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专题一名词一、词形转换1. (2018原创)Youd better keep these _ between us forever. (secret)2. (2018原创)For getting a better job,we should develop our interests and always learn more _. (skill)3. (2018原创)Grandma went to the market and bought some meat, eggs and _ for lunch. (tomato)4. (2018原创)The boy sat at the back of the classroom, so he couldnt see the _ on the blackboard clearly. (word) 5. (2018原创)Linda is very _. She never tells a bad word about others. (friend)6. (2018原创)As we all know, China is an _ country with a long history. (east)7. (2018预测)I feel _ in my back,but I dont know whats wrong with it. (pain)8. (2018预测)I am _ to have the chance to attend such an important meeting. (luck)9. (2018预测)It is _ today, so we cant see the sun. (cloud)10. (2018预测)Although the _ grandmother is already 70 years old, she still looks very young. (girl)二、短语翻译1. (2018原创)I go to school by _ every day, because my home is far from the school. (校车)2. (2018原创)We all know that _ are made to keep order on the road. They also help to keep people safe. (交通规则)3. (2018原创)The problem of _ has become a hot topic in our society. (食品安全)4. (2018原创)He was late for school because of the _ the day before yesterday. (暴雨)5. (2018预测)He got _ in the exam because he had studied hard. (好成绩)6. (2018预测)Reading should be a _ for everyone of us. (终身旅程)三、单项填空1. (2017广东)Daniel has tried to lose _ by eating less recently, but two kilos has been put on instead. A. weight B. weights C. height D. heights2. (2017南京 )I go swimming every day. Wow! Thats a good _. It keeps you healthy. A. match B. task C. habit D. dream3. (2017乌鲁木齐)If you can speak English well, you will have a great _ over others when looking for a job. A. activity B. articleC. attention D. advantage4. (2017日照)The TV show Letters Alive brings back peoples _ of writing to each other. A. ideas B. hobbies C. styles D. memories5. (2017武汉)I wonder if youve made a decision on the project, Eric.Not yet. I cant make it until I have firsthand _ on prices.A. news B. knowledge C. information D. education6. (2017沈阳)These light bulbs look the same, but their _ on the environment are different.A. solutions B. methods C. effects D. secrets7. (2017宿迁)Could you give me a few _ on how to spend the coming summer holiday?OK. Let me see. A. hobbies B. knowledgeC. suggestions D. information8. (2017襄阳)The government is trying to develop winter sports for the 2022 Winter Olympics. No wonder people are showing more _ in them. A. warmth B. interest C. victory D. standard9. (2017徐州)The artist received high _ from the art community for these sculptures. A. praise B. prize C. price D. pride10. (2017凉山州)How far is your home from the train station?Its about 20 _ walk. A. minute B. minutesC. minutes D. minutes11. (2017兰州改编)There are a lot of _ on the grassland. And a sheepdog is sitting next to them.A. sheepes B. sheep C. sheeps D. dog12. (2017咸宁改编)Zheng He was a Ming dynasty _. He succeeded in sailing to the east coast of Africa.A. tourist B. teacher C. inventor D. explorer13. (2017贵阳改编)There is a _ in my neighborhood and I often go there to see tigers. A. zoo B. bank C. school D. library14. (2017昆明盘龙区二模)Its everyones _to make China stronger and stronger. I agree. Lets work hard to make it. A. duty B. chance C. chores D. ability15. (2017大理下关四中模拟)These books must be _, because he likes reading them. A. Jerry B. JerrysC. Jerrys D. belong to Jerry16. (2018原创)Could you tell me something about the boy who helped you just now?Sorry, I know nothing about him. We are _. A. friends B. neighborsC. classmates D. strangers17. (2018原创)_ makes us feel good about ourselves and makes everything around us very positive.A. Worry B. Excuses C. Mistakes D. Happiness18. (2018原创)My uncle is a warmhearted man and he is always happy to help other _. A. people B. child C. person D. babies19. (2018原创)Wow! There are so many _ taking part in this match on a snowy morning. A. women player B. women playersC. woman players D. woman player20. (2018原创)In autumn,you can see a lot of _ on the ground. A. leaf B. tree C. leaves D. trees21. (2018原创)I have decided to take part in the sports meeting even I have been ill for days. Wish you a _. A. failure B. fun C. happiness D. success22. (2018原创)Young man, dont sit there for daydreaming. No one can achieve anything without _. A. effort B. standardC. experience D. pride 23. (2018原创)I think the dragon is a _ of China. Do you think so?I agree with you. A. symbol B. situation C. promise D. shape 24. (2018原创)Finding information is not a big deal today. Well, the _ is how we can tell whether the information is useful or not. A. courage B. damageC. challenge D. knowledge25. (2018原创)What is Tony like?He is helpful. He often gives people a _ when they are in need. A. reply B. gift C. hand D. reason26. (2018原创)I have great _ in learning physics and Im so worried. Could you help me?Sure, Id love to. A. interest B. fun C. trouble D. question27. (2018原创)In the north of China, it is a (an) _ to have dumplings in the Spring Festival. A. custom B. effort C. manner D. purpose28. (2018原创)Some people ride bikes to work to reduce _ pollution. A. water B. air C. soil D. noise29. (2018原创)Just search the Internet, you can get almost all the_ you need. A. suggestion B. information C. picture D. story30. (2018原创)Its dangerous here. Wed better go out quickly. But I think we should let _ go out first. A. woman and children B. women and childC. woman and child D. women and children31. (2018原创)In order to look after themselves better, teenagers should try to improve their living _. A. styles B. activities C. skills D. actions32. (2018原创)Its useful for the deaf and dumb people to learn body language. Yes,its a major way of _ for them. A. suggestion B. vacation C. production D. communication33. (2018预测)Mom, Im hungry. Is there anything to eat?Heres some_. A. water B. orange C. bread D. juice34. (2018预测)Are there any _ on the farm?Yes, there are some. A. horse B. duck C. chicken D. sheep35. (2018预测)They are _ rooms. How beautiful they are!A. John and Kate B. John and KatesC. Johns and Kate D. Johns and Kates36. (2018预测)Yesterday evening we had a wonderful party at _. A. Peter and Helens B. Peter and HelenC. Peter and Helens D. Peters and Helens37. (2018预测)Youd better ask your teacher to give you some _ about the problem. A. advice B. plans C. reports D. place38. (2018预测)Today, we have many other _ to pay besides coins and paper money. A. excuses B. ways C. chances D. plans 39. (2018预测)If you work harder, you will have another _ to play the violin at the concert. A. chance B. problemC. mistake D. ability一、1. secrets【解析】句意:你最好永远保守我们之间的秘密。空前有these修饰,且secret是可数名词。故填secrets。2. skills【解析】句意:为了得到一份更好的工作,我们应该培养我们的兴趣,并且不断地学习更多的技能。空前有more修饰,名词应用复数形式。故填skills。3. tomatoes【解析】句意:奶奶去市场为午饭买了一些肉,鸡蛋和西红柿。空前有some修饰,可数名词应用复数。故填tomatoes。4. words【解析】句意:男孩坐在教室的后面,所以他看不清黑板上的字。根据常识可知字不止一个所以应该用复数。故填words。 5. friendly【解析】句意:琳达非常友善。她从来不说别人的坏话。分析结构可知缺少形容词做表语。故填friendly。6. eastern【解析】句意:众所周知,中国是一个有着悠久历史的东方国家。需此处填一个形容词修饰名词。故填eastern。7. painful【解析】句意:我感到背疼,但我不知道怎么了。feel是系动词后接形容词作表语。故填painful。8. lucky【解析】句意:我很幸运能有机会参加如此重要的一个会议。分析句子结构可知缺少形容词作表语。故填lucky。9. cloudy【解析】句意:今天多云,所以我们看不到太阳。缺少形容词做表语。故填cloudy。10. girls【解析】句意:尽管这个女孩的奶奶已经七十岁了,然而她看起来却非常年轻。根据句意可知表示女孩的,应用名词所有格。故填girls。二、1. school bus【解析】句意:我家离学校远,所以我每天坐校车去学校。校车school bus。2. traffic rules【解析】 句意:我们都知道,制定交通规则是为了维持道路上的秩序。它们也帮助保护人们的安全。交通规则 traffic rule,由谓语动词are可知此处应用名词复数形式,故填traffic rules。3. food safety【解析】句意:食品安全问题在我们的社会上已经成为一个热门话题。食品安全food safety。4. heavy rain【解析】句意:前天因为暴雨他上学迟到了。暴雨heavy rain。5. good grades【解析】句意:他在考试中取得了好成绩,因为他学习很努力。好成绩good grades。6. lifelong journey【解析】句意:阅读对于我们每个人来说都应该是一次终身旅程。终身旅程lifelong journey。三、1. A【解析】考查名词词义辨析和单复数。句意:丹尼尔最近通过少吃来努力减_,但反而增加了两公斤。根据句意可知此处用短语lose ones weight表示减肥,其中的weight是不可数名词,没有复数形式,故选A。2. C【解析】考查名词词义辨析。句意为“我每天去游泳。”“哇!那是一个好_。它会让你保持健康。”match比赛,火柴;task任务;habit习惯;dream梦想。根据语境可知每天游泳是一个好习惯。故选C。3. D【解析】考查名词词义辨析。句意:如果你能很好地说英语,在找工作时你会比别人有很大的_。activity 活动;article文章;attention注意;advantage优势。根据句意可知表示优势。故选D。4. D【解析】考查名词词义辨析。句意为:电视节目见字如面唤起了人们给彼此写信的_。ideas想法;hobbies爱好;styles风格;memories记忆。根据句中的关键词“brings back”可知是记忆,故选D。5. C【解析】本题考查名词词义辨析。句意:“艾瑞克,我想知道你做好关于这个项目的决定了吗?”“还没有,在我得到第一手价格_之前我没法做决定。”news新闻;一般指通过媒体向大众发布的社会各方面的最新消息;knowledge了解,知识;information信息,通常指在阅读、观察、谈话或书信往来中的消息;education教育。根据句意可知此处表示“第一手价格信息”。故选C。 6. C【解析】考查名词词义辨析。句意:这些灯泡看起来是一样的,但是它们对环境的_是截然不同的。solutions解决办法; methods 方法; effects影响; secrets秘密。根据句意可知此处是指 “对环境的影响”。故选C。7. C【解析】考查名词词义辨析。句意为:“你能告诉我一些关于怎样度过即将到来的暑假的_吗?”“可以,让我想想。”hobbies爱好;knowledge知识;suggestions建议;information信息。根据a few可知,此处用可数名词复数形式,排除B、D项。分析语境可知此处要求给出一些怎样度过暑假的建议。故选C。8. B【解析】考查名词词义辨析。句意:“政府为了2022冬奥会正在努力开展冬季运动。”“难怪人们对它们表现出更多的_。”warmth温暖;interest兴趣;victory胜利;standard标准。根据句意应该是“难怪人们对它们感兴趣”。故选B。9. A【解析】考查名词词义辨析。句意为:这个艺术家因为这些雕塑获得了艺术协会的高度_。praise赞扬;prize奖品;price价格;pride自豪。一个艺术家因为他的雕塑要么是获得艺术协会的奖品,要么是获得艺术协会的赞扬,故排除C、D两项;又因为prize是可数名词,空格前没有冠词a,而且prize不能用high来修饰,故此处指获得了艺术协会的高度赞扬。故选A。10. D【解析】考查名词所有格的用法。句意:“从火车站多远?”“你家到从步行约20分钟的路程。”空格前有基数词20修饰,其后的名词应用复数形式,故填minutes,但空格处指代的是20“分钟的”步行,所以用名词所有格形式。故选D。11. B【解析】考查主谓一致以及不定冠词。句意为:草地上有很多_。一只牧羊犬在它们旁边坐着。根据There are可知第一空应用名词复数形式。sheep 绵羊,单复数同形;故选B。12. D【解析】考查名词词义辨析。句意为:郑和是明朝的一位_。他成功地航行到了非洲的东海岸。tourist游客;teacher老师;inventor发明家;explorer探险家。根据后句语境及常识可知郑和是一位探险家,故选D。13. A【解析】考查名词词义辨析。句意:在我家附近有一个_而且我经常去那里看老虎。zoo动物园;bank银行;school学校;library图书馆。由后面关键词tigers可知,我家附近应有动物园。故选A。14. A【解析】考查名词词义辨析。句意“让中国越来越强大是每个人的_。”“我同意。让我们努力去实现它吧。”duty职责;chance机会;chores日常家务;ability能力。根据常识可知建设祖国人人有责,故选A。15. C【解析】考查名词所有格的用法。句意:这些书一定是杰瑞的,因为他喜欢读书。根据句意可知表示所属关系,应用名词所有格。故选C。16. D【解析】考查名词词义辨析。句意:“你能告诉我一些关于刚刚帮助你的那个男孩的事情吗?”“不好意思,我一点也不了解他,我们是 _。”friends朋友;neighbors邻居;classmates同班同学;strangers陌生人。根据我对他不了解可知我们是陌生人。故选D。17. D【解析】考查名词词义辨析。句意:_使我们对自己感觉良好,并且使你身边的所有都变得积极起来。Worry担忧;Excuses借口; Mistakes错误;Happiness幸福。根据谓语动词makes可知用名词单数,所以排除B,C项。又由句意可知是幸福让我们有这种感受。故选D。18. A【解析】考查名词同义辨析及单复数。句意:我叔叔是个热心肠的人,他总是乐意帮助其他_。people 人们;child 小孩;person人;babies婴儿。句中other“其他的”后接可数名词复数,根据语境可知是帮助其他人,故选A。19. B【解析】考查名词单复数。句意:哇,在这下雪的清晨,有这么多女运动员参加比赛。名词修饰名词中,man、woman随着后面的名词的单复数的变化而变化,many许多,修饰名词复数,故选B。20. C【解析】考查名词的单复数与词义辨析。句意:秋天,你可以在地上看到很多的_ 。 根据句意可知表示树叶。a lot of 后跟可数名词复数。故选C。21. D【解析】考查名词词义辨析。句意“即使病了好久我也决定参加这次的运动会。”“希望你_。”failure失败;fun乐趣;happiness快乐;success成功。根据句意可知表示希望你成功。故选D。22. A【解析】考查名词词义辨析。句意:年轻人,不要一天坐那儿做白日梦,不_没有人会成功。effort努力;standard标准;experience经历;pride骄傲。根据句意可知表示没有努力就不会成功。故选A。23. A【解析】考查名词词义辨析。句意:“我认为龙是中国的_。你这样认为吗?”“我同意。”symbol 象征;situation 形势;promise 诺言;shape 形状。根据句意及题干分析可知此处是表示龙是中国的象征,故选A。24. C【解析】考查名词词义辨析。句意:“如今发现信息并不是一件大事。”“_是我们如何辨别信息是否有用。”courage 勇气;damage 损害; challenge 挑战;knowledge 知识。根据句意及题干分析可知应是挑战的意思,故选C。25. C【解析】考查名词词义辨析。句意:“托尼是一个怎样的人?”“他乐于助人,他经常帮助有需要的人。”reply回答;gift礼物;hand 手;reason原因。固定搭配:give sb. a hand给予某人帮助,故选C。26. C【解析】考查名词词义辨析。句意:“我在学习物理上有很大_,我很担心。你可以帮助我吗?”“当然可以,我很乐意。”interest 爱好;fun有趣的事情; trouble困难;question 问题。结合句意可知此处是指有很大的困难,固定搭配:have trouble in doing sth.,故选C。27. A【解析】考查名词词义辨析。句意:在中国北方,春节吃饺子是一个_。custom习俗; effort 努力; manner礼仪;purpose目的。根据句意及题干分析此题应是习俗的意思,故选A。28. B【解析】考查名词词义辨析。句意:为了减少_污染,一些人骑自行车去上班。water 水;air 空气;soil


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