申请说明申请人XX(护照号码XXXXXXXXX)、XX(护照号码XXXXXXXXX)预定于XX年XX月XX日- XX月XX日前往法国和意大利旅游。因没有找到合适的旅行社,我们决定进行自助游。按照签证申请规定,我们做了认真准备,并提供了详实的资料和证明。对于一些细节问题,特作如下说明:1、旅游目的。此次出国是我们的蜜月旅行,因此我们想让它变得有意义且令人难忘。由于我们对法国和意大利的文化均有浓厚兴趣,所以在国家选择和行程安排上花了一些功夫。我们希望通过此次短暂的旅行加深对法国和意大利历史文化和人文景观的了解。在此我们保证,此次出国仅以旅游为目的,我们将遵守两国法律规定,按期回国。2、财产问题。(1)房产。我们与父母同住,住房为父母所有。尽管我们无法提供己有房产证明,但同样也不需要承担任何房贷债务和房租支出。(2)工资。我们均供职于私营企业,薪水以现金形式直接发放,遂无法提供工资明细。特以收入证明和储蓄卡收支明细来证明我们拥有固定工资收入和稳定经济来源。此外,由于我们公司暂无抬头纸,所以相关证明材料均以白纸打印。(3)双方家庭。我们双方家庭经济状况良好,父母均有固定房产和稳定收入、投资及理财,无债务负担和经济负担。3、语言问题。我们可以使用英语进行日常口语交流。考虑到法国和意大利的本国语言,特准备法译汉、意译汉的电子词典和带有翻译软件的笔记本电脑,供随时查阅。4、住宿问题。由于是自助游,除了酒店,我们还联系了几家当地的家庭旅馆。这些旅馆无法出示邀请函,但可以提供网址链接和电话(详见行程单)。我们会提前预定,确保住宿和安全。5、支付问题。使用信用卡X年以来,我们始终保持良好的信用记录。我们此次在法国和意大利旅行将以现金和信用卡相结合的方式支付日常消费。同时,我们将与家人保持即时通讯联系,请其协助及时还款,确保信用卡的畅通使用。我们保证,上述说明及所提供的材料均真实有效。 签名: 日期: Letter of ApplicationThe Applicant Mr. XX (Passport Number XXXXXXXXX) and Mrs. XX (Passport Number XXXXXXXXX) expect to go to France and Italy for travel from April 8th,2011 to April 27th,2011. Because the arrangement of Agency is not suitable for us, we decide to have a tour ourselves. According to the regulation of the visa application, we made preparations well and provide full and accurate information and certificate. Give instructions to some details as follow:1、The purpose of journey. We make this tour our honeymoon trip, so we expect it meaningful and impressive. Due to our deeper interest to the culture of French and Italian, we think a lot to the destination and the arrangement of this tour. We hope we can know much more about the places of historic figures and cultural heritage of the two countries after the journey. We guarantee that the purpose of our trip is tourism only, we will comply with the laws and regulations of France and Italy during our stay, respect local custom, and we will return to China on schedule.2、Property Issue. (1)House Property. We live with our parents who owns the house. Though we can not provide our own Housing Property Certificate, we dont need to pay house mortgage lending and rent expenditure either. (2)Income. We are both emplyeed by private enterprises, which pay the salary by cash without salary details. But the written Income Certificate and the saving account with details can prove that we have regular income and stable financial resources. Otherwise, letterhead is not available in our companies, so we print the application form on plain papers. (3)Our families. Each family of us is well in financial conditions. Our parents have their own real estate and investment without any debt burden.3、Communication Issue. We can talk freely with English speakers about daily activities. In consideration of the native language in France and Italy, we will take electronic dictionary and laptop which are installed with translation software for instant reference.4、Accomodation Issue. We will travel by ourselves. So except for hotel, we also contact some local home hotels, which can not show the invitation but the website links and telephone number.(See the details on Trip Arrangement). We will reserve in advance to ensure our accommodation and security.5、Payment Issue. We enjoy good credit record all the time. During our trip to France and Italy, we will pay by cash or credit card in daily expenditure. Meanwhile, we will keep instant contact with our family who can pay off our credit card promptly, so that
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