ones. one(s) 可带形容词修饰语或限定词: a/an, the, some, any, next, this, that, which和定语从句.,Is this hat the one you bought in France? The blue vase is twice as expensive as the white one. These apples are too small, do you have any bigger ones?,1.Kellys right eye is green, its _ eye is blue. 2.I am still hungry, can I have _cake? 3.Do you mind showing me some _ pears, these are too small. 4. There is only one glove, where is _? 5.We need _ five days to finish the work. 6.Therere many people in the park, some are flying kites some are taking a walk and _ are sitting on the grass. 7.Two boys and one girl in our class come from Taiwan, _are from Shanghai.,other,the other one,the others / the rest,others,another,other,another,3). another(+ 单数/ 数字+ 复数) ,又一个/几个(泛指) the other两者中的另一个( 前面一般有 two, twins, eyes, ears, hands, gloves, the street, parents等暗含2 的n) others (=other + 复数), 其他的;别的, (泛指),多与some 搭配 the others(=other + 复数=the rest ), 其他的;剩余的, (特指) 与前面提到的部分相加等于全部,多与数字 搭配,some (+复数n / 不可数n, (肯定句, 或建议请求), any( +复数n / 不可数n)一些(否定句,疑问句) no复数(+单/复数n / 不可数n)没有=not any /not a both +复数(两者都)=both of + 复数 neither +单数(两者都不)= of + 复数 either +单数(两者中的任何一个) all +复数n / 不可数n(三个或三个以上都/ 所有都) none of +复数(三个或三个以上都) any +单数(三个或三个以上中


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