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专利族及检索应用,国家知识产权局专利局文献部 赵欣,一、专利族概述,1专利族概念的产生 (1)优先权 1883年,巴黎公约诞生,专利族概念出现。 公约规定:成员国之间承认原申请国专利申请的优先权。 向别国申请专利时,出具原申请国优先权证明。 在出版专利文献时,成员国应在专利文献著录项目中刊出国际优先权项(30),或者(31)(32)(33)。,一、专利族概述,( 30 ) 巴黎公约优先权数据 (31)优先申请号 (32)优先申请日期 (33)优先申请国家或组织代码,一、专利族概述,1专利族概念的产生 (2)专利族的形成 一组有联系的专利文献: 至少具有一个共同的优先权 内容相近 生成Patent Family(专利族),一、专利族概述,1专利族概念的产生 (3)案例 US 4588244 A,(导线连接装置), ITT公司 申请日:1985年1月14日,申请号:690915 JP 61198582 A,(导线连接装置), ITT公司 申请日:1985年11月30日 优先权: US,690915, 1985.1.14 GB 2169759 A,(导线连接装置), ITT公司 申请日:1986年1月3日 优先权: US,690915, 1985.1.14 FR 2576156 A,(导线连接装置), ITT公司 申请日:1986年1月13日 优先权: US,690915, 1985.1.14,一、专利族概述,2专利族概念 (1) Patent Family 专利族 Generally speaking, a patent family is a group of patents which, like a family, are all related to each other, in this case by way of the priority or priorities of a particular patent document. 一般说来,同族专利就是象家庭一样有相互联系的一组专利。他们的联系之处就是优先权或特定的优先权文献。 欧洲专利局网站 All the documents directly or indirectly linked via a priority document belong to one patent family. INPADOC,一、专利族概述,2专利族概念 (2) Patent Family 专利族 A collection of published patent documents relating to the same invention, or to several inventions sharing a common aspect, that are published at different times in the same country or published in different countries or regions. Each patent document in such a collection is normally based on the data for the application(s) on which the basis for its “priority right” has been claimed. WIPO,一、专利族概述,2专利族概念 (3) Patent Family 专利族 人们把至少有一个优先权相同的、在不同国家或国际专利组织多次申请、多次公布或批准的内容相同或基本相同的一组专利文献,称为专利族( Patent Family )。同一专利族中的每件专利文献被称为专利族成员( Patent Family Members),简称为同族专利。 专利文献与信息,二、专利族种类EPO定义,1Definition 1 All documents having exactly the same priority or combination of priorities belong to one patent family.,espcenet中的“also published as”。,二、专利族种类EPO定义,2Definition 2 All the documents having at least one common priority belong to the same patent family.,二、专利族种类EPO定义,3Definition 3 All the documents directly or indirectly linked via a priority document belong to one patent family.,“extended“ (INPADOC) patent family,二、专利族种类WIPO定义,1简单专利族 Simple Patent Family “Simple patent family” means a patent family relating to the same invention, each member of which has for the basis of its “priority right” exactly the same originating application or applications. 同一专利族中的所有专利族成员共同拥有一个或共同拥有几个优先权,构成简单专利族。 P1US 690915,P1,二、专利族种类WIPO定义,2复杂专利族 Complex Patent Family “Complex patent family” means a patent family relating to the same invention or to several inventions sharing a common aspect, each member of which has for the basis of its “priority right” at least one originating application in common with the other members of the family 同一专利族中的所有专利族成员共同拥有至少一个优先权,构成复杂专利族。 P1NL8901402 P2NL9000338,二、专利族种类WIPO定义,3扩展专利族 Extended Patent Family “Extended patent family” means a patent family relating to one or more inventions, each member of which has for the basis of its “priority right” at least one originating application in common with at least one other members of the family 同一专利族中的每个专利族成员与该专利族中的至少一个其他专利族成员共同拥有一个优先权,构成扩展专利族。 P1NL8901402 P2NL9000338,二、专利族种类WIPO定义,4本国专利族 National Patent Family “National patent family” means a patent family relating to one or more inventions, the members of which are published by the same office and at least two of which are distinct from each other (i.e., not merely a different procedural publication stage for the same originating application see domestic patent family), and having for their basis of “priority right” at least one originating application in common with the other members of the family. The relationship of at least two of the published patent documents in this type of patent family is a result of additions, continuations, continuations-in-part, or divisions of the original subject of invention covered by an originating application 继续、分案申请等原因产生的一组由同一个国家公布的专利文献,构成本国专利族,但不包括同一专利申请在不同审批阶段出版的专利文献。,二、专利族种类WIPO定义,4本国专利族 National Patent Family 1=07/532462(放弃),2=07/997158(US5323396A),3=08/173850(US5606618A),4=08/190807(放弃),5=08/483009(US5530655A),6=08/488318(US5539829A),7=08/488322(US5777992A),8=08/488536(放弃),9=09/521052(US6289308B1),10=09/908932(US2001/0044713A1) P1NL8901402 P2NL9000338 Cn继续申请 Dn分案申请,二、专利族种类WIPO定义,5国内专利族 Domestic Patent Family “Domestic patent family” means a patent family consisting solely of a single offices different procedural publications for the same originating applications(s); 同一个专利机构公布的同一专利申请的不同公布级的专利文献 PUS10/083103,二、专利族种类WIPO定义,6人工专利族 Artificial Patent Family “Artificial patent family” (intellectual or nonconventional patent family) means a patent family consisting of a collection of equivalent patent documents (i.e., documents relating to the same invention) published by different offices and at least some of which do not share a common originating application or applications (or where data relating to such a common originating application is not disclosed). The members of this type of family are determined only after intellectual investigation to have essentially the same disclosed content. 没有共同的优先权联系,但内容相同或基本相同,通过人为智能归类组成的由不同国家出版的一组专利文献,构成人工专利族。,三、专利族检索,1专利族检索释义 专利族检索是指从已知的一个专利或专利申请的号码(申请号、专利号、公开号、公告号)入手,去查找与其至少共有一个优先权的其他专利或专利申请的有关信息的工作。,三、专利族检索,2专利族检索的意义 了解专利地域效力信息 解决文种转换或馆藏不足问题 为审查工作提供参考 为企业开发产品及占领市场提供参考 为企业了解国外同行专利战略运用提供素材,三、专利族检索,3检索网站 欧洲专利局网站 /advancedSearch?locale=en_EP,三、专利族检索,3检索网站 印度国家信息中心网站 http:/patinfo.nic.in,三、专利族检索,案例1:检索中国CN1237181A专利文献的同族专利,三、专利族检索,案例2:检索中国02142995.2专利
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