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小学英语PEP第4册教学进度表周次日期教学内容12.92.13Unit 1 Our School. Part A22.162.20Unit 1 Our School. Part B 32.232.27Unit 2 What time is it? Part A43.13.5Unit 2 What time is it? Part B53.83.12Unit 3 Is this your skirt? Part A63.153.19Unit 3 Is this your skirt? Part B73.223.26Recycle One and Revision/Comment83.294.2Unit 4 Its warm today. Part A94.54.9Unit 4 Its warm today. Part B104.124.16Unit 5 How much is it? Part A114.194.23Unit 5 How much is it? Part B124.264.30Unit 6 At a farm. Part A135.35.7INTERNATIONAL LABOUR DAY145.105.14Unit 6 At a farm. Part B155.175.21Recycle Two Revision and Comment165.245.28General Revision175.316.4General Revision186.76.11Oral Test196.146.18Final English Test本册教材的教学目标 能听懂、会说12组会话,并能进行简单的交流; 能听、说、认读60个单词和词组并能听、说、读、写61个单词和24个句子(包括学校、时间、衣服、天气、购物、农场动物、数字、颜色等几个话题),并能简单地运用; 能听、做6个TPR活动; 能学会6个小制作; 能唱8首歌曲; 能听、说、唱7首歌谣; 能完成6个自我评价活动; 能听懂6个幽默小故事; 能了解6项简单的中西方文化知识。学生分析:四(5)班:46人 优秀学生: 金灵钰、杨瑜娴、叶梦遥、钟泉虹需要帮助的学生:潘之晨、占斌四(4)班:27人 优秀学生:周颖、黄佳俊、相佳伟、周倩需要帮助的学生:黄涛、桑云斐、谢兴(5)班由于班主任的关系,我可以对需要帮助的学生进行经常性的帮助;平常也可以利用谈话课、班队课或午自修、早自修来提高学生学习的积极性。(4)班的学生接触得比较少,但大部分学生的学习氛围还是比较浓厚的,只需要抓住小部分同学的注意力;安排好英语学习的组长,及时对学生的学习情况进行反馈。 Teaching aims of unit 11 Enable the students to introduce the distribution of the schoolhouse, such as This is the teachers office. That is my classroom. Taking into account of the cooperation and let them imagine the schoolhouse in their mind. Try to let them introduce their school to the other people.2 Enable the students to say some directives, such as Go the the library. Read a story-book.3 Enable the students to ask some questions, such as Is this the library? Is that the TV room?4 Enable the students to sing the song “our school”.5 Grasp the words and sentences in Read and write.6 Enable the students to recognize and read the words and sentences in Lets learn and lets talk.7 Understand the content in Lets do and lets chant.8 Enable the students to comprehend the content in Story time and Good to know. Let them comprehend the publicly morality and comply it.Teaching arrangement:Lesson 1: A Lets learn Lets doLesson2:A Lets talk Lets playB Lets singLesson3:A Read and writeLets chantC Good to knowLesson4:B Lets learnLets playC Story timeLesson5:B Lets talkC Lets checkLesson6:B Read and writeC Task time Pronunciation2月9日进行始业教育,对上个学期的工作进行总结,并对孩子提出本学期的要求。Lesson 1 Teaching aims:1 Enable the students to grasp the new words: teachers office, canteen, garden, playground, and library.2 Enable the students to understand the directive and do to the corresponding activities. Such as: Go to the garden. Water the flower.Difficulties and importance:1. Grasp the five words and know their functions.2. The pronunciation of the word “library”.Preparation:1. five cards, record, tape.2. a piece of paper, a pen.3. a school map.Steps:I. Warm-up.Lets chant.1) Work and play.2) Go to the living roomII. Preview.Ask and answer.T: Whats in the classroom?S: a board, two lights, many desks and chairs.III. Presentation.1. Lets learn.Ask and answer.T: How many classrooms are there in our school?S: 12.T: Do you like our school?S: Yes. /No.T: Why? (Teaching the new words.)T: What else can you see in the school?T: Where is the canteen? (Teaching “Its on the first floor.”)2. Game time.a. When I am take the card of Garden, they should tell me about the “green, red, tree”all the things related to garden.b. I am do something, they should tell me about what the word I am telling.3. Lets do.Plus something: Go to the canteen. Eat some noodles. Emyummy. I like Chinese food. Go to the playground. Play football. Goal! Yeah.IV. Consolidation and extension.1. Activity book.2. Try to describe the school.Teachers note:在一节课下来,我觉得其他地方都能比较好地调动学生的学习兴趣,特别是加入了一些生活中,特别是在学生活动中能用到的句子,并且结合上个学期学过的一些句子,做到英语学习是为了实际运用。如Go to the canteen. Eat some noodles. Emyummy. I like Chinese food. Go to the playground. Play football. Goal! Yeah. 这样一来,孩子很有兴趣了。上个学期中,很多Lets do. 都让孩子坐在位置上念念,考虑到怕管不住纪律。孩子天性还是好动的。所以本学期,我遇到此类环节,我都会让孩子真正动起来。不过要避免有些孩子站起来纯粹是玩,而不是真的动嘴巴说。Lesson 2 Teaching aims:1. Be able to grasp and say: “This is the teachers office. That is my classroom.”2. Learn song “our school”.3. Understand some expression of floors.Difficulties and importance:1. The useful expression, which pattern like “ this is. /that is”2. The pronunciation of “this, that”.Preparation:1. Mask of Chenjie.2. Teaching map3. Tape.Steps:I. Warm-up.(1) Listen and do (lets do).(2) Read new words.II. Preview.(1) Sing song of “our school”III. Presentation.1.lets talk(1) Oral practice (talk to talk)T: How many American friends are there? What do you do in the playground? Ss(2) Say words (this, that)(3) T: whats in the first /second picture? Ss: Its in the library/teachers office.T: the first card, playground; the second card(4) Look at the map or picture grasp “on the first floor, on the second floor.(5) Listen the tape(6) Practice and act the dialogue.2.Lets playIV. Consolidation and extension.(1) Do activity book(2) Listen the tape(3) Talk about your school to your parents.Teachers note:这篇Lets talk.中最难的就是The canteen is on the first floor. This way, please.很多孩子都在 “first”和 “way”两个单词上读不清。其他的内容对于他们来说都还比较简单,很多程度好一点的孩子已经能念了。这个 “first”应该在上节课就很好掌握掉,这样对这节课就扫清了一个障碍。对于 “This way, please.”这个句型,可以在课的一开始复习校舍各单词上,就设计情境教学这个句型,让孩子简单地组一个介绍校舍的小对话。如果把Lets sing.放在这个课时中完成,倒磁带非常麻烦,所以就放到后面的课时中教学。Lessen 3 Teaching aims:1. Can write words of “board, light, fan, and computer.”2. Can grasp and chant (lets chant).3. Understand how to say school rules.Difficulties and importance:1. Can write the sentence of “This is my computer. This is your computer.” correctly.Preparation:1. A teaching map.2. Tape.3. Mask of animals.Steps:I. Warm-up.(1) Sing a song (“our school”)(2) Act the dialogue.II. Preview.(1) Talk about school. S1: whats in the school? S2(2) Listen and do.III. Presentation.1. Lets chant.(1) Listen and read.(2) Ask and answer (S1: Where do you read? S2: where do you draw? S3 where do you play computer?)(3) Write the sentence and words. (4) Act. (5) Play game (where is it?) IV. Good to know.1. Let student to know school rules as (can we drink in the computer room? Can we eat in the computer room?2. Write words (computer board, fan, light.)3. Listen and chant.Teachers note:在整个教学中,把单词拼写放在学生课后去完成,而把重点放在学生的看图(P6)说话上,让他们尽量用自己学过的句子(There is/ There are),来说说图画说描述的内容。这样可以锻炼孩子的观察能力,还可以让学生放大胆子来说。(其中发现四5班的韩佳佳进步很大,胆子大了不少),应该多鼓励一些平时不太爱开口的学生多说说。Lesson 4 Teaching aims:1. Grasp the new words: gym, TV room, art room, computer room, washroom, music room.2. Finish the part of Lets play.3. Understand the main idea of the story. And enable them to read it after the tape.Difficulties and importance:1. The pronunciation of first and second. And the use of them.2. The lying of the sentences they learn next lesson: Is this the? /Is that the?Preparation:Cards, record and tape, school map.Steps:I. Warm-up.(1) Lets chant.(2) Lets sing.II. Preview.Say out the words quickly.I can see many flowers in it. Where is it? -Garden.III. Presentation.(1) Ask and answer.Where do we water the flower?Where do we read storybooks?Where do we have computer classes?(Lead the COMPUTER ROOM, and then teach the other new words.)(2) Game time.T: Whats inside?S: Is this the?(Review the new words.)(3) Lets chant.Clap their hands while read it.IV. Story time.(1) Listen to the tape.(2) Act the dialogue.V. Consolidation and extension.Finish the works in Activity book.Teachers note:新单词里面大多数都是以前学过的单词凑合起来的,因此学生掌握起来比较简单。Lets chant调动了孩子的积极性,让他们拍拍手,跺跺脚孩子很开心。“故事时间”内容很简单,由于时间关系,没有能让孩子在课堂上表演,我觉得这个内容比较简单,可以让他们表演不会有什么难度,因此将他们组织的对话作为下节课的课前热身。Lesson 5Teaching aims:1. Grasp the new sentences: Is this the library? Is that the TV room?2. Grasp the difference between the sentences: Is this the? /Is that the?3. Finish the content of Lets check.4. Use their imagination and desire the school in their mind.Difficulties and importance:1. Grasp the difference between the sentences: Is this the? /Is that the?Preparation:Picture, teachers cards, tapes and records, colour pens and white paper.Steps:I. Warm-up.(1) Act the dialogue of Lets talk.(2) Lets chant. “School days.”II. Preview.Whats in our school?(Review the new words they learnt.)III. Presentation.(1) Lets talk.Whos he?Do you want to be a headmaster?Today Wu Yifan is a headmaster. He has a new school. Do you want to have a look?(2) Wheres the room?Its on the first floor.Its on the second floor.(3) Can you desire your school in your mind? And make a short dialogue with your friend. (Give the other people an example.)IV. Listen to the tape and repeat.(1) Listen and catch the main idea.(2) Follow the tape and repeat.(3) Act the dialogue again.V. Lets check.VI. Consolidation and extension.Finish the works in activity books.Teachers note:Lesson 6Teaching aims:1. Grasp the content in Read and write and Task time.2. Enable the students to use the new words and sentences they learnt in the practice situation.3. Enable the students to assay the rules of the pronunciation.4. Finish the Task in groups.Difficulties and importance:1. Grasp the writing in Read and write.2. To assay the rules of the pronunciation.Preparation:Picture, cards, record and tapes, colour pens and white paper.Steps:I. Warm-up.(1) Lets sing and lets chant.(2) Act the dialogue in Lets talk.II. Preview.Make a riddle if they can.Jack is in a room. There are many books in it. He can see many students. They are reading books. They are quiet. Where is Jack?III. Presentation.(1) Read and write.a. Follow the tape and repeat.b. Pay attention on the “ s ”.(2) Pronunciation.Try to assay the rules of the pronunciation.(3) Task time.Desire the school in their mind.IV. Consolidation and extension.Finish the work in Activity books.Teachers note:Teaching aims of unit 21. Enable the student to ask the time and answer the question they ask them correctly. Such as What time is it? Its nine oclock.2. Enable the students to describe the daily activities by the words they had learned. Such as Its time for English class. Its time to go to school.3. Enable the students to send out the directive, such as Time for breakfast. Drink some milk.4. Enable the students to make a syllabus or a schedule themselves.5. Make a clock themselves and try to use the sentences they learned to describe it.6. Grasp the words and sentences in Read and write.7. Enable the students to recognize and read the words and sentences in Lets learn and lets talk.8. Understand the content in Lets do and lets chant.9. Enable the students to comprehend the content in Story time and Good to know. Let them comprehend the time is valuable.Teaching arrangement:Lesson 1: A Lets learn Lets doLesson2:A Lets talk Lets playLesson3:A Read and writeB Lets find outC Good to knowLesson4:B Lets learnLets chantC Story timeLesson5:B Lets talkC Lets checkLesson6:B Read and writeC Task time PronunciationLesson 1Teaching aims:1. Grasp the new words and phrase: music class, P.E. class, English class, breakfast, lunch, and dinner.2. Recognize and read the sentences: What time is it? Its. Its time for.3. Enable the students to understand the directive and do the corresponding activities. Such as: Time for breakfast. Drink some milk.Difficulties and importance:1. Grasp the new words and phrases.2. Understand the meaning of the new sentences: Whats time is it? Its nine oclock. Its time forPreparation:A clock, cards, recorder and tapesSteps:I. Warm-up.Lets chant or lets sing.II. Preview.1. Ask and answer.a. Do you remember the story?b. Wheres room at last? Hes in the canteen.c. Why? Hes hungry.d. Why is he hungry? e. What time is it? Its time for lunch.2. What can tell us the time?The sun, the moon, the treeIII. Presentation.Look, its clock.(Teach the word “clock”)1. Ask and answer.a.T: What time is it? S: Its 12 oclock.(Game)Who can say the time quickly?b. T: What time is it?S: Its time for.2. Lets do.Have a match between boys and girls.IV. Consolidation and extension.Finish the works in Activity books.Lesson 2Teaching aims:1. Grasp the new sentences: What time is it? Its . Its time for.2. Enable the students to understand the meaning of “Just a minutes.”, “Lets run!” and “Go home.”3. Enable the students to understand they should keep the rules of the schools and keep the schedule.Difficulties and importance:1. Grasp the new sentences: What time is it? And the answer “Its time for”2. Understand the expression: Just a minute. School is over.Preparation:Recorder and tapes, pen and white paper.Steps:I. Warm-up.(1) Sing a song. “One, two three four five”(2) Lets do.II. Preview.Look at the clock and say the time.Its time for breakfast. /Its time for English class.III. Presentation.Lets talk. (1) Ask and answer.T: School is over. What do you do? S: Go home.T: But Wu Yifan and John dont go home. What are they doing?(2) Look and listen.Make sentences: Its time for.(3) Imitate.(4) Act the dialogue.Lets play.What time is it? The students hold a long ruler in his hand and that instead of second arms.IV. Consolidation and extension.Finish the works in Activity book.Lesson 3Teaching aims:1. Grasp the ten new words: from one to ten, and the new sentences: What time is it? Its two oclock.2. Enable the students to understand the dialogue.3. Understand the times in different time zone.Difficulties and importance:Grasp the ten new words: from one to ten, and the new sentences: What time is it? Its two oclock in the blanks.Preparation:Recorder and tapes, and a school map.Steps:V. Warm-up.(1) Sing a songTen little candles dance.(2) Act the dialogue in Lets talk.VI. Preview.Whats missing? Give ten cards to ten students, and one card is missing, let the students guess what is missing?VII. Presentation.Read and write.(1) The match of spelling the words.Who can spell the words fast?(2) Whose memory is the best?a. Oral practicing.b. Give them several minutes to spell the words and see who has the good memory.Lets find out.(1) It is Sunday. Sarah and Chen Jie are going to see a movie. They must be home at six. Which movie can they see? Can you help them?(2) Give them some math problems.Good to know.(1) Answer where is the place, and then answer what the time is?(2) Introduce the time zone to the students.VIII. Consolidation and extension.Finish the works in activity books.Teachers note:Lesson 4Teaching aims:1. Grasp the four phrases: get up, go to school, go home, go to bed.2. Understand the new sentence: Its time to.3. Enable the students to chant.4. Catch the main idea of the story.Difficulties and importance:1. Grasp the four phrases: get up, go to school, go home, go to bed.2. Distinguish the sentences: Its time to Its time forPreparation:Cards, recorders and tapes.Steps:I. Warm-up.Game. Math problem, the students give the answer by their fingers.II. Preview.Lets chant.III. Presentation.Lets learn.(1) Clock game. Answer the questionWhat time is it?(To arms instead of the hour hand and the second hand.)(2) Lead out: Its time to go home, get up, go to school and go to bed.(3) Emphasis the pronunciation and chant with the tape.Story time.(1)Know something about the April Fools Day.(2) Follow the tape and then try to act.IV. Consolidation and extension.Finish the works in activity book.Lesson 5Teaching aims:1. Grasp the new sentences: Itsoclock. Its time for /Its time to Enable the students to understand the meaning of “Hurry! Oops, Im ready.”2. Enable the students to understand the meaning of the dialogue within teachers help.3. Finish lets check.4. Lets chant.Difficulties and importance:Grasp the new sentences: Itsoclock. Its time for /Its time toPreparation:Cards, tapes and recorders.Steps:I. Warm-up.Lets chant.II. Preview.(1) Talk about the schedule.T: What time do you get up?S: Five forty.(2) Guess the teachers activity time.T: What do I do at 6:30?S: You get up.III. Presentation.Lets talk.Whos he? What time does he get up?(1) Find the difference between these two sentences: Its time for /Its time to.(2) Listen to the tape and imitate.(3) Act the dialogue.(4) Investigation. (Use “Its time to”)Lets check.IV. Consolidation and extension.(1) Finish the works in Activity books(2) Act the story out.Lesson 6Teaching aims:1. Grasp the five words and two sentences.2. Enable the students to read the passage within the teacher and tapes help.3. Finish the task.4. Understand the story and find a rule in pronunciation.Difficulties and importance:(1) How to write the words and sentences in the blanks(2) The pronunciation of “e”.Preparation:Cards, recorders and tapes, a pen or some colour pens.Steps:I. Warm-up.(1) Lets chant.(2) Act the story.II. Preview.Say the time and do the activities.Tick, tock, tick, tock, says the clocks. Its 7:30. Its time


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