



课时分层作业(八)(建议用时:35分钟)语言知识练习固基础.单句语法填空1In my 8th grade,I was told that I had to take an art class as a graduation requirement(require)2He devoted all his free time to playing(play) the piano.3Its discouraging(discourage) that we were late for the wonderful film.4Once he makes up his mind to do it,nobody can change him.5There are various(vary) solutions to the global warming according to the expert.6The problem that he referred(refer)to just now is very difficult to solve.7Can you find a good way to work out the problem?8I was inspired (inspire)by the teachers encouraging words.9I often keep in touch with my old friends by Wechat.10We are inspired by the scientists devotion(devote)to the development of technology of our country.完成句子1你去什么地方度假了吗?我本计划去云南的,可是几天前在一场足球赛中我伤了右脚。Did you go anywhere on holiday?I had planned to go to Yun nan,but I had my right foot injured in a football match a few days ago.2汤姆来看你时你在做什么?我刚穿上大衣正要去看我的一位朋友。What were you doing when Tom came to see you?I had just put on my overcoat and was leaving to visit a friend of mine.3我认为他不能胜任这项工作。I dont think he is equal to doing this kind of work.4他离开中国已经五年了。It was five years since he had left China5到昨晚10点钟,我们已完成了大部分工作。By ten oclock last night,we had finished most of the work高考题型练习提能力.阅读理解(2018全国卷,C)While famous foreign architects are invited to lead the designs of landmark buildings in China such as the new CCTV tower and the National Center for the Performing Arts,many excellent Chinese architects are making great efforts to take the center stage.Their efforts have been proven fruitful.Wang Shu,a 49yearold Chinese architect,won the 2012 Pritzker Architecture Prizewhich is often referred to as the Nobel Prize in architectureon February 28.He is the first Chinese citizen to win this award.Wang serves as head of the Architecture Department at the China Academy of Art (CAA)His office is located at the Xiangshan campus (校园) of the university in Hangzhou,Zhejiang Province.Many buildings on the campus are his original creations.The style of the campus is quite different from that of most Chinese universities.Many visitors were amazed by the complex architectural space and abundant building types.The curves(曲线) of the buildings perfectly match the rise and fall of hills,forming a unique view.Wang collected more than 7 million abandoned bricks of different ages.He asked the workers to use traditional techniques to make the bricks into walls,roofs and corridors.This creation attracted a lot of attention thanks to its mixture of modern and traditional Chinese elements (元素)Wangs works show a deep understanding of modern architecture and a good knowledge of traditions.Through such a balance,he had created a new type of Chinese architecture,said Tadao Ando,the winner of the 1995 Pritzker Prize.Wang believes traditions should not be sealed in glass boxes at museums.“That is only evidence that traditions once existed,”he said.“Many Chinese people have a misunderstanding of traditions.They think tradition means old things from the past.In fact, tradition also refers to the things that have been developing and that are still being created,”he said.“Today,many Chinese people are learning Western styles and theories rather than focusing on Chinese traditions.Many people tend to talk about traditions without knowing what they really are,”said Wang.The study of traditions should be combined with practice.Otherwise,the recreation of traditions would be artificial and empty,he said.【语篇解读】本文报道了中国建筑设计师王澍在其作品中弘扬中国传统文化,最终荣获素有“建筑学界诺贝尔奖”之称的普利兹克建筑奖。1Wangs winning of the prize means that Chinese architects are Afollowing the latest world trendBgetting international recognitionCworking harder than ever beforeDrelying on foreign architectsB根据第二段中的“Wang Shu,a 49yearold Chinese architect, won the 2012 Pritzker Architecture Prizewhich is often referred to as the Nobel Prize in architectureon February 28.”可知,中国49岁的建筑师王澍获得了2012年普利兹克建筑奖,即他的作品赢得了国际的认同和肯定,故选B。A项曲解文意。王澍获奖并不意味着中国的建筑设计师正紧跟世界最新潮流;C项和D项均属无中生有,与文中信息不符。2What impressed visitors to the CAA Xiangshan campus most?AIts hilly environment.BIts large size.CIts unique style.DIts diverse functions.C根据第四段中的“The style of the campus is quite different from that of most Chinese universities.”和“The curves(曲线)of the buildings perfectly match the rise and fall of hills,forming a unique view.”可知,杭州香山学院的建筑风格与中国其他大学的校园建筑有很大差异,建筑曲线与山峦起伏完美融合,形成了一道独特的风景。故选C。A项“Its hilly environment”(丘陵环境)曲解文意;B项和D项属无中生有。3What made Wangs architectural design a success?AThe mixture of different shapes.BThe balance of East and West.CThe use of popular techniques.DThe harmony of old and new.D根据第五段中的“This creation attracted a lot of attention thanks to its mixture of modern and traditional Chinese elements(元素)”可知,王澍的作品之所以引起了广泛的关注,是因为他在作品中将中国建筑的传统和现代元素进行了有机融合,构成了传统与现代的和谐,故选D。A项曲解文意,是传统与现代元素的融合而非不同形状的混合,B项指中西建筑文化的平衡,C项为时尚技术的运用,均不符合文意。4What should we do about Chinese traditions according to Wang?ASpread them to the world.BPreserve them at museums.CTeach them in universities.DRecreate them in practice.D根据最后一段可知,中国的传统应该与实践紧密联系,否则它的再创造就会是不自然的、无意义的。故选D。A项“Spread them to the world”,属无中生有;B项将其保存在博物馆,属于颠倒是非;文章以大学校园为例说明建筑艺术的规划,而非在大学里教授传统建筑艺术,故C项错误。.完形填空 There was a man who lived a very wealthy life.Once he made a few 1 business decisions,which made his business fail.Then he lost his 2 and he was no longer a wealthy person.All he had was a small cottage(小屋),and he became a shopkeeper. 3 he made a living,he couldnt forget his great time as a businessman.He always thought of his 4 days.And he longed for(渴望)the 5 once he had.After several years as a 6 ,a fire burned his cottage down and 7 his possessions(财产)Then he sold his garden and bought a 8 and a wagon(货车)He became a transporter of small 9 He had difficulty making enough money and was often 10 of food.And he always thought back to the days when he was a shopkeeper.Then one day his horse got 11 and died,so the man became a porter(行李搬运工)He had to 12 heavy things and still had very little to eat.He always 13 the days when he had a horse and a wagon to transport goods as he thought of the days of doing business,and he 14 the horse and the wagon again.One day,as he carried goods,he 15 one of his friends of the past when he was a wealthy 16 .The friend was very 17 and said to him.“What has happened to your fortune?What happened to you when you had a(n) 18 house and great business?”“Oh,”said the man,“I have 19 once I have had all of those.Now I just long to go back to the time when I had a horse and a wagon to 20 the goods I was carrying.”【语篇解读】原本成功的商人屡遭失败,他没有反思而是一味地怀念过去。1A.commonBfairCsecret DbadD由下文“which made his business fail”可知,他做了几个糟糕的决定。2A.fortune BchanceCpower DhealthA由下文“and he was no longer a wealthy person”可知,他失去了他的财富。3A.Though BBecauseCBefore DUntilA由下文“he couldnt forget his great time as a businessman”可知,尽管他衣食无忧,但是他无法忘记他是商人的时候。4A.exciting BdangerousCearly DbusyC由上文他不能忘记曾经的日子可知答案。5A.peace BfreedomCsafety DlifeD由上文他对过去的怀念可知,此处是说他渴望过去的生活。6A.farmer BshopkeeperCgardener DchallengerB由下文“And he always thought back to the days when he was a shopkeeper.”可知答案。7A.won BgaveCstole DdestroyedD由上文“a fire burned his cottage down”可知,一场大火烧了他的小屋,毁了他的财产。8A.car BshopChouse DhorseD由下文“when he had a horse and a wagon”可知答案。9A.goods BplantsCanimals DstonesA他成为一个运送小商品的运货工。10A.afraid BshortCconfident DtiredB由上文“He had difficulty maki


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