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Unit 17 LaughterIt is generally acknowledged that laughter is beneficial to our health. It can result in relaxed mind, help us get rid of bad moods and make us forget about misfortunes. Scientists convince people that laughter is very important in our life through experiments. They even advise people to put on a smile even if you dont feel happy. Over time, you will form the habit of smiling or laughing.Laughter is universal and no one can resist its charm. Comedians job is to amuse the audience through humorous words and a series of simple and funny acts that rely purely on body language. My favourite comedian is Mr Zhao. Watching his performances, regardless of their ages, the audience will burst into laughter from time to time. In response to the audiences affection, Mr Zhao often gives them more wonderful performances. Mr Zhaos ability to make people laugh is unbelievable. When I was in senior high school, the life was very tough. Thanks to Mr Zhao and his sketches, I went through those hard days.At that time, to make sure most students pass the college entrance examination, our school forbade Senior Three students to take part in some kinds of activities. It overlooked our psychological and mental needs. To compensate our lost leisure time, we often listened to Mr Zhaos sketches in the dormitory with caution. If run into by our headteacher, we would be scolded for not going to bed on time. We obtained happiness and satisfaction through Mr Zhaos works. Mr Zhao once clarified that he didnt fool around. Instead, he said his profession was to make people laugh. Mr Zhao is very popular among audience of all ages. People are ready to wait in line to buy tickets to watch his performances. Even when his performances are delayed, the audience never turn him off. Mr Zhao is called “the Oriental Chaplin”. Now he is a famous figure at home and abroad. Recently, Mr Zhao accomplished his dream of introducing Chinese sketches to foreign countries. I am rarely crazy about someone, but I do like Mr Zhao.人们普遍认为大笑对我们的健康有好处。它可以导致轻松的心情,帮助我们摆脱不好的情绪以及使我们忘却不幸。科学家们通过实验使人们相信,大笑在我们的日常生活中是非常重要的。他们甚至建议人们即使不高兴时也要假装微笑。时间长了,你就会养成微笑或大笑的习惯。大笑是普遍性的,没人能抗拒它的魅力。喜剧演员的工作就是通过他们幽默的话语和一系列纯依靠身势语简单而滑稽的动作而逗乐观众。我最喜欢的喜剧演员是赵老师。看他的表演,不管什么年龄,观众都会时不时地爆发出笑声。为了回应观众的喜爱,赵老师经常会给他们更精彩的表演。赵老师使人们发笑的能力是难以置信的。当我上高中时,那时的生活是非常艰难的。多亏了赵老师和他的小品,我度过了那段艰难的日子。为了确保大多数学生考上大学,那时学校禁止我们高三的学生参加一些活动。它忽视了我们的心理和精神需求。为了补偿我们失去的娱乐时间,我们经常在宿舍里小心地听赵老师的小品。万一被班主任撞上,我们就会因不按时上床睡觉而受到责骂。通过他的作品,我们获得了幸福和满足。赵老师曾经澄清他不是在瞎胡闹。相反地,他说他的职业就是使人们大笑。赵老师深受各个年龄段人的喜爱。人们愿意排队买票看他的演出。甚至当他的演出被延期时,观众也不讨厌他。赵老师被称为“东方的卓别林”。现在他在国内外都是一个著名人物了。最近,他实现了自己的梦想,把中国的小品介绍到了国外。我很少为某人而疯狂,但我确实喜欢赵老师。第一部分听力(满分30分,限时20分钟)第一节(共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分)听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。1Where will the woman go first?ATo the beach.BTo the bank.CTo the bathroom.2What does the woman mean?AThe man forgot to do his hair.BThe man forgot to put on a tie.CThe man is wearing clothes that dont match.3How does the woman probably feel?AAnnoyed.BHungry.CExcited.4Why didnt the man answer the phone?AHe lost it.BHe didnt hear it.CHis phone ran out of power.5Who did the woman want to call?AJames. BDrake. CDaniel.第二节(共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。听第6段材料,回答第6、7题。6Where does the conversation most likely take place?AAt home.BIn the cinema.CIn the park.7What is the man going to do?AHave a walk.BGo back to his parents.CSee a film.听第7段材料,回答第8、9题。8Where are the speakers?AIn a car.BOn a boat.COn a motorcycle.9What is the woman doing?ALooking at a paper map.BTrying to find a website.CUsing a phone to give directions.听第8段材料,回答第10至12题。10What can we learn about the woman?AShe is out of work.BShe is good at typing.CShe is studying abroad.11What kind of people will the woman deal with in that position?AThose who ask for information.BThose who try to find a job.CThose who intend to learn Chinese.12How does the woman feel about the job?ABoring but easy.BInteresting and easy.CInteresting but hard.听第9段材料,回答第13至16题。13What are the speakers mainly talking about?ATheir vets.BMoney spent on pets.CWays to buy dogs medicines.14What is the mans dogs name?ABrett. BFargo. CFerguson.15What doesnt the woman like about her vet?AThe limited services.BThe prices her vet charged.CThe difficulty of getting an appointment.16What isnt one of the mans suggestions?AGoing to his vet.BLooking online.CGoing to a special pet store.听第10段材料,回答第17至20题。17When will the fire arrive close to Lakewood?ABy six oclock in the evening.BBy five oclock in the evening.CBy six oclock in the morning.18Where shouldnt residents go to escape the fire?ASpringfield.BWestern Hill.CPoint Cabina Station.19How long will it take residents to reach the safe zone?ALess than ten minutes.BLess than twenty minutes.CLess than thirty minutes.20What are residents advised to do before they leave?ALeave all pets behind.BStay calm and do not panic.CTell the state police where they are going.答案:15CCACA610ABACC1115ABCBB1620AABCB听力材料(Text 1)M: Hey, Joanne. Whats up? Are you heading to the beach, too?W: Im trying to get there as fast as I can. I need to deposit some money at the bank and mail some letters at the post office. But first, Ive really got to find a ladies room!(Text 2)W: Have you looked in the mirror today?M: Uh, not since I woke up this morning . Why? Did I forget to do my hair or something?W: Well, lets just say that green ties and pink shirts dont really mix .(Text 3)M: Im starving! What have you got to eat around here?W: Um, not much. I really wasnt expecting anyone over, so .M: All you have in here is some salad and one of those health drinks that only girls drink .W: Look. I dont show up at your door without calling and criticize your food, do I?(Text 4)W: Do you have any idea what time it is now? Have you ever heard your phone?M: Im sorry. But my phone ran out of power. I got back here as fast as I could because I knew youd be worried.(Text 5)W: Hi, James! Its me, Diane. Oh, Im so glad I caught you. I was just talking to Drake, and .M: Im sorry. But I think you dialed the wrong number. My name is Daniel.(Text 6)M: Whats the matter with you? You look miserable.W: Its us.M: What do you mean “us”?W: Well, we used to talk to each other before we were married. Remember? M: What do you mean? Were talking now, arent we?W: Oh, yes, but we used to do so much together.M: We still go to the cinema together, dont we?W: Yes, but we used to go out for walks together. Remember?M: Oh, I can remember.W: And we used to do silly things, like running barefoot through the park.M: Yes. I remember. I used to catch terrible colds.W: But we never used to argue. You used to think I was wonderful. Once . Where are you going? M: Back to live with my parents. Thats something else we used to do before we were married. Remember?(Text 7)M: Can you see how close we are on the map?W: It looks like were pretty close, but these smartphone maps are hard to read.M: Yeah, I always prefer to look at a paper map. I think I still have some in the pocket of the right door, if you wanna grab one .W: No, Id probably be even worse at that. Uhoh, I think you were supposed to turn left back there.M: You mean that you were supposed to tell me to turn left back there?W: Yeah, Im sorry. I dont have one of these kinds of phones, so Im afraid I dont really know what Im doing. Do you want to pull over and take a look?M:No. Its okay. Just push that little button on the side of the phone to turn on the sound. That will allow us to hear the directions out loud.(Text 8)M: Hello, Student Job Center. Can I help you? W: Yes, I am looking for a parttime job. Do you have anything available at the moment?M: Ah, yes. Your name and address?W: Im Linda. I live in the building for international students, and my room number is 7B559.M: OK, do you have any skills? Typing, languages, that sort of thing?W: Yes, I speak Chinese and I can also speak some Japanese.M: Right, lets see what is available. There is a position for an Office Assistant at the language center. W: That sounds interesting.M: Its for three days a week and the duty is to deal with inquiries and answer the phone. W: I am sure I can handle it without problem.M:Great. I will inform the director of the language center and you can start next week.(Text 9)W: Brett, can I ask you a question about your dog?M: Sure. Whats up?W: Well, I have to get my little Ferguson some medicine.M: Oh, is everything all right?W: Yes, of course. Its not like hes sick or anything. I give him medicine every month as part of his regular care, so he doesnt get any diseases from insects or other dogs. M: Oh, right. I do that for Fargo, too.W: Yeah. That was what I was going to ask you about. Where do you buy your dogs medicine? I asked my vet, and she told me the prices. I almost dropped dead right there!M: Yeah. Unfortunately, most special pet stores sell them at fixed prices that are set by the companies that make them. You can usually find discounts of ten or fifteen percent for a lot of those stores, though.W: Well, thats not a huge help for something thats two hundred dollars per year! Isnt there any other way?M: Well, you can order some medicines from websites that are based in other countries where the prices are lower. (Text 10)This is the Lakewood Public Address System. This is not a test like the one we had last week. I repeat, this is not a test. The Western Hill Fire is spreading toward Lakewood much quicker than we had expected. Currently, we expect the fire to come within twenty miles of Lakewood by six oclock this evening. We are therefore requiring all residents to leave this area immediately.Springfield to the north, Point Cabina Station to the east, and Galveston to the south are all in the safe zone. It will take less than thirty minutes to drive to any of these towns. Take as many things as you can fit in your car, but do not delay. We have orders from the state police to make sure that the entire town of Lakewood is empty by five oclock today. You have plenty of time to get all your family members, pets, and belongings together, so there is no need to panic. Stay calm, but get started as soon as possible. 第二部分阅读理解(满分40分,限时35分钟)第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。AOnce architect Frank Lloyd Wright built a house for businessman Hibbard Johnson.One rainy evening Johnson was entertaining guests for dinner when the roof began to leak.The water leaked through directly above Johnson, dropping steadily onto his bald head.Angry, he called Wright.“Frank,” he said, “You built this beautiful house for me and we enjoy it very much.But .the roof leaks, and right now Im with some distinguished guests and its leaking right on top of my head.” There was a pause on the line, and Frank replied, “Well, Hibbard, why dont you move your chair? ” Just when wed like to have everything perfect in our lives, the roof springs a leak into even the best constructed and waterproof lives.Leaks happen.We have a choice.We can sit under the leak and complain, or we can regain our joy by moving our chair changing our perspective.Now, some will point out that the reason they have no joy in their lives is because they dont have a reason to be joyful.They have a lot of leaks in their roofs.They arent satisfied with their jobs.Their family has problems.Their health isnt good .They just cant see a “reason” for being joyful.Its hard to be joyful when life is going against you.Its hard to be joyful when youre struggling with troubles, or defeated by pain, or unsure of your future.If we wait till everything to turn out the way we want them to in our lives ., if were not going to be joyful until all the leaks are patched in the roof of our lives .then were never going to experience joy.There is an alternative.You dont have to wait until you have joy in your life.Deep spiritual joy in your life will always bring you happiness.语篇解读:本文是说明文。文章以一个故事中幽默的回答为引子,建议读者用快乐、积极的心态看问题,从而获得快乐的感觉。21.What can we learn about Frank from his reply?AHe hoped to change to another topic.BHe felt sad at the news of his bad work.CHe refused to admit he had done a bad job.DHe was good at creating happiness positively.解析:选D推理判断题。弗兰克的回答从另外一个角度出发,看似可笑,其实他用自己幽默的智慧化解了一场可能发生的争吵,所以他是一个善于利用积极的处事态度面对棘手的问题并带来快乐的人。22When we are faced with “leaks”, we should try to _.Await for them to be repaired with patienceBface the trouble with a happy and positive mindCexperience joy pretending nothing has happenedDcontrol the circumstances with all the time and energy解析:选B推理判断题。根据第二段最后一句话中的“changing our perspective”可知,作者认为如果我们都换个角度思考问题,不要执着于所谓的“leaks”,就能获得快乐的感觉,选项B“用快乐、积极的心态看问题”正是作者的建议。23What makes you really happy no matter what kind of circumstance?AEmotional joy.BControlled joy.CDeep spiritual joy. DWorldly happiness.解析:选C细节理解题。根据第五段第三句话的“Deep spiritual joy in your life will always bring you happiness.”可知,本文所谓的精神上的快乐才是所有快乐的源泉。24What is the best title for the passage?AWhy Dont You Move Your ChairBIsnt There a Better AlternativeCHow to Take Hold of Spiritual JoyDDont Let Other People Steal Your Joy解析:选A标题归纳题。文章第一段以一个故事中幽默的回答“why dont you move your chair?”作为引子,其实作者就是在建议读者换个角度思考问题,选项A点明文章主旨,故为正确答案。BCarmen, a customer of mine, said, “Im no longer willing to be a trash can for others negativity.” “Wow!” I said.“Im delighted to hear that!”Carmen is a lovely, warm and intelligent young woman in her late 20s. Carmen learned early in life to be safe from her mothers anger by listening to her mothers complaints (抱怨)She learned to put aside her own feelings and be a mother to her mother.Of course, no matter how much she gave to her mother, it was never enough.Early in our work together, Carmen discovered that most of her friends were just like her mother.“I sit and listen to them complain.If I say anythingabout myself, they always bring it right back to themselves.Why are so many of my friends like this?” she said.“Because you are willing to listen without speaking up for yourself,” I said.“But if I speak up, I wont have any friends,” she said. “Well, you might not have many friends for a while, but eventually you will find new friends people who really care about you,” I replied.How do you feel inside when you allow others to put their negativity their complaints, their anger onto you? If you really look inside instead of pushing your own feelings into a closet, you will discover that you feel really lonely with these people.There is no mutual (相互的) support, no sharing of love, no mutual giving and receiving.You give and they take, and you end up feeling drained.Yet you hang in (坚持) there for fear of being alone with no friends or no partner.If you are really honest with yourself, you will find that its not worth it that you deserve better than to be a trash can for others negativity.语篇解读:本文是夹叙夹议文。在生活中,我们会遇到一些以自我为中心的人,总是向我们倾倒负面情绪,我们应该避免成为装他们负面情绪的垃圾桶。25.What do we know about Carmens mother?AShe is unsatisfied with her life.BShe loves Carmen very much.CShe often hides her own feelings.DShe is good at expressing herself.解析:选A细节理解题。由第二段可知,Carmen的妈妈总爱报怨,她对自己的生活不满。26How do Carmens friends respond when she talks about herself?AThey feel sorry for her.BThey show no interest at all.CThey pretend to be concerned.DThey share similar experiences.解析:选B细节理解题。由第四段“ .they always bring it right back to themselves”可知,Carmen的那些朋友对她的事不感兴趣。27What does the underlined word “drained” in the last but one paragraph mean?ABored.BThrilled.CExhausted. DShocked.解析:选C词义猜测题。由“You give and they take”可知,你一直在付出而没有获得,最后弄得自己“精疲力竭”。28What would be the best title for the text?ADont be afraid of losing friendsBSpeak up for yourself when necessaryCLook inside and be honest with yourselfDDont be a trash can for others negativity解析:选D标题归纳题。由文章内容可知,我们不应该成为别人倾倒负面情绪的垃圾桶。CSummer Swim Classes2018Enroll TodayCourses Offered:Beginning Swimming (8day course) Open to ages 4 to 12.Designed to teach the youth water familiarization and basic swimming strokes (泳式)Course enrollment (登记) fee covers child and one attending parent.Water Babies (4day course) Open to ages 1 to 4.Designed to adjust children to the water.Parents must participate in the water with their child.Swim Class Schedule:ClassDateTimePrice1June 192210:0010:30$352June 2629 &July 3612:301:30$503July 1013&July 17204:305:30$504July 24275:306:00$35Other Information:Participants must preenroll to attend classes and full payment will be accepted at the time of enrollment.Enrollments received without payment will be rejected.Classes can hold at most 10 students per class and enrollments are taken on a first come first served basis.Course cost is $50 per child and $35 per water baby and is nonrefundable (不退还的)Refunds will NOT be given for cancellations because of bad weather.When there is known bad weather, the instructional staff will contact parents by phone at least one hour before the beginning of classes.All parents are encouraged to share the fun by “getting in” and participating with their children.Youll both benefit from the experience! Inwater parental participation is required for all children who are less than three feet and six i


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