



The Changing World教师寄语:A waste of their time is slow suicide, wasting peoples time isthe murder.( 浪费自己的时间是慢性自杀,浪费别人的时间是谋财害命。) Class_ Grade9 Group_ Name_课型:预习+展示课Title: Unit 1 The Changing world (正在变化着的世界)Topic 1:Our country has developed rapidly. (我们的国家发展迅速。) Section: B 1a-1c (P3) 第一课时Learning steps (学习过程): 一、抽测反馈 (Check before class)(5)(我会做)1 用括号内单词的正确形式填空。 1) Great changes _(take) place in Ritas hometown. 2)Jane _( be) to Mount Huang with her parents. 3) Kangkang _( be ) to an English summer school to improve his English. 4)There _(go ) the bell.2根据汉语意思完成句子,每空一词。 1)天气很糟糕,以至于我不想出去。 The weather is _bad _I dont want to go out. 2)顺便说一句,今晚到我家喝一杯怎么样? _ _ _ , why not have a drink at my home this evening? 3)他去伦敦了。 He _ _ _ London. 4) 我去了一所英语暑假学校以提高我的英语。 I have been to an English summer school _ _my English.二、学习目标 (Learning target)(1) 1学习新单词:disabled, shut, ever, rope;2学习并背诵1a的对话; 3继续学习现在完成时的用法;4熟读并背记下面重点句型: 1) Ive learnt a lot from it .2) -Have you been to any other place? - No, I havent. 3)Though I had no time to travel, I still felt very happy.学习重点 2)熟记新单词及词组;3)掌握现在完成时的用法;能区别和使用一般过去时和现在完成时。三、自主学习 (Self-study)(20)(我最棒)1、自主学习新词汇:汉译英并写出单词的音标及词性,然后熟读。1)残疾的,残废的 ( ) / / _2)关闭,关上 ( ) / / _3)在任何时候,从来 ( ) / / _4)绳子, 绳索 ( ) / / _2、跟读P3/1a,翻译并画出下列重点词、句,然后大声朗读. 1)参加_2)为打扫房间_ 3)一段多么美好的经历啊!_ 4)从学到很多_5) put on _6) cook for them_7)To help others makes us happy._3、齐读1a判断下面句子正(T) 误(F)。(即1b) 1)Maria helped the disabled children to clean the rooms and fed them.( ) 2)Maria thinks her experience as a volunteer was wonderful. ( ) 3)Maria felt very happy because she helped others. ( ) 4)Kangkang has been to a summer school to help others. ( ) 5) Kangkang has made some new friends in the English summer school.( )4、根据1a完成下面的短文。(即1c) Both Maria and Kangkang have done something meaningful. Maria has _some volunteer activities to help some disabled _. She _a lot from it , and she said _others made her happy . Kangkang _an English summer school . He _some new friends there, and they also _funny shows for a group of old people in a _.u 【知识超市】1You took part in some volunteer activities during summer holidays , didnt you? 你在暑假参加了一些志愿活动,是吗?此句是反意疑问句。 反意疑问句即附加疑问句,由两部分构成:前一部分是对事物的陈述,后一部分是简略的问句。前者用肯定形式,后者一般用否定形式,反之亦然。如: Its a nice day, isnt it? 今天天气不错,不是吗? Ann didnt use to live there, did she? 安过去不曾住在那儿,对吗?2learn .from 从中学习e.g. Ive learnt a lot from the story. 我从这个故事中学到了很多。 3Though I had no time to travel, I still felt very happy. 虽然我没有时间去旅行,但我仍然感到很开心。1)have (no) time to do sth. 有(没有)时间做某事 e.g. He was so busy that he had no time to h ave lunch. 他太忙了,没有时间吃午饭。2)连词though /although t even though /even if 意为“虽然,尽管,即使”,引导让步状语从句,通常不与but 连用。 Even if 和even though 带有强调的意味,语气较强;though 和although 语气较弱,而though 如 :Though /Although my daughter is only ten years old ,she knows a lot . 虽然我的女儿只有十岁,但她懂得很多的事情。四展示提升 (Lets show and improve )(15)(我参与) 1分角色朗读1a的对话。2先翻译下面句子再按要求改写句子。 1) 我去年去过北京。 I _ to Beijing last year. a.改为否定句:I _ _to Beijing last year.b.改为一般疑问句并用肯定回答:_you _to Beijing last year? Yes, I _. 2) 我去过北京。 I _ _ to Beijing.a. 改为否定句:I _ _ to Beijing.b. 改为一般疑问句并作否定回答: _you _to Beijing? No, I _.五 梳理巩固 (Summary )(4)(我能行)1、本节课我学习了_ _ _ _四个单词及现在完成时的用法;2、整理导学案,梳理本节课所学的知识,检查导学案并完成导学案上所有内容,学习组长注意检查督促。六检测达标 (Test in the end ) (5)(我会做)1、单项选择。 ( )1 - When _you _there? - Last night. A.have, gone B. did, go C. will , go D. is, going( )2) -I didnt see you the whole summer holiday. -I _Yunnan on August 2nd. I _there for two weeks. A.went to , have gone B. have gone , have gone C. went to , have been( )3)I saw her _on the street yesterday morning. A. running B. to run C. run D. runs2、按要求完成下面句子,每空一词。 1) Though everyone played well, we lost the game. (改为同义句) Everyone played well,_ we lost the game. 2) She often feeds the animals. (改为现在完成时的句子) She _ _ the animals. 3) I have


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