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2013年浙江中考第一轮复习,八年级(上) Units 12,1(2012温州)Frank lives a simple life _ he has lots of money. Aalthough Bbecause Cso Dif 解析:考查连词用法。although“尽管,虽然”;because“因为”;so“所以,因此”;if“(表条件)如果,即使”。句意为“弗兰克尽管有很多钱,但他过着简朴的生活”。故选A。 答案:A 2(2012杭州)Youve d_ so much wine. You mustnt drive. 解析:have后跟过去分词构成现在答案:drunk 3(2012湖州)Its a good habit to brush your _(牙齿) every day. 解析:brush teeth“刷牙”。 答案:teeth,4(2011温州)_do you go to the English club? Once a week. AHow old BHow often CHow much DHow many 解析:由答语“Once a week.”可知是询问频率,故用“How often”。 答案:B 5(2010义乌)The famous writer William Shakespeare was born _ 1564. Ain Bon Cat D of 解析:考查时间介词。在具体的某一年前用介词in,故选A。 答案:A,6(2010绍兴)I can still remember meeting her at a party _ it was a long time ago. Abecause Bthough Cuntil Dif 解析:句意为“虽然那是很久以前,但我仍然记得在聚会上见到她了”。though“虽然”,可与副词still,yet连用,故选B。 答案:B 7(2010绍兴)You are so _, Harris. Whats wrong? Oh. I just feel a little tired and dont want to say anything. Apolite Bbusy Cquiet Dexcited 解析:由答语句意知Harris很累不想说话,因此上句应是“你太安静了”,故选C。 答案:C,(2)how 相关短语,答案:A,答案:A,2What does he do on weekends?他周末一般做什么? (1)“on时间名词(具体的某日)”,表示某一特定时间。 on Sundays在周日 on May 4th在5月4日 (2)常用于时间之前的介词有in,on,at,其用法如下: in表示一段时间,常用于年、月、季节之前。 in spring在春天 in September在九月 on 表示在某一天,常与日期或某天的上午、下午连用。 on my birthday在我生日那天 on the evening of May 1st在5月1日的晚上 at常用于时间点之前。 at seven oclock在7点钟,一、单项填空 1Zhou Feng has learned English for many years, but he can _ understand the English speakers. Ahardly Bcertainly Calways Dalmost 解析:考查副词用法。hardly“几乎不”;certainly“当然地”;always“总是”;almost“几乎”。由题中but 可知前后句为转折关系,故选A项。 答案:A 2She _ know the answer,but Im not sure. Amaybe Bmay be Cmay Dmust 解析:may“可能”,表推测,后跟动词原形。故选C项。 答案:C,3_ that singer sings terribly, his songs are very popular. AUnless BIf CThough DBecause 解析:考查连词用法。unless“除非”;if“如果”;though“虽然”;because“因为”。由句意可知前后为转折关系,故选C项。 答案:C 4Do you enjoy traveling by air? No,its _ expensive. Atoo muchBmuch tooCmuch Dmore much 解析:much too“太”,用来修饰形容词或副词,故选B。 答案:B,5When and where were you born? I was born _July 1st,1998 _ Suzhou. Aon;on Bin;in Con;in Din;on 解析:考查介词用法。在具体某一天前用介词on;在某个城市或国家前用介词in。 答案:C,跟踪训练,.单项填空(15分) 1(2012温州市实验中学模拟)The boy goes to the museum _. Aone a week Btwo times a week Conce time a week Dtwice a week 解析:考查频率的表达。表示每周几次时用once/twice/three times.a week来表示,每周一次或两次不能用one time/two times a week。 答案:D 2Eating fruit and vegetables _ good for our health. Ais Bam Care Dhave 解析:动名词短语作主语时,谓语动词应用第三人称单数形式,故选A项。 答案:A,3He said he would come to see us_ the next afternoon. Asometime Bsome timeCsometimes Dsome times 解析:考查词义辨析。sometime“某时”;some time“一些时间”;sometimes“有时”;some times“许多次”。由句意可知选A项。 答案:A 4Grandma is ill. I have to _ her at home. Alook for Blook up Clook at Dlook after 解析:考查动词短语辨析。look for“寻找”;look up“(在字典中)查找”;look at“看”;look after“照顾”。由句意可知选D项。 答案:D,5When he heard a cry for help, he ran out as _as he could. A.hardlBquickly Cfinally Dslowly 解析:考查副词词义辨析。由句意“当他听到呼救声时,他尽可能快地跑了出去。”可知应选B项。 答案:B 6(2012衢州兴华中学联考)Im sorry to have kept you _. It doesnt matter. Ive just come. Await Bwaited Cwaiting Dto wait 解析:考查固定搭配。keep sb. doing.“让某人一直做”。 答案:C,7Milk is good _ our _. Ato; healthy Bto; health Cfor; healthy Dfor; health 解析:考查固定短语。be good for“对有好处”;health为名词,前可用形容词性物主代词修饰。故选D项。 答案:D 8_ students in your class are from Beijing? Only one. AHow often BHow many CHow much DHow far 解析:考查疑问副词。由答句判断询问数量。用how many或how much提问,students为可数名词复数形式,故用how many。 答案:B,9Mary doesnt hear very well. Yes, there is _ with her ears. Aanything wrong Bnothing wrong Csomething wrong Dwrong something 解析:形容词修饰不定代词,置其后,故排除D项;由上文“玛丽听力不好”判断:她的耳朵有毛病,故用something wrong。 答案:C 10Hurry up, Jack. We have to go to the station before 11:45 _ we can catch the 12:00 train. Asince BAfter Cas soon as Dso that 解析:考查目的状语从句。上文“11:45前到火车站”的目的是“能赶上12点的火车”。故用so that表示目的。 答案:D,( )1.A. but Band Cor Dso 解析:根据下文“这个聪明的人要帮助国王少说一点话”可知这两句话之间形成转折关系。but意为“但是”,故选A。 答案:A ( )2.A. hear Bhelp Cwatch Dsee 解析:根据句意“我必须帮助国王少说话”可知应选help。 答案:B ( )3.A. in front Bfar away Cnear Dbehind 解析:首先可排除in front,因其后接介词of而非from; near和behind后可直接加名词,不需要加介词,故排除;far away from.意为“离远”。 答案:B,( )4.A. either Bboth Call Dwe 解析:因为这里有两只鸟和一只乌龟,故用代词all,表示“三者或三者以上都”。 答案:C ( )5.A.You BThey CPeople DWe 解析:根据下一句的us可知此处应填We。 答案:D ( )6.A. Should BWould CCould DMight 解析:Would you like to do sth.?为固定结构,意为“你想要做某事吗?” 答案:B ( )7.A. How BWhat CWhen DWhere 解析:句意为“我不能飞,怎么能和你们一起去呢?”询问方式用How。 答案:A,( )8.A. polite Blucky Chappy Dkind 解析:乌龟是在表示自己对鸟儿的感谢,句意为“你们真好”。 答案:D ( )9.A. jump Bfly Ctalk Dclimb 解析:因为用嘴巴咬住棍子,所以应该是不能张开嘴巴说话,用talk。 答案:C ( )10.A. Indians Btortoises Cbirds Dfriends 解析:根据下文国王的话可知是两只鸟。 答案:C ( )11.A. nothing Banything Csomething Deverything 解析:文中是指某些不确定的东西,肯定句中用something。 答案:C,( )12.A. fell to Bflew over Cran away Dwalked on 解析:fall to the ground意为“掉到地面上”符合句意。fly over“飞过”;run away“逃跑”;walk on“继续走”,都不符合题意。 答案:A ( )13.A. king Bwise man Ctortoise Dbirds 解析:文中提到两个人the wise man和the king,由下一段中的“The wise man answered.”可知提问的人是king。 答案:A,( )14.A. so Bbecause Cwhether Dthough 解析:前后两句表示因果关系,用because。 答案:B ( )15.A. a little Btoo much Ctoo many Da bit 解析:由第一段中的“.he talked too much”和第二段中的“.I must help the king talk less”以及乌龟掉下来的原因可知应选B。 答案:B,( )1.If we get up early and go to bed early,well _. Ahave enough exercise Bbe healthy Cthink better Dhave strong blood 解析:由第一段谚语以及第二段倒数第二句“Then we shall be healthy.”可知“如果我们早睡早起,就会很健康”。 答案:B ( )2.If a child doesnt have 10 hours sleep,maybe he or she _. Awill become wise Bwont do well in his or her work Cwill go to school in time Dwill have enough sleep 解析:由第三段第二、三句“Children of young age should have ten hours sleep every night. Children who do not have enough sleep cannot do their work very well.”可知选B。 答案:B,( )3. A person needs exercise because_. Ait makes him healthy Bhe or she has a lot of homework to do Che or she is strong enough Dhe or she does exercise 解析:由全文大意可知一个人需要运动的原因是因为“运动能使人健康”。 答案:A,( )4.Exercise makes the _ move quickly and smoothly(流畅地) Abody Bblood Cchildren Dhead 解析:由最后一段第一句“Exercise also helps the blood to move around inside the body.”可知选B。 答案:B ( )5.Keeping taking exercis


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