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三年级英语下学期期末模拟试卷(二) 时间:90分钟 分值:100分 听力部分(30分)一、听录音,选出你所听到的内容(10分)创新( )1. A.rubber B.robot C. ruler( )2. A.farm B.floor C.father ( )3. A.run B.drink C.thank( )4. A.wake up B.tick-tock C.stand up( )5. A.lunch box B.nice box C.little box( )6. A.please B.those C.these( )7. A.three B.tree C.sleep( )8. A.here B.where C.what( )9. A.breakfast B.blackboard C.bird( )10. A.pig B.apple C.chicken二、听录音,选择合适的应答句(10分)创新1. a No,thanks. b Come in,please.2. a Here you are. b Its a crayon.3. a How nice! b Its not my picture.4. a Shes eleven. b Shes my cousin Linda.5. a No,they arent. b Theyre my bags.三、听录音补全句子(10分)改编1.A:What are these? B:Theyre .2.A:Are these ? B:Yes,they are.3.Is that a ? B:Yes,it is.4.Is that a ? B:Yes,she is.5.Whothis ? B:Hes my friend.笔试部分(70分)一、找出不同类的单词(12分)创新 ( ) 1.A.breakfast B.ball C.lunch ( ) 2.A.pie B.run C.shout ( ) 3.A.apple B.pear C.me ( ) 4.A.pig B.duck C.look ( ) 5.A.eat B.drink C.sweet ( ) 6.A.pencil B.in C.rubber( ) 7.A.pencil case B.shout C.open ( )8.A.desk B.nice C.beautiful( )9.A.ten B.those C.these ( )10.A.you B.I C.meet ( )11.A.on B.under C.this ( )12.A.uncle B.aunt C.Bobby 二、选出下列各词的相对词(5分) 创新( )1.open A.close B.door C.window( )2.man A.boy B.girl C.woman( )3.these A.this B.that C.those( )4.on A.in B.under C.behind( )5.eat A.run B.shout C.drink三、根据提示写单词,完成句子(6分)改编 1. Is that your _(午餐)box? Thank you. 2. Dont _(说话), Liu Tao. Im sorry. 3.Look at the new _(尺子). 4._(哪里)is my _(铅笔)? Guess!. 5.The_(小鸟)is in the tree now.四、选择题(10分)创新 ( ) 1. What are those?.-_. A.Theyre apples. B.Its pen. C.No, its a pen. ( ) 2. Is this your rubber? Yes, _ . A.it is B.it isnt C.they are ( )3. _is this? A.What B.Whats C.what ( )4.Where s my schoolbag? A.Thats my schoolbag. B.Its my schoolbag. C.Its over there. ( ) 5. _ is it? Its ten. A.Whats B.What time C.Whats colour ( )6. This is _ new skirt. A.I B.an C.my ( )7. This is_Miss Li. A.a B./ C.my ( ) 8. Whos this? - _. A.Yes,I am. B.Its red. C.Shes Miss Li. ( ) 9. What _these? A.is B.are C.am ( ) 10. Clever Tom _ the farm, makes ice cream _ his mum. A.from for B.for to C.for from 五、选词组填空,完成句子(填序号)(6分)改编 1.想知道别人几岁了,你怎么说:_ A.This is for you. 2.想提醒别人注意,你怎么说: _ B.How old are you? 3.想夸夸别人很可爱,你怎么说:_ C.How lovely! 4.想把东西送人,你怎么说:_ D.Im three. 5.想告诉别人你已经3岁了,你怎么说: _ E.Look! 6.想说该是吃蛋糕的时候了,你怎么说: _ F.Its time for the cake.六、情境选择(10分)创新 ( ) 1.上课了,想要叫同学们起立,老师对大家说: A.Stand up. B.Sit down. ( ) 2.天气有点热,妈妈对你说: A.Please open the window. B.Please close the door. ( )3.当你想告诉别人这不是你的书时,你应该说: A. This isnt my book. B.This is your book. ( )4.当你想询问别人那是否是他的钢笔时,你会说: A.That is yout pen. B. Is that your pen? ( )5.当你想询问你的橡皮在哪里时,你应该说: A.Whats that? B.Wheres my rubber? ( )6.当你要给别人某件东西时,你会说: A.This is for you. B.Thank you. ( )7.当你想告诉别人东西在远处时,你应该说: A.Wheres my car? B.Its over there. ( )8. 想让别人看自己的新裙子时,你可以说: A.Look at my skirt. B.Look at my new skirt. ( )9.远处的那些是什么,你会问:AWhats that? B.What are those?( )10.别人问你的年龄,你回答:AIts ten oclock. B.Im ten.七、从B栏中找出A栏相应的答句,将序号填入题前括号中。(6分) 原创题 A B ( )1.How old are you? A. How beautiful! ( )2.Dont eat here. B. Its seven oclock. ( )3.Look at my skirt. C. Im nine. ( )4.Is this your ruler? D. Its in the tree. ( )5.What time is it? E. No, it isnt. ( )6.Wheres the bird? F. Yes, Miss Li.八、重新排列下列句子,使之成为一段通顺的对话。(10分)原创题 1.How lovely! 2.Its a chicken. 3.No,that isnt a chicken.Its a bird. 4.Look!That chicken is lovely,too. 5.Hi,LiuTao.Whats that? _ _ _ _ _1.OK.What time iis it,Mum?2.Wake up,LiuTao.3.OK,Mum.4.Its time for breakfast.5.Its seven oclock._ _ _ _ _九、改错(5分)创新( )1.This is a orange.A B C( )2.What is those?-Books.A B C( )3.They are chicken.A B C( )4.Nice too meet you.A B C( )5.Are these a pears?A B C听力材料:一、听录音,选出你所听到的内容 (10) A.rubber B.floor B.drink C.stand up A.lunch box B.those A.three B.where A.breakfast C.chicken二、听录音,选择合适的应答句。(10分)1.May I come in?2.Whats this?3.Look at my picture.4.Whos that girl?5.Are those your bags? 三、听录音补全句子。(10分)1.A:What are those? B:Theyre apples.2.A:Are these oranges? B:Yes,they are.3.Is that an pear? B:Yes,it is.4.Is that a girl ? B:Yes,she is.5.Whothis boy? B:Hes my friend.答案:听力部分:一、ABBCABABAC本题考查的是学生对单词的掌握,不仅要会读,而且要能听懂。二、bbaba本题考查的是学生对于句型的掌握程度,不仅要能听懂会读,而且要知道怎么回答,怎么去运用。三、1. apples 2. oranges 3. pear 4. girl 5. boy本题考查的是学生对于单词书写情况的掌握。笔试部分:一、BACCCBAAACCC本题考查的是学生对于单词词组的掌握。二、ACCBC本题考查的是学生对单词、词组的掌握。三、1. lunch 2.talk 3. ruler 4.Where pencil 5.bird本题考查的是学生对于单词书写情况的掌握。四、AAACBCBCBA本题考查的是学生对于句型的掌握程度,不仅要能听懂会读,而且要知道怎么回答,怎么去运用。五、 BECADF本题考查的是学生对于句型的掌握程度,不仅要能听懂会读,而且要知道怎么回答


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