



2016沈阳市初中英语中考试题(满分100分,考试时间100分钟)一、单项填空(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。1. -You were amazing today! Well done!-_.A. All right B. Thank you C. Not yet D. Of course2. Many people find that listening to some good music helps _ when they are low.A. us B. you C. them D. it3. I think it is true that Jill _ to work today because she is on a trip.A. has come B. didnt come C. is coming D. will not come4. The train travelled _ fast for us to see much outside the window.A. quite B. very C. too D. so5. _ Simon has done well in his studies, he still works really hard.A. Although B. Because C. Unless D. When6. We talked about the problem and Tim _ doing some research first.A. finished B. enjoyed C. suggested D. practised7. I think that you need to eat _ sweets and more fruit.A. few B. fewer C. little D. less8. Tom was not listening carefully, so he failed to hear _.A. what the teacher said B. how the teacher said C. what did the teacher say D. how did the teacher say9. -What should we do to protect the fish in the river?-We _ throw rubbish into the river.A. need B. neednt C. must D. mustnt10. The group had to wait _ after 12 to check in at the hotel.A. from B. until C. for D. at二、完形填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)阅读短文,掌握其大意,然后从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。A few years ago, my husband and I were on an island for a long weekend with our two daughters. As we wondered about what to do 11 , our girls jumped in and told us exactly what they wanted to do. “ 12 want to go to the butterfly museum.” said Ariela and Eliana.As soon as we 13 into the main area of the museum, we saw thousands of 14 butterflies, all flapping (拍打) their colorful wings.My girls were 15 up and down, and I knew we had made the right 16 to come to the museum. They were having so much fun. I 17 to our museum tour guide because I was curious (好奇的), and asked, “ 18 do butterflies live?”She said, “About ten days.”“What can butterflies do 19 ten days?” I asked.The guide stopped, looked at me, and said, “They make the 20 more beautiful place.”“Wow,” I said, “I never thought about butterflies like that. Thank you.”After we said goodbye, I 21 stop thinking about what the guide had said. She was right: We all have 22 to offer the world with the time we have. 23 we focus our gifts on taking care of each other every day, we can make a 24 .How thankful it is that you can have the influence on your family, friends and neighbours! Like a butterfly, you have your own way of making the world a little 25 for everyone.11.A. nowB. nextC. onceD. again12.A. WeB. YouC. ID. They13.A. droveB. walkedC. lookedD. brought14.A. freeB. lonelyC. beautifulD. ordinary15.A. comingB. movingC. showingD. jumping16.A. wayB. timeC. decisionD. advice17.A. gotB. wentC. turnedD. worried18.A. How soonB. How longC. How muchD. How often19.A. onB. forC. overD. in20.A. aB. anC. theD. /21.A. canB. cantC. couldD. couldnt22.A. nothingB. anythingC. somethingD. everything23.A. WhenB. SinceC. UnlessD. Whether24.A. noteB. chanceC. lessonD. difference25.A. betterB. fasterC. largerD. slower三、阅读理解(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)阅读短文,然后根据其内容从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。AFerdinand Magellan (1480-1521) was a Portuguese explorer. In 1519, he led the first voyage to sail around the world. It was also the first voyage to sail from the Atlantic Ocean to the Pacific Ocean. Magellan gave the Pacific Ocean its name, which means “peaceful sea” in Portuguese. However, Magellan himself was killed in a battle before the voyage was finished. Only one of his ships, the Victoria, completed the journey.Laozi lived in the 6th century BC. It is believed that he wrote the Daodejing. This book is popular in both the East and the West, and it is still widely read today. Many people have found inspiration (鼓舞人心的话) in this book. There are many famous sayings in the Daodejing. One of them is, “A journey of a thousand li begins with a single step.”Sir Isaac Newton was an English physicist, mathematician and astronomer. He discovered the law of gravity. In 1687, Newton published one of the most important books in the history of science. In the book, Newton described many laws that show how the universe works. Albert Einstein kept a picture of Newton on the wall of his study.26. Which of the following was the sad news during Magellans voyage?A. He was killed in a battle. B. No ship completed the journey. C. He found a “peaceful sea”. D. He gave the Pacific its name.27. The Daodejing is still widely read today because _.A. it was written by Laozi B. many people have found inspiration in itC. it is popular in the world D. many famous sayings are about a journey28. The greatest achievement made by Newton is that _.A. he published many important books B. he discovered the law of gravityC. he became an English physicist D. his picture was kept by Einstein29. Among the famous persons mentioned above, Laozi _.A. was born the earliest B. was the best at PortugueseC. wrote the most books D. was the best known in history30. The right match (匹配) about the reading above is _. Ferdinand Magellana. the name of the ship. Victoriab. lived in the 6th century BC. Sir Isaac Newtonc. died in 1521. Albert Einsteind. a physicist, mathematician and astronomerA. b B. c C. d D. aBCan you imagine a pair of shoes that could tie themselves? All you would have to do is to put them on and push a button. Well, this idea is becoming a reality. The shoe company Nike created the self-tying shoe!This idea first came from the movie Back to the Future II, and Nike has been working for years to create a shoe that can do this in real life. They have finally done it with Nike HyperAdapt 1.0.So how do they work? According to Nike, the shoe is “powered by an underfoot-lacing mechanism (脚下系带装置)”. This is kind of like a small motor (发动机) that has the power to lace the shoes.All the wearer has to do is to put them on, and at first, the shoes are very loose (松的). But then you can push the “” button (按钮), and the shoes will tighten to be the perfect fit for the wearer. To take them off, all you have to do is to push the “” button, and the shoes will be easily off.They havent been released to the public yet, and the cost of the shoes is still unknown. But you might be able to get a pair of your own closer to the holiday season this year.31.The best title to describe the main idea of the passage is “_”.A. Shoes of the future are now a reality B. Shoes of the future are coming themselvesC. The shoe company Nike and its movie D. Shoes and movies are doing their work32. When did the shoe company Nike start creating the self-tying shoe?A. Not until the imagination came into being. B. Soon after the shoe company Nike was formed.C. After the movie Back to the Future II was shown. D. Before the movie Back to the Future II was shown.33. What makes the self-tying shoe work?A. The power from Nike. B. An underfoot-lacing mechanism.C. Nike HyperAdapt 1.0. D. Setting a small button with a motor.34. The first thing for the wearer to do after putting the shoes on is to _.A. make them loose B. make the perfect fit C. push the “” button D. push the “” button35. The Chinese meaning of the underlined word “released” is “_”.A. 检验 B. 投放 C. 注册 D. 生产CA young girl raises her hand in class to answer the teachers question. She loudly says the right answer but hears somebody call her a “know-it-all” and sees someone else roll (滚动) his eyes. She doesnt feel comfortable enough to speak up again because confident woman are thought to be “bossy (专横的)”.The stereotype (成见) that confident men are leaders and confident women are bossy gave rise to the 2014 “Ban Bossy” campaign (“禁用专横”运动). This campaign encourages young girls to become leaders and stay confident in the face of being called “bossy”.Laila Farah, from DePaul University, US, says she believes this stereotype comes from history. “There is an old idea that girls are not as clever as boys,” Farah says. “There is also another very old idea that women act according to their feelings.”“Gender (性别) stereotypes come from nearly everywhere,” Farah says. “Its is learned when people were babies, from the toys chosen, to saying girls arent good at math.”In a study done by the Girls Leadership Institute, many girls said that the biggest thing holding them back from taking part in class was getting judged (评判). Girls learn to keep their ideas and leadership skills to themselves.Maybe instead of never using the word bossy, we need to forget the idea that being bossy is a bad thing. At the end of the day, bossy people get the job done. 36. Which of the following shows the gender stereotypes from someone in class?A. Speaking up again. B. Rolling ones eyes. C. Raising ones hand. D. Answering the question.37. The 2014 “Ban Bossy” campaign was held to encourage young girls to _.A. believe in themselves B. try knowing everythingC. think about themselves D. enjoy something comfortable38. In Farahs opinion, gender stereotypes started _.A. before girls learnt math B. before girls went to schoolC. when people were babies D. when people played with toys39. According to the study done by the Girls Leadership Institute, girls _.A. can be really good leaders B. can understand the biggest thingC. are too confident to be leaders D. are easy enough to get judged40. The writer seems to think that gender stereotypes are _.A. cruel B. unfair C. impossible D. acceptable四、回答问题(共10小题;每小题2分,满分20分)阅读图文,然后根据内容回答所提问题。A41. Where are Hi and Lo talking?42. How many pandas can you see in the picture?43. What is His question?44. Does Lo know why pandas like old films?45. How does Hi explain his question?BSometimes good ideas have bad results. This is what happened to Spains Matrera Castle (城堡). The castle was built in the 9th century and has interested thousands of visitors every year. But part of it broke after a heavy rain, so the castle needed a big repair. However, the result didnt turn out well. The castle became a totally modern building!“The building has nothing to do with what it used to be, or even with a medieval (中世纪的) castle,” criticized (批评) the Spanish cultural heritage group (文化遗产组织) Hispania Nostra. People across the world have been laughing about it online too. “How terrible!” “Theyve got builders rather than repairers.” “No words are needed when you see the pictures.”The leader of the repair said that he wanted to make sure the building stayed standing. Facing the criticism, he also added, “Opinions are always welcome.”46. Where did the story happen?47. When was the castle built?48. Why did the castle need a big repair?49. How many sentences are used to criticize the repair?50. Who said “Opinions are always welcome”?五、综合阅读(共10小题;每小题2分,满分20分)阅读短文,然后按要求完成第5160小题。ADebbie and Simon are students. They both have part-time jobs at a travel company.A well-dressed lady (A) entered the office. She looked at Debbie and Simon, and then walked over to Debbie. Debbie gave her a cheerful greeting.Simon sighed and walked away. “Whats the matter?” Mr. Yang asked.“People always choose Debbie instead of me. I dont understand.” “I do. Its the way you communicate.” “How can that be?” Simon asked. (B) “I dont get a chance to speak.” “Communicating is more than just speaking. Your body language is important, too.” “Body language?” “Its the way (C) you stand and sit. Its your gestures and the expression on your face. Your whole appearance communicates things. You dont give people a good impression, Simon. You look down, you never smile and you dont turn your head towards them. ”“Look at Debbie. Shes holding her head up. She always smiles and looks friendly. Her body language is making people feel welcome, so they go to her for help.” Simon decided to improve his body language. He sat up straight and tried smiling at people.(D) Minutes later, a beautiful girl entered. She walked over to Simon. A few moments later, she left with a smile.Mr. Yang came over and said, “You made a good impression on her, Simon.” “That was my sister,” said Simon. “She wanted to remind me that (E) 明天是她的生日.”51. 写出文中划线部分(A)和(D)的同义词语或近义词语:_;_52. 将文中划线部分(B)改写为:_ is no chance _ me to speak.53. 文中划线部分(C)指代的是:_54. 将文中划线部分(E)译成英语:_55. 从文中找出能说明本文主旨大意的短语:_B“Without music, life would be a mistake,” famous German philosopher (哲学家) Friendrich Nietzsche said over a century ago. Music is a (A) big part of our lives. But in recent years, some US schools have cut music classes to control budgets (预算).For example, Chicago public schools hurt arts education when it fired (解雇) over 1000 teacher. Among (B) them, 10 percent of the teachers taught art or music, according to The Washington Times. In fact, this is not just a problem in the US. In other (C) _, such as China and Britain, music class is not thought to be as important as classes like science, math and history. Thats partly because music is not seen as a very important like skill, and it doesnt use an exam system (体系). (D) 许多学生忙于作业, so parents and students choose to focus on subjects that are tested more often.However, learning music is beneficial (有益的) in many ways.Playing music is not as (E) simple as it looks, according to Kenneth Guilmartin of Music Together, an early childhood music development program. (F) When making music, you need different abilities to work together. For example, when playing the piano, people see music notes and decode (解码) them in their brains. They also use their fingers to make sounds. You need to deal with all these things at the same time.Music has a special connection with science as well. You can see that many (G) _ are good at playing music: Einstein played the violin, and German physicist Max Planck was talented in playing the piano.56. 写出文中划线部分(A)和(E)的同义词或近义词:_;_57. 文中划线部分(B)指代的是:_58. 在文中(C)和(G)的空白处填入适当的单词:_;_59. 将文中划线部分(D)译成英语:_60. 将文中划线部分(F)改写成:Different abilities _ _ to work together when you are making music.六、阅读与表达(共两节;A节5分,B节15分,满分20分)A) 下列素材选自于现行牛津英语教材。阅读图文,然后根据其内容从方框中选出可以填入空白处的短语。the important nounsin the afternoonkey pointsfor three hourswrite downGood listeners usually make good notes. Making notes can help you fine 61 and facts.Write down the key information. It includes names, times, numbers, tho


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