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Unit19,Modern Agriculture,更多资源,Task 1: Brainstorming,What will you think of when you see the word “agriculture”?,agriculture,Step 1,water,farmer,tool,field,seed,machine,cotton,sugar,fish,%,%,Growth of major products 1991-95 compared with 1986-90 percentage,1. What is the graph about?,It is about the growth of the major farm products during the year 1991-95 compared with that of 1986-90.,2.What is shown on the x-axis and y-axis?,On the x-axis: the major farm products. On the y-axis: the percentages of growth.,3. Which farm product grew most during the first five years of the 1990s?,Fruit.,4. How much did it grow compared with that during the last five years of the 1980s?,90 percent.,更多资源,5. Which farm product grew least?,Grain.,6.If three million pigs, sheep and cattle were raised during the years from 1986 to 1990, how many were raised from 1991 to 1995?,4.9 million.,3. Further discussion What conclusion can you draw from the graph?,People eat more meat because of _,People eat more fish because eating fish does nt make them as _ as eating meat,People have a better knowledge of healthy diet so they eat more _.,Lead to,The changing eating habits,being rich,fat,fruit,The changing eating habits,Have effects on,Agriculture and nature,Such as,Need to raise more _,pigs,Need to grow more _,grain,Need more _ in which to raise fish,fishponds,Grow more fruit trees which will bear more fruits,Cut down forests,burn grass, use chemicals,Task4 Pre-listening,Agriculture depends on ?,Question: If we changed the structure of agriculture, what do you think will happen to the nature?,weather & climate,places,other natural resources,water,Floods or droughts, soil erosion.,Listen to the tape. The passage you hear talks about ( ) history of farming ( ) protection of nature ( ) environmental problems ( ) farmers in America ( ) farmers in China ( ) trees ( ) fishing ( ) pigs ( ) dikes,2 Which of the following sentences are true (T) and which are false (F)? 1 In early times farmers in China moved around and burnt forests . ( ) All farmers in South America burn forests to create farmland . ( ) Floods and droughts are disasters that farmers cannot stop. ( ) 4 Some of the land in China is too wet to grow crops.( ) 5 Fish farmers damage nature. ( ),T,F,F,T,F,dont damage nature.,Some,can,3 Listen to the tape and complete the sentences by using your own words. When farming goes against nature, _ problems are the result. The earliest farmers _ nature. Their way of agriculture led to _ and _ .It is an old truth that _ should not _ nature. The land that Tan and Xiao Zao bought was too _and could not be used for _ _ . instead they changed the fields into _ .On their farm they kept _ and grew _ .,environmental,destroyed,floods,droughts,farming,go against,wet,farming / growing crops,fishponds,fish / ducks / chickens,fruit trees,Listening text,Farming and nature are like two flowers on the same tree. When farming goes against nature, all kinds of environmental problems are the result. In ancient times, when people began using the land, farming was not as it is today. Early farmers moved around the country. They burnt a part of a forest and used this land for one or two years. When they could no longer grow crops on the land they moved on and repeated this somewhere else. Agriculture in this way destroys nature and results in floods and droughts. Some people in South America still practise this kind of farming.,Over the past twenty to twenty-five years, farmers have recognised some old truths, already known to ancient Chinese farmers. Farming should not go against nature. If the soil is too poor, chemicals can help improve it and grow better crops, but this may damage or destroy land surrounding the farms. Instead, farmers should look for other methods.In the early 16th century, brothers Tan and Xiao Zao of Jiangsu Province cheaply bought fields along lakes nobody wanted because they were too wet. They built dikes around the fields turning the fields into fish ponds and they became fish farmers.They also planted fruit trees on the dikes and kept chickens and ducks. They were very successful farmers.,Workbook Page 107,1.What is Helens job? 2.What do you think she is going to do? 3.What would she be doing every day in her job?,She is (probably) a fishwoman.,I think she is going to open the boxes and feed the fish. Or: I think she is on her way to the market to sell the fish.,1)go out in the boat and see if anything is caught in the nets 2) bring in the fish and throw out the nets for the next catch 3)the fish must be brought to land. 4)The fish should be kept in big boxes full of water, so they dont die.,1. We feed the _. 2. We _ the tanks(水箱). 3. We get _ out of the best of the _. 4. When the _ are big enough, we put them in _ in the sea. 5. When the _ have grown to the right size, we _ them, freeze them or_ them. 6. We take them by truck to the nearest _.,fish twice a day,produce our own fish from eggs in,the eggs,large fish,fish,cages,fish,harvest,smoke,market,Why do they have to tie the cages to the rocks on the bottom of the sea? Why do they smoke or freeze all the fish? 3. Why do they burn their own wood? 4. Why do they smoke their fish themselves?,The cages have to be tied to the bottom of the sea because it is windy.,Because the fish farm is a long way from the nearest market.,Because in that way they get a good strong smoke.,Because they get higher prices for smoked fish.,Listening text,Hello, my names Helen and I live on the west coast of Canada. I work on a fish farm. Right now Im feeding the fish, which are kept in cages in the sea. The cages are tied to the rocks on the bottom of the sea. It can get very windy here.Twice a day I put the fish food in the boat and go out to the cages. The fish are always hungry! When the fish have grown to the right size, we pull the cages out of the water. The fish are killed and cleaned. Our fish farm is a long way from the nearest market. So we either freeze the fish or smoke them. We dont salt any fish here. Some fish farms do, but we dont.,Three of us work here and theres always a lot to do. Inside that building over there we have tanks for the young fish. We produce all ou


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