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课时跟踪检测(六) Project.单词拼写1He soon became a controversial (有争议的) figure in the world of big business.2The driver turned left to avoid a collision (碰撞) with the oncoming car.3You can easily clarify (澄清) any problems if you study British history.4She thought it ridiculous to be offered sympathy (同情) by a robot.5The outside of the house was beginning to look shabby (破旧的)6The precise (确切的) date and place of his birth are unknown.完成句子1我今天最多只能看完这本书的一半。At_best,_I could only finish half of the book today.2他们的产品享有盛誉,在市场上很畅销。Their products enjoy_a_high_reputation and do well on the market.3这位诺贝尔奖得主在孩提时代住过的房子现在是一家博物馆。The house in_which the Nobel Prize winner lived as a child is now a museum.4丹喜欢四处旅行,他很难在任何地方长时间定居。Dan likes travelling around. It is difficult for him to_stay_settled in any place for long.5他们打倒他,抢了他的手表。They knocked him down and robbed_him_of_his_watch.单项填空1The earth is believed _ by an object the size of Mars at some point in the distant past before its surface cooled.Ato be hitBto have been hitCto have hit Dto hit解析:选B。考查不定式作主补。句意:人们认为,在遥远的过去,地球在其表面冷却之前,曾经被一个火星大小的物体撞击过。这里是“be believed 动词不定式”结构,由于地球表面被撞击发生在谓语动词动作“is believed”之前,因此该动词不定式应用完成被动式。2Can you help me?Yes. _ your teachers advice, in my opinion, and everything will be OK.AFollow BFollowingCTo follow DFollowed解析:选A。考查句型“祈使句and/or陈述句”。此题难点在于in my opinion为插入语,但它不影响整个句子的结构。3It was reported that the government official expressed the deepest _ for the families of those killed and injured in this attack.Asympathy BcomfortCinconvenience Dtrouble解析:选A。句意:据报道,这位政府官员对这次袭击中死伤者的家属表达了最深切的慰问。sympathy“同情,慰问”;comfort“舒服”;inconvenience“不便”;trouble“麻烦”。根据句意选A。4The Chinese _ their language as Han, which is often called “Mandarin” in the west.Arefer to Bcome toCbelong to Dintroduce to解析:选A。考查短语辨析。句意:“中国人称他们的语言为汉语,也就是西方人所谓的中国官方语言。”refer to . as . “称为”;come to“提及,想起,总计”;belong to“属于,归所有”;introduce sb. to sb.“把某人介绍给某人”。5Mary didnt get there on time because of the bad weather. Whats more, her car was in poor _.Acollision BconditionCsituation Ddirection解析:选B。考查名词辨析。in poor condition意为“处于不好的状况”。句意:由于天气恶劣,加之车况也不好,玛丽没能按时赶到那里。6The teachers explanation _ the problem that had been confusing to the whole class.Aanswered BdealtCclarified Dinstructed解析:选C。考查动词词义。answer“回答”(后常跟the question);deal为不及物动词,常跟with搭配,意为“处理,对付”;clarify“澄清,阐明”;instruct“指示,教导”。句意:老师的讲解阐明了那个一直令全班同学困惑的难题。7We are rather _ about the sympathy he claims to have for the poor because he is mean with his money.Acontroversial BpositiveCsceptical Dcautious解析:选C。考查形容词辨析。由“因为他在金钱方面很小气”可判断选C,表示“怀疑的”。他说他对穷人有同情心,对此我们表示“怀疑”。A项意为“引起争议的”;B项意为“积极的,肯定的”;D项意为“小心的,谨慎的”。8We would maintain the world balance of power _.Aat all costs Bat costCat our best Dat best解析:选A。句意:我们将不惜一切代价维持世界力量的均衡。at cost“按成本”;at best“至多”;at ones best“在的最佳状态”。at all costs“不管多大代价;无论如何”,符合句意。9His carelessness led to _ the good chance.Ahis lose Bhis losingChim lose Dhim to be lost解析:选B。句意:他的粗心使他丧失良机。to为介词,其后用动名词作宾语,此处动名词有自己的逻辑主语,用his或him皆可。10It can rob you _ your selfconfident if you dont learn to forgive yourself.Aof BwithCon Dfor解析:选A。句意:如果你不学会宽容你自己,这可能让你丧失自信。rob sb. of sth.“使某人丧失某物”。.阅读理解Getting time off from work is usually considered a good thing but not when its unpaid and unexpected.As companies strive to avoid layoffs, unpaid furloughs have become the costcutting strategy du jour (近期流行的). The moneysaving method requires workers to take days off without pay, and can last anywhere from a few days to more than a year.Eleven percent of businesses surveyed have already run mandatory (强制性的) furlough programs and another 60% plan to in the next 12 months, according to a recent study by consulting firm Watson Wyatt.Unlike previous downturns in which furloughs were largely restricted to the airline, manufacturing and auto industries, a broader range of white collar industries such as media and government are now using mandatory furloughs as a way to cut back without cutting staff.For businesses, furloughs can solve shortterm cost issues, without damaging the longterm health of the company. Employers can reduce payroll immediately, and save on the expense of training new hires when business picks up again.While taking some time off from work can provide time to pursue other interests, get additional training or spend more time with family, it can be an unwelcome break at a time when money is tight for most households, and temporary work is hard to come by. Tiedemann, a Denverbased pilot for United Airlines, has already been furloughed once a few years ago and is worried it will happen again now. “It was devastating,”he said. “I had been there for five or six years, and was established in Denver with my family.” Before being called back after a furlough that lasted a year and a half, Tiedemann says he managed to find a temporary job and finally took a 55% to 60% pay cut flying for a vacation charter (包租) company during his unpaid leave.Now, as the airline industry struggles with volatile (不稳定的) fuel prices and declining demand, Tiedemann says he is angered by the prospect of being furloughed a second time just a few years later.“If I get furloughed another time I would resign,” he said.语篇解读:本文介绍了目前不带薪休假流行的原因以及它对人们的工作和生活所带来的影响。1What does the underlined word “furloughs” mean in the second paragraph?AVacation. BCareer.CExchange. DTravel.解析:选A。词义猜测题。由第二段第二句中的“The moneysaving method requires workers to take days off without pay”可知,当今很多公司节约成本的方法是要求员工不带薪休假。A项意为“假期,休假”;B项意为“事业,职业”;C项意为“交换,兑换”;D项“旅行”。故答案为A。2What can companies benefit from mandatory furlough programs most probably?AThey can save many skilled workers in need for the future.BThey can make workers even work harder without hiring the new.CThey can make a long development plan.DThey can save money without cutting staff during a short period.解析:选D。细节理解题。根据文章第四段中的“. using mandatory furloughs as a way to cut back without cutting staff.”及第五段的“For businesses, furloughs can solve shortterm cost issues” 可知,强制性不带薪休假可以在不裁员的情况下为企业节约成本。故答案为D。3What is the biggest disadvantage the unpaid furloughs bring to workers?AThey can enjoy a long stay together with their family.BUnpaid furloughs make them live harder than before.CThey cant get another job to support their family.DThey can have more time to travel around the world.解析:选B。细节理解题。从倒数第三段可知,暂时性的不带薪休假让一些家庭失去了生活来源,故选B。A和D是不带薪休假带来的好处,C项过于绝对。4What makes United Airlines force Tiedemann to get furloughed?AHis inexperienced flying records.BHis complaints about the company.CThe high fuel prices and low demand.DHis temporary job in another company.解析:选C。细节理解题。根据文章第七段的“as the airline industry struggles with volatile(不稳定的)fuel prices and declining demand”可知C项正确。5Whats the main point talked about in this passage?AA moneysaving way.BHow to save money for the company.CThe reason for furloughs.DThe unpaid furloughs.解析:选D。主旨大意题。根据全文所讲述的主要内容即不带薪休假流行的原因以及它对人们的工作和生活所带来的影响可知D更恰当。.任务型阅读/读写Autumn blues? Let the sunshine in falling leaves, withering flowers, cold winds, faint sunshine. For many people late autumn can be a season of depression. Spirits can be low. People who suffer from “the autumn blues” often are extremely exhausted, lack energy, need more sleep, feel increased appetite and gain weight.“The exact cause of this condition, often called seasonal depression or seasonal affective disorder (SAD), is not known yet, ” says Chen Jue, associate professor at Shanghai Mental Health Center. “But recent studies indicate that weather change is influential and strongly suggest that this condition is caused by changes in the availability of sunlight.”One theory is that with decreased exposure to sunlight, the biological clock that regulates mood, sleep, and hormones is delayed, running more slowly in winter. Exposure to light may reset the biological clock.Another theory is that brain chemicals that transmit information between nerves may be altered in individuals with SAD. It is believed that exposure to light can correct these imbalances.“It is a sad season, but you can try to make it happy. Remember, spring always lives in your heart,” Chen says.Here are some tips to deal with autumn depression.Go outdoors and get some sunlight. Move around. Fresh air and exercise improve the respiratory(呼吸) system and blood circulation and regulate the nervous system. Thus, exercise is calming and relieves ones mood.Relax at work. Stretch, breathe deeply. Take a tea break. Think of your next vacation.Keep a chocolate bar in your pocket. Chocolate and sugar raise the spirits.Look at bright colors, such as red and orange. Color therapy improves mood.Listen to your favorite music. You can dance to it, or just lie on a cozy couch, reading a novel.Decorate your room and work space with flowers. Blooming plants a


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