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Lesson 3 An unknown goddess,爱琴海文明,爱琴文明是指公元前20世纪至公元前12世纪间的爱琴海域的上古文明。它是指公元前20年前12世纪存在于地中海东部的爱琴海岛、希腊半岛及小亚细亚西部的欧洲青铜时代的文明,因围绕爱琴海域而得名。在希腊文明之前,是最早的欧洲文明,是西方文明的源泉。 爱琴文明最早起源于克里特岛,然后传播到希腊大陆和小亚细亚。公元前1700前1400年,克里特文明发展到它的全盛时期,不久突然衰退,爱琴文明的中一心转移到希腊半岛的迈锡尼。主要包括米诺斯文明和迈锡尼文明两大阶段,前后相继。有兴旺的农业和海上贸易,宫室建筑及绘画艺术均很发达,是世界古代文明的一个重要代表。,About Greece,The famous god and goddess,古希腊人信奉的诸神,主要包括有主神宙斯(Zeus)、天后赫拉(Hera)、海神波塞冬(Poseidon )、智慧女神雅典娜(Athena )、美神维纳斯(Venus)、太阳神阿波罗(Apollo)、月亮与狩猎女神阿尔泰弥斯、谷物女神德墨忒尔 、火神赫菲斯托斯、战神阿瑞斯、众神使者与亡灵接引神赫尔墨斯、灶神或家室女神赫斯提,有时也包括酒神狄俄尼索斯和英雄赫拉克勒斯。,new words and expressions,prosperous adj. (经济上)繁荣的,昌盛的 prosperity n. 繁荣 - our finance is prosperous 我们的经济非常的繁荣。(Finance n.财政, 金融) thriving adj.昌盛的,兴旺的 - thriving business booming adj.蓬勃的,景气的 - a booming market繁荣的市场 flourishing adj.繁茂的,健康的,civilization n. 文明 civilize vt.使开化, 使文明 civilized adj. 文明的;非野蛮的;有礼貌的;有教养的 - a high level of civilization 高度文明 - a civilized nation 一个文明的民族,worship n.v.祟拜 respect vt.尊敬, 尊重 admire v.赞美, 钦佩, 羡慕 - Who do you worship in the world? warship n.军舰, 战船,Sacred adj.宗教的, 神圣的 - sacred music 圣乐 / sacred promise 神圣的诺言 Holy adj. 神圣的, 圣洁的 - a holy person. 圣洁的人 / a holy place. 神圣的地方 Solemn adj. 庄严的, 庄重的 - a solemn face 严肃的面孔 / a solemn ceremony 隆重的仪式,Classical adj.(希腊和罗马)古文化的(即传统的);文科的, 人文科学的 - classical music 古典音乐 / classical education 人文科学教育 Classic adj. 第一流的, 标准的, 著名的, 典型的 This is the classic example of love at the first sight. Classic n.杰作, 经典之作,Reconstruct v.修复 (Re -重新, 再次) Construct vt.构造, 建造, 组织(通过装配或组合部件而构成) - construct a sentence / construct a broken statue - build a house 造建筑物 construction n.建设, 建造 constructive adj.有教育意义的 constructor n.建造者, 建设者,Hip n.屁股, 臀部 Hip n. 赶时髦的人;消息灵通人士; adj.通晓的,见闻广的 - Mary is a real hip. 玛丽是个爱赶时髦的人。 - The guy isnt a hip. 这家伙什么都不懂。 Joined at the hip 表示交情极厚的 - These two are joined at the hip. shoot from the hip 信口开河 - Sorry, I said that I shouldnt have shot from the hip.,listen and try to finish the questions.,Some time ago, an interesting discovery was made by archaeologists on the Aegean island of Kea. some time 一段时间 sometime adv.在某一时候, 曾经, 有一天(过去或将来) sometimes adv.不时, 有时 中文习惯用主动语态。 英文习惯用被动语态。以事件、结果、影响、效果为主语,强调对客观事实的陈述。,An American team explored a temple which stands in an ancient city on the promontory of Ayia Irini. which引导定语从句,修饰限定temple。(which = that) stand(不及物) = lie(不及物) 位于 = situate(及物) 使位于, 使处于 = locate(及物) 使.坐落于, 位于 which stands in. = which lies in = which is located in = which is situated in.,The city at one time must have been prosperous, for it enjoyed a high level of civilization. for 引导原因状语从句:对主句的附加说明和解释,提供更多的信息。 because 引导原因状语从句:强调原因。 at one time 表达曾经, 一度(过去时态的标志, = once) must have been 对过去事实肯定的推测,The city was equipped with a drainage system, for a great many clay pipes were found beneath the narrow streets. be equipped with 配备, 装备 在正下方:beneath = under - beneath the narrow streets = under the narrow streets - He is standing under/beneath the umbrella. 在进行中:只能用under - under control 控制之中 / under discussion 讨论之中 / under repairs修理之中 below 在下方(强调在斜下方),Its missing head happened to be among remains of the fifth century B.C. happen to 偶然, 碰巧(强调事情的偶然发生) - I happen to have driven that kind of car. 我恰巧开过那种车。 - He happened to find the ticket in his pocket. It happens that +从句 - It happened that I met her on my way to work. = I happened to meet her on my way work.,When the archaeologists reconstructed the fragments, they were amazed to find that the goddess turned out to be a very modern-looking woman. Amazed = very much surprised surprised astonished amazed astounded 感到惊讶(语气递增),turn out(表示结果)结果是, 原来是 (= prove, 都表示系动词) 1turn out (to be)+ n./adj. - The concert turned out to be a failure. 我们的聚会非常的成功。 - Our party turned out (to be) a success.,2 It turned out + that从句 (it作形式主语) It turned out +其它名词从句 It turned out that the diamonds had been in the bank all the time. 原来钻石一直都在银行里保存着。 原来他的


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