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_动名词(doing) =名词 动名词顾名思义就是动词的名词形式。或是名词化的”动词”.它既有动词的意思同时有具有名词的性质。也就是说名词可以做的句子成分,动名词就可以(主语,宾语,表语,定语)。 Eg: I enjoy swimming. 【宾语】 Swimming is fun. 【主语】 This is a swimming pool. =a pool for swimming【定语】 a swimming boy= a boy who is swimming My favourite sport is swimming.【表语】 =Swimming is my favourite sport.【主语】 doing主动形式被动形式一般式doingbeing done完成式having donehaving been done动名词和现在分词 在形式上只是拼写一样。但在句中所起的作用却截然不同。 The film is exciting. 【分词】 My favourite sport is swimming.【动名词】=Swimming is my favourite sport (“My favourite sport”=” swimming”) sleeping cars =cars for sleeping表目的 sleeping boys=boys who are sleeping 1. 做主语和表语:动名词做主语、表语通常表示一般、习惯性的或抽象的行为;不定式做主语、表语往往表示具体的或一次性的动作行为。在有些结构时两者区别不大。 Eg: Swimming is fun. My job is teaching English. 例题1). Its necessary to be prepared for a job interview. _ the answers ready will be of great help.A. To have had B. Having had C. Have D. Having 【D】2). The president would attend the meeting himself,_ gave them a great deal of encouragement. A. The president would attend B. The president to attend C. The president attended D. The presidents attending 【D】3) How about the two of us _ a walk down the garden?A. to take B. takeC. taking D. will take 【C】 * 动名词的动作发出者 如何表示? Would you mind my/me opening the window? I cant imagine my best friend/my best friends laughing at my work. I suggest Tom/toms coming early.I suggest that he should come early. The presidents attending the meeting himself gave them a great deal of encouragement. That the president attended the meeting himself gave them a great deal of encouragement. It is dangerous for children to swim alone.I open the door to come in.I open the door for them to come in.不定式的逻辑主语用for 引出 It was a great deal of encouragement to them for the president to attend the meeting himself. 2. 作宾语:常跟动名词做宾语的动词和短语有:avoid, understand, appreciate, enjoy, imagine, mind, admit, practise, suggest, consider(考虑), delay, keep, allow, permit, forbid, look forward to , cant help(情不自禁) ,be/get /become used to(习惯于) , devote to , lead to例题 4). It is difficult to imagine his _ the decision without any consideration.A. accept B. accepting C. to accept D. accepted【B】 5). I cant stand _ with Jane in the same office. She just refuses _ talking while she works.A.working; stoppingB. to work; stoppingC. working; to stop D. to work; to stop【C】 动名词常见考点: 动名词的实质就是名词化的动词。同时可以带有自己的宾语和状语。 eg: Dancing is fun. My job is teaching English. I like teaching English in Class 15/16. 动名词的变形 eg: He denied having been there. I remember being taken to Beijing as a small boy. 动名词的逻辑主语 eg: Would you mind my/me opening the window? I suggest his/him taking Mikes place.动名词的否定形式 (sbs) not doing eg: Tom was sorry for his not coming on time. remember to do/ doing forget/try/stop/mean/regret/cant help 有关动名词一些重点句型或结构 “见目标” 【例题】 注意非谓语三步走:结构;主被动;时态 1. I really cant understand _ her like that. A. you treat B. you to treat C. why treat D. you treating2. Little Jim should love _ to the theater this evening. A. to be taken B. to take C. being taken D. Taking3. The host held the party without _Tom. A. invited B. had invitedC. inviting D. being invited4. Tom came to the party without _ by the host. A. invited B. invitingC. having invited D. being invited5. Tom was very unhappy for _ to the party. A. having not been invited B. not having invited C. having not invited D. not having been invited6. Our monitor suggested _ a discussion of this subject. A. to have B. should have C. have D. having 7. We think the film is _. A. worth to see B. worthy of seeing C. worth seeing D. worthy to see 8. - Lets have a break. -Not now, I dont want _ yet. A. to stop study B. stopping to studying C. to stop studying D. stopping studying9. -You should say sorry to your brother. - Yes, I regret _ with him. A. quarreling B. quarrelled C. to quarrel D. to have quarrelled10. The sick woman needs _ after. A. looking B. to look C. being looked D. to be looked11. -What do you think made Jim so happy? -_ by his teacher. A. praising B. Praised C. Praise D. Being praised12. Mary has been _ her job but she hasnt decided yet. A. considering changing B. considered changing C. considering to change D. considered to have changed13. Cai lun was considered _ paper the first in the world. A. inventing B. having inventedC. to invent D. to have invented14. - The light in the office is still on. - Oh, I forgot _. A. turning it off B. turn it offC. to turn it off D. having turned it off15. They now regret _ so soon. A. get B. getting C. to get D. to have got16. I am sorry for _ ahead of time. A. letting you not know B. not letting you know C. letting you know not D. letting not you know17. The day I have been looking forward to is _. A. coming B. is coming C. was coming D. Came18. The day I looked forward to _ at last. A. coming B. is coming C. was coming D. Came19. That day I looked forward to _ , but I was too busy. A. coming B. is coming C. was coming D. Came20. He has always insisted on _ Dr Turner instead of Mr Turner. A. he should be called B. he is called C. his called D. his being called21. While shopping, people sometimes cant help _ into buying something they dont really need. A. to persuade B. persuading C. being persuaded D. Persuade22. She cant help _ the house because shes busy making cakes. A. to clean B. cleaningC. cleaned D. being cleaned23. What worried the child most was _ to visit his mother in hospital. A. his not allowing B. his not being allowed C. his being not alloweds D. having not been allowed Answers: 1-5 D A C D D 6-10 D C C A A/D 11-15 D A D C B 16-20 B A D A D 21-23 C A B()1.Theheavysnowstoppedus_.A.playingfootballB.fromplayingfootballC.toplayfootballD.playfootball()2.Thanksalotfor_us.A.comingandhelpB.comingandhelpingC.comeandhelpD.comingtohelp()3.Thebabykept_allnight.A.cryB.tocryC.cryingD.cries()4.Canyoufinish_thestorybookinaweek?A.readB.readsC.readingD.toread()5.Tomenjoys_.A.boatingandswimmingB.toboatandswimC.boatandswimD.boatingandswim()6.Maryoftengoes_withherfriendsatweekend.A.danceB.dancesC.dancingD.todance()7.Whatabout_tomorrow?A.skateB.skatingC.toskateD.skates()8.Therearesomeboys_ontheplayground.A.playingfootballB.toplayfootballC.playingthefootballD.toplaythefootball()9.MissGreenfoundTom_inthelake.A.swimB.swimsC.swimmingD.toswim)10.Thestudentsarebusy_thefloorand_thewindows.A.mopping;cleaningB.tomop;tocleanC.tomop;cleaningD.mopping;toclean()11.Thestudentsdidnthavearestandwenton_trees.A.toplantB.plantingC.plantedD.plants()12.Maryisveryhungr12.Shefeelslike_somebread.A.toeatB.eatC.eatingD.ate()13.MissGreenhasmanywaysof_herclassesinteresting.A.makeB.makesC.makingD.made()14.Tomsmotheralwaysaskshimtospendmoretime_andnottowastemuchtime_.A.studying;toplayB.tostudy;playingC.tostudy;toplayD.studying;playing()15.Tom,itstoolate.Stop_TVandgotobed.A.watchingB.watchesC.towatchD.watched()16.Mygrandpaenjoys_stampsand_.A.tocollect;fishB.collecting;fishingC.collecting;fishD.collecting;tofish动名词专项练习题 、单项选择: 1. No one enjoys _ at. A. laughing B. to laugh C. being laughed D. to be laughed 2. You must do something to prevent your house _. A. to be broken in B. from being broken in C. to break in D. from breaking in 3. They insisted on _ another chance to try. A. given B. giving C. being given D. to be given 4. - Where is my passport? I remember _ it here. - You shouldnt have left it here. Remember _ it with you all the time. A. to put;to take B. putting;taking C. putting;to take D. to put;taking 5. His room needs _, so he must have it _. A. painting;painted B. painted;painting C. painting;painting D. painted;painted 6. After finishing his homework he went on _ a letter to his parents. A. write B. writing C. wrote D. to write 7. The young trees we planted last week require _ with great care. A. looking after B. to look after C. to be looked after D. taken good care of 8. Only _ English doesnt mean _ the language. A. to learn;to learn B. learning;learning C. learning about;learn D. learning about;learning 9. She returned home only to find the door open and something _. A. missed B. to be missing C. missing D. to be missed 10. She decided to devote herself _ the problem of old age. A. to study B. studying C. to studying D. study 11. Remember _ the newspaper when you have finished it.A. putting back B. put back C. to put back D. be put back 12. As she is looking forward to _ from me, please remember _ this letter on your way to school. A. hear;post B. hearing;to post C. be heard;posting D. be hearing;to posting 13. Grandma said that she had a lot of trouble _ your handwriting. A. to read B. to see C. reading C. in seeing 14. Writing stories and articles _ what I enjoy most. A. is B. are C. was D. were 15. We appreciate _ us to the ball. A. them to invite B. to invite C. their inviting D. being invited 16. Would you mind _ quiet for a moment? Im trying _ a form. A. keeping;filling out B. to keep;to fill out C. keeping;to fill out D. to keep;filling out 17. He was afraid _ for being late. A. of seeing B. of being seen C. to be seen D. to have seen 18. Id like to suggest _ the meeting till next week. A. to put off B. putting off C. put off D. to be put off 19. I dont see how I could possibly manage _ the work without _. A. finish;helping B. to finish;being helped C. finishing;helping D. finishing;being helped 20. Anything worth _ is worthy of _ well. A. doing;being done B. doing;doing C. to be done;to be done D. to be done;being done 21. We advised them to take a re 159 st, but they insisted _ the work. A. finish B. to finish C. in finishing D. on finishing 22. I delayed _ your letter because I had been away for a week. A. answer B. answering C. writing D. to post 23. The thief drove as fast as he could to escape _ by the police. A. to be caught B. be caught C. being caught D. catching 24. I searched for my wallet and it wasnt there. At first, I thought I _ it at home. Then I remembered _ it out to pay for the taxi. A. must have left;to take B. may leave;taking C. might leave;to take D. could have left;taking 25. _ the news of his fathers death, he burst into tears. A. After hearing B. On hearing C. While hearing D. Having heard 26. _ his mother, the baby could not help _. A. To see;to laugh B. Seeing;to laugh C. Seeing;laughing D. To see;laughing 27. Its no use _ so much money on clothes. A. spend B. spent C. spending D. being spent 28. The sentence needs _. A. improve B. a improvement C. improving D. improved 29. If he succeeded _ a job, his children wouldnt be suffering from hunger now. A. to find B. to look for C. in finding D. in looking for 30. I still remember _ to my home town when I was young. A. taking B. taken C. being taken D. to take 、填入动名词的适当形式: 1. Can you imagine yourself _ in a lonely island? (stay) 2. I cant understand your _ at that poor child. (laugh) 3. She didnt mind _ overtime. (work) 4. To make a living, he tried _, _, and various other things, but he had failed in all. (write; paint) 5. We are looking forward to


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