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Unit 1 Whats the matter?,单元自我综合评价一,单元自我综合评价一 测试范围:Unit 1 时间:40分钟 满分:100分,Unit 1 Whats the matter?,( )1. _ the matter with him? He _ a cold. AHows; has BWhats; has CHows; have DWhats; have,. 单项填空(共15小题;每小题2分,共30分),B,单元自我综合评价一,( )2. Id like a cup of tea _ milk. Athan Bfor Cwith Dto,C,【解析】 with在此处表示“带有”。故选C。,单元自我综合评价一,( )3. I hope youll be better soon. _ AThank you BThe same to you CIt doesnt matter DI will,A,( )4. The doctors said they had to _ his left arm because it was badly hurt. Acut up Bcut off Ccut down Dcut for,B,单元自我综合评价一,【解析】 cut up意为“切碎”;cut off意为“切除”;cut down 意为“砍倒”;无cut for搭配。根据句意可知选B。,( )5. You shouldnt drink _ water before sleep. Atoo much Btoo many Cmuch too Dmany too,( )6. Did you catch your plane? Yes. We got there just_ Aat time Bat times Cin time Dat a time,A,【解析】 water为不可数名词,用too much修饰。,单元自我综合评价一,【解析】 at times 意为“有时”;in time 意为“及时”;at a time 意为“每次;一次”;无at time搭配。由句意可知选C。,C,( )8. You should leave now _ you can catch the early bus. Aas soon as Bso that Cbecause Dalthough,( )7. The boy _ that he was not _ Asaid; free enough Bsay; free enough Csays; enough free Dsaid; enough free,A,B,单元自我综合评价一,【解析】 enough修饰形容词时要后置,排除C、D;若选B,say应改为says。故选A。,( )9. The little girl knows only _ English, but she can sing _ English songs. Alittle; few Bfew; little Ca little; a few Da little; few ( )10.We cant live _ air or water. Awith Bhave Chas Dwithout,C,D,单元自我综合评价一,( ) 11.It is very important for us to be in _ of our own life. Adecision Bcontrol Cmind Dspirit,B,C,单元自我综合评价一,【解析】考查固定词组的用法。be in control of意为“控制”。,( ) 12. To her _, she met her parents in the office. Asurprised Bsurprising Csurprise Dsurprises,( ) 14.I have problems _ the work. Can you help me? Sure. Ato finishing Bfinish Cto finish Dfinishing,( ) 13.Youre late again. You _ get up so late. Ashould Bneed Cshouldnt Dneednt,C,D,单元自我综合评价一,【解析】考查固定词组的用法。have problems (in) doing sth. 意为“做某事有困难”。,( ) 15.History is very hard for him, but he doesnt _ Agive it up Bgive up it Cgive them up Dgive up them,A,单元自我综合评价一,【解析】动副结构短语give up后接代词作宾语时,代词要放在give与up之间;history要用it代替。,. 完形填空(共10小题;每小题2分,共20分),Julia was a lovely girl. She had big problems with her eyes. To learn what the _16_ was, her parents took her to many doctors. When Julia was 10 months old, she had her first surgery(手术)But her situation wasnt _17_ Because of her eyes, Julia wasnt able to _18_ her body well. It took her much more time to learn easy things like standing up. By the time she was 15 months old, her parents were worried and sad, _19_,单元自我综合评价一,the surgeries and medicine didnt work. And the doctor found out the problem was her corneas (眼角膜)Julia needed new corneas. Her parents didnt _20_ hope. One day,Julias mom found out the information about “artificial (人工的) cornea surgery” on the Internet. Doing the surgery _21_ take a risk,but they thought they should have a try for Julia. After making the _22_, they took her to the doctor.,单元自我综合评价一,After the surgery, Julia was able to see. She began walking by 23. She was much happier than before. Her _24_ and body were much better. “Thanks _25_ the doctor and the surgery,Julia is healthy now,” her mother said.,单元自我综合评价一,( )17. A. better Bbest Cworse Dworst,( )16. A. talent Bmatter Cevent Dexperience,B,A,单元自我综合评价一,【解析】句意:当Julia 10个月大时,她做了第一次手术,但情况并没有好转。,( )18. A. solve Borganize Ccontrol Dcatch,【解析】由下文“It took her much more time to learn easy things like standing up.”可知,因为眼睛的问题,所以她不能控制自己的身体,像站立这样简单的事情都要花她很多的时间。,C,( )20. A. give away Bgive in Cgive up Dgive out,( )19. A. though Bif Cso Dbecause,D,C,单元自我综合评价一,( )21. A. should Bmight Cneednt Dcant,【解析】might在句中表猜测,意为“可能”。句意:做这次手术可能冒险,但他们认为他们应该为Julia尝试一下。,B,( )22. A.promise Bexample Cdecision Dmeeting,C,( )24. A.spirit Bstomach Cpeace Dheart,( )23. A. her Bit Citself Dherself,D,A,单元自我综合评价一,【解析】由前文“After the surgery, Julia was able to see. She began walking by herself.She was much happier than before.”可知,Julia 做完手术后,能独自走路,比以前开心多了。所以,她身心愉快。故选A。,( )25. A. for Bwith Cto Din,C,【解析】thanks to 意为“幸亏,由于”。句意:幸亏这位医生和这次手术,Julia现在很健康。,.阅读理解(共5小题;每小题3分,共15分),Many years ago, in a small town, there lived a doctor. He was good and kind. At any time of day and night, he was always ready to go and help sick people. Everyone in the town liked him and people always went to him when there was something wrong with them. But many years passed and the doctor became old. He began to lose his memory(失去记忆)This made him do foolish things sometimes. When people noticed(注意到) this, they did not go to him anymore.,单元自我综合评价一,“He may give us the wrong medicine,” they said and they were afraid. “Why does no one come to me now?” he wondered. But no one wanted to tell him because they did not want to hurt the good old man, so they said,“You have cured(治愈) all the sick people in the town. There is no one sick now.” The doctor was pleased when he heard that and he went away happily.,单元自我综合评价一,( ) 26.The doctor lived_ Ain a city Bin a village Cin a holiday Din a town,D,单元自我综合评价一,( ) 27.People didnt go to the doctor anymore because_ Ahe might give them the wrong medicine Bhe didnt want to see them Cthey were afraid of him Dhe didnt want to cure them,A,单元自我综合评价一,( ) 28.When the doctor heard what people said,he _ Awas worried Bwas pleased Cwas surprised Dwas sorry,B,单元自我综合评价一,( ) 29.The doctor _ Awas not kind to the sick people Bbelieved what the people told him Calways gave the wrong medicine Dwas quite foolish,B,单元自我综合评价一,( ) 30.Why didnt people tell the truth(事实) to the doctor? ABecause they didnt need to tell him the truth. BBecause the doctor didnt like to listen to them. CBecause they didnt want to hurt the old doctor. DBecause they were angry with the doctor.,C,单元自我综合评价一,.词语运用(共10小题;每小题1分,共10分),31Dont worry about Linda. She can look after_ well. 32Many students dont know the_ of studying until they leave school. 33He used one of the_ to cut off the rope. 34The man was tired, so he stopped_ for half an hour. 35The last bus has gone. It means we have to _ home.,单元自我综合评价一,(A)用方框中所给单词的适当形式填空。,she, walk, important, rest, knife,herself,importance,knives,to rest,walk,36The little girl wants to be a _ (护士) when she grows up. 37The mountain is covered with a big _ (岩石) 38We should know how to _ (控制) our feelings when we ar


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