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PR MATERIALS 公关文稿,“公共关系”一词来自英语 Public Relations,简称PR。Public 既可译做“公共的”,又可译做“公众的”。Relations 则译为关系、交往等。公共关系是一个组织与其相关公众之间的传播管理(MANAGAMENT OF COMMUNICATION,也可以翻译成沟通管理)。,公关文稿就是泛指在此类公关活动中可能涉及到的通过传播手段发布的各类文稿,其中包括 企业内部交流用的文章; 企业对外新闻发布会用的新闻通稿(Press Release/news release); 展览展示会用的公司宣传材料(prospectus/presentation), 公益活动用的宣传稿件; 庆典礼仪活动会议宴会等场合的各种致辞(欢迎welcoming speeches、告别farewell speeches、开幕opening speeches、闭幕closing speeches、答谢thanking speeches、祝贺congratulation speeches、节庆celebrating speeches、就职inaugural speeches等等) 和商务演讲稿(Business Speech)等等; 这里我们主要讨论公司企业新闻发布函(Press Release/news release)、致辞和演讲稿等文稿类的翻译。,商务英语公关文稿的翻译必须做到语言表达简练地道,意思表述严密精确,情态语气恰当得体。 完整(COMPLETENESS)、 简洁(CONCISENESS)、 正确(CORRECTNESS)、 体谅(CONSIDERATION)、 礼貌(COURTYSY)等应该是商务英语公关文稿的翻译必须遵循的原则。,在这里我们主要讨论公司企业新闻发布函(Press Release/news release)、致辞和演讲稿等文稿类材料的翻译技巧和方法。,新闻发布函(Press Release/news release) 新闻发布函(Press Release/news release)是指公司企业向新闻界或其他媒体发布的有关自己企业内部发展动态的告示。它不是广告,但其具有宣传性并能引起公众的关注,能成为对外发布窗口和交流阵地,联系外界的主要桥梁和纽带。一般来说,公司企业向媒体发出的新闻发布函会包含以下几个方面的内容:公司改组,高层领导人事变动,推介新产品、建设新的基础设施(生产线、办公楼等)、以及其他有关重大事件或决策改变等等。,ABC COMPANY,INC. 123 MAIN STREET CENTERVILLE,IL 6666666 TEL: 12345666 FAX: 6654322 PRESS RELEASE March 16.2003 PUBLICATION DATE: March 22. 2003 Company Reorganization of ABC Company Just as a person has to learn new skills to do more complex work, so a company sometimes has to find new ways of doing things as the work load grows. Its a nice kind of problem to have! In order to handle the rapidly growing number of franchises and accounts with better service and quicker response, ABC Company is reorganizing its regional sales force, effective April 1, 2003. The ABC Company is dividing the nation into four Marketing Regions: Eastern, Southern, Central, Western. Each region will have a Regional Manager: Margaret Olson (Eastern), Harry Baines(Southern), Rolf Johansson(Central), and Barry Jones (Western).To coordinate the entire national sales effort, Mark Vinson will be National Sales Manager. By May all the kinks would be worked out throughout the whole company, and the four regions would do business as the normal way. The company is confident that the end result will be well worth the effort as will be seen in the greater sales during the months ahead. END CONTACT: Mr. G L Sender, Public Relations Manager, Tel: 6654388,新闻发布函 2003年3月16日 发布日期:2003年3月22日 ABC公司改组 正如一个人做更复杂的工作需要学习新的技术一样,一家公司有时随着工作量的增大不得不寻找出完成工作的新方法。这是件很好的事情。 为了处理好随着良好服务和迅捷反应而迅速增长的专营权和帐户数,ABC公司正在改组其地区销售力量,2003年4月1日生效。ABC公司把全国划分成四个市场区:东部市场、南部市场、中央市场和西部市场;并将各设一位地区经理:Margaret Olson (东区), Harry Baines(南区), Rolf Johanssen(中央区), and Barry Jones (西区)。为协调全国整体销售工作,Mark Vinson 将出任公司的全国销售经理。5月前,整个公司系统内的工作会准备就绪,并且这四个地区的工作会步入正常轨道。公司相信从未来几个月里更大的销售量中可以看出所做出的努力是完全值得的。 结束 联系人: G L Sender先生, 公共关系部经理, Tel: 6654388,从例子中我们可以看出翻译此类公关文稿时要注意:新闻发布函以第三人称即新闻报道员的角度写作,措辞语气要客观,语言词句要简洁,整体翻译语言风格应适应新闻报道。,致辞,在公司企业举办大型会议、庆典礼仪、宴会、招待会等公关聚会场合,宾主双方通常都要致辞。主人迎接宾客时要致 欢迎辞(welcoming speeches), 客人要离去时要致告别辞(farewell speeches), 新厂新店开业、新的大厦竣工、大会开幕要致开幕辞(opening speeches); 会议闭幕会有闭幕辞(closing speeches); 招待会宴会上还有祝酒辞(toasting speeches); 还有答谢辞(thanking speeches)、 祝贺辞(congratulation speeches)、 节庆致辞(celebrating speeches)等等。,在翻译致辞时,我们必须注意以下几点: 一是语言必须清楚易懂,句子简短明了,因为致辞最终是要被以口头的方式表现出来的,所以译出的稿子要口语化。 二是语言要生动风趣,幽默贴切,词句要尽量亲切热诚,使聚会的气氛轻松愉快。 三是在翻译中国典故、成语或新兴词汇时,要把意思表达清楚,让人听懂,避免直译,而是要意译;许多外宾在致辞或演讲中,喜欢引用一些格言 (adage)、成语 (proverb) 或引语 (quotation) 等,使其内容更加活泼生动,在翻译时也要加以特别注意。 唯一的解决办法是译者加强学习,不断阅读英文报刊,及时掌握新生词语的译法动向。,Farewell Speeches Ladies and Gentlemen, We are very happy to be here tonight when we can have the opportunity to express our thanks and to bid farewell to our Chinese friends. We have just concluded a journey through your remarkable country and we were deeply impressed. Traditionally, Americans admire progress and the Peoples Republic of China is an outstanding example of progress. You Have experienced an amazing 50 years of national achievements. During our stay here we traveled 10,000 km of your great country under the expert guidance of capable people with China International Service. In traveling through China we were impressed by the determination and confidence of the Chinese people and by the scenes of construction everywhere. Of many visit to various area of the world, the visit of your country was the most culturally rewarding. The friendliness, hospitality, superb food, comfortable accommodations and beautiful scenery combined to make this journey a memorable sojourn for all of us. We are all leaving tomorrow. You can be sure that we shall always cherish happy memories of country and your delightful people. Yes, China is one place wed like to return to theres a lot one can learn here. In the meantime, we look forward to the opportunity of receiving you, our Chinese friends, in the United States so that we can return some of your kindness and hospitality. Thank you!,告别答谢辞 女士们,先生们: 我们很荣兴今晚有机会在此表达我们的谢意并且跟我们的中国朋友话别。 我们刚刚游历了你们这个了不起的国家,留下了很深的印象。美国人向来崇尚进步,而中国正是进步的突出典型,你们经历了50年的历程,取得了惊人的成就。 在这里这段时间,我们在中国国际旅行社专业导游的引导下,在伟大的中国大地上旅游了10,000公里。旅途中,中国人的决心和信心以及各处可见的建设场景都给我们留下了深刻印象。 在我们对世界各地众多的访问中,此次访问是我们在文化方面受益最大的。友善好客、美味佳肴、舒适住宿以及旖旎风光都使这次旅行成为我们所有人最难忘的经历。 明天我们即将离开,但我们一定会永远珍藏对于你们国家和人民的美好回忆。是的,中国是我们希望再次拜访的国家-我们在此可以学到许多东西。同时我们盼望你们中国朋友能来美国,届时我们会报答你们的友好和热情。 谢谢各位!,Good evening, Ladies and Gentlemen: Please allow me, on behalf of the X Municipal Government, to extend our sincere welcome to Mr. Jones. China and the United States are two big countries. The two peoples have enjoyed friendly relations ever since the establishment of diplomatic relations. The bilateral trade has increased greatly. Although there were some divergences between the two governments, they still take the interests of the two peoples into full consideration and make wise decisions. Mr. Jones has probably noticed the changes taking place in X over the past five years. Our Municipal Government is endeavoring to make X a real international metropolis. We hope that Mr. Jones will offer his comments and suggestions and provide his possible help. Now, may I propose a toast to the friendship between our two peoples. And also, to the success of our further cooperation and to the health of all of you present tonight. Cheers!,女士们,先生们, 晚上好! 首先请允许我代表市政府对Jones先生的来访表示热烈的欢迎。中美两国都是大国。自建交以来,两国人民一直有着友好往来,双边的贸易额度也有大幅度上升。虽然两国政府在某些问题上曾有过分歧,但是两国政府能充分考虑到两国人民的利益并做出明智的决定。 Jones先生这次访问X市也一定能看到五年来所发生的巨大变化。我们市政府正在尽最大的努力使X市成为真正的国际大都市,希望Jones先生也能为我们的规划出谋划策,提供尽可能的帮助。 现在我提议为我们两国人民的友谊干杯!同时也为我们进一步的合作成功,为今晚在座诸位的健康干杯!,从上述的例子中我们可以看出在各种公关场合当中,致辞的定调也是通过翻译所使用的译出语言的正式度来完美地体现的;所以在翻译致辞时,我们要多了解常用的外交辞令、客套语等,从中英文对应的角度去寻找两者之间的契合点。,商务演讲(Business Speeches),在公司企业举办大型会议、专业研讨会、产品推介会、招待会等公关聚会场合,作为活动的组织者,主办企业都会发表商务演讲,其演讲内容帮助决定着整个活动的基调,使参加者了解此次活动的目的所在。在翻译这类商务演讲稿时要注意:,一要了解活动的相关背景知识,活动的级别以及参加者的群体定位,还比如关于活动或组织的信息,受到欢迎的人们的情况,重要设施的地点(如果需要的话)以及听众希望知道的活动的其他部分; 二要注意演讲的时限,以此决定相对应的语言组织及措辞; 三要注意由于此类活动的功能与目的性极强,加之商贸领域的思想交流与信息传递具有特殊性,所以商务演讲翻译对概念的限定比较严格,也给译者语言之外的知识提出了更高的要求。译者仅满足于对某个英文词的一般理解远不能做好商务翻译,商务演讲的翻译必须符合专业英语听众的需要。,National Conference of the Telecommuting Good morning and welcome to the tenth National Conference of the Telecommuting Advisory Council. We are glad to see so many of you here today, proving what we have known since our inception in 1987: that telecommuting is a viable and important work style which has grown tremendously in recent years, largely due to your efforts. Many of you are responsible for implementing telecommuting programs at your companies; others among you are responsible for the government programs that are funding community telecasters throughout the nation; and still others among you are businesspeople who recognize the economic bonus telecommuting can offer, not only to the telecommunications industry, but to community businesses that benefit as workers stay closer to home. The Telecommuting Advisory Council has also established a presence on the World Wide Web, our newsletter is growing every month, and our quarterly audio conferences have met with enthusiastic approval from our membership. We expect more of the same in the next ten years as larger numbers of the working population discover the benefits of telecommuting and as employers and community governments discover the economic, qualitative, and environmental benefits of allowing workers to telecommute. Were very excited about being at the forefront of this new development, and we know that by the end of this weekend, you will leave our conference not only with new friends and associates who can support your efforts in the telecommuting field but also with new information, ideas, and skills gained from the distinguished faculty and panel representatives weve been able to assemble. So, again, I welcome you, and look forward to seeing all of you at our breakfast forum on Sunday.,远程办公咨询委员会的全国会议 早上好,欢迎参加第十届远程办公咨询委员会的全国会议。今天,我们很高兴看到许许多多在座的各位,这也证明了自从1987年开始时我们就知道的:远程办公是一种有生存能力和重要的办公形式。近几年它的发展极为迅速,这主要归功于你们的努力。你们中的许多人在自己的公司贯彻执行了远程办公项目,其他的一些人向政府号召在全国范围投资兴建了社区电视广播系统,还有一些人作为商人意识到远程办公带来的经济红利,不仅仅对于电信工业,而且也使社区商业受益,工人们与家更为接近了。 远程办公咨询委员会在世界万维网上建立了自己的网站,我们的时事通讯每个月都在增加,每季度举行一次的听证会得到了我们的会员的热情同意。我们期望在以后的十年中有更多的工作者发现远程办公的益处,有更多的企业主和地区政府发现让员工远程办公而带来的经济、质量和环境上的益处。 我们很高兴能处在这项新发展的前沿,在这个周末结束之后,你们不仅会带着远程办公领域可以帮助你们的朋友和合作伙伴离开本次会议,你们还会从我们召集的杰出专业人员和小组讨论代表身上得到许多新的信息、观念和技术。所以,再次欢迎你们的到来,期待着在周日的早餐会议上见到你们所有的人。,Useful words and expressions,致辞祝福常用语 To hold/give/host a banquet in honor of 为设宴洗尘 To make the toast 致祝酒辞 I propose a toast to our friendship.我提议为我们的友谊干杯! Let me propose a toast to our friendship. 我提议为我们的友谊干杯! Let us drink to our friendship. 让我们为我们的友谊干杯! Heres to your success/health祝你成功/健康! To bid farewell to/to say goodbye to告别 To make nothing of traveling over thousands of miles不远万里 To wish you a bon voyage 祝您一路平安! Distinguished guests各位来/贵/嘉宾 The incomparable hospitality无与伦比的热情好客 Well see what we can do to meet your wishes.,Well see what we can do to meet your wishes. 我们将尽量满足你们的愿望。 Good luck, good health, hood cheer. I wish you a happy New Year. 祝好运、健康、佳肴伴你度过一个快乐新年。 With best wishes for a happy New Year! 祝新年快乐,并致以良好的祝福。 I hope you have a most happy and prosperous New Year. 谨祝新年快乐幸福,大吉大利。 With the compliments of the season. 祝贺佳节。 May the seasons joy fill you all the year round. 愿节日的愉快伴你一生。 Seasons greetings and best wishes for the New Year. 祝福您,新年快乐。 Please accept my seasons greetings. 请接受我节日的祝贺。,To wish you joy at this holy season. Wishing every happiness will always be with you. 恭祝新年吉祥,幸福和欢乐与你同在。 Good health, good luck and much happiness throughout the year. 恭祝健康、幸运,新年快乐。 May the joy and happiness around you today and always. 愿快乐幸福永伴你左右。 Please accept my sincere wishes for the New Year. I hope you will continue to enjoy good health. 请接受我诚挚的新年祝福,顺祝身体健康。 Allow me to congratulate you on


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