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八年级上册,第一部分 系统复习 成绩基石,第 11 讲 Unit 9Unit 10,话题本讲涉及了“得体的接受或拒绝邀请及其原因、对不同事件的结果进行预测及做决定”等相关话题。,要点梳理过关,重点词汇过关,.单词拼写 根据首字母及汉语提示,完成下列单词的拼写,使句意明确,语言通顺。 1She r efused (拒绝)his invitation to the tea party because she was really busy. 2What e lse (其他的)should we do? 3Dont be a ngry (发怒的)with your son.He is only a little child. 4Can you find a way to s olve (解决)the difficult problem? 5We can help you o rganize (组织)an English party.,6My father a dvises (建议)us to eat healthy food. 7Her mother is usually busy on w eekdays (工作日)But shes not busy on weekends. 8Why did she refuse the i nvitation (邀请)of the dance party? 9Youve made a few m istakes (错误) in your homework. 10Jack was u pset (难过)because he failed his English test. 11We all know that fish cant live w ithout (没有)water.,.单项填空 12The fans were D to know the death of their favorite singing star Whitney Houston. Aglad Bangry Cexcited Dsurprised 13Helen is going to work in an old peoples home to help B the old people. Alook forward to Blook after Clook through Dlook at 14He hasnt got any hobbies, B you call watching TV a hobby. Awhile Bunless Cas Dif,高频考点精讲,考点1 until的用法 Oh,but Sam isnt leaving until next Wednesday.哦,但是萨姆要到下周三才走。 Unit 9 P66,【透析】 (1)until用于肯定句中,意为“直到为止”,主句中的谓语动词应用延续性动词。如:I waited for you until ten last night.我昨天晚上一直等你到10点。 (2)until用于否定句中,构成not.until,意为“直到才”,主句中的谓语动词应用短暂性(非延续性)动词,此时until可用before代替。,(3)作连词,表示动作状态持续到另一动作状态之前。如:We will have to wait until the rain stops.我们得一直等到雨停了。,考点2 catch的用法 Catch you on Monday!礼拜一见! Unit 9 P66,【透析】 (1)catch作动词,过去式为caught。此处是口语,意为“再见”。如:Catch you later.回头见。还可意为“及时赶上,抓住”。如:The cat likes catching mice.猫喜欢抓老鼠。 (2)catch 构成的常用短语:catch a cold 感冒;catch sb.s eye引起某人的注意;catch the train赶上火车;catch up with赶上,跟上;catch hold of 抓住。,考点3 invite的用法 Then invite classmates to your party.然后邀请同班同学参加你的聚会。 Unit 9 P67,【透析】 (1)invite sb.“邀请某人”。如:He invited my family yesterday.昨天,他邀请了我的家人。 (2)invite sb.to地点“邀请某人到某地”。如:Jim invited me to his house yesterday.昨天吉姆邀请我去他家了。 (3)invite sb.to do sth.“邀请某人做某事”。如:We invited Lily to have dinner with us.我们邀请了莉莉同我们共进晚餐。,考点4 辨析accept与receive accept an invitation接受邀请 Unit 9 P67,【注意】表示“接见,接待”时,要用receive,而不用accept。,考点5 辨析hear from,hear of与hear about I look forward to hearing from you all.我期待收到你们所有人的来信。 Unit 9 P69,考点6 surprise的用法 Lets have a surprise party for her next Friday the 28th!让我们下个星期五28号为她举办一个惊喜派对! Unit 9 P69,【透析】(1)surprise可作名词,意为“惊奇”;常用短语:in surprise“惊奇地”,to ones surprise“令某人惊奇的是”。如:To my surprise,he is the winner.令我惊讶的是,他是胜利者。 (2)作动词,意为“使惊奇”。 (3)surprised是形容词,意为“感到惊讶的”。常在句中作表语,修饰人。常用短语:be surprised at.“对感到吃惊”;be surprised to do sth.“做某事感到惊讶”;be surprised that 从句“很惊讶 / 吃惊”。 (4)surprising也为形容词,在句中作定语或表语,修饰物。,考点7 advise的用法 Robert Hunt advises students about common problems.罗伯特亨特关于普遍问题给学生提出建议。 Unit 10 P77,【透析】(1)advise作动词,意为“劝告、建议”。advise sb.about / on.关于给某人提出忠告 / 建议; (2)advise sb.(not)to do sth.建议某人(不)做某事。如:Mrs.Brown advises us to eat healthy food.布朗夫人建议我们吃健康食品。Tom advises me not to tell lies to my mother.汤姆劝告我不要对妈妈撒谎。 (3)advise that sb.(should)do sth.建议某人做某事。 (4)advise的名词形式为advice,为不可数名词。常用搭配:a piece of advice “一条建议”;ask sb.for advice “向某人征求意见”。suggestion建议(可数名词)。如:Can you give me some advice / suggestions on how to speak English well?你能给我一些关于如何说好英语的建议吗?,考点8 experience的用法 Students often forget that their parents have more experience,and are always there to help them.学生们经常忘记他们的父母有更多的经验并且一直在那里帮助他们。 Unit 10 P77,【透析】(1)experience作可数名词,意为“经历,阅历”;作不可数名词,意为“经验,体验”。如:Being a volunteer is an unusual experience to me.当志愿者对于我来说是一种不同寻常的经历。 (2)experience作动词,意为“经历,遭受”。如:Last summer,we experienced an important lesson.去年夏天,我们经历了一次人生重要的课。 (3)形容词形式为experienced“有经验的”。如:Mr.Huang is experienced in teaching.黄老师在教学方面是有经验的。,关联语法链接 语法1:情态动词might与should 见P172 语法2:情态动词can表示邀请 见P171 语法3:if引导的状语从句“if一般现在时,主语一般将来时” 见P193,考点即时运用,1.考点1Its too late.I have to go now. Oh,its raining heavily outside.Youd better stay_it stops. Auntil Bsince Cwhile Dthough 2考点5I dont know the writer of this book,but I have_him before. Aheard of Blistened to Cheard from Dtalked about 3考点62017遵义中考改编Mary didnt tell her parents that she was going home because she wanted to give them a_ Asurprise Bcall Cgift Dmeet,A,A,A,4考点8The_teacher had_3 hundred lessons in the last ten years. Aexperiences;experiences Bexperience;experienced Cexperienced;experienced Dexperiencing;experiences 5考点4I_his gift yesterday,but I wouldnt like to_it. Aaccepted;accept Breceived;receive Creceived;accept Daccepted;receive 6考点62017苏州中考改编Nora opened the box._,inside it was a gold watch. ATo my surprise BTo be honest CIn my opinion DAgain and again,C,C,A,7考点7We advise parents_their children at home alone in order to keep them away from danger. Anot leave Bnot to leave Cleave Dto leave 8考点7Could you give me some_?I have tried several times but failed. Anotice Bsuggestion Cadvice Dnotes 9语法12017河南中考I dont care what people think. Well,you_Youre not alone in this world. Acan Bmay Cshould Dwill,B,C,C,10语法32017眉山中考I dont know if Eric_this Sunday.If he_here,Ill call you at once. Awill come;will come Bcome;comes Ccomes;will come Dwill come;comes 11考点22017江西中考Would you like to see a movie with me on Saturday night? Sorry,I didnt_it.Could you please say it again? Areceive Bcatch Cfind Dfinish 12考点32017呼和浩特中考Can Mr.King spare some time for the meeting? If he_,he will try his best to make it. Awill be invited Bis invited Cinvites Dinvited,D,B,B,话题写作指导,话题6:计划与邀请 考情分析 分析全国近5年书面表达的命题,此话题主要会从以下四个方面进行设题:新学期的学习计划(比如学习时间管理计划以及如何养成良好的学习习惯的建议等);校园活动计划(学校活动、班级活动等团队、集体活动计划);暑期计划(暑期,节日,志愿服务,旅游等社会活动的具体计划);人生计划(个人理想或奋斗目标等)。此话题与学生学习生活联系紧密。邀请他人参观某一地点的邀请函或回复函。如:2017天津;2017日照;2017包头;2016张家界;2016淄博;2016株洲;2015绥化;2015莱芜;2015河北;2014重庆B;2013重庆B。 分析安徽省近10年真题可知,2017年考查邀请美国朋友Mike参加“弘扬中华传统文化戏曲进校园”展演活动;2011年考查暑假生活计划。,常用短语句型,【积累背诵】 意愿: 1hope / wish / want to do渴望 / 希望 / 想要做某事 2in the countryside 在农村 3prefer to do sth.宁愿做某事 4in order to / that.为了 5have the chance to do sth.有机会做某事 6plan to do计划做某事 7look forward to doing盼望做某事,实施: 1make a plan / work out a plan 制定计划 2to start with 以开始 3a twomonth holiday 两个月的假期 4summer vacation / holiday 暑假 5make some preparations 做准备 结尾: 1have a nice trip旅途愉快 2I believe that.我确信 3enjoy oneself 玩得开心,【基础写作运用】 1暑假就要到来了,我计划去农村看望爷爷奶奶。 The summer vacation is coming,and I plan to visit my grandparents in the countryside. 2为了有一个强健的体魄,我将尽我所能多做锻炼。 To have a strong body,I try my best to do exercise as much as I can. 3为你的暑假制定一个好的计划,做一些有意义的事情。 Make a good plan for your summer holiday and do something meaningful.,经典亮句积累 开头句 1My classmates decided / made a decision to help the people in the old peoples home.我的同班同学决定去帮助敬老院的人。 2I will start my new life in a new school.Now Id like to share my plan with you.我将在新学校开始我的新生活。现在我想和你分享我的计划。 3Its very kind / nice of you to invite me to watch a movie.邀请我去看电影,你真是太好了。,中间句 1I am looking forward to seeing you this summer vacation.我期待在这个暑假见到你。 2I havent made up my mind whether to go skating or not.我还没有决定是否去滑雪。 3Ill try my best to take part in some afterclass activities and make more friends.我将尽我所能参加课外活动,交更多的朋友。 4May I invite you to my birthday party?我可以邀请你来参加我的生日聚会吗? 5Why dont you join us?/ Why not join us?/ Would you like to join us?你为什么不加入我们呢? / 为什么不加入我们呢? / 你愿意和我们一起去吗?,结尾句 1I will accept your invitation.我会接受你的邀请。 2Im sure I will be able to go next time.我确信我下次一定能去。 3Im sure I can do better in the coming school year.我确信我可以在即将到来的学年里做得更好。 4Lets make a plan for the coming vacation together.让我们一起为即将到来的假期制定一个计划。 谚语俗语 1Think twice before you do.三思而后行。 2Hope for the best,but prepare for the worst.抱最好的愿望,做最坏的打算。,典例运用,【例】2016温州中考假如你是Lingling,学校根据下表中新西兰来温暑期交流师生的意愿,决定安排他们去100公里外的许村游玩一天。但自行车来回路程需要89小时,权衡利弊,需调整这项内容,请你发邮件给对方带队老师Mr.Black做好说明、沟通工作。,写作要求 1文中不能出现真实的人名、校名等相关信息; 2文本长度:110 词左右。开头和结尾已给出(不计入总词数)。 【审题指导】 本篇书面表达要求考生写一封邮件,介绍一日游的活动安排及调整事项。写作时,人称应以第一人称为主,时态应以一般将来时为主。邮件的内容需要涵盖此次旅行的活动安排、地点、交通工具和其他相关信息,并确保语言得体,行文连贯,思路清晰。,【拟定提纲】,【我的作品】,Dear Mr.Black, Im Lingling.My school asked us to make the one-day tour plan for you and we tried to make it best to your preferences,but Im afraid well have to make some changes._ Looking forward to your reply. Best wishes! Lingling,Dear Mr.Black, Im Lingling.My school asked us to make the on


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