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INVESTMENT AND VENTURE CAPITAL FUNDING AGREEMENT This agreement is entered into on the days inserted by each of the parties prior to fixing their signatures hereto: 此协议由以下双方签署BETWEENXXXXXXXXXXXAND XXXXXX有限公司 Hereinafter referred to as “Borrower” 以下简称为(借贷方)WHEREAS, the Lender warrants that it will fulfill the requirements of this agreement and is willing,ready and able to make available to invest/venture capital the sum of USD/ RMB XXXX for the benefit of the Borrower under the terms and conditions agreedupon herein for 365 days with rolls and extensions up to a total of Three (3) years (Full Term of Agreement).(资金方) 保证其对此协议之承诺,愿意、及有能力并已准备为借贷方用此协议以下之条款提供”投资及风险资金”总数 xxx美元/ RMB。此协议为期三百六十五天并自动伸延至三(3)年-总协议期WHEREAS, the Borrower makes an irrevocable firm commitment to accept and repay the principal amount and interests in accordance with the terms of this Investment/Venture Capital Fund Agreement.(借贷方) 提供其不可撤销之承诺以此协议之条款接受资金方所提供之”投资及风险资金”并跟据此协议之条款偿还利息与本金。NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of mutual covenants, promises, benefits and terms of this agreement and for good and valuable consideration, the benefit of which is hereby acknowledged and the parties hereto agreed and promise to honor the following conditions. 现签署协议双方,跟据跟据此协议的共同协议、承诺及利益,承诺遵守以下协议之条款。1. DEFINITIONS AND CONDITIONS IN GENERAL 此协议用词之含意。 “Lender” and “Borrower” shall where the context so admits include its heirs, successors-in-title or assigns. (资金方) 及 (借贷方) 包括其后人及承继人 (人指”自然人”或”商业个体”)。 Contract / Agreement shall mean this Agreement. (合约) / (协议) 所指均为此协议。 Day(s) shall mean Bank Working Days unless specified as calendar days. (天)所指为银行工作天,(日) 则为普通计算的的一日。 All dollar amounts apart from stated expressly, referred to in this Agreement shall be expressed in USD/ RMB. 此协议内所有币值除明显注明外均为美金/ 人民币。 2. LOAN DISBURSEMENTS AND TERMS OF AGREEMENT 贷款发放及协议条文 The Lender will provide and the Borrower shall receive Investment Funding loans according to the Investment Funding Loan Disbursement Schedule as stipulates in Appendix A, after Borrower meets the requirement of credit and risk management. (资金方) 在满意其对 (借贷方) 的信用风险管理查证后,会根据 附录A - 投资贷款发放表、发放贷款予(借贷方)。 Prior to each and subsequent Investment Funding Loan Disbursements, Borrower must submit to the Lender the following information: 在每期贷款发放前,(借贷方) 应提供以下资料予(资金方) a. Cash requirements (current and future) with explanations for its purposes; 现金需求 (现时及可见将来) 及其用途; b. Project progress report for current development and projections on development completions, project asset values and project future returns; 项目进展报告、预计项目进展程度、资产价值预测及项目收益预测; c. Notification on major impacts and events on project that might affect its development, asset values, and future returns; 报告一切对项目发展、资产未来价值及项目未来收益有重大影响的事件。 Lender based on this information, if opted to will perform project reviews including but not limited to site verification(s) and original company document(s) reviews before the actual funding loan disbursement takes place. The purposes of such actions are to ensure Lenders funding is spent on the agreed purpose(s) and to provide financial advices and further assistance if required to the project. (资金方) 在取得以上数据后并在该期贷款发放前,可选择对项目作出审查。项目审查可包括但不限于现场观察和文件正本查核。项目审查除确定项目贷款用于 (资金方) 已同意的用途外,(资金方) 还可提额外供融资意见和帮助。 In the case that fraud within the Project is found and/or project funding was diverted to other purpose(s) not agreed upon by Lender, this Agreement automatically expires. All Investment Funding loans principal plus accumulated interest, are due for repayment immediately. 若(资金方) 发现项目或其整体运作含诈骗成份、项目贷款用于非项目用途 (除得 (资金方) 同意外) ,本协议实时自动终止,所有贷款 (本金及积累利息) 实时到期并需偿还。 Notwithstanding the general terms and conditions contained herein, the parties agreed that each venture that could occur in the future will be attached as a sequentially numbered addendum to this agreement, clearly indicating the exact and detailed purpose, terms and conditions for that specific venture and to be accepted by both parties. 虽然协议内有规定、签署双方其后若有补充、经双方同意后可以补充协议加贴于本协议。3. PROCEDURE: 协议流程 a. Lender and Borrower sign Investment and Venture Capital Funding Agreement. (资金方) 及 (借贷方) 签署“提供投资及风险资金协议” -此协议。b. Borrowers bank confirms to Lenders bank via wire transfer xxxxx United States Dollars (USD$xxxx0,000) to lenders bank account as Application and handling fee. In the case where Borrower wishes to insure against Lenders non-performance before the aforementioned payment, Lender can provide a Bank issued Performance Bond of the same amount (USD$xxxx0,000) to the Borrower as guarantee. The cost of the Performance Bond is USD$xxxxx,000 (10% of Bond) which must be borne and prepaid by the Borrower before its issuance. Borrower can then proceed with the USD$xxxx0,000 payment upon the issuance of the Performance Bond. This Performance Bond will be voided upon the receipt of the first payment by Borrower from Lender. (借贷方) 经其银行电汇”投资及风险资金 - “启动金” 美金$xxxx0,000元至(资金方)之银行账户。如(借贷方) 想为其 “启动金” 提供额外保障,(资金方) 可提供银行发出之美金$xxxx0,000元 “履约保证书” 作为 担保, “履约保证书” 之银行收取费用 (约保证金额一成) 由 (借贷方) 承担并预先支付,银行之“履约保证书”发出后(借贷方) 可电汇其”投资及风险资金 - 启动金”至 (资金方) 之银行账户。银行之“履约保证书”会在 (借贷方)收到第一期的贷款后自动作废。 c. Upon receipt and confirmation of the application and handling fee in amount of USD$150,000 by wire transfer. Lender will send the agreed Investment Funding amounts to the nominated account of the Borrower within the agreed periods As stated in LOAN DISBURSEMENTS AND TERMS OF AGREEMENT section. (资金方) 银行证实收到 ”启动金” 后,(资金方) 及其基金开始运作并于 ”贷款发放及协议条文”栏内指定 时间内发放贷款至(借贷方) 指定银行账户中。 d. As collaterals, Borrower must pledge 100% of their company shares which fully own The Project and assets for Lenders project funding. Borrower also needs to sign a personal guarantee to Lender for the Investment Funding amount. These documents must be available before or at the same time of the first Investment funding installment issuance by the Lender. All collaterals will be released upon the completion of this Agreement that is, the repayment of principal in whole and interests as agreed. (借贷方) 在 (资金方) 提供第一期的贷款的同时或之前应准备以下文件:对持有该项目及其资产之公司股权百份之一百质押给 (资金方) ,及公司股东对 (资金方) 所提供之”投资及风险资金”总数作个人担保。该股权质押及个人担保将在”投资及风险资金”总数及其利息清偿后解押和取消。 e. The Lender has the full right to take over The Project company and/or sell off any of its asset(s) which the Borrower pledged when Borrower fails to repay Lender on its yearly Investment Interest or the Investment Funding principal at the end of the agreed period. Until accumulated to the capital and interest and default interest, then return back balance asset to the borrow( default interest is each day % if overdue payment) 在 (借贷方) 无法偿还 ”投资及风险资金” 本金总数或到期利息之情况下, (资金方) 有权接收该项目公司及/或变卖任何借贷方抵押的资产, 金额累积到本金加上利息加上罚息后, 将剩余的资产返还给借贷人。( 罚息为逾期每天 %)f. The Investment Interest of XX percent (XXX%) per annum on remaining Investment Funding principal shall be prepaid at each beginning of the anniversaries of this Agreement. The starting date for anniversary calculation is 365 calendar days from the date of receipt of these Investment Funding Installments. The Interest payment must be made not later than fifteen (15) calendar days before each of the anniversaries of the Agreement.(资金方) 提供之”投资及风险资金”贷款年利率为 XX%,贷款年利息为预先收取,在协议的每 ”周年” 即为下一年度到期,”周年” 的定义为 (借贷方) 收到每期 ”投资及风险资金” 贷款起计365日。(借贷方) 必须于利息到期15日前支付予 (资金方) 。g. No penalty will be imposed for early repayment of Investment Funding principal after the first anniversary of this Agreement. A full years interest of XXXX% will be charged even if repayment of Investment Funding principal happens before the first anniversary of this Agreement. An Investment Funding Loan Repayment Schedule (Appendix B) as agreed upon and signed by both Borrower and Lender will serve as an Addendum to this Agreement. Repayment of Investment Funding principal in full at the expiry of the Full Term of Agreement is assumed in the absence of such Repayment Schedule. All Investment Funding Principal and accumulated Interest are deemed to be due for repayment at the expiry of the Full Term of Agreement. Unless there are other agreed arrangements, the full amount of Principal and interest must be paid not later than fifteen (15) calendar days after they are due. The release of Collaterals and Personal Guarantee(s) will follow upon receipt of repayment in full. (借贷方) 可于 “投资及风险资金”贷款一“周年”后,总协议年期前偿还所有贷款本金及其利息而无须“罚息” (惩罚性利息) ,在贷款一 ”周年” 前偿还所有贷款本金则利息计算为首年的全年利息 - 即为贷款本金之 XXX%。(借贷方) 可与 (资金方) 共同商议定立还款计划时间表,该还款计划时间表经双方同意可作为本协议后加之一部份。在没有还款计划时间表的情况下,(借贷方) 与 (资金方) 双方均共识本协议总协议年期到期后贷款本金及其最后一年的利息一并偿还。于总协议年期到达时,所有”投资及风险资金”贷款本金及已积累之利息,除(借贷方) 与 (资金方) 有另外协议安排外,均视为到期清还,(借贷方) 必须于到期后的15日内本金连利息一并支付予 (资金方) 。(资金方) 收到本金连利息后即对 (借贷方) 之股权质押及个人担保进行解押和取消。 4. REFUND OF APPLICATION AND HANDLING FEE 发还申请及手续费用 The application and handling fee for the Investment Funding (USD$xxxx0,000) is refundable to the Borrower if the Lender fails to release the Investment Funding to the Borrower within the period agreed by both parties. For the case where Borrower is covered by the Performance Bond, Lender reserved the right to refund in cash or via account transfer in exchange for the Performance Bond issued. 若 (资金方) 不能按协议完成投资贷款,所有”投资及风险资金 - 启动金” 即美金$xxxx0,000会全部发还 (借贷方)。若 (借贷方) 已购买 “履约保证书” 作为担保,则 (资金方) 有权选择以现金或资金电汇方式换取该 “履约保证书” ,以便(借贷方) 能更快取回资金。 5. LETTER OF OFFER / INTENT 贷款建议书及意向书 The letter of offer made in respect to this transaction and the intent letter by the Borrower shall be considered part of the Agreement. 所有贷款建议书及意向书将成为本协议的一部份。6. PAYMENTS / COLLATERAL 付款及支付的收据 All payment send by the Borrower and the MT103 transmission copies made by the Lender shall be considered part of this Agreement. 所有付款及支付的收据 (MT103 银行电汇支付收据) 将成为本协议的一部份。7. TAXES AND CHARGES 税款及费用 The Lender warrants payment of all taxes and bank charges calculated in the lenders bank or any Government body. The Borrower also warrants paying all charges in their receiving bank or any Government body in the country where the receiving bank is located. (资金方) 保证支付(资金方) 银行所有费用及其政府税项。同时 (借贷方)亦保证支付(借贷方)银行所有费用及该银行的政府税项。8. NON-CIRCUMVENSION AND NON-DISCLOSURE 保密协议 Lender and Borrower agree and accept the provisions of the ICC500 as applied to non-circumvention and non-disclosure agreements. Any information regarding the parties, the Agreement, Bank information and negotiations are confidential and not for circulation or personal use. This clause is extensive to all subsidiaries and/or affiliated companies that have registered right to such information. 双方同意根据ICC500国际规定履行保密协议。任何有关协议双方签约人的数据、协议内容、有关银行数据及协商过程皆视为保密协议部份及不能泄露或作私人用途。此保密条文于双方附属或有关连公司同样有效。9. MODIFICATION / WAIVER 更改或取消条文 This agreement may not be modified except in writing signed by both parties. Failure by either Party to object to any failure of performance by the other party of any provisions of this agreement shall not constitute a waiver of the right of such party to require such performance by the other, nor shall any such failure to object constitute a waiver or ESTOPPEL with respect to any succeeding failure of performance.除非得到双方书面同意签署、否则不能更改本协议。任何单方面更改本协议条文而对方并未提出反对、 并 不表示对方同意,或放弃执行该协议条文。 10. FORCE MAJEURE: 不可抗力原因Neither Lender nor Borrower shall be considered in default on performance of its obligations under this Agreement to the extent that the performance of any such obligation is delayed for reasons of force majeure. Force Majeure shall include but not be limited to hostilities, restrictions by rules or peoples revolution, civil commotion, strike, Epidemic, Accident, fire, floods, Earthquakes, explosions or any different nature existing or failure which is beyond the control and without the fault of the parties hereto.如果因为特殊原因如法例更改、政治改变、社会动荡、罢工、火灾、水灾、意外、地震、爆炸、等等非人为能控制或抗拒的原因、(资金方) 或 (借贷方) 未能履行协议条文并不当作毁约。 11. JURIDICTION 法律的依据 This Agreement, its interpretation, accomplishment, validity and effects shall be construed and enforced in accordance with the applicable laws of Switzerland. 本协议条文的解释权、依附含意、有效性都以瑞士国际合约法律为依据。12. BANKING INFORMATION银行资料 Lenders Information (资金方) 银行资料 Name of Bank 银行名称 :Standard Chartered Bank Hong Kong Limited. Address 银行地址 :A/C Name 账户名称 :A/C Number 帐户号码 :Bank Officer 银行职员 :Telephone 银行电话 :SWIFT Code 通讯编码 :SCBLHKHHXXXThe Borrowers bank which is to receive the Investment Funding amount. (借贷方)接收贷款银行资料Beneficiary Bank 收款银 :Bank Address 银行地址 : SWIFT Code 通讯编码 : Beneficiary 收款人名称 : Address 收款人地址 : A/C Number 帐户号码 : IBAN 银行编码 : 13. ENTIRE AGREEMENT, BINDING EFFECT AND COUNTERPARTS 协议整体及有效性 Both parties having understood all terms and conditions of this Agreement, agree to honor all clauses with all privileges, rights and Immunities pertaining therein, making this agreement effective on the date of signing by both parties. 双方明白此协议所有条款及同意于签署后遵守此协议。 This agreement represents the entire agreement between the parties and supersedes any prior oral or written understanding concerning the subject matter and may be modified only by written Instruments and signed by duly authorized representatives of both.此协议乃最终双方同意最后协议条文,以前所有口头或书写协议均被此协议取代。 Scanned copies of signed documents shall be accepted in Lieu of the original but not as original and is binding for the transaction. 在正本未能提供时、扫瞄的协议版本可接受、但最终仍以正本为最有效。 Signed for as Full Acceptance by The LENDER on this _ DAY _ 2011. (资金方) 于以上日期签署以示完全接受协议内容。 _Name 签署人: Passport 护照号码:Position 职位: Signed for as Full Acceptance by The BORROWER on this _ DAY _ 2011. (借贷方) 于以上日期签署以示完全接受协议内容。 _xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx有限公司 Name 签署人 : Passport 护照号码: Position 职位: Appendix A 附录AInvestment Funding Loan Disbursement Schedule 投资贷款发放表: Installment贷款期数Estimated Banking Days following prior Installment估计与上次发放相距的银行工作天RMB Amount人民币数量Remarks备注First第一期 Thirty-five days35 天 ¥30,000,000 三千万From the receipt of start-up fee由收到启动金起计算Second第二期Fifteen days15天 ¥30,000,000 三千万 Third第三期Fifteen days15天 ¥40,000,000 四千万 ¥100,000,000一亿 总贷款额Note : Although every effort will be made to ensure the above schedule time is met, delays beyond Lenders control from bank operations and other unforeseeable items may affect schedule times. Please allow delays of a few days without cause(s) under normal conditions. All loan installments will be delivered to Borrower no longer than six calendar months unless with cause(s). 注意:为求尽量依照 ”投资贷款发放表” 内之放贷时期进行发放


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