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学校代号:10532 学 号:S1112W111 密 级:湖南大学硕士学位论文综合自然拼读法与国际音标构建英语 拼读拼写方案的研究设计学位申请人姓名:叶龙导师姓名及职称:胡志零副教授培养单位:外国语与国际教育学院专业名称:学科教学(英语)论文提交日期:2013年4月20日论文答辩日期:2013年5月20日答辩委员会主席:秦裕样_|丨丨Y2358100A Program Designing of English Pronunciation and Spelling withPhonics and International Phonetic AlphabetByYe LongB.A. (Changsha University) 2011A thesis submitted in partial satisfaction of theRequirements for the degree ofMaster of EducationinEnglish Teachingin theGraduate schoolofHunan UniversitySupervisorProfessor Hu ZhiwenMay,2013学位论文原创性声明本人郑重声明:所呈交的论文是本人在导师的指导下独立进行研究所取得的 研究成果。除了文中特別加以标注引用的内容外,本论文不包含任何其他个人或 集体己经发表或撰写的成果作品。对本文的研究做出重要贡献的个人和集体,均 己在文中以明确方式标明。本人完全意识到本声明的法律后果由本人承担。作者签名:曰期:up年月1曰学位论文版权使用授权书本学位论文作者完全了解学校有关保留、使用学位论文的規定,同意学校保 留并向国家有关部门或机构送交论文的复印件和电子版,允许论文被查阅和借阅。 本人授权湖南大学可以将本学位论文的全部或部分内容編入有夫数据库进行检 索,可以采用影印、缩印或扫描等复制手段保存和汇编本学位论文。本学位论文属于1、保密口,在年解密后适用本授权书。2、不保密BL(请在以上相应方框内打“V”)作者签名:曰期:V叫)年f月2曰导师签名:曰期:1)年厂月曰A Prop ram Designing of English Pronunciation and SoeUiog with Phonics and iDternational Phonetic Alphabet摘 要交流是语言的主要功能,而口语与书面语是实现语言交流的两种主要方式。 英语学习者要实现英语的全面交流目的,就必须把握好英语的口语表达以及书面 表达方式。对于英语学习者来说,单词的发音是口语的核心与基础,而单词拼写 则是书面语的基础,因此,准确的单词发音与拼写对于思想的正确表达以及信息 的准确捕捉有重要作用。近年来,我国英语教学方法与质量不断提高,但是不论 是书面语还是口语的教学都存在不少缺陷。因此,能够同时兼顾口语与书面语的 学习方法对于广大英语学习者来说将有重要价值。目前在英美等英语母语国家流行的自然拼读法在英语母语国家主要功能在 于促进书面语的学习。但是自然拼读法能够将英语单词的拼写与英语单词的发音 进行有效的联系与转换,因此它对于同时提高学习者的书面语以及口语具有重大 潜力。但是英语单词的拼写与发音并不存在一一对应关系,再加上自然拼读法的 规则在相当一部分单词上并不适用,因此,对于英语非母语学习者来说,只学习 自然拼读法显然不足。另外,对于非母语学习者来说,自然拼读法独立教学会导 致发音过于抽象,从而造成学生对发音记忆模糊,尤其是难以辨别相似音。我国 长期以来主要依靠国际音标进行单词发音教学。对于非母语学习者来说,国际音 标有利于提高语音意识以及单词的发音准确性。但是学生依靠国际音标来习得单 词的发音容易造成单词发音与单词拼写割裂,致使单词拼写记忆困难,最终导致 学习自信心与积极性下降。而将自然拼读法与国际音标结合在同一方案中,两者 则能够实现优缺点互补。本研究旨在设计一套能够将自然拼读法与国际音标进行 有效结合且通过互补达到比各自単独教学更好的发挥两者本身的教学效果的英 语教学方案。本研究所设计的方案综合考虑了我国英语学习者的特征、自然拼读的规则以 及国际音标,并提出方案的具体内容和构建原则。与传统的自然拼读法相比,该 方案更加系统,更具有逻辑性,所包含的内容也更为丰富。本方案不仅包含单音 节的发音规则,更能够使规则适用于多音节单词,且对于规则的种类划分更为清 晰与准确;与传统的国际音标的教学相比,该方案中所有的音标都是在具体单词 情景中习得的。该方案要求学生通过大量的练习,能够根据拼写直接书写出国际 音标,并能够读出复杂单词的国际音标,因此学习者对于国际音标的熟练度以及A Program Dcsfening of English Pronunciation and Spelling with Phonics and International Phonetic Alphabet应用能力将大大提高。本方案以教材形式进行呈现具体设计。在确定好教学内容与基本组织顺序 后,该方案以ADDIE教学模式为基础组织教材与教法。教材中教学内容被划 分为具体课时,且每课时的具体内容及组织形式都进行了设计。教材编写完成后, 设计者对该方案进行了初步的实践。设计者使用该方案对两个小学学生以及四个 初中学生进行了一对一实验教学。学完该教材后,学生不仅具备了根据单词导出 发音的能力,也能够熟练的应用国际音标,并且多数学生学习积极性以及自信心 有较大提高。这些实践初步验证了该方案的可行性及有效性。关键词:拼读法;国际音标;英语发音;英语拼写5AbstractCommunication is the main fimetion of language, and the main means of communication for a language are its spoken form and written form. English learners need to improve both their written English and their oral English for the purpose of all-round communication. For English learners, respectively, pronunciation and spelling of words is the core and foundation for the spoken form and the written form of English, thus correct pronunciation and spelling of words are the requirements for the expression of thoughts and the comprehension of information. The methods and quality of English teaching have been improved a lot, but there are still obvious defects in teaching methods for both written and spoken English. Therefore, programs that take both spoken and written English into consideration can be more helpful for students.Phonics is popular in English native speaking countries such as the UK and the USA, and it is mainly being used to help native speakers improve their written language. Phonics presents the letter-sound relationships of English words, so it has the potential to improve learners both written and spoken English. English words do not demonstrate one-to-one letter-sound correspondence, and the rules of phonics do not work for all the words. Therefore, for nonnative speakers, it is insufficient to be taught phonics alone. Besides, if phonics is taught alone for nonnative speakers, it will become so abstract that learners may get confused on memorizing the sounds, especially for similar sounds. IPA symbols have been used for teaching pronunciation for a long time in China. For nonnative speakers, IPA symbols are proved to be effective on promoting phonemic awareness and accuracy of pronunciation. However, spelling and pronunciations of words may separated if students rely too much on IPA symbols for pronunciation learning, which causes trouble on vocabulary memorization and is harmful for students, confidence and enthusiasm. When phonics is combined with IPA, their disadvantages will be made up. This research aims to design a program which combines phonics and IPA and makes them more effective than being taught separately by mutually promoting each other.The program designed in this research took an overall consideration of features of the targets, rules oi phonics and IPA, and built its principles and contents accordingly. Compared with traditional phonics instruction, this program is more systematic and more logically硕士学位论文organized. The content of it is also richer. It contains not only the rules for monosyllabic words but also those for polysyllabic ones, and its classification of rules is more clear-cut. Compared with traditional instruction of IPA,all the symbols in this program are taught in contexts of words. Students can directly write out IPA transcriptions for words or read IPA transcriptions for irregular or too difficult words through lots of exercises, so students can reach a high proficiency on applying IPA symbols.To present this program, a textbook was written. The textbook and the teaching methods it borrowed are organized based on ADDIE model after the contents and the ordering of them were conformed. The teaching contents were divided into lessons in this textbook and the contents for each lesson were well organized and designed with the same structure. After the textbook was composed, rudimental applications for tins program was carried out. This program was tutored for two primary students and four junior hign school students. After the program was instructed, students obtained the ability to sound out words according to their spellings and reached high proriciency on applying IPA symbols. These rudimental applications preliminarily approved that this program is feasible and effective.Keywords: Phonics; IPA; English Pronunciation; English Spellingv硕士学位论文549Contents学位论文原创性声明和学位论文版权使用授权书Im mIIAostractIVChapter 1 Introduction11.1 Origin of the Research11.2 Purpose of the Research and Significance of the Research21.3 Structure of the Thesis2Chapter 2 Literature Review and Theoretical Construction32.1 Phonics32.1.1 Definitions of Phonics32.1.2 Nature of English Orthography and Purposes of Phonics Instruction32.1.3 History of Phonics72.2 International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA)82.2.1 Definition and History of IPA82.2.2 IPA Instruction and Phonemic Awareness,”.92.2.3 IPA and English Teaching in China92.3 Phonics vs IPA Instruction102.3.1 Advantages and Disadvantages of Phonics102.3.2 Advantages and Disadvantages of IPA112.3.3 Phonics vs IPA InstructionII2.4 Related Theories122.4.1 Behaviorism122.4.2 Constructivism132.4.3 Second Language Acquisition132.4.5 Instructional Design14Chapter 3 Program Design163.1 The Combination of Phonics and IPA in English Instruction163.1.1 Why Combine Phonics and IPA163.1.2 Distribution of Phonics and IPA183.2 Principles of the Program193.2.1 Put More bmphasis on Phonics193.2.2 Put More Emphasis on “from Spelling to Promindation”203.2.3 Be Comprehensive213.2.4 Be General213.2.5 Be Integrated and Unified223.2.6 Be Easy and Interesting233.2.7 Let Important Items Go First233.3 Targets of the Program243.3.1 Cognitive Level243.3.2 Transfers among Pronunciations of Pinyin Alphabets, English Letters, and IPAAlphabets243.3.3 The Level of English Proficiency263.3.4 Summary263.4 The Construction of the Program273.4.1 Vowels273.4.2 Consonants303.4.3 Unstressed Syllables 323.4.4 Syllabification and Stressing333.5 Textbook Design and reaching Methods333.5.1 Textbook Design333.5.2 Teaching Methods34Chapter 4 Rudimental Application364.1 Subjects364.2 Instruments364.3 The Procedure 374.4 Results and Discussion38Conclusion41References44Appendix A Published Papers During the Study of M.A. Degree47Appendix B Two Lessons from the Textbook48Appendix C详细中文摘要58Acknowledgments硕士学位论文Cnaoter i Introduction1.1 Origin of the ResearchThe teaching of English pronunciation has been largely improved in recent years. However, the improvement is still far from enough. It is still not surprising for us to find college students who have passed national tests such as CET4, CET6 can hardly communicate in English. The current English teaching methods and environments can not fully meet the demands of English because more and more communications through English are done in forms where competences of listening and speaxing are needed most.At present, the most wildly-used method for teaching English pronunciation is teaching phonetic symbols from International Phonetic Alphabets (IPA); but students who have acquired the pronunciation of phonetic symbols still can not pronounce English words correctly when their corresponding transcriptions of symbols are not available. In China, for many students who have already been trained with phonetic symbols from IPA, they are still playing guessing games in all kinds of English tests, because they are not sure about the spelling of the words and their pronunciations. Some scholars think this is influenced by the most widely-used grammar-translation teaching method. Some also think that the lack of or defective methods of grammatical instruction on English pronunciation and spelling can be one of the main reasons. Teaching phonetic symbols from International Phonetic Alphabets (IPA) is still the most popular method used for teaching English pronunciation in China at present. However, this method has been challenged by another method, phonics,a method that teaches the sound-letter correspondences of English words and has been proved quite effective and useful in the U. K. and U. S. A. in the past few years.Now there is a debate on whether we should use IPA or phonics to teach English pronunciation at home. Some argued that we should abandon IPA, and replace it with phonics. Many private training schools have brought phonics in their classroom. Some also said that phonics can not solve everything, because students can easily forget the sound patterns of phonics if they can not receive enough relevant in-put.Recently, there occurred some comparative studies on IPA and phonics. It is hard to decide which one is better, for each has its advantages and disadvantages. Then, is it possible to design a teaching program that covers both IPA and phonics or find a method to use both IPA ana phonics so as to make use of advantages of each? These are what this research is going to try.硕士学位论文1.2 Purpose of the Research and Significance of the ResearchThere are two research questions for this research. The main research question is: How should we design a pronunciation and spelling program with phonics and IPA? There is also a supporting research question which is: What are the effects of the designed program?According to the research questions, this research aims to make a theoretical exploration on combining IPA and phonics in practical English teaching and design a new pronunciation and spelling program by using both phonics and IPA so as to help Chinese English learners to take the advantages of these two.This research is practical and its findings can be used by English teachers.First, this research will explore the theoretical possibility and benefits of combining phonics and IPa instruction. The combination of these two may largely improve students, competences in pronunciation, vocabulary construction, listening and reading. This may be a more synthetic and economical than the traditional ways.Second, in this research a systematic program will be designed on both phonics instruction and IPA instruction. The program will be presented in terms of a textbook and directly used by teachers at home.Third, this program will provide original ideas in both phonics instruction and IPA instruction.1.3 Structure of the ThesisApart from the Introduction Chapter and Conclusion part in the end, this thesis also consists of another three chapters.Chapter two presents a general introduction to phonics and IPA, including demotions and history for each,the relationship between the nature of English orthography and the purposes of phonics instruction, the relationship between IPA instruction and phonemic awareness and then advantages and disadvantages for each of them. Related learning or teaching theories is also presented in this chapter.Chapter three is the main part of this thesis. It explains why and how to combine phonics and IPA in the same program first. Then, it goes to principles for the construction of the program. Next, there is an analysis on the targets for this program. Finally, the construction of tms program is introduced and the textbook and teaching methods for it are briefly mentioned.After the program is designed, rudimental applications are carried out and it is presented in Chapter four.Chanter 2 Literature Review and Theoretical ConstructionIn this Chapter, literature review on phonics and IPA,Related learning or teaching theories is presented. The analysis on the relationship between the nature of English orthography and the purposes of phonics instruction, the relationship between IPA instruction and phonemic awareness and advantages and disadvantages for each of them is also made as the basis of theoretical construction for this research.2.1 Phonics2.1.1 Definitions of PhonicsHarris and Hodges (1995) defined phonics as a way of teaching reading and spelling that stresses symbol-sound relationships. Phonics is also regarded as a term used for relating letters to sounds, and phonics instruction deals with how to teach children to pronounce an unfamiliar printed word (Johnson & Pearson, 1978). Another definition given by Groff (1989:1) is “information about how the speech sounds in oral language”. According to Durkin (1993), phonics refers to a body of information about connections between letters and speech sounds which are designed to help readers figure out the pronunciation of words unknown in their written form. This is based on a predictable relationship between phonemes, the sounds of spoken language, and graphemes, the letters and spelling that represent those sounds in written language (NICHD, 2000).All these denmtions regard the content of phonics as letter-sound relationships. From these denmtions, we can find that the aim of phonics is to figure out the pronunciation of words in their written form,which indicates that phonics is a method that can be used to teach students to sound out the sound of words according to their spellings.2.1.2 Nature of English Orthography and Purposes of Phonics Instruction2.1.2.1 The Nature of English OrthographyEnglish is an alphabetic and phonetic language whose orthography is based on alphabetic writing which consists of vowels and consonants. Thus, the orthography of English should correspond to its sounds and the task of spelling,reading and writing should be very 3硕士学位论文simplified. But the simplified task has been complicated because of the linguistic and historical reasons, which made the letter-sound correspondences become irregular to some extent. Now, there are some inconsistencies between written and oral forms in English and the English alphabet and orthography can not reach the one-to-one grapheme-phoneme correspondences. Including both vowels and consonants, there are only 26 letters in English. However, there are 44 speech sounds in English. That is to say, we have to use 26 letters to represent 44 sounds, so it is impossible to use a single letter to represent a single sound. Groff & Seymour (1987) wrote that the inconsistency of English grapheme-phoneme relationship means that some graphemes represent more than one phoneme and some phonemes are represented by more than one grapheme. A grapheme is the written representation of a phoneme. O, Grady & Dobrovolsky (1988) also pointed out that English orthography did not establish a one-to-one relationship between symbols and sounds. He further clarified some problems of English orthography (as shown in fable 2.1).Tab. 2.1 Problems of English Orthography (O Grady & Dobrovolsky, 1988:401)1. Some letters do not represent any sound in a particular word.Examples: through, sign,give, palm2. A group of two or more letters can be used together to represent a singlesound.Examples: think0, chiptj , shipJ 3. A single letter can represent a cluster of two or more sounds.Examples: Saxphone ks, exile gz4. The same letter can represent different sounas in different words.Example: ono, bonefsu, onew5. The same sound can be represented by different letters in different words. Examoles: rude, loop, soup, new, sue,to u Beside the above problems,some inconsistencies are resulted from language contact overtime which is an important source of new correspondences. According to Huang (2002:12),there are three main periods in the history of the English language development, namely Old English period (450-1150), Middle English period (1150-1500),and Modem English period. The orthography of Old English followed the one-to-one letter-sound correspondences. While a number of French words flocked in to English after the NormanConquest. The Norman scribes influenced the spelling of English by spelling English in a way similar to French spelling. Middle


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