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阅读下面短文, 掌握其大意, 然后从115各题所给的A、B、C和D项中, 选出最佳选项, 并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。(注:考试说明中给出的完形填空的参考时间是25分钟,请同学们在做每篇完形填空时, 限定自己在25分钟内完成),(1) I have been a nurse for seven years. I love my work. Now, my 1 is quite ill. He is 71 and has heart failure, and a lot of other medical 2 .,1. A. father B. mother C. grandpa D. grandma,2. A. puzzles B. difficulties C. matters D. problems,1.A根据第六空后的to be here with Dad可知。Dad和father是同义词复现。,2.D由本句中的heart failure可推出填problems。关键词是other。,A. father,D. problems,Up until April of this year, he was able to 3 alone, drive, and take care of himself. His health has 4 down swiftly. Im the only girl out of five children. Being the only girl and a 5 put me at the top of the caregiver list.,5. A. nurse B. doctor C. daughter D. child,3. A. sit B. live C. stand D. stay,4. A. gone B. burnt C. come D. broken,5.A第一句I have been a nurse for seven years给了提示。与nurse是原词复现。,3.B句末的take care of himself有暗示, 故填live。,4.D根据语境及搭配可知, break down意为“(身体)跨下来”。,B. live,D. broken,A. nurse,Taking care of a sick parent is very difficult, not at all like taking care of other patients. I have to abandon my own 6 to be here with Dad. I know this is what I need to do but it is still 7 . I spend about 12-15 hours a day taking care of him.,6. A. job B. major C. family D. hope,7. A. easy B. hard C. bad D. bitter,6.C根据语境, 以及后面的They have separate families and busy life.So do I可知。与family是原词复现。,7.B由前面的Taking care of a sick parent is very difficult及下句的描述可知填hard。hard与difficult是近义词复现。,C. family,B. hard,I spend about 12-15 hours a day taking care of him. I want to spend all of the time that I can with him because I know that our 8 left together is short. At the same time, I felt 9 that my brothers dont help more.,9.A根据从句内容my brothers dont help more可推出作者生气了。,8. A. money B. pleasure C. emotion D. time,9. A. angry B. calm C. enthusiastic D. anxious,8.D由句中的I want to spend all of the time可知。与time是原词复现。,D. time,A. angry,Sometimes, it is days between their 10 . They have separate families and busy life.So do I. My eldest brother does 11 some. He stays at night. He comes in at 8: 00 or 9: 00 p.m. and lets me go home.,10. A. trips B. visits C. calls D. meals,11. A. need B. have C. help D. want,10.B根据后面的My other 12 pop in for 10-15 minutes visits可知。与visits是原词复现。,11.C由前面的my brothers dont help more可知。与help是原词复现。,B. visits,C. help,My other 12 pop in for 10-15 minutes visits. It is really annoying. They say they cant 13 seeing Daddy this way, which I 14 .,14. A. misunderstand B. understand C. share B. appreciate,12. A. brothers B. relatives C. sisters D. uncles,13. A. suggest B. stop C. stand D. help,14.B由语境及下句的解释可以推出答案。,12.A根据前面的My eldest brother does 11 some及该空前的other可知。与brother是原词复现。,13.C根据常识及下句内容可推出填stand(忍受)。意思是说她的兄弟们不忍心看到父亲这个样子, 所以来得稀少。,A. brothers,C. stand,B. understand,It hurts me to see him so sick and 15 , too. But hes our Dad. He has taken care of us all his life. I just feel that we should do our part to take care of him now.,15. A. tired B. exhausted C. weak D. dirty,15.C这句话是对前句内容的解释, 由sick可推出填weak。weak与sick是近义词复现。,C. weak,caregiver照料者 abandon离开(某人) separate各自的 annoying使人气恼的,(2) Around twenty years ago I was living in Seattle and going through hard times. I could not find satisfying work and I found life especially 1 . To my shame I was driving a school bus to make ends 2 . I had lost my apartment.,1. A. simple B. difficult C. complex D. easy,2. A. connect B. meet C. break D. control,1.B根据常理,由句中的I could not find satisfying work可推出填difficult。,2.B由搭配可知。make ends meet意为“使收支相抵”。,B. difficult,B. meet,I had lost my apartment. I had been through five 3 with a company and one day between bus runs they 4 to say I did not get the job. I went to the bus barn like a zombie (僵尸) with 5 .,4. A. came B. decided C. agreed D. called,3. A. interviews B. relations C. positions D. situations,3. A根据第一段第二句及空后的with a company可推出。interview与company是词语同现。,4. D由语境可知是公司打电话通知作者说他落聘了。故选D。,A. interviews,D. called,5. A. movement B. Comment C. excitement D. disappointment,5.D前句中的I did not get the job是作者失望的原因。故填disappointment。,D. disappointment,One day I pulled the 6 over to drop off a little girl and as she passed she handed me a(n) 7 , saying I should keep it in case somebody 8 it. The earring was stamped metal, painted black and said “BE HAPPY”.,6. A. car B. plane C. bus D. bicycle,7. A. necklace B. pen C. orange D. earring,8. A. claimed B. found C. refused D. lost,6.C由前文的I was driving a school bus可知。与bus是原词复现。,8.A根据语境及句意,此处应填claimed(认领)。,7.D根据下句中的The earring was stamped metal可知。与earring是原词复现。,C. bus,D. earring,A. claimed,At first I got angry yeah, yeah, I thought. Then it hit me. I had been putting all of my energies into what was wrong with my 9 rather than what was right! I decided then and there to make a list of 50 things I was 10 for.,9. A. life B. family C. future D. ability,10. A. eager B. sorry C. likely D. grateful,9.A根据句意及第一段中的I found life especially 1 可知。与life是原词复现。,10.D下段中的because I 14 my attitude to gratitude有提示。grateful与gratitude是同根词复现。,A. life,D. grateful,One night there was a phone call from a manager at a large 11 asking me if I would do a one-day seminar for 200 hospital 12 . I said yes and got the job. My day with the hospital workers went very well.,11. A. factory B. hospital C. company D. school,12. A. doctors B. nurses C. workers D. professors,12.C根据下句My day with the hospital workers went very well可知。与workers是原词复现。,11.B由句中的for 200 hospital 12 可知。与hospital是原词复现。,B. hospital,C. workers,I got a standing ovation(热烈鼓掌)and many more 13 of work. Till this day I realize that it was because I 14 my attitude to gratitude.,13. A. days B. hours C. nights D. weeks,14. A. removed B. developed C. changed D. arranged,14.C根据前面的语境可知, 本文最后一句与本句也有联系。,13.A由上句中的My day with.可知。与day是原词复现。,A. days,C. changed,15. A. word B. motto C. purpose D. ambition,15.B本句主语是一句话, 所以根据常识可推出填motto(座右铭)。,“THE ONLY ATTITUDE IS GRATITUDE” has been my 15 for years now and yes, it completely changed my life.,B. motto,stamped刻了字的 barn车库 drop off让某人下车 earring耳环, 耳饰,(3) I lived a hard life when I was small. I was abused physically and mentally. Life as an adult was not 1 with a broken marriage. I tried to 2 myself.,1. A. worse B. easier C. harder D. better,2. A. kill B. enjoy C. move D. attack,2.A由下句中的I was rescued by a teacher可推出填kill。kill与rescue是词语同现。,1.D根据前面的lived a hard life及空后的with a broken marriage可推出填better。better与hard是词语同现。,D. better,A. kill,But thankfully I was rescued by a teacher, andthanks to the help of the teacher, I rebuilt my 3 . Today I am a reborn person, as a founder of a home here in Sabah, Malaysia, general social worker and social activist.,3. A. house B. lab C. dream D. life,3.D根据前面的Life as an adult可知。与life是原词复现。,D. life,At the age of 38 , I 4 for Camphill, Aberdeen, Scotland, where I graduated as a 5 educationist and guidance doctor.,5.B根据与之并列的guidance doctor可推出这里填medical。,4.C根据后面的定语从句可知作者去了苏格兰的Camphill, 并在那里毕业。,4. A. aim B. went C. left D. long,5. A. physical B. medical C. chemical D. political,C. left,B. medical,7. A. target B. ideal C. hope D. answer,6.A由句中的which university可推出填graduated。graduated与university是词语同现。,7.D由句中的I was asked可推出。answer与ask是词语同现,When I was asked which university I 6 from before going to Camphill, my 7 was the university of life. I am now 61 years old and still active in my services for the needy.,6. A. graduated B. learned C. entered D. escaped,A. graduated,D. answer,9.B根据空后的that can destroy a persons life可推出选B。,Never ever have low 8 of anyone and always be careful of 9 words that can destroy a persons life.,8. A. ideas B. comments C. opinions D. views,9. A. positive B. negative C. simple D. complex,8.C根据搭配,have low opinions of sb.“对某人评价差”。,C. opinions,B. negative,11.B根据第二段第一句中的.general social worker and social activist可知。与social是原词复现。,10.A由句中的with no brains可以推出填hopeless。,I was laughed at being a mixed breed(杂种), and I was told that I was a 10 child, with no brains, yet today I am a public figure, often sought for by various press media for my advice on various 11 problems.,10. A. hopeless B. useless C. naughty D. bad,11. A. family B. social C. technical D. medical,A. hopeless,B. social,14.C根据搭配及空后的从句from which we can learn something positive可知填lesson。,13.B由句意可知填hope。,12.A由搭配可知填going, go through“经历”。其他选项构成的搭配:put through“接通”, look through“浏览”, see through“看穿”。,For those who are 12 through some troubles in their life, never give up 13 , because every event that happens in our life, whether it is good or horrible, teaches a 14 , from which we can learn something positive.,12. A. going B. putting C. seeing D. looking,13. A. belief B. hope C. education D. courage,14. A. class B. song C. lesson D. magic,A. going,B. hope,C. lesson,15.D根据句意及搭配可知, in need of“需要”。,I hope my life story will touch someone in 15 of help. If I can make it, you too can, even better than me.,15. A. honor B. case C. charge D. need,D. need,abuse 虐待 the needy有需要的人 a public figure公众人物 positive乐观的,(4) Recently, I experienced a wonderful lesson that little things still mean a lot. I live on the Big Island of Hawaii. About a month ago, when I started my car and I 1 down at the roadside, a piece of paper caught my eye. I picked it up and 2 it carefully.,1. A. glanced B. went C. broke D. set,2. A. read B. cleaned C. touched D. saw,1.A由句中的a piece of paper caught my eye可知填glanced。glanced与eye是词语同现。,2.A根据下文叙述纸上的内容可知作者仔细看了看(read)这张纸, 故选A。,A. glanced,A. read,The form turned out to be a 3 from the State Motor Vehicle Division, documenting the owners 4 of their vehicles registration fees.,3. A. report B. decision C. message D. receipt,4. A. development B. Payment C. Permission D. plan,3.D最后一段的They.searched for the receipt给了提示。与receipt是原词复现。,4.B由空后的their vehicles registration fees(过户费)可知填payment。,D. receipt,B. Payment,Quickly, I put myself in their 5 and figured:no one would throw this out, 6 if it was current.,6. A. especially B. occasionally C. usually D. generally,5. A. clothes B. hat C. shoes D. shirt,6.A根据句意及空后的if it was current, especially在这里表示递进关系。,5.C根据搭配可知, in ones shoes “处于某人的位置”。,C. shoes,A. especially,Although the form had been blown here, where in the busy, 7 parking lot would I find the owner? So I checked the date and noted the name of the 8 , who must be in our town.,8.B根据语境及前句中的find the owner可知。与owner是原词复现。,7. A. lonely B. narrow C. empty D. crowded,8. A. guest B. owner C. partner D. host,7.D由于空前的busy也是修饰后面的parking lot,因此这里填crowded。crowded与busy是近义词复现。,D. crowded,B. owner,I thought that the best and easiest step to 9 was to put the form in an envelope addressed to the couple and 10 it by post. So I did it.,9. A. have B. get C. take D. bring,10. A. sell B. mail C. carry D. fly,9.C根据搭配, 由空前的step可知。take steps “采取措施”。,10.B由空后的by post可推出填mail。mail与post是词语同现。,B. get,C. carry,On the weekend, a 11 couple called at my house and brought me a big 12 . They said they had panicked and searched for the receipt 13 everywhere before giving up.,11. A. worried B. disappointed C. lucky D. happy,13. A. quickly B. slowly C. curiously D. madly,12. A. surprise B. form C. gift D. joy,11.D根据语境, 这对夫妇收到了丢失的收据, 自然是很高兴地来登门致谢, 故填happy。从作者的角度来观察, lucky是看不出来的,因此不能选C。,13.D由语境可知, 丢了重要的东西常常会发疯似地(madly)寻找。,12.C根据常识, 登门致谢带来的自然是礼物(gift)。,D. happy,C. gift,D. madly,Without it they would 14 $8, 000. It felt great to know Id helped someone 15 a major trouble by doing something which at first glance seemed minor.,15. A. avoid B. meet C. overcome D. defeat,14. A. drop B. earn C. lose D. get,15.A根据全文内容可知, 作者帮他们避免(avoid)了一桩大麻烦, 故选A。,14.C根据语境可知这里填lose(损失)。其他选项不合语境。,C. lose,A. avoid,document 用文件证明 registration 注册, 登记 figure 猜想 address to 给写信,(5) I cant remember a winter being as cold as this one in Pennsylvania. People I speak to have been in all kinds of 1 moods. They say theyre “under the weather, ” not 2 good about this time of year.,1. A. uncertain B. unnecessary C. unpleasant D. unimportant,2. A. feeling B. sounding C. tasting D. looking,2.A根据句意及前句的.in all kinds of 1 moods可推出填feeling。,1.C根据下句中的They say theyre “under the weather (感到不舒服)”可推出。,C. unpleasant,A. feeling,As I stood outside yesterday, it was so cold that my face and 3 felt crisp and my ears were stinging. Suddenly, I began to think how wonderful this extreme cold 4 was.,3. A. arms B. nose C. tongue D. teeth,4. A. really B. generally C. hardly D. almost,3.B根据常识可知, 选项中只有nose才可能被冻坏了。,4.A根据句意可知填really。,B. nose,A. really,Then the 5 broke through the clouds and memories of summers hot days flashed through my mind. I could remember standing in the heat of the afternoon, 6 pouring down my brow and the hot, burning sun against my face.,5. A. moon B. thunder C. lightning D. sun,6. A. blood B. water C. sweat D. rain,6.C根据语境, 尤其是句中的heat可推出填sweat。sweat与heat是词语同现。,5.D由空后的broke through the clouds及句中的hot days可推出填sun。sun与cloud是词语同现。,D. sun,C. sweat,I reminded myself then and there that in the cold of the 7 I would wish I had this heat. I was right. Most of the time I find two extremes in my life 8 .,8.A根据下句中的normally fear them and complain.可推出。,8. A. uncomfortable B. unavoidable C. unpredictable D. unbelievable,7. A. spring B. summer C. fall D. winter,7. D由句中的the cold及第一句中的I cant remember a winter.可知。与winter是原词复现。,D. winter,A. uncomfortable,I normally fear them and complain all the way through. But now I am 9 for them. Its being dragged to one of the 10 that makes us appreciate the middle.,9. A. sorry B. anxious C. responsible D. grateful,10. A. ends B. extremes C. challenges D. situations,9.D由本句句首的But可推出这里应该填与complain相反的词, 因此选D。grateful与complain是词语同现。,10.B根据本段第二句中的I find two extremes可知。与extreme是原词复现。,D. grateful,B. extremes,Health challenges 11 us that we need to pay more attention to how we 12 . Financial extremes remind us that when things are in excess(过量) its time to 13 for when the times are hard.,11. A. inform B. remind C. convince D. teach,13. A. hunt B. prepare C. long D. wait,12. A. work B. study C. live D. play,11.B根据下句中的Financial extremes remind us可知, 其他选项一般用于主语是人的句子中。与remind是原词复现。,13.B由句意及when the times are hard可推出填prepare。,12.C根据句首的Health可推出。live与health是词语同现。,B. remind,C. live,B. prepare,Ive come to the 14 that all too often Im not happy with where I am at that moment. But no more. I want to start finding a reason to be happy right where I am. Im 15 of being “under the weather”!,14. A. conclusion B. confirmation C. illusion D. decision,15. A. jealous B. short C. reminded D. tired,15.D根据前句中的I want to start finding a reason to be happy.可推出, 这里应该是表示作者厌倦了under the weather(不舒服)。be tired of意为“对.厌倦”。,14.A根据句意及搭配可知。,A. conclusion,D. tired,mood 心情 extreme 极其的 appreciate 感激 excess 剩余,(6) About ten years ago when I was an undergraduate in college, I was working as an intern (实习生) at my Universitys Museum of Natural History. One day while 1 at the cash register in the gift shop, I saw an elderly 2 come in with a little girl in a wheelchair.,1. A. working B. studying C. resting D. reading,2. A. man B. couple C. woman D. adult,1.A根据上句中的intern(实习生)可推出填working。work与intern是词语同现。,2.B下段中的As the couple 6 her.有提示,故填couple。与couple是原词复现。,A. working,B. couple,As I looked closer at this girl, I saw that she was kind of perched on her 3 . I then realized she had no arms or legs, just a 4 , neck and torso (躯干).,4. A. face B. nose C. mouth D. head,3. A. knee B. desk C. chair D. back,3.C根据上句中的in a wheelchair可知填chair。chair与wheelchair是同根词复现。,4.D根据常识, 只能选head。其他选项都是head的组成部分。,C. chair,D. head,She was 5 a little white dress with red polka dots. As the couple 6 her up to me I was looking down at the register.,5. A. wearing B. Holding C. carrying D. knitting,6. A. pushed B. pulled C. lifted D. wheeled,6.D由前面的wheelchair可推出填wheel(推动)。wheel与wheelchair是词语同现。,5.A根据句意及搭配可知填wearing(穿)。,A. wearing,D. wheeled,I turned my head to the girl and gave her a sympathetic 7 . As I took the 8 from her grandparents, I looked back at the girl, who was giving me the cutest, largest 9 I have ever seen.,7. A. handshake B. laugh C. look D. treatment,9. A. laugh B. smile C. scream D. cry,8. A. gift B. money C. card D. ticket,8.B根据第一段第二句中的at the cash register in the gift shop可以推出。money与cash是近义词复现。,9.B由下句中的whose smile.可知。与smile是原词复现。,7.C根据句意及空前的sympathetic可推出填look。,C. look,B. money,B. smile,All of a sudden her handicap was gone and all I saw was this beautiful girl, whose smile just melted me and almost 10 gave me a completely new sense of what 11 is all about.,10. A. gradually B. actually C. Instantly D. frequently,11. A. work B. disability C. family D. life,11.D由最后一句中的the remarkable 15 about life可知。与life是原词复现。,10.C根据句意及空前的almost可知填instantly。,C. Instantly,D. life,She took me from a poor, unhappy college student and 12 me into her world a world of smiles, love and 13 .,12. A. trapped B. changed C. put D. brought,13. A. warmth B. marriage C. faith D. care,13.A根据语境与之并列的smiles, love可推出填warmth。warmth与smiles, love是词语同现。,12.D根据句意及搭配可知填brought。,D. brought,A. warmth,That was ten years ago. Im a successful business person now and whenever I get down and 14 about the troubles of the world, I always think about the little girl and the remarkable 15 about life that she taught me.,15.A根据搭配,尤其是从句中的taught可知。lesson与teach是词语同现。,14. A. talk B. see C. think D. worry,15. A. lesson B. story C. experience D. trial,14.C下句中的I always think about.有提示。与think是原词复现。,C. think,A. lesson,elderly 上了年纪的 sympathetic 表示同情的 handicap 残疾 gone不见的,(7) Some years ago, when I was selling club memberships from office to office, I would end my presentation by giving the prospect (潜在的顾客) a booklet outlining the membership benefits and encourage him to “think about it.” My self-image was such t


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