



莫言在瑞典诺贝尔颁奖典礼晚宴上发表获奖感言尊敬的国王、王后和王室成员,女士们先生们:我的讲稿忘在旅馆了,但是我记在脑子里了。我获奖以来发生了很多有趣的事情,由此也可以见证到,诺贝尔奖确实是一个影响巨大的奖项,它在全世界的地位无法动摇。我是一个来自中国山东高密东北乡的一个农民的儿子,能在这样一个殿堂中领取这样一个巨大的奖项,很像一个童话,但它毫无疑问是一个事实。我想借这个机会,向诺奖基金会,向支持了诺贝尔奖的瑞典人民,表示崇高的敬意。要像瑞典皇家学院坚守自己信念的院士表示崇高的敬意和真挚的感谢。我还要感谢那些把我的作品翻译成了世界很多语言的翻译家们。没有他们的创造性的劳动,文学只是各种语言的文学。正是因为有了他们的劳动,文学才可以变为世界的文学。当然我还要感谢我的亲人,我的朋友们。他们的友谊,他们的智慧,都在我的作品里闪耀光芒。文学和科学相比较没有的确是没有什么用处。但是文学的最大的用处,也许就是他没有用处。谢谢大家!以下为莫言为此次晚宴准备的演讲稿原文及英文译文,与上面的现场即兴演讲不一致:莫言在诺贝尔晚宴上的答谢词(准备稿)2012年12月10日(当地时间)Mo Yans Prepared Banquet Speech at the Nobel Banquet10 December 2012尊敬的国王陛下、王后陛下,女士们,先生们:Your Majesties, Your Royal Highnesses, Ladies and Gentlemen,我,一个来自遥远的中国山东高密东北乡的农民的儿子,站在这个举世瞩目的殿堂上,领取了诺贝尔文学奖,这很像一个童话,但却是不容置疑的现实。For me, a farm boy from Gaomis Northeast Township in far-away China, standing here in this world-famous hall after having received the Nobel Prize in Literature feels like a fairy tale, but of course it is true.获奖后一个多月的经历,使我认识到了诺贝尔文学奖巨大的影响和不可撼动的尊严。我一直在冷眼旁观着这段时间里发生的一切,这是千载难逢的认识人世的机会,更是一个认清自我的机会。My experiences during the months since the announcement have made me aware of the enormous impact of the Nobel Prize and the unquestionable respect it enjoys. I have tried to view what has happened during this period in a cool, detached way. It has been a golden opportunity for me to learn about the world and, even more so, an opportunity for me to learn about myself.我深知世界上有许多作家有资格甚至比我更有资格获得这个奖项;我相信,只要他们坚持写下去,只要他们相信文学是人的光荣也是上帝赋予人的权利,那么,“他必将华冠加在你头上,把荣冕交给你。”(圣经箴言第四章)I am well aware that there are many writers in the world who would be more worthy Laureates than I. I am convinced that if they only continue to write, if they only believe that literature is the ornament of humanity and a God-given right, She will give you a garland to grace your head and present you with a glorious crown. (Proverbs 4:9)我深知,文学对世界上的政治纷争、经济危机影响甚微,但文学对人的影响却是源远流长。有文学时也许我们认识不到它的重要,但如果没有文学,人的生活便会粗鄙野蛮。因此,我为自己的职业感到光荣也感到沉重。I am also well aware that literature only has a minimal influence on political disputes or economic crises in the world, but its significance to human beings is ancient. When literature exists, perhaps we do not notice how important it is, but when it does not exist, our lives become coarsened and brutal. For this reason, I am proud of my profession, but also aware of its importance.借此机会,我要向坚定地坚持自己信念的瑞典学院院士们表示崇高的敬意,我相信,除了文学,没有任何能够打动你们的理由。I want to take this opportunity to express my admiration for the members of the Swedish Academy, who stick firmly to their own convictions. I am confident that you will not let yourselves be affected by anything other than literature.我还要向翻译我作品的各国翻译家表示崇高的敬意,没有你们,世界文学这个概念就不能成立。你们的工作,是人类彼此了解、互相尊重的桥梁。当然,在这样的时刻,我不会忘记我的家人、朋友对我的支持和帮助,他们的智慧和友谊在我的作品里闪耀光芒。I also want to express my respect for the translators from various countries who have translated my work. Without you, there would be no world literature. Your work is a bridge that helps people to understand and respect each other. Nor, at this moment, can I forget my family and friends, who have given me their support and help. Their wisdom and friendship shines through my work.最后,我要特别地感谢我的故乡中国山东高密的父老乡亲,我过去是,现在是,将来也是你们中的一员;我还要特别地感谢那片生我养我的厚重大地,俗话说,“一方水土养一方人”,我便是这片水土养育出来的一个说书人,我的一切工作,都是为了报答你的恩情。Finally, I wish to extend special thanks to my older relatives and compatriots at home in Gaomi, Shandong, China. I was, am and always will be one of you. I also thank the fertile soil that gave birth to me and nurtured me. It is often said that a person is shaped by the


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