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Module 6The Internet and Telecommunications单词拼写应用核心单词1contain vt.包括;包含2breakdown n故障3source n来源;出处4design vt.设计5fantastic adj.极好的;美妙的6pass vt.超过;经过;(时间)过去7average adj.平均的8shorten vt.缩短语境运用用所给词的适当形式填空。1The book contains(contain) plenty of information on how to plant flowers.2Designed(design) for children,the album became popular as soon as it came out.3You must make a list of all the sources(source) at the end of your essay.4The night view of the harbour is even more fantastic(fantastic)5We will look for ways to shorten(shorten) the time taken to complete these tasks.拓展单词1access n接近;通路accessible adj.可进入的;可使用的2defend vt.防护;防卫defence n保护;防卫3create vt.创造;发明creation n创造(力)creative adj.有创造力的4invent vt.发明invention n发明inventor n发明者5permit vt.许可 n许可证permission n许可6concentrate vi.集中(注意力、思想等)concentration n集中;专心7definite adj.明确的definitely adv.明确地8independent adj.独立的independence n独立9frequent adj.频繁的frequently adv.时常;经常frequency n频率10advantage n优点;长处disadvantage n弊端;缺点语境运用用所给词的适当形式填空。1Fallen rocks cut off the only access to the village,so it is not accessible to the outside now.(access)2Its believed that hard work can create wealth but the creation of wealth also needs creative quality.(create)3Mr Smith,an inventor,has invented many useful things and has made much money from his inventions.(invent)4His father wouldnt permit him to drive there even if he had got his driving permit.Without his fathers permission,he had no choice but to go there by bus or on a bike.(permit)5Concentration is important for this kind of work,and only by concentrating on it can you get it done well.(concentrate)6As a result of frequent smoking,the frequency of his asthma attack is increasing,and he coughs frequently.(frequent)7In fact,there are both advantages and disadvantages in online shopping.(advantage)阅读单词1crash vi.(计算机)崩溃2keyword n密码;口令3log vt.记录;登录4software n软件5data n数据6network n网络7percentage n百分数;百分率8document n文件9.military adj.军事的;军队的10essay n文章11statistics n统计数字12sideways adv.斜着地拓展联想1.“v.prep./adv.”合成名词万花筒breakdown 故障breakup 破裂breakthrough 突破setback 挫折makeup 化妆品2.sion结尾名词大观园peremission 许可decision 决定discussion 讨论possession 拥有explosion 爆炸3.后缀en动词小结shorten 缩短widen (使)变宽deepen 加深lengthen 增长strengthen 加强短语多维运用高频短语1consist of 由组成2as well 也3compared with 与相比4come up with 提出5concentrate on 聚精会神;集中思想6become known as. 作为而出名;被称为;叫作语境运用选用上面短语的适当形式填空。Our class consists of 56 students.With the help of our teachers,we have learned how to come up with questions.In class,we concentrate on listening to our teachers.Compared with other classes,our class is more active in school activities.We take an active part in social activities as well.Finally,our class becomes known as a model class.7log on/off 注册/注销8go down 下降9from that moment on 从那时起10a series of 一系列的语境运用选用上面短语的适当形式填空。Many young people couldnt afford the houses.Fortunately,last year the government took a series of measures to reduce the prices of the houses.From that moment on,the prices of the houses gradually went down.拓展联想1.“v.on/off”短语一览turn on/off打开/关闭switch on/off打开/关闭get on/off 上车/下车2.“由组成”短语多棱镜be made up of 由组成be composed of 由组成3.“v.up with”短语小聚catch up with 赶上;追上keep up with 跟上put up with 容忍句式结构仿写教材原句背诵句式仿写应用1.make复合结构中,it作形式宾语。BernersLee made it possible for everyone to use the Internet,not just universities and the army.这项发明使我们在家里买我们需要的东西成为可能。This invention makes it possible for us to buy what we need at home.2.部分否定。Our English teacher is excellent,but she cant help everyone in the class in 50 minutes.事实是并非每个人都把合理安排时间看得重要。The truth is that not everyone is attaching great importance to time management.3.Why not do.?Im home now,why not give me a call?为什么不用其他办法试一试?Why not try doing it in some other ways?精讲5个考纲单词1contain vt.包含;包括;容纳;忍住,抑制(1)单句语法填空Be especially careful of the information contained (contain) in advertisements when buying products.He was too excited to contain himself(he) when the box was to be opened.(2)链接写作一句多译饭后,她把一个装着一支旧钢笔的小盒子放到我手里。After the meal,she placed a little box containing an old pen in my hand.(分词作定语)After the meal,she placed a little box that/which contained an old pen in my hand.(定语从句)After the meal,she placed a little box with an old pen contained in my hand.(with复合结构)先理解再牢记 contain oneself 克制自己;自制container n容器名师点津contain通常用来指某容器中盛有某物、装有某物;还可指某种物质中含有某种成分或含有其他物质,指作为组成部分而被包含或容纳在内;include通常表示把某事物作为其中的一部分包含在内,在句中常构成分词短语sth.included或including sth.2access n接近,通道;进入(使用)的权利或机会 vt.使用;接近;进入(1)单句语法填空(2016天津卷)It was really annoying;I couldnt get access to the data bank you had recommended.All the sites are free to the public and accessible(access) to anyone with an Internet connection.(2)链接写作一句多译药品不应放在孩子们够得到的地方。Medicine should not be kept where it is accessible to children.(accessible)Medicine should be kept where it is out of childrens range.(range)Medicine should be kept where it is out of childrens reach.(reach)先理解再牢记 (1)access to.接近的机会;进入的权利have/get/gain/obtain access to.得以接近/进入(2)accessible adj.可进入的;可使用的be accessible to (对于某人是)容易接近的佳句背诵(2017北京卷)People have better access to health care than they used to,and theyre living longer as a result.3design vt.设计;构思;谋划 n设计;图案(1)单句语法填空Designed (design) for English beginners,the dictionaries were sold out on the day when it came out.Do you think the building was burnt down by accident or by design?(2)链接写作完成句子/句式升级设计这个项目本来是要帮助那些失业的人,结果却和计划的不一样。普通表达:This project was designed to help jobless people in need,but it just didnt work out as planned.高级表达:This project designed to help jobless people in need just didnt work out as planned.(分词作定语)高级表达:This project that/which was designed to help jobless people in need just didnt work out as planned.(定语从句)先理解再牢记 (1)design.for. 为而设计be designed for/to do. 目的是be designed as 被设置为(2)by design 有意地,故意地联想发散表示“故意与偶然”的词语小结:(1)故意地:by designon purposedeliberately(2)偶然地:by chanceby accidentaccidentally4concentrate v集中(注意力、思想等);集中于(1)单句语法填空(2017全国卷)She has turned down several invitations to star at shows in order to concentrate on/upon her studies.There is a great need for greater concentration (concentrate) on environmental issues.(2)链接写作句式升级普通表达:He concentrated his mind on his work and didnt notice my appearance.高级表达:With his mind concentrated on his work,he didnt notice my appearance.(with复合结构)高级表达:His mind concentrated on his work,he didnt notice my appearance.(独立主格)先理解再牢记 (1)concentrate on/upon 专心于concentrate.on/upon. 把专心于(2)concentration n专心;集中名师点津表示“集中精力于”的短语还有:fix/focus ones attention/mind on/upon;be absorbed in;bury oneself in/be buried in sth.;put ones heart into等。5average n平均;平均水平;平均数 adj.一般的,通常的;平均的 vt.平均为;计算出的平均数(1)单句语法填空(2016四川卷)The common cold is a good example:women,on average,get fewer colds than men.To their great joy,their sons schoolwork is well above the average.(2)链接写作一句多译随着人口平均年龄的增长,越来越多的老年人需要照顾。As the average age of the population increases,there are more and more old people to care for.(状语从句)With the average age of the population increasing, there are more and more old people to care for.(with 复合结构)先理解再牢记 an average of 平均with the/an average of 平均为on (the/an) average 平均起来;在一般情况下above/below (the)average 高于/低于平均数名师点津(1)“the average of.”作主语时,谓语动词用单数形式。(2)“an average of可数名词复数”作主语时,谓语动词用复数形式。诠释2个核心短语1consist of 由组成;由构成(1)单句语法填空Life mainly consists of happiness and sorrow while happiness and sorrow consist in struggle.If what you say is not consistent(consist) with what you do,it will have a bad effect on your children.(2)链接写作一句多译由5家小工厂组成的这家公司正面临着严重的财政危机。The company that/which consists of/is made up of/is composed of 5 small factories is facing a serious financial crisis.(定语从句)The company consisting of 5 small factories is facing a serious financial crisis.(现在分词短语作定语)The company made up of/composed of 5 small factories is facing a serious financial crisis.(过去分词短语作定语)先理解再牢记 (1)consist in 在于,存在于consist with 与一致/相吻合(2)consistent adj.相容的;一致的be consistent with 和一致/相符名师点津consist of为及物动词短语但是没有被动语态,也不用于进行时态。其同义短语有be made up of和be composed e up with 提出;想出;赶上(1)单句语法填空Unfortunately,on the way an unpleasant subject came up and they started to quarrel.Ill never understand how it came about that you were late three times a week.When it comes to educating children,the Chinese parents think little of money.(2)链接写作词汇升级普通表达:Having discussed the problem all afternoon,they finally thought of a solution to it.高级表达:Having discussed the problem all afternoon,they finally came up with a solution to it.先理解再牢记 come up 走近;上来;被提出,被提及(无被动形式)come about 发生;产生come across (偶然)遇到或发现;被理解come out 出来;出版come to 来到(某地);加起来总共;恢复知觉When it comes to. 当涉及/谈到名师点津come up 的主语是物,表示(计划、建议、议题等)被提出,而come up with主语是人或团体组织,表示(某人)提出。突破1个高考句型(教材P52)BernersLee made it possible for everyone to use the Internet,not just universities and the army.贝尔纳斯李使每个人都能使用因特网成为可能,而不仅仅是大学和军队使用。句型公式句中为“make itadj.for sb.to do sth.”句型, 其中it作形式宾语,真正的宾语为for everyone to use the Internet。(1)单句语法填空Susan made it clear to me that she wished to make a new life for herself.I consider it no use quarrelling(quarrel) with him about it.(2)链接写作句式升级普通表达:It is possible for every student in our school to use a computer in class.高级表达:Our school makes it possible for every student to use a computer in class.(形式宾语)普通表达:I think reading in bed is no good,which does great harm to your eyes.高级表达:We think it no good reading in bed,which does great harm to your eyes.(形式宾语)先理解再牢记 (1)makeit形容词/名词that 从句makeit形容词/名词to domakeitno good/no use/no value.doing sth.(2)常用于这种句型的动词:make,think,consider,find,feel等。佳句背诵It was the culture,rather than the language,that makes it very difficult for him to adapt to the new environment abroad.单句语法填空1Each day an average of nearly one million copies of all books are sold.2What points can be raised in defence(defend) of this argument?3Compared(compare) with the place where I grew up,this town is much more exciting.4As far as I know,he is fond of challenging and creative(create) jobs.5All you had to do was to think a little harder and come up with a new solution.6We should speak English frequently(frequent) in order to improve our spoken English.7A team,consisting(consist) of two doctors and three policemen,was sent to search for the lost explorers.8There is lots of information accessible(access) on the Internet,so the Internet is more and more important to us.9As a senior high student,I think you should concentrate your attention on/upon your study.10They were taken to the police station as they had entered the area without permission/being permitted(permit).单句改错1On the weekends,shopping malls are always crowded with people.去掉the2I received a letter contained some important information about the project.containedcontaining3There are more newbuilt houses in this village than in that one.newbuiltnewlybuilt4We must make clear to the public that something should be done to protect our environment.make后加it5The book,designing for young adults,turned out to be popular with the elderly.designingdesigned.课文语法填空根据P52教材课文内容,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。The Internet,which is 1.the biggest(big) source of information,2.consists(consist) of millions of pages of data.Everyone in the world can access it 3.using (use) the World Wide Web through a computer.But how did it develop?In 1969,it was a US defence organisation 4.that developed a way for all their computers to “talk” to each other through the telephone.Then in 1984,the US National Science Foundation started the NSFNET network.It became possible for universities 5.to use(use) the system as well.Later Tim BernersLee,an English scientist came up 6.with the idea of the World Wide Web and 7.invented(invent) it in 19


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