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医学英语论文写作, 摘要(abstract),摘要类型,1、报道性摘要(informative abstract):也称 信息型摘要或资料性摘要。其特点是全面、简要地概括论文的目的、方法、主要数据和结论。通常, 这种摘要可部分地取代阅读全文。,Testing the Feasibility of a DVD-Based Intervention to Promote Preparedness for Mammography in Women with Intellectual Disabilities. Journal Of Cancer Education: The Official Journal Of The American Association For Cancer Education,Women with intellectual disabilities (ID, formerly mental retardation) have a similar breast cancer incidence as the general population, but they have higher breast cancer mortality and lower rates of regular screening mammography. We conducted a feasibility study evaluating acceptability, demand, and limited efficacy of a health education DVD about mammography for women with ID. The DVD was developed in order to address disability-specific barriers to mammography identified in prior studies, such as anxiety related to navigating the logistics of obtaining a mammogram. The DVD was found to be acceptable and feasible, and led to a moderate increase in mammography preparedness in this population. Study results suggest that this DVD-based intervention is an appropriate candidate for further study measuring efficacy and effectiveness in increasing regular mammography in women with ID, a disparity population.,Women with intellectual disabilities (ID, formerly mental retardation) have a similar breast cancer incidence as the general population, but they have higher breast cancer mortality and lower rates of regular screening mammography. We conducted a feasibility study evaluating acceptability, demand, and limited efficacy of a health education DVD about mammography for women with ID. The DVD was developed in order to address disability-specific barriers to mammography identified in prior studies, such as anxiety related to navigating the logistics of obtaining a mammogram. The DVD was found to be acceptable and feasible, and led to a moderate increase in mammography preparedness in this population. Study results suggest that this DVD-based intervention is an appropriate candidate for further study measuring efficacy and effectiveness in increasing regular mammography in women with ID, a disparity population.,2、 指示性摘要 (indicative abstract):也称为说明性摘要、描述性摘要(descriptive abstract)或论点摘要(topic abstract)。一般只用二、三句话概括论文的主题, 而不涉及论据和结论, 多用于综述、会议报告等。此类摘要可用于帮助读者决定是否需要阅读全文。,报道-指示性摘要,Ectopic parathyroid tissue within the vagus nerve. Incidence and possible clinical significance. A postmortem study of 64 vagus nerves from 32 children up to 1 year of age was done to determine the incidence of ectopic parathyroid tissue. The segments of nerve (average length, 2.6 cm), including the entire ganglion nodosum, were examined using a combination of step and serial sectioning. Discrete solitary collections of ectopic parathyroid chief cells were seen in 6% of vagus nerves and ranged in diameter from 162 to 360 micron. Confirmation of the nature of the cells was based on the presence of abundant glycogen and positive immunoreactivity for chromogranin and parathormone. The possible significance of intravagal parathyroid tissue is briefly discussed.,4、 “结构式摘要” (structured abstract): 1985年加拿大McMaster大学临床流行病学倡导,1987年Ann Intern Med 率先应用。 是报道性摘要的结构化表达,强调论文摘要应含有较多的信息量。 结构式摘要易于写作(作者可按层次填入内容)和方便阅读(逻辑自然、内容突出行文中用黑体、全部大写或斜体等直接标出目的、方法、结果和结论等标题)。 MEDLINE检索系统所收录的生物医学期刊目前已有60%以上采用了结构式摘要。,全结构式摘要,(1)目的(Objective):研究的问题、目的或设想等; (2)设计(Design):样本选择、分组、诊断标准和随访; (3)单位(Setting):研究机构、大专院校, 医疗机构; (4)对象(Patients, Participants):数目、选择和条件等; (5)处置(Interventions):处置方法基本特征, 持续时间; (6)主要结果测定(Main Outcome Measures): 如何测定; (7)结果(Results):确切的置信度和统计学显著性检验值; (8)结论(Conclusions):主要结论及其潜在的临床应用。,半结构式摘要,Objective Methods Results Conclusion,“独立性”(independent)和“自含性”(self-contained) 原则。 用词简洁明了,句式直截了当(250字,强调创新重要之处;包括主要论点、重要论证或数据),明白无误(逻辑性、指代词清楚) 尽量避免引用文献、图表, 用词应为读者所熟悉;为方便检索系统转录, 尽量避免化学结构式、数学表达式、角标和希腊文等特殊符号。,英美医学期刊:新的结构性摘要,背景:Context/Background 目的:Objective 设计:Design 场所:Setting 对象:Participants/Samples/Subjects/Patients 处理方法:Interventions 主要结果观察: Main Outcome Measures 结果:Results 结论:Conclusion,生物医学期刊投稿要求温哥华格式,目的:Objective/Purpose/Aim 方法:Methods 结果:Results 结论:Conclusion,中西医结合学报, 摘要 专论、述评与综述、学术探讨、系统综述、方法学、研究方案、临床论著、实验论著、文献研究等栏目的文章,均须附中英文摘要。论著的摘要使用结构式。临床论著的摘要分背景(),目的(),设计、场所、受试者和干预措施(, ),主要结局指标( ),结果()和结论()个部分;实验论著的摘要分目的()、方法()、结果()和结论()个部分。英文摘要可以比中文摘要更详细,且不应少于个单词。许多期刊数据库只收录摘要,故摘要应可独立成篇,具有自明性。在摘要中,英文缩写第一次出现时也一律先写出中文名词全称,后在圆括号内标注英文全称及缩写。 关键词 关键词不能少于个,关键词之间用“;”分隔。各类文稿均须列出中英文关键词,英文关键词应与中文关键词相对应,词首字母均小写。,简要说明本研究的目的及范围。多用动词不定式短语表达。 不需使用“The purpose of this study is”等赘述。 常用: to make a clinical study/research of, to study, to analyze , to describe , to assess (测定) , to examine, to identify (鉴别) , to measure (测量) , to investigate, to observe, to detect (识别) , to evaluate , to determine (测定) 。,1. objective,目的: 对55 例心脏卒死(SCD) 临床资料进行回顾分析。 Objective: To make a retrospective analysis on the clinical data of 55 cases of SCD,目的: 对12 例健康自愿受试者进行“心脉龙注射液”的I 期临床试验。 Objective: To make a primary clinic study of Xinmailong Injecta on 12 healthy volunteers,除了不定式短语外, 还可以用分词短语、名词短语等来叙述目的。 Objective: Describing the clinical features of patients in whom adrenal insufficiency developed during megestrol acetate therapy for advanced breast cancer 目的: 阐述晚期乳腺癌患者在接受甲地孕酮治疗期间, 出现肾上腺功能不全的临床特征。 目的: 研究人肝组织肾上腺素受体分布的密度。 Objective: Research on the distribution and density of adrenoceptors in human hepatic tissues,Objective: Determination of telomerase activity in Hela cells 目的: 测定Hela 细胞中端粒酶活性。 Objectives: To determine the association between weight change in later years and the risk of fractures in elderly women and to assess the effect of weight loss on this relationship 目的: 确定老年体重变化与老年妇女发生骨折之间的关系, 并评价体重减轻对此关系的影响。,2、 Methods,说明研究使用的方法和材料, 如何分组对照、获取数据, 使用何种统计方法等。 可以根据所表达的内容, 用不完全句或完全句。,Methods: Using the sleep analysis method to analyze rabbits sleep, using ELISA to detect the levels of TNF in the serum and brains of mice. 方法: 用睡眠时相分析方法分析家兔睡眠。ELISA 法测定小鼠血清及脑匀浆中 TNF 水平。 Methods: Thirteen patients with advanced breast cancer were treated with oral megestrol acetate, 160 mg/d. 方法: 13 例晚期乳腺癌患者接受甲地孕酮口服治疗, 每天160mg。,3、Results,列出研究结果、主要数据及新发现等。 不用The result s showed that, We found that等, 只要在Results后面直接写出结果。多为句子结构。 Results: During an average of 19.5 months after the fourth examination, 264 women (4%) had at least 1 non-spine fracture, including 83 women who suffered frailty fractures. 结果: 在第四次检查后平均19.5 个月的时间内, 有264 人(占4%) 至少发生过1 次非脊髓损坏性骨折, 其中83 人发生脆性骨折。,Results: Fatigue and weakness were observed in all 13 patients; hypotension, in 8; anorexia, nausea, vomiting and diarrhea, in 3; Mean cortisol level at the time of symptoms was 41.4nmol/L (range, 27.6-110.4nmol/L). After corticotropin stimulation, mean cortisol level at 30 minutes was 239.2nmol (range, 93.8-447.0); at 60 minutes, 228.2nmol/L (range, 88.3-474.5nmol/L ). 结果:


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