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第17章 重点回顾,1、试述肾单位(nephron)的组成和各部分的功能。 2、试述肾小管各段的结构特点和功能。 3、球旁复合体(juxtaglomerular complex)的组成及各部分的结构和功能? 4、名词解释:滤过屏障(filtration barrier) 、泌尿小管(uriniferous tubule )、髓袢。,Chapter 18 The Male Reproductive System (男性生殖系统) 组胚教研室: 杜长青讲师 泰山医学院,Composition(组成),reproductive gland (生殖腺): testis(睾丸)产生精子和性激素。 genital ducts: epididymis(附睾):精子储存和成熟 (生殖管道) ductus deferens(输精管) ejaculatory duct(射精管) urethra(尿道) accessory glands: seminal vesicles (精囊) (附属腺 ) prostate gland (前列腺) bulbourethral gland(尿道球腺) external genitalia : (外生殖器),Testis,epididymis,ductus deferens,prostate gland,seminal vesicles,bulbourethral gland,urethra,1.The Testis(睾丸) (1)General construction(一般结构):,tunica vaginalis(睾丸鞘膜),lobuli testis(睾丸小叶),tunica albuginea,鞘膜壁层,seminiferous tubules,tubulus rectus,rete testis,efferent duct,epididymal duct,(一)生精小管(Seminiferous tubules) :产生精子 (二)间质细胞:分泌雄激素。,生精小管(seminiferous tubule): 结缔组织(CT) 基膜(basal lamina ) 和肌样细胞(myoid cells ) 生精上皮(seminiferous epithelium ):,seminiferous epithelium(生精上皮),spermatogonium(精原细胞), 46,XY primary spermatocyte(初级精母细胞) 1、spermatogenic cells secondary spermatocyte(次级精母细胞) spermatid(精子细胞),23,X or 23,Y spermatozoon(精子), 23,X or 23,Y 2、 Sertoli cells(or sustentacular cells 支持细胞 ),第一次减数分裂 (meiosis),46,XY,第二次减数分裂,23,X or 23,Y,(cycles of the epithelium 生精周期,644.5d),(生精细胞),46XY 4N(DNA),2N,精子细胞的发生,次级精母细胞,精子 细胞,初级精母细胞,精原细胞,精子发生(spermatogenesis): 从精原细胞到形成精子的过程。,1)精原细胞(spermatogonium):,primitive germ cells. are small round cells. are situated on the basal lamina(基膜). include type A and type B spermatogonia.,A,B,精原细胞:,A型,B型,A型,分化,分裂,2)初级精母细胞(primary spermatocyte) :,they are the largest cells located above the spermatogonia. have large nuclei whose chromosomes are in various meiotic(减数分裂) stages .,3)次级精母细胞(secondary spermatocyte),They are smaller cells ; are not easily seen in the sections of the testis because they are short-lived( quickly enter the second meiotic division ).,4)精子细胞(spermatid):,Spermatids are small cells(d 7-8um); almost near the lumen . 精子形成(spermiogenesis) : 精子细胞经历形态变 化,变态成精子的过程。,Spermiogenesis精子形成 :The spermatids go through an elaborate process of cytodifferentiation, producing spermatozoa.,顶体形成 核的浓缩拉长 鞭毛形成 线粒体鞘形成 多余胞质的丢失,(Middle piece),(The neck or cervical piece ),Immobile cilia syndrome,进展:精子为什么易受损伤?,1、环境因素的变化,特别是长期接触低剂量的具有雌激素活性的物质。 2、精子的生物学特点:由于精子变态过程中丢失大量胞质,胞质中的DNA修复酶丢失,使DNA的损伤得不到修复。 3、精子对有毒物质更为敏感。 4、Y染色体携带的基因更易突变。,Clinical correlation,A failure division resulting in male offspring with one or more extra X-chromosomes (XXY, XXXY) (Klinefelter,s syndrome); these men have long legs and small firm testes with no spermatogenesis, and they may have enlarged mammary glands.,2. 支持细胞(sustentacular cell or sertoli cell 塞托利细胞) (1)形态结构,(2) Function:,A. 支持、营养; B. 吞噬; C.分泌: 1.睾丸液, 2.雄激素结合蛋白(ABP), 3. 抑制素 (inhibin), 4.抗中肾旁管激素 连续毛细血管壁 D.构成血睾屏障 结缔组织 (blood-testis barrier) 生精小管基膜 支持细胞间的紧密连接 血睾屏障功能:,(二) Interstitial tissue (间质),Interstitial cells(间质细胞)or legdig cells 1)Location: 2)Morphology: 3) Function: To secret testosterone 睾酮 (androgen雄激素).,(三)tubuli tecti and rete testis (直精小管和睾丸网),The tubulus rectus,The rete testis,睾丸网、输出小管和附睾,二 . 生殖管道( epididymis),1、附睾 分头、体、尾三部分。 结构: (1)输出小管上皮由高柱状和低柱状细胞群相间排列,腔不规则。 (2)附睾管上皮由高柱状细胞和基细胞组成,腔规则,其内见大量精子。,2. Functions,精子达生理性成熟: (1)分泌多种物质: 前向运动蛋白 糖蛋白 制动素 顶体稳定因子 肉毒碱、甘油磷酸胆碱、唾液酸等。 (2) 吸收浓缩: (3) 保护:血附睾屏障-位于主细胞近腔面的紧密连接处。,三、Accessory genital glands,Composition the seminal vesicles(60%) the prostate(20%) the bulbourethral glands (3%).,前列腺,前列腺,被膜:C.T.+ 平滑肌,上皮:多样化(单立、单柱、假 复层) 腔:不规则,皱襞,起伏不平 凝固小体、结石,腺泡,间质:D.C.T. ,平滑肌丰富,复管泡状腺,(3)功能: 分泌前列腺液: Zn、柠檬酸盐、酸性磷酸酶、纤维蛋白溶酶等。 前列腺液中含蛋白分解酶、透明质 酶、前列腺特异性抗原等,有助于精夜液化,及精子穿过宫颈粘液。,Clinical correlation,Benign prostatic hypertrophy(前列腺肥大) It is present in 50% of men more than 50 year of age and on 95%of men more than 70 years of age. It leads to obstruction of the urethra with clinical symptoms in only 5-10%of cases. Malignant prostatic tumor is the second most common form of cancer in men and the third leading cause of cancer deaths .,精液(semen),附属腺和生殖管道的分泌液(95%)以及精子共同组成精液(semen)。PH 7.28.9 一般3-5ml/time,1亿-2亿精子/ml精液, 若400万精子/ml精液,或畸形精子超过40%,或精子运动能力低下,则不易受精。 人射出的精液呈胶冻状,15 20
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