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句群翻译-2-课件及作业,句群的翻译(二),夜晚的北京王府井,霓虹灯下,一条新近开通的地铁带来了更多的人潮涌动。在熙熙攘攘的人流之侧,一位脚穿运动鞋、留着波浪状的黑发、具有东方人面部特征的俄罗斯人,正在驻足凝视这个俄语里称为“天下”的国家汹涌而过的男男女女。他若有所思,似乎这种观察能给他带来很大的快乐。当年第一次来到中国时,看到一大早满街飞驰的自行车,他也感到异常的开心。,Under the neons of Wangfujing, Beijing, many more passengers and visitors crowd with the opening of a new metro line. Beside them, there is a Russian with the facial features of an easterner, wave-shaped black hair and in sports shoes. Standing still and watching the rushing men and women of this country, which is called as “Land under Heaven “in Russian, he seems to be thinking of something, or observes the scene with great pleasure. The same excitement also came to him upon his first visit to China when he found the numerous bicycles on the streets in the morning rush.,对于一位来自穷乡僻壤、一文不名的大学生而言,为了补贴读书和生活的开支,勤工俭学是必需的。于是塔里科开始起早贪黑,清扫大街上的积雪。但他很快发现能用更好的办法赚到更多的钱。塔里科与两位朋友合伙创立了一家清洁公司,并和附近的一家银行达成一项协议,每天早上帮助其清扫附近的积雪,这样得到的报酬要比市政当局给予的扫雪费用更高。,As a dead broke college student from poor rural place, it is essential for Tariko to practice work-study to support his expenses in both life and study. Thus, Tariko began to rise early in the morning to clean the snow on the streets or work late in the night. But soon he found a better way to earn more moneyhe established a cleaning company with the partnership of two friends and made a service agreement with a neighboring bank on cleaning the snow adjacent to the bank. The payment went far above the amount offered by the municipal government.,基于人们对全球粮食生产所面临的困境的认识和了解,以及过度追求粮食生产所引发的环境问题,许多国家政府对于举办“世界粮食日”活动都很重视。有的国家首脑在这一天发表演讲,有的国家举行纪念会或发表纪念文章,有的国家科研机构发表粮食和农业科研成果,举办科学讨论会等,以提高人们对粮食以及粮食引发的一系列问题的重视和研究。,The recognition and understanding of the difficult situation of food production of the world and the environmental problems caused by excessive pursuit of food production urge many governments to attach great importance to World Food Day campaign. Addresses are made by the leaders of some countries on that day, commemoration are held by some countries, commemorating articles are published by some counties, achievements in the science and technology of food and agriculture were launched and scientific symposiums were held by related institutes of some countries, which are all aimed to promote peoples concern and research on food and the corresponding problems.,整体性是马克思主义的鲜明特征,与马克思主义整体性相一致的整体性思想体现了整体性方法和理论的内在统一,是马克思主义世界观和方法论的重要内容。以马克思主义整体性思想为指导,在价值理性与工具理性的视野下认识和理解大学生思想政治教育有效性,辨析大学生思想政治教育整体有效性理念,阐释大学生思想政治教育整体有效性的本质和当代内涵,创建大学生思想政治教育整体有效性实践模式,对于推动思想政治教育理论建设学科化和大学生思想政治教育实践科学化具有方法论意义。,马克思主义整体性思想;思想政治教育整体有效性;价值理性;工具理性 摘 要:整体性是马克思主义的鲜明特征,与马克思主义整体性相一致的整体性思想体现了整体性方法和理论的内在统一,是马克思主义世界观和方法论的重要内容。以马克思主义整体性思想为指导,在价值理性与工具理性的视野下认识和理解大学生思想政治教育有效性,辨析大学生思想政治教育整体有效性理念,阐释大学生思想政治教育整体有效性的本质和当代内涵,创建大学生思想政治教育整体有效性实践模式,对于推动思想政治教育理论建设学科化和大学生思想政治教育实践科学化具有方法论意义。,Marxism integrity is one of the distinctive features of Marxism, and the consistent integrated ideology of Marxism indicates an intrinsic unification of integrated methods and theories as well as forms an important part of Marxism worldview and methodology. Therefore, it is of great significance in methodology to impel the academic construction and the scientific implementation of ideological and political education for college students under the guidance of Marxism integrity ideology via a series of approaches, namely, recognizing and understanding the validity of ideological and political education for college students from the perspectives of value rationality and instrumental rationality, differentiating and analyzing the ideas of its integrated validity, illustrating the nature and contemporary connotation of its integrated validity and establishing implementing modes for its integrated validity.,全晋会馆是由江南餐饮集团投资兴建的文化创意酒店,致力于打造山西餐饮的门户形象,成为山西人最高规格的待客之道。全晋会馆把晋文化融入餐饮中,在菜品、环境、服务上全方位的传承与超越晋文化中的智慧精髓,拥有极具特色的主题性文化包间、演艺宴会厅、多功能宴会厅、国际化商务会所等全方位服务功能,为顾客提供与众不同的文化感受。,Quanjin Restaurant, a culture creativity restaurant founded by Jiangnan Catering Group, has been committing to building a window of catering services of Shanxi Province and has become the top-grade services of people in Shanxi Province to entertain guests. With an integration of Jin Culture into its catering services as well as all-round inheritance and innovation of the essence of Jin Culture in dishes, environment and services, Quanjin Restaurant is now capable of providing customers with unique culture experience with the establishment of all-round services by its diverse units, namely Culture-theme catering rooms, Art Performance Banquet Hall, Multi-function Banquet Hall, International Business Club, etc.,Quan Jin Guild Hall, a cultural creativity-based restaurant founded by Jiangnan Catering Group, has been committing to building a window of catering services of Shanxi Province and has become the top-grade manner of people in Shanxi Province to entertain guests. With an integration of Jin Culture into its catering services, e.g. overall inheritance of the essence of Jin Culture as well as innovation in dishes, environment and services, Quan Jin Guild Hall ensures its customers with unique culture experience by providing all-round services with its diverse units, namely Culture-theme catering rooms with typical features, art performance banquet hall, multi-function banquet hall, international business club, etc.,罗浮山是中国十大名山之一,素称岭南第一山。她也是我国著名的道教圣地,并被称为第七洞天、三十四福地。罗浮山风景区位于广东省博罗县城西北角,距广州市92公里,离惠州65公里,风景区于1988年被省政府批准为省级风景名胜区,是旅游、观光、会议、度假胜地。,The Luofushan Mountain is among the ten most famous mountains in China and always regarded as No.1 at the south of the Five Ridges. She is also the famous Taoists Holy Place in our country, enjoying the fame of the Seventh Sky and 34th Treasured Land. The Luofushan scenic spot is situated at the north-western tip of Boluo County, Guangdong Province, with a distance of 92 kilometers to Guangzhou, and 65 kilometers to Huizhou. Approved as a provincial level scenic spot by the provincial government in 1988, it is a very nice place for tourism, sightseeing, meetings and vacation.,须翻译文本,黄龙风景区堪称“人间瑶池”,誉为“天下绝”。黄龙自然风光秀丽,1992年被列入世界自然遗产名录,2000年被联合国列入“人与生物圈保护网”,2002年又获得“绿色环球21”的殊荣,被海外专家评为“世界极品和国家级4A旅游景区”。黄龙景区是以独特神奇之大型露天岩溶景观为主景,以险峻雄奇之高原自然风景为内容,以绚丽多彩之民族风貌为特征


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