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_Teaching Plan for Oxford English 2A M1Getting to know youM1U1 Hello教学设计说明学情分析:二年级学生经过一年多的英语学习,已经有了一定的词汇量,对英语学习产生了较为浓厚的学习兴趣,良好的学习习惯也在慢慢形成。学生们善于模仿,对儿歌、游戏、肢体表演等活动形式尤感兴趣。他们具备了基本的听说能力,能进行简短的日常对话交流。能进行简单的打招呼;能用高矮、大小等形容词对相关事物作出描述,在一年级曾接触、学习过数字1-6。模块教学任务分析:2AM1U1的学习主题是Getting to know you (慢慢认识你), 分别围绕Hello(你好),Im Danny(我是Danny)以及A new classmate(一个新同学)这三个与孩子学习生活息息相关的话题而展开。三个教学单元旨在帮助学生懂得如何与他人打招呼问候、介绍自己、形容自己和他人以及认识新朋友,了解新朋友。 本模块从简单的打招呼延伸到问候他人,从了解自身的特点转向了他人特点的了解。此外,通过本模块的学习,旨在鼓励学生逐步养成礼貌待人、友爱同学的好品质,逐步养成懂礼貌,尊重他人的好品质。单元教学任务分析:2AM1U1的单元主题是Hello(你好)。通过本单元学习,学生能初步运用Good morning/ afternoon/ evening/ night. 等四个不同时间的打招呼方式,利用太阳的位置变化及各种图标来学会观察,逐渐巩固四个不同时间段的招呼用语,进而能结合How are you?来问候对方;在区分Hello和How are you? 这两种不同的招呼方式的同时,学会用Im fine. 来回答,学会有礼貌,懂得礼貌待人。此外,本单元还要求学生能准确认读、书写字母Aa和Bb。单元教学设计思考:第一课时,以四个不同的时间中Alice与家人、老师之间发生的对话而展开,结合已学的句型,学习Good morning/ afternoon/ evening/ night四种招呼用语,鼓励学生在生活中要像Alice一样做一个有礼貌的好孩子。第二课时,在复习本单元核心词汇的基础上,延续课时情境,借助场景(Alice和妈妈散步时遇见了Miss Fang),通过三人间的打招呼进一步学习句型How are you? 以及回答:Im fine. 鼓励学生在生活中学会礼貌待人。第三课时,介绍了Eddie的一天生活,通过Eddie在不同时间段与妈妈招呼方式,进一步感受语言、操练新学、运用新学,在表演中体会与人礼貌相对的乐趣。 单元课时项目和话题:课时话题项目来源Period 1A good girl Alice (1)Learn the letters & Look and learn & Pay a gamePeriod 2A good girl Alice (2)Look and say & Listen and enjoyPeriod 3A good boy EddieSay and act单元课时处理:课时话题词汇学习运用句型学习运用综合能力运用第一课时A good girl Alice(1)初步认知表示时间的词汇,如:morning, afternoon, evening, night等。初步运用如下招呼用语:Good morning.Good afternoon.Good evening.Good night.1能初步感知、理解和运用四个表示时间的词汇。2学习并初步运用如下招呼用语:Good morning/ afternoon/ evening/ night.等。3了解不同时间的不同问候语,感受礼貌待人。第二课时A good girl Alice (2)复习单元核心词汇,学习拓展如下词汇:fine, Mrs等。1学习并初步感受、操练如下问候语:How are you?Im fine, thank you. 2结合第一课时的打招呼方式,进行完整的问候对话:A:Good morning / afternoon / evening / night. B:Good morning/afternoon/ evening/ night.A: How are you?B:Im fine. Thank you. 1进一步操练与运用单元核心词汇和核心句型。2学习运用How are you?问候对方,并能用Im fine. Thank you .来回答。3结合Good morning / afternoon / evening.等招呼方式,进行完整的对话问候。4在问候与交流中进一步体会礼貌待人。第三课时A good boy Eddie1复习本单元核心词汇2初步学习very well1复习运用本单元核心词汇及句型,能进行相关对话。2能初步学习、感受与操练How are you? 的另一种回答:Im very well. 1复习操练本单元的核心单词与句型。2尝试表演Say and act的情景对话。3在问候与交流中懂得礼貌待人。第一课时教学目标:1能初步感知、理解和运用四个表示时间的词汇,如:morning/ afternoon/ evening/ night等。2能学习、感受、操练如下招呼用语:Good morning/ afternoon/ evening/ night.等。3懂得不同时间不同的问候语,感受礼貌待人。4初步学习、书写训练Aa和Bb。 Topic:A good girl AliceProcedureContentsMethodsPurposePre-task preparationGreeting1) Greet to others.2) Listen to Alice and show the situation.从介绍Alice的自我介绍来引出本课的主人公。While-task procedureNew word:morningNew sentence:Good morning.1-1 Listen and enjoyLearn the word: Mr. Sun Ask sts to sing Ask sts to listen and draw the sun.Say hello to Mr. Sun.Read and spell : Mr.Mr. Sun is red/ hot /happy/ in the skyHello, Mr. Sun.Nice to see you , Mr. Sun 1-2 Learn the word:Morning( Mr. Sun is near the sea. When is it? How is Mr. sun?. 1-3 Learn the sentence: Good morning.1-4 Try to greet.1-5 Sing a song.1-6 Say and act. Read and spell: morning Good morning, Mr. Sun.Mr. Sun is happy.先聆听,让学生自己来(模糊地)获取单词的发音,再经过老师的教授来学习新单词新句子,明白其含义。用熟悉的歌曲,引出今天小故事的主人公,太阳公公。通过图片的演示来引入单词图片上太阳的位置变化,将已学单词的教授清晰化,让学生的形象感知深刻化区分上午和下午巩固所学。通过聆听来学习新单词,简单的小游戏激发学生学习兴趣让学生扮演小动物与太阳先生打招呼,操练句型,生动又有趣。一首简单的诗朗诵,配上音乐一齐跟教师读一读,感受夜晚的宁静美好。对比Good evening和Good night 时间段上的区别,要求学生打完招呼之后就去睡觉,加深对Good night.的理解。根据照片上的实际情况,让学生判断各个时间段。整体认识和熟悉小故事,有感情的朗读和对话。New word :afternoonNew sentence:Good afternoon.2-1 Listen and enjoy.2-2 Learn the word: Afternoon(Mr. Sun is high in the sky.Mr. Sun is wearing the sunglasses. When is it? How is Mr. Sun?.2-3 Say a chant.2-4 Make a dialogue. Good afternoon, Mr. Sun. Mr. Sun is hot.2-5 Play a game.2-6 Make a comparation.2-7 Say and act.New word:eveningNew sentence:Good evening.4-1 Listen and enjoy.Now Mr. Sun is under the mountain. And Mr. Sun has worked for a day, so How is he? And now is Good evening, Mr. Sun. Mr. Sun is tired.4-2 Listen and follow.4-3 Learn the word: evening4-4 Make a choice.4-5 Work in pairs.New word:nightNew sentence:Good night.5-1 Listen and enjoy.5-2 Lear the word: nightNow what can you see? How is Mr. Sun? .5-3 Work in pairs.Good night, Mr. Sun.Mr. Sun is 5-4 Read a rhyme.5-5 Say and act.Post-task activitiesMore practice 1. Set the situation and ask sts to do quick response. Go to school.Good morning. Go home. Good afternoon. Have dinner.Good evening. Go to sleep.Good night.2. read the story3. Act out the story1. Enjoy the whole dialogue.2. Play a game: Golden eyes3. Make dialogues.4. Learn the letters Aa & BbDo quick response.Listen and followAct it in pairs.Assignment Read the new words(跟读新单词)Try to greet to your parents(尝试在不同的时间和父母打招呼) Read the dialogue(朗读对话材料) Try to read letters: Aa & Bb(朗读记忆字母Aa和Bb)分层练习,巩固新知;动口之余动脑,激发孩子们的好奇心和探索能力。板书设计2AM1U1 Hello A good girl Alice(1) Good morningA good girlafternooneveningnight教学反思第二课时教学目标:1进一步复习字母、操练与运用单元核心词汇和核心句型。2能初步学习、感受与操练How are you?来问候对方,并用Im fine. Thank you .来礼貌回答。3结合Good morning/afternoon/ evening等打招呼的方式,作一个完整的问候对话4在问候与交流中进一步体会礼貌待人。Topic:A good girl Alice(2)ProcedureContentsMethodsPurposePre-task preparation1. Greeting2. Revision1) Greet to others.2) Work in pairs.What colour is the sun in the morning/ afternoon/ evening/ at night? What do you do in the morning/ afternoon/ evening/ at night?3) Review and elicit.Review the story: Mr. Sun复习上一课时的核心内容。通过师生、生生间的问答,复习相关知识点,培养语言交际能力复习故事,检查学生掌握的情况。While-task procedurePart 1Mrs 1-1 Ask and answer.Invite Ss to be Mr. Sun. Choose one picture of the story and act it out, answer the question:1-2 Learn the word:Mrs To elicit: Mrs Sun. Compare with Mr. and Mrs.Spell the words: Mr/ Mrs.Boys and girls act the story in turns.1-3 Try to say: My mother is Act as the Sun. Let Ss ask the teacher: How are you, Mrs. Sun?To elicit: Im great.Do the match. Learn the sentences. Show the emotions while reading them. 1-4 Listen and follow.先聆听整体,感受整个故事。再分片段学习。通过反复聆听获取新的句型。在不同的场景下进行操练。通过聆听歌曲巩固所学。通过反复聆听操练句型,简单的小游戏激发学生学习兴趣根据自己的能力,挑选一张或多张图片说一说,演一演。把表情和句子进行归类,感性认识句子的含义和使用的情境。拓展学生的表达通过跟读、齐读、个别读等方法熟悉课文,并鼓励学生根据性别不同,改变角色、称呼和感觉,以小组合作进行改编。Part 2: How are you?Im fine. Thank you.2-1 Listen. 2-2 Learn new sentence: - How are you ? - Im fine. Thank you. 2-3 Say a chant.2-4 Make a dialogue.Act as the Sun. Let Ss ask the teacher: How are you, Mrs. Sun?To elicit: Im great.Match the sentences to the correct face. To elicit: Just so-so. Not too bad. Im bad.2-5 Say and act.2-6 Take a challenge. 1).Watch the flash. Follow it sentence by sentence. Then read it together. 2). Try to role-play the dialogue. 3) Act as Eddie, father, Mr Li, etc. Encourage Ss to make a new dialogue. 2-7 Enjoy a song.Part 3 3-1 Listen and enjoy.3-2 Listen and finish.3-3 Make a choice. Part 44-1 Listen and enjoy.4-2 Listen and follow.4-3 Listen and finish.4-4 Say and act.Post-task activitiesMore practice 1. Enjoy the story.Let Ss act out the dialogue in small groups.Great a new dialogue, act it out in small groups.2. Try to fill.3. Choose one or more pictures to act.4. Work in pairs.Assignment Read the dialogue(朗读对话材料) Try to make a dialogue:A: Good B: Good A: How ? B: Review the letters: Aa & Bb分层练习,巩固新知;动口之余动脑,激发孩子们的好奇心和探索能力。板书设计2AM1U1 Hello A good girl Alice(2)How are you?Mrs LiIm fine. Thank you.教学反思第三课时教学目标:1进一步复习字母、操练单元核心单词与句型。2尝试表演Say and act的情景对话。3在问候与交流中懂得礼貌待人。Topic:A good boy EddieProcedureContentsMethodsPurposePre-task preparation1. Greeting.2. Revision.1) Greet to others.2) Try to act.3) Ask and answer.复习上两个课时的核心内容。While-task procedurePart 1 Say and act1-1 Enjoy the video.Introduce Eddie to the class.Meet Eddie and say hello to Eddie.1-2 Listen and fill.Imitate the dialogue Eddies day with the help of the two puppets.Listen- look-understand.1-3 Try to act.Illustrate the meaning of the dialogue with the help of the puppets and the teachers body language.1-4 Listen and fill.1-5 Try to act.1-5 Listen and follow: today / very wellHave the Ss read along with the teacher and the recording.Focus on the pattern How are you? and express more responses.e.g. Not too bad.1-6 Say a chant.1-7 Listen and fill.1-8 Try to act.1-9 Act the whole story.先聆听整体,感受整个故事。再分片段学习。通过反复聆听获取新的句型。在不同的场景下进行操练。通过反复聆听操练句型,简单的小游戏激发学生学习兴趣根据自己的能力,挑选一张或多张图片说一说,演一演。小组活动提供语言交流渠道。对话表演培养学生自信表达。Part 2 Say the chant about Aa& BbPost-task activitiesMore practice. Do some exercises.Divide the class into several groups. Ask these groups to role-play the dialogue 1. Practise in groups.2. Act out the dialogue.Assignment Read


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