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英语专题训练完成句子 根据括号内的汉语和句末括号内的英语单词提示完成句子。 例:When we _(起床) early in the morning, it was still dark. (get) 答案:got up,1.The children _ (被告戒不要花费)too much time in playing computer games. (tell) 2.The boy _(不到年龄)deal with such a difficult problem by himself. (be) 3.I like eating at home because my mother _(擅长烹饪).(be) 4.What _(使他不同)the rest of the students? (make) 5.My classmates told me that they _(玩得高兴)there. (enjoy),not,is young /is not old,cooking,make him,enjoyed themselves,were told,to spend,too to,enough to,is good at,different from,s,6.Every day _(李老师花很多时间)talk with his students. (take) 7.We _(更应该注意)keeping everything clean and tidy. (pay) 8.If it is out of control, more people _(会遇到麻烦).(get) 9.My brother was watching TV _(我回家的时候)last night. (come) 10.My uncle _(一直在收集邮票)since he was ten years old. (collect),it takes Mr. Li much time,should more,will,when I came home,has been collecting stamps,to,pay attention to,get into trouble,11.The famous professor told us _(如何自学).(teach) 12.The message _(能够发送给)my friends by e-mail tomorrow morning. (send) 13.Tom _(被发现正在吸烟)in his own room by his mother. (find) 14.I used to be afraid of the dark, so I often _(亮着灯入睡)in my bedroom. (fall) 15.Eating too much junk food _(对健康有害).(bad),how to,can be sent to,was found smoking,with the light(s) on,health,teach ourselves,is bad for,fell asleep,16.This idea _(听起来像是不错的)one. I will think about it. (sound) 17.It is cold today. _(让门关着).(keep) 18.My life _(有了很大的改变) in recent years. (change) 19.He argued with me and we _(不同意对方的意见).(each) 20.Knives _(是用来切)things. (cut),sounds like a good,Keep the door closed,has changed a lot/has greatly changed,each other,cutting,disagreed with,each other,didnt agree with,are used for,21._(结束时)the term, the students take their school reports to their parents. (end) 22.He _(过去抽烟很多), but now he has already given it up. (smoke) 23.She _(穿上) her coat and went out. (put) 24.We should be allowed _(自己作决定).(make) 25.More attention _(应放在) the needs of the poor. (pay),At the end of,smoke a lot,put on,to our own,should be paid to,used to,make decision(s),26.Great changes _(发生了) in my hometown these years. (take) 27.I dont know _(他与相处得怎样) with the others now. (get) 28.To be honest, I _(有几分担心) Toms schoolwork. (kind) 29.We wont stop camping _(除非水尽粮绝) food and water. (run) 30.You _(应当把钥锁藏在) anybody except us two. (hide),have,how he is ting,kind of,unless/until we,should the key(s),taken place,get along/on,am worried about,run out of,hide from,31.The workers _(自力更生) and finally produced the new type of machine. (depend) 32.Even though many people dont agree with him, he _(仍会坚持) his own idea. (hold) 33.I _(感兴趣) all the things on show. (interest) 34.The plane _(半个小时后起飞).(take) 35.Something _(必须采取措施防止) this from happening. (do),themselves,will still,took an interest in,will in half an hour,must be done to stop/prevent,depend on,ed,hold on to,take off,stop/prevent from doing 阻止做,36.Which subject would you _(最愿意学习)?(like) 37.The lost parts were found after the ship _(拖出) the water. (pull) 38.HEROS is the most wonderful film that I _(看过).(see) 39.She is imagining _(生活会是什么样的) in the future. (be) 40.This sweet song _(使我想起) my childhood. (remind),most like/like best to learn,was pulled,have seen,what the life will be like,reminds/,out of,remind of,ed,me,41.It is necessary _(防止饮用水) being polluted. (keep) 42._(如果我是你),Id tell my friends about the danger of smoking. (be) 43.We believe that our good wishes _(一定会实现).(come) 44.He said to me that he _(感到自豪) his good grades. (pride) 45.The river is _ in it.(很深,不能游泳).(swim),to drinking water,If I were you,must,took pride in,deep swim,keep from,come true,too to,46.He _(错拿了我的包).(mistake) 47.The teachers asked us _(不要放弃学习).(give) 48.I hope _(一切进展顺利).(go) 49._(我花了一个小时到) to the park. (take) 50.I _(认为这个项目不应该) tried out in such a hurry. (think),took my bag,everything is going well,It took me an hour to get,dont think the project should be,by mistake,give up,to,not,studying/studies,51.The more you have sports, _(越健康).(health) 52.We _(不应该破坏校规).(rule) 53.She wants to be a singer _(长大后).(grow) 54.My mother often asks me _(花些时间练习) swimming. (spend) 55.Tom _(被选为) our monitor. (be),you will be,should not break,when I,some time,to be,grow up,spend (in) practicing,the healthier,the school rules,was chosen,to,56.Our city _(正变得越来越) beautiful. (become) 57._(你没有听到) the news? It has been on TV for a week. (hear) 58.Im very sorry that I _(给你添了这么多的麻烦). (give) 59.The film is _(很生动) I have seen it twice. (lively) 60.Mr. Li _(度过了他的四十岁的生日) yesterday. (have),is becoming,Havent you,have n,so that,had his fortieth birthday,more and more,heard of/about,give you so much trouble,lively,61._(安全是最重要的) while we are traveling. (be) 62.Mr. Wang often encourages his children _(自己解决难题).(solve) 63.My hobby _(是集邮).(collect) 64.With the help of the man-made satellites, we _(了解得越来越多) about the universe. (learn) 65.These shoes dont fit me. They _(不是太大就是太小).(either),Safety is,solve difficulties by themselves,is collecting stamps,have ed,too big too small,the most important,to,/is to collect stamps,learn more and more,either or,are,66.The _(主意听起来不错), but we need to try it out in practice. (sound) 67.The boss _(上下打量着他).(look) 68._(小心不要弄伤) yourself with the knife! (cut) 69.No matter how hard the life is, he _(决不放弃) his study. (give) 70.I _(用这辆自行车两年了).(keep),idea sound good,is ing,not,never,kept the bike for two years,s,look up and down,at him,Be careful,to cut,give up,s,have,71._(有成千上万的) people on the playground. (thousand) 72._(请关小点) the music? (mind) 73.Dont forget _(叫醒我).(wake) 74.Dont get off the bus _(车停下来).(stop) 75.They _(过去常喜欢出去) to eat. (enjoy),There are,ing,to,it stop,ing,thousands of,Would you mind,turn down,wake up,me,until,s,used to enjoy,go out,76._(发生了巨大的变化) in the past few years. (take) 77. _(请将音量调小) the TV? (turn) 78.More and more people _(喜欢聊天) friends on the Internet. (enjoy) 79.He _(感兴趣) sports last year. (interested) 80.Look,_(那个戴着黑眼镜的男孩) is our monitor. (with),Great changes,Would you mind,enjoy,was interested in,the boy with black glasses,take place,have n,turn down,ing,chat with,ting,81.You may talk to someone who _(看起来很友好).(look) 82.Do you learn French _(通过向老师求助).(ask ) 83.He _(习惯)what I cook. (use) 84._(我和他都不)like this place, its too noisy. (neither) 85.Eating more vegetables _(使我们更健康).(make),look very friendly,ing,is/get used to,he I,make us healthier,s,ask for help,the teacher(s),by,s,Nether nor,s,86.What do you _(不喜欢)this CD? (dislike) 87.The music _(使我想起)Brazilian dance music. (remind) 88.He is a great player who _(英语讲得很好).(speak) 89.Jim always _(想出)good solutions to peoples problems. (come) 90.Its very hot today. _(让门开着).(keep),dislike,me,speak English very well,come up with,Keep the door open,about,remind of,s,s,s,91.He said that it was very easy _(相处)the girl. (get) 92.I think school students _(应允许)make their own decisions. (allow) 93.My life _(有了很大的改变)in recent years. (change) 94.We _(真担心)the children in the poor areas. (worry) 95.In order to stay healthy, youd better _(不吃)sugar, cola and some other sweet desserts. (stay),get along/on with,should be allowed,has changed /has changed,really,stay away from,to,to,a lot,greatly,worry about,96.Whats wrong with John? -He _(担心)his math exam. (worried) 97.Do you know _(有多远) Mars to Earth? (be) 98.A lot of work which is dangerous to us can _(由机器人来做) in the future. (do) 99.So far, a large number of people _(对她的演说作出了回应) on the Internet. (reply) 100.Cleaning work is very boring, but a robot _(永远不会厌烦) with it. (get),worried about,how it is,be done,have,never,is,far from,by robots,replied to,her speech,gets bored,101.The 2008 Olympics in Beijing _(非常成功). (great) 102.Where _(你去度假) after you finish this work? (go) 103.Do you feel that _(他已经长大了)?(grow) 104. _(只要半个小时的) ride to get to the shopping center. (be) 105.This kind of pet is easy _(照料). (take),a great success,are you ing,he has already,Its,take care of,was,go on vacation,grow up,n,half an hour,s,only,to,106.The temperature in Singapore is almost the same all year round, because it _(靠近) the equator. (be) 107.I need some money. I _(打算去浏览) the newspaper for a holiday job. (look) 108.Paul and I are good friends. We _(彼此相处得很好) because we both like sports. (get) 109.Sorry, I ordered my food half an hour ago and _(还没有到).(arrive) 110.The teacher _(总是鼓励我们) to study hard. (encourage),is close to,plan to look through,get along/on well with each other,it hasnt arrived yet,always encourages us,111.If you are tired, you can take a bus _(而不是步行) there. (walk) 112.We _(学了更多的词语) this term than last term. (learn) 113.Thank you for _(使我的生活充满) pleasure. (fill) 114.It was so careless of you _(撞倒) the old man yesterday. (knock) 115.This pet dog is actually very lovely, but you should _(考虑一下它的价格) first. (think),rather than walk,have learned more words,filling my life with,to knock into,think about its price,116.I like the music that I can _(跟着唱的).(sing) 117.The police are not sure _(那个人是否已被杀害).(kill) 118.They _(应该考虑这些) before making important decisions. (think) 119.Jim said that_(在下雪) in London when I called him. (snow) 120.-Did you to the party yesterday? -Yes. Everyone _(玩得非常高兴) there. (have),sing along with,if/whether the man has be killed,should think these over,it was snowing,had a good time,121.-Where is your brother? -He _(看电影去了).(go) 122.If we see someone _(违反校规), we may politely give them some suggestions. (break) 123.He got up at five _(为了赶上) the early bus. (catch) 124.An _(做出了一个重要的决定) at the meeting. (make) 125.This is the hotel _(他们住过的) last month. (stay),has gone to see a movie/film,break(ing) the school rules,(in order) to catch,important decision was made/has been made,where they stayed,126.We should _(为作准备) the coming exam. (get) 127.No one knows _(会发生什么) in the future. (happen) 128.He often thinks of _(做什么事情) for all the others. (do) 129.We knew the boy _(照顾得很好) by the nurse. (take) 130.All these books _(送给) the children freely in the poor areas. (give),get ready for,what will happen,doing something,was taken good care of,will be/have been given to,131.He _(过去常看望) his mother once a week, but he doesnt do so now. (visit) 132.John began to work in different cities _(在岁时) sixteen. (age) 133.The girl is badly ill. You _(派人去请) a doctor at once. (must) 134.He has _(习惯) the life in the countryside. (be) 135.My mother often asks me _(花些时间) swimming than before. (spend),used to visit,at the age of,must send for,been used to,to spend more time (in),136.He said to me that he _(感到自豪) his good grades. (pride) 137. - Whats the matter with John? - I hear that he _ (感冒了). (have) 138. - What are you doing tomorrow? - I _ (去购物). (go) 139. - How about the children who lost their parents in the earthquake? -All of them _ (照顾得很好). (look) 140. He is too heavy. Tell him _ (不要吃) junk food. (stay).,took pride in,has had a cold,am going shopping/will go shopping,have been looked after well,are being looked after well,to stay away from,had a cold,141. Do you know _ (他是否做运动)every day? (play) 142. _(为什么不让孩子们做) what they like? (let) 143. No one knows _(会发生什么) in the future. (happen) 144. He often thinks of _(做什么事情) for all the others. (do) 145. He _(花两个小时做) his homework in the evening. (spend),if/whether he plays sports,Why not let children do,what will happen,doing something,spends/spent two hours doing,146. Your bike _(不能放) here. (put) 147. He is too young and cant _(自己做飞机模型). (make) 148. _(越来越多的外国人学习) speak Chinese now. (learn) 149. We _(应该参加) after-school activities more often. (take) 150. _(该吃) supper. (have),cant be put,make model planes by himself,More and more foreigners are learning to,should take part in,Its time to have,151. _(你想要点) bread? (like) 152. How long _(你花了) do your homework yesterday? (take) 153. When the teacher came in, the students _(立刻停止交谈). (stop) 154. Some children prefer _(开着灯睡觉). (sleep) 155. Can you tell me _(他身体好不好) now? (be),Would you like some,did it take you to,stopped talking at once,to sleep with the light(s) on,if/whether he is well,if/whether he is in good health,156. She was so excited _(说不出话来). (say) 157. He looks sad. _(咱们让他振作起来). (let) 158. Sometimes an advertisement can lead you to buy something which _(你根本不需要的). (need) 159. My mother asked me _(按时到校) every day. (get) 160. _(她似乎在担心) something now. (worry),that she couldnt say anything,Lets cheer him up,you dont need at all,to get to school on time,It seems that she is worrying about,She seems to be worrying about,161. _(当心别摔着) to the floor when you are walking. (be) 162. I _(几乎


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