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BASIC PRINCIPLES IN OCCUPATIONAL HYGIENE 职业卫生基本原则,Day 2 第2天,5 - ASSESSMENT OF HEALTH RISKS 5-健康风险的评估,Hazard and Risk 危害和风险,A hazard is something that can cause harm if not controlled. 危害是不加控制会造成伤害的某种物质或情况。 The outcome is the harm that results from an uncontrolled hazard. 危害不加以控制,就会造成伤害。 A risk is a combination of the probability that a particular outcome will occur and the severity of the harm involved. 风险是指出现特定结果的可能性和相关危害的严重程度。,ASSESSMENT OF HEALTH RISKS 健康风险的评估,Primary reason for conducting a workplace assessment is to assess the risk(s) to the health of employees. 对工作场所进行评估的主要原因是为了对员工的健康风险进行评估。 Where a less than satisfactory situation is indicated there will be an additional requirement: 如遇到不尽人意的情况,需要: To specify steps to achieve adequate control. 说明实现适当控制的步骤。 To identify any other action that is required. 确认其他所需措施。,5 - ASSESSMENT OF HEALTH RISKS 5-健康风险的评估,确定评估范围,收集信息,确认措施,评估风险,记录评估结果,实施措施,审核评估,Define the Extent of the Assessment 确定评估范围,Define the process or activity which is being assessed. 确定评估的过程或活动。 Assessment Unit: 评估单位: Person 个人 Activity 活动 Task 任务 Substance 物质 Machine 机器,Define the Extent of the Assessment 确定评估范围,Number and Type of Hazards 危害数量和类型 Hazardous Substance 有害物质 Noise 噪音 Vibration 振动 Safety. 安全性,Gather Information (1) 收集信息 (1),The nature of the process or operation, e.g. continuous or batch, indoor or outdoor. 确定过程或操作的性质:如连续的、还是分批次的,室内的还是室外的。 The substances used and produced (chemical, biological) plus other agents (noise, radiation) and factors (ergonomic) present. 确定使用和产生的物质(化学物质,还是生物物质)和其他因素(噪声、辐 射)和存在的要素(人体工程学)。 The form of the substances (gases, vapours etc.) and other agents. 物质的形式(气态、蒸汽等)和其他因素。 An understanding of the effect(s) of the relevant agents/factors (chemical, physical, biological, ergonomic) on the body. 了解相关因素/要素(化学、物理、生物、或人体工程学)对人体的影响。,Gather Information (2) 收集信息 (2),A knowledge of the types of job carried out (e.g. operator, maintenance, supervisory, laboratory) 了解实施的工种(例如,操作、维护、监督、实验)。 Exposure estimates. 风险预估。 The types and extent of occupational exposures. 职业风险的类型和程度 Work/shift pattern. 工作/换班模式 The recommended operating practices and precautionary measures (incl. engineering control). 推荐的操作方法和预防措施(包括工程控制) Worker health experiences 员工健康体检,Gather Information (3) 收集信息 (3),The existence of inventories/registers of substances, nonchemical agents (e.g. noise and radiation sources) 有无物质和非化学类因素(如噪声和辐射源)的清单/登记册 The availability of relevant sources of information can also be of considerable advantage, e.g. 有相关信息源可用,也能提供很多便利,如 Material safety data sheets (MSDSs). 材料安全数据表(MSDS) Manufacturers labelling. 制造商的标签 Regulatory documentation. 规范性文件。 Other published (e.g. national, company, trade association, technical) and unpublished sources. 其它已公布(如国家、公司、行业协会、技术)和未公布的信息来源。,Assess the Health Risk(s) 评估健康风险,Assessment = Subjective but informed decision on the level of risk 评估=主观,但却是对风险等级的知情决定。 This requires: 需要: Full information 完整的信息 Competent Person 合资格人士 Assessment is not the same as measurement or monitoring. 评估不是测量或检测 。 Measurements can contribute to an assessment. 测量能帮助评估。,Workplace Monitoring 工作场所监测,It may be necessary to obtain some monitoring data. 可能有必要获得监测数据。 The aim is to assist in ensuring the health protection of employees 以帮助确保对员工的健康保护 Sampling strategy adopted should be appropriate to the reason for the type of survey to be conducted. 所采用的抽样策略应符合将要实施调查的理由。,Identify Actions 确认措施,Where the assessment indicates a risk to health, it is necessary to specify the steps to be taken to achieve effective control. 如果评估发现健康风险,有必要说明实现有效控制的步骤。 This is an important, integral part of the assessment, which is NOT deemed to have been completed without this aspect being addressed. 此为评估中的重要组成部分,如未能提供具体步骤信息,则不应视为评估完成。,Record The Assessment 记录评估结果,Demonstrates compliance 证明合规性 Helps with the assessment process 帮助评估过程 Helps drive the actions 推动措施的实施 Helps the review process. 推动评估审核,Carry Out Actions 实施措施,It is important to ensure that recommendations from any assessment are implemented properly. 必须确保正确实施评估的建议。 Many assessments fail to control exposure because the actions are not implemented. 许多评估未能实现风险控制,原因就是没有实施任何措施。,Review The Assessment 审核评估,The initial assessment should not be regarded as being relevant forever. 初步评估不应被视为是永久性的 Periodic re-assessments should be undertaken regularly and in any event whenever it is suspected that the assessment is no longer valid. 应定期进行重新评估,如有以下任何情况发生将导致评估无效: Significant changes to: 如下事项出现重大变化: The substances/agents involved and/or their sources. 相关的物质/媒介和/或其来源。 The plant, e.g. modified engineering control. 工厂,如更改了工程控制。 The process or method of work. 工作过程或方法 The volume or rate of production. 产量和产率,Review The Assessment 审核评估,Expert Systems and Control Banding 专家系统和分组控制,There are a number of expert systems which have been developed to assist employers in undertaking health risk assessments. 目前,已开发了多种专家系统来协助雇主进行健康风险评估。 These systems all use an approach called “Control Banding”. 该类系统都采用“分组控制”的方法 Control banding involves the following steps. 分组控制的具体内容如下 Hazard Classification 危害分类 Assessment of exposure potential 潜在风险评估 Selection of control approach. 控制方法的选择,The ILO Toolkit an example of control banding approaches 国际劳工组


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