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Unit 2 Where is the post office ?,Is there a post office near here?,Yes, there is.,post office,library,Is there a ?,hotel,Is there a ?,restaurant,Is there a ?,Is there a .?,bank,supermarket,Is there a ?,avenue(ave),street(st),Is there a ?,pay phone,park,Is there a ?,bridge,Is there a?,bookstore,Is there a ?,hospital,Is there a ?,market,Is there a ?,Are there any banks?,Yes, there are./No, there arent,Are there any bookstores near here?,Are there any hospitals near here?,post office library hotel restaurant bank supermarket pay phone park Center St/Street Fifth Ave,邮局 图书馆 旅店/宾馆 餐馆/饭店 银行 超市 公用电话 公园 中心大街 第五大道,New words,1a,post office _ library _ hotel _ restaurant _ bank _ supermarket _ street _ pay phone _ park _,f,a,e,i,c,b,h,g,d,用There be句型描述图中建筑物的位置,There is a restaurant, a library and supermarket on FIFTH AVE. There is a post office ,a hotel and some cars on BRIDGE ST. There is a bank on CENTER ST.,Is there ?,Is there a bank near park?,Yes, there is.Its on Center Street.,New dialogue,A :Is there a bank near here ? B:Yes ,there is. Its on Center Street. .,Is there a /an? Yes, there is./No, there isnt,Are there any .? Yes, there are./No, there arent,重点句型,on the box,under the box,in the box,-Wheres the soccer ball?,-Its the box.,-Wheres the soccer ball?,-Its _ the box.,near,-Wheres the soccer ball?,-Its _ the box.,next to,-Wheres the soccer ball?,-Its _ the box.,in front of,-Wheres the soccer ball?,-Its _ the box.,behind,-Where is the soccer ball?,-Its _ the box.,across from,big,small,-Where is the soccer ball?,-Its _,between the big box and the small box.,school,pay phone,Bridge Street,park,bank,library,hotel,hospital,supermarket,-Wheres the ? -Its ,Look at the picture. Theres a school in the picture. Its_ School Street. The book store is_ the school. The bank is _ _ the school. The pay phone is_ the school and the hospital. Can you see the post office? Its_ _the school. There is a supermarket. Its_ _ _ the park.,on,behind,next to,between,across from,in front of,Where are Paul and Nancy?,Bridge Street,New Street,bank,hotel,supermarket,post office,park,restaurant,pay phone,A,B,C,D,-Excuse me.Is there a hospital in the neighborhood?,-Yes, there is. Just go straight and turn right. Its down Center Street on the right.,Center ST,-Excuse me.Is there a hotel in the neighborhood?,-Yes, there is. Just go straight down Bridge Street and turn left . The hotel is on the left. Its across from the bank.,HOTEL,Bridge ST,BANK,G,B,F,D,C,E,A,PARK STREET,You are at A. Go straight down the Park Street. Its on the right. Now you are at _. You are at A. Go straight and turn right. Its dow


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