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初二英语综合试题听力部分一、 根据所听对话及问题选择正确答案:(5分)( )1.A In the classroom B. In the park C. On the playground ( )2. A. Eat an apple B. Buy some fruit C. Get ready for lunch ( )3. A. 7:00 B. 7:30 C.8:00( ) 4.A. Both of them like the TV play very much B. Neither of them likes the TV play C. One of them likes the TV play , the other doesnt ( )5. A.On September lst B. On September 2nd . C.On September 4th 二、根据所听短文及问题选择正确答案:(5分)( ) 1 . A.In the morning B.In the afternoon C. In the evening ( ) 2. A. Three B. Four C. Five ( ) 3. A. She was watching TV B.She was washing plates C. The mother ( ) 4. The son . B.The daughter. C.She was reading ( ) 5. A.The mother often blamed(责备) others when they made a mistake B. The mother was a very patient(耐心的)woman C. The mother didnt treat (对待) the daughter kindly 三、根据所听短文填入所缺单词:(10分)It always has rainy days in spring and summer ._-,when the sky has turned _,it seems that rain will come _Sometimes the _falls very heavily .Sometimes ,the rain _for quite some day and people have to _their umbrellas (伞)if they dont want to get _through ,When the rain comes suddenly , people going back home must _it difficult to catch a bus . On rainy days ,some people stay at home _it is a good time to go over _lessons .笔试部分 一、 选择填空:(15分)( )1.My mother knows _about the English language ,so she cant help me _my English .A. a little ;to B. few; in C. many ; with D. little ;with ( )2. I told him to get up earlier ._he got up late _-.A. and ; as usually B. but ; as usual C. and ; as usual D. but ; as usually ( )3. The ship set off _America _the evening _July 1.A. to ; in ; if B. for ; on ; of C. to ; on ; of D. for ; in ; on ( ) 4.Neither he nor his parents _in the garden now .A. is B. are C. was D. were ( ) 5. _ in the country .Theyre coming to see us .A. The King lies B. The kings live C. Mr King lives D. The Kings ( ) 6. They improved the software _easier for people to use family computers .A. to make B. make it C. to make it D. making it ( ) 7. The students _school_ they saw a truck A. Were leaving; while B. left; when C. left; until D. were leaving; when ( )8. He thinks English is _subject .A. quite a easy B. quite a difficult C. a quite difficult D. a quite easy ( ) 9. I found the dictionary _a pile of old books .A. in front B. in the middle C. among D. between ( ) 10. A. One of the two apples is yours .You can take _of them .A. all B. neither C. either D. both ( ) 11. Our teacher spent an hour _us _tennis .A. in; played B. on ; play C. for ; to play D. with ; playing ( ) 12. No matter how_, you can always find surfers out _the waves .A. is the weather; to ride B. the weather is ; to riding C. is the weather; riding D. the weather is ; riding ( ) 13. You can work in the day and _the evenings for learning Japanese A. make B. let C. take D. leave ( ) 14. The tiger _for years .A. has been dead B. has died C. has been dying D. was deed ( ) 15. Books on how _the environment sell well these days .A. protecting B. protect C. to protect D. for protecting 二、用动词的正确形式填空:( 10分)1. the girl _(play ) the piano while his brother_(make) shoes that night 2. The man downstairs found it difficult_(sleep )3.A woman saw it _(happen) when she _(walk) past 4.Li ping had to walk home and _(return)tomorrow5. Wheres Li ping? She_(go) to the library .She _(go) there five minutes ago .6.I dont know if he _(come) tomorrow .If he _(come ) Ill give this note to him 三、句型转换:(20分)1 The children left school after they finished their homework .The children_ _ school _ they finished their homework .2. I think maths is more useful than any other subject . I think maths is the _ _ subject .3. You help me a lot , You are very nice . _ really nice _ you .4. He has not had a day off for a year . He _ _ _ every day this year .5. To learn English well is very important . _ _ very _ _ learn English well .6. Jack had a good idea at last .Jack _ _ _ _ good idea at last .7. My brother has been a P. L . A man for two years .My brother _ the army two years _ .四、翻译句子:(20分)1 我们必须马上给他做人工呼吸,否则就失去生命。 2 你认为和同学友好相处是非常重要的吗? 3 我的阿姨过去常常晚饭后沿这条马路散步。 4 不管你住在哪里,你都能为环境保护做一点贡献。 5 他所做的事不仅是他父母的骄傲,而且是我们大家的骄傲。五、改错:(10分)Food is very important . Everybody need to eat 1 _well if he or she wants have a strong body . Our 2 _minds also need a kind of food .This kind of food 3 _is knowledge . When we are very young , and we begin 4 _to get knowledge . Young children like watch and 5 _listening . Colour pictures often interest in them . 6 _ While children are older , he enjoy reading . When 7 _something interests them ,they love asking for 8 _ questions . Our minds ,as our bodies ,always need the 9 _best food . If you study ,youll get most knowledge . 10 _ 六、完型填空:(10分)Mr Robinson worked in Africa . His son was born there . His name was John . 1 winter ,Mr and Mrs Robinson went to England ,and they 2 John 3 them . John was seven years old 4 .One day it was 5 .The boy went into the garden ,and he played 6 the snow .“Snow is very beautiful ,but it is very cold ,” he said .“What is this ? It is a big round 7 of glass .It is beautiful ,but it is very cold ,too ,” he said when he saw the ice in the basin (盒子).John said , “Who put his glass here ? I am going to take it into the house . ” He took the ice 8 to his father and said , “This is a beautiful piece of glass ,but is very cold and wet .It was on a basin of 9 in the garden .” Mr Robinson smiled and said ,“Put it in front of the 10 and dry it .”The boy did so .He dried his hands , because they were wet and cold .And then he went to the ice again . He looked at it and then he took it to his father again . He said ,“ I put this glass in front of the fire , but it does not get dry .It becomes wetter and wetter .”1. A. One B. A C. On D. In one 2. A. brought B. taken C. took D. led 3. A. to B. with C. along D. behind 4. A. now B. later C. yet D. then 5. A. raining B. snowing C. at rain D. going 6. A. in B. at C. during D. after7. A. basin B. mirror C. toy (玩具) D. piece8. A. out B. away C. back D. up 9. A. water B. ice C. food D. clothes10. A. fire B. house C. sun D. hand 七、阅读理解:(20分)AThe Brown family lived in a very small house . One day they decided to buy two new beds for it .Mr and Mrs Brown went to a shop and paid for two new beds . The shop made a mistake and sent four beds . The Browns were unhappy because they didnt have room for so many beds .Mrs Brown called the shop about the problem. The truck from the shop came , but it didnt take back the extra (额外的)beds . It brought two more ,and then there were six beds . Mrs Brown called the shop again . The truck came , but it did not take away the four extra beds . It brought four more beds and then there were ten .There were beds everywhere . Mr and Mrs Brown wee much worried . They didnt know what to do with so many beds . They were afraid to call the shop again ,but they had to ask the shop to take back those extra beds .( )1. Mr and Mrs Brown wanted to buy A. ten beds B. one bedroom C. a new truck D. two new be beds ( )2. The shop sent to the Browns .A. six beds B. too many beds C. two new beds D. the wrong truck ( )3. The word “mistake” means A. new bed B. something wrong C. truck driver D. something right ( )4. The Browns didnt want all the beds because they A. hadnt enough money B. had only four children C. had a very small house D. found the beds too big ( )5. What do you think the Browns would do ?A. They had to call the shop again . B. The had to build a bigger houseC. The were going to leave their house D. found the beds too big BMany countries never have snow or they have it only on the tops of high mountains . In Scotland(苏格兰)and in the north of England , there is a lit of snow every winter , but in the south of England , there is usually little .When a student from a warm country like Malaysia(马来西亚)or Indonesia(印度尼西亚)comes to England in the autumn for the first time ,he feels cold at first . There are often dark clouds , grey(灰色的)sky and cold rain in England in autumn , and most students from warm c


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