



生态学翻译(第三组3857)邵盈 城规112 201118020113英文原文:38 How can we use species traits as proxies to predicttrophic interaction strength?39 How well can community properties and responses toenvironmental change be predicted from the distributionof simple synoptic traits, e.g. body size, leaf area?40 How do species traits influence ecological networkstructure?41 When, if ever, can the combined effect of many weakinteractions, which are difficult to measure, be greaterthan the few strong ones we can easily measure?42 How widespread and important are indirect interactions(e.g. apparent competition, apparent mutualism) in ecologicalcommunities?43 How do spatial and temporal environmental heterogeneityinfluence diversity at different scales?44 How does species loss affect the extinction risk of theremaining species?45 What is the relative importance of stochastic vs. deterministicprocesses in controlling diversity and compositionof communities, and how does this vary acrossecosystem types?46 How do we predict mechanistically how many speciescan coexist in a given area?47 To what extent is local species composition and diversitycontrolled by dispersal limitation and the regionalspecies pool?48 What are the contributions of biogeographical factorsand evolutionary history in determining present dayecological processes?49 To what extent is primary producer diversity a driverof wider community diversity?50 How relevant are assembly rules in a world of biologicalinvasion?51 What is the relative importance of trophic and nontrophicinteractions in determining the composition ofcommunities?52 How important are dynamical extinction-recolonizationequilibria to the persistence of species assemblages infragmented landscapes?53 Which mechanisms allow the long-term coexistence ofgrasses and woody plants over a wide range of ecosystems?54 How do resource pulses affect resource use and interactionsbetween organisms?55 How important are rare species in the functioning ofecological communities?56 What is the feedback between diversity and diversification?57 What are the functional consequences of allelopathyfor natural plant communities?翻译:38我们如何使用物种的特征作为代理来预测营养相互作用强度?39 如何社会属性和响应环境变化可以预测从简单的天气的分布特征,如身体大小,树叶面积?40 物种特征如何影响生态网络结构?41 什么时候,或者有这个时候,那些弱的交互作用的综合效果,就是那些很难计算的,能大于那些少数单个的交互效果。42 间接地交互有多普遍和重要在生态社区?43时空环境异质性如何在不同尺度上影响多样性?44物种如何丧失影响其余物种的灭绝风险?45 什么是确定流程和随机流程之间重要的关系对于控制的多样性和组成的社区,然后这个怎么区分不同生态系统类型。46 我们如何机械的预计多少物种能共存在一个指定区域?47局限性和区域物种池控制本地的物种组成和多样性分散在什么程度上?48什么是生物地理因素和进化历史决定当今生态过程的贡献?49 到什么程度是初级生产者会达到更广泛的社区的多样性50 生物入侵和我们这个世界的构成有多大的关系。51 在群体构成中,什么是有营养和没营养最重要的交互关系。52 动态消光再殖民均衡物种组合在的破


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