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Unit 7词汇篇_熟练掌握本单元重点词组句型。1. play 的用法:Play+球类或游戏类不加定冠词the,play+乐器类应该加定冠词the。如play chess, play the piano。2 询问天气两种表达方法What is the weather like? How is the weather?3. 玩的高兴的表达方法:have a good time enjoy oneself have fun4. 给某人捎口信:take a message for sb给某人留个口信:leave a message for sb.5. on vacation 度假on business 出差at work:工作6. be happy/glad to do sth.很高兴去做某事1. 你的弟弟在玩电脑游戏吗?Is your brother ?2. 南京的天气如何? the weather Nanjing?3. 他们正在公园里玩得高兴呢。They are in the park.4. 我能给你捎个信吗?Can I for you?5 我很高兴再次见到我的老朋友。Im very happy my old friend again.解析:1. playing computer games2. Hows, in3. having a good time4. take a message5. to see基础演练一、单项选择 1. It is and today.A.cold; windyB.snow; windC.hot; windD.cold; wind 2. - Excuse me, sir. you help me, please?- Certainly.A.CouldB.DoC.WillD.Are 3. - is the weather today?- Its windy.A.WhatB.WhereC.WhenD.How 4. My father often helps my mother dinner in the evening.A.eatB.washC.cookD.take 5. The day is bright and . Lets go for a walk.A.sunnyB.darkC.cloudyD.rainy二、单词拼写(单句首字母填空) 6. Jim is clever, He can work out these p .7. Mr. Green likes travelling very much. He goes to many c every year.8. Whats the w like in England in winter?9. Sorry, I didnt hear you. Could you say it a ?10. He is from C . He speaks English and French.巩固提高三、适当形式填空(单句适当形式) 11. In the north of China, its often (snow) in the winter.12. Its very (cloud), it is going to rain later on.13. Look! A little boy (sit) on the chair.14. Kids like going (skate) in winter.15. Its (rain) and cold today.四、翻译(根据中文提示完成句子) 16. 她总是在星期天看望爷爷奶奶。She her grandparents on Sundays.17. 你能为我捎个口信吗?Can you for me?18. 爸爸,请给戴夫叔叔回电话。Dad, please Uncle Dave .19. 很多人在海滩上度假。A lot of people are on the beach.20. 你必须在学校努力学习。You must .答案一、单项选择 1. A 2. A 3. D 4. C 5. A二、单词拼写(单句首字母填空) 6. problems 7. countries 8. weather 9. again10. Canada三、适当形式填空(单句适当形式)11. snowy12. cloudy13. is sitting14. skating15. rainy四、翻译(根据中文提示完成句子)16. always visits17. take a message18. call; back19. on vacation20. work hard at school一、单词拼写(单句首字母填空) 1. Everyone knows China is a great c with a long history. We love it very much. 2. The weather is very h in summer in Wuhan. 3. Im v my grandparents in Tianjin. 4. When its w in Australia, its summer in China. 5. I find that English is a little h to learn. Its not easy.二、适当形式填空(单句适当形式) 6. Many people in our city like to eat (Russia) bread. 7. She likes to read books on (rain) days. 8. Why not ask your father (help) you with the problem? 9. They are making three (snowman) in the schoolyard.10. Though its hot, they are having a great time (swim) in the river.三、单项选择11. There is no rain this month and the weather is very .A.coldB.hotC.warmD.dry12. Look! The girl is sitting under the tree and drinking orange juice. How she is!A.relaxedB.scaryC.friendlyD.terrible13. I am very happy so many cute animals in the zoo.A.seeB.to seeC.to seeingD.to sees14. I have something important to tell her. Please ask her to call me back .A.hardB.justC.soonD.still15. - your winter vacation going?- ! We are having fun.A.Whats; TerribleB.Whats; GreatC.Hows; TerribleD.Hows; Great一、单词拼写(单句首字母填空) 1. country 2. hot 3. visiting 4. winter 5. hard二、适当形式填空(单句适当形式) 6. Russian 7. rainy 8. to help 9. snowmen10. swimming三、单项选择11. D12. A13. B14. C15. D四、完形(东城期末完形)Things Are Not Always Black or White When I was in primary school, I got into an argument(争论) with a boy in my class. I forgot 1 the argument was about, but I never forgot the 2 I learned that day. I thought that I was right and he was wrongbut he thought that I was wrong and he was right. The teacher decided to 3 us an important lesson. She brought us up to the front of the class and placed the boy on one side of her desk and me on the 4 . In the middle of her desk was a large, round object(物体). I could clearly see that it was 5 . She asked the boy what color the object was. White, he answered. I couldnt 6 he said the object was white, when it was obviously(明显) black! Another argument started 7 my classmate and meit was about the color of the object. The teacher told me to stand where the boy was standing and told him to stand where I had been. We 8 places, and now she asked me what color the object was. I had to answer, White. The two sides of the object were in different colors. From his view it was white, while from mine it was black. My teacher taught me an important lesson that day: You 9 stand in other peoples shoes and look at the 10 through their eyes in order to truly understand their perspectives(想法).13.A. whichB. whyC. whatD. whom14.A. songB. lessonC. storyD. news15.A. teachB. suggestC. learnD. describe16.A. anotherB. otherC. secondD. each17.A. whiteB. blueC. blackD. yellow18.A. decideB. answerC. seeD. believe19.A. betweenB. acrossC. withoutD. over20.A. agreedB. leftC. choseD. changed21.A. mayB. mustC. canD. will22.A. objectB. colorC. informationD. situationCBABC DADBA_一、单项选择(共15小题;共15.0分) 1. Which sign means rainy?A. B. C. D. 2. It doesnt rain for a long time. The weather is very .A.windyB.rainyC.snowyD.dry 3. - Hows it going, Lily?- I think its .A.interestingB.beautifulC.sunnyD.great 4. I have fun in the water.A.playB.playingC.to playD.played 5. - Hello! Is that Emily speaking?- Sorry, this is Jack, Emilys son. My mother in the kitchen.A.cooksB.cookedC.is cookingD.has cooked 6. - Boys and girls, in the rivers or pools. Its not safe.- We wont, thank you.A.dont swimB.to swimC.swimD.swimming 7. My friends usually send me many short with best wishes for my birthday.A.newsB.informationC.messagesD.words 8. Its late. Could you take little Jack ?A.homeB.to homeC.at homeD.in home 9. - weather! Its raining!- Bad luck! We cant go climbing today.A.What badB.How badC.What fineD.How fine10. - are you singing?- Im singing in the room.A.WhatB.WhereC.WhenD.How11. They are all vacation now.A.atB.ofC.onD.for12. - Could you help me put up the maps on the wall? - .A.No problemB.I hope soC.Thats all rightD.Thats a good idea13. - - Its sunny today.A.How was the weather yesterday?B.How are you doing?C.What fine weather!D.Whats the weather like today?14. - ?- Im cooking.A.Hows it goingB.What do you doC.Are you cookingD.What are you doing15. - Hello, may I speak to Sandy?- .A.Yes, Im RoseB.Ill call back againC.Yes, I cant hear youD.This is Sandy speaking二、完形填空(共10小题;共15.0分) Hello, everyone! Im Cindy. Im from England. England is a beautiful country. But the weather here is changeable(多变的). We often talk 16 the weather when we meet. If we want 17 about the weather, we can turn on the 18 and listen to the weather report. We can also turn on the TV and 19 the Weather Show. And we can 20 other people in two ways, Whats the weather like today? or How is the weather? Sometimes, we can 21 the weather station for todays weather. When its 22 , we shiver(发抖) and need to wear warm clothes and scarfs. When its raining, we 23 raincoats or umbrellas. 24 its hot, we need a cool place and drink some juice. When its 25 , we wish it would rain.16.A.inB.toC.aboutD.with17.A.to knowB.knowsC.knowingD.know18.A.TVB.computerC.radioD.player19.A.readB.watchC.look atD.see20.A.answerB.askC.sayD.speak21.A.callB.findC.seeD.go22.A.hotB.windyC.coldD.cool23.A.need toB.wantC.needD.want to24.A.IfB.WhenC.AlthoughD.But25.A.coolB.warmC.dryD.cloudy三、阅读理解(共10小题;共20.0分)A Good evening, everyone! Welcome to listen to the weather forecast (天气预报)! Many cities in our country will be sunny tomorrow. But its not warm. In the northeast(东北), it is windy and cold in Changchun. You have to put on the warm clothes. In Dalian, it is rainy and the temperature will be -10. Harbin will be cold and snowy. You have to put on your coat. In the south of China, it will be cloudy and rainy in Guangzhou. It will be rainy in Fuzhou, too. In the west of China, it will be hot in Sichuan. The temperature will be 17 . It will be warm and sunny. Thanks for watching. Good night!26. Where may be snowy?A.Changchun.B.Harbin.C.Sichuan.D.Fuzhou.27. How is the weather in Dalian?A.Sunny.B.Snowy.C.Rainy.D.Cloudy.28. When can you watch the weather forecast?A.In the evening.B.In the morning.C.At noon.D.In the afternoon.29. Fuzhou is in the of China.A.northeastB.southC.westD.east30. What can you wear in Sichuan?A.T-shirt.B.Coat.C.Sweater.D.Warm clothes. B Sunday rainy Today is Sunday and the weather is very terrible. Its raining all day. There are no people playing in the park. And there is no one walking on the street. Its so quiet. The bad weather makes me sad(悲伤的). Many people are watching TV at home. On the street there are a few buses and cars. They are running slowly. The rain will stop on Wednesday. The sun will come out. And I wish to play with my friends outside on that day. Wednesday sunny Its Wednesday today. The rain stops. We are so happy to play outside. Look! There are so many people in the park. Some boys are playing basketball. Two girls are taking photos. A little child is learning to walk with the help of his parents. My classmates are swimming in the river. Its cool. Everyone is having a great time. I like sunny weather. How about you?31. Whats the weather like on Sunday?A.sunny.B.rainy.C.snowy.D.windy.32. Why are there no people on the street?A.Because they like to stay at home.B.Because there are so many buses and cars on the street.C.Because its raining all day.D.Because people dont like to go out.33. Which of the following is TRUE?A.It will be sunny on Wednesday.B.The buses and cars are running quickly on the street.C.Some children are playing in the park on Sunday.D.The rain will stop on Tuesday.34. There arent two girls taking photos, are there?A.Yes, there are.B.No, there are.C.Yes, there arent.D.No, there arent.35. What kind of weather does the writer like?A.rainy weather.B.snowy weather.C.cool weather.D.sunny weather.四、阅读与表达(问答式)(共5小题;共10.0分)Dear friend, My name is Mike. I am 15 years old. I study in a middle school in Australia. My school is big. There are 28 students in my class. Its fine today. My classmates and I are playing on the beach. Its a very beautiful place. The water is clean and blue. We are having a good time! Many birds are flying over the sea. Some are standing on the rocks. Many people are swimming. Some boys are playing football. A girl is sitting on a chair and drawing pictures. And I am sitting on a rock and writing to you! What are you doing now? I hope you can get my letter some day and write to me soon.Yours,Mike 根据短文内容,完成下列小题。36. How old is Mike?37. 将句译成汉语。38. 将句改为同义句。39. How many students are there in Mikes class?40. What is the girl doing?五、单词拼写(单句首字母填空)(共5小题;共5.0分)41. I like s days. The sun makes me feel comfortable(舒服的).42. It often rains in s in the south of China.43. - How is the w in Jinan?- Its windy these days.44. I usually ask her to take a m for me when I am busy.45. The weather is fine today, just right for w .六、选词填空(句子选词填空)(共5小题;共5.0分)cooksnowmantalkreadcloudy46. My mother is breakfast for us in the kitchen.47. The teacher is coming, but the students are still having fun .48. Do you enjoy in the library?49. Look at the . Its going to rain.50. It snows heavily. Lets go out to make .七、按要求转换句型(共5小题;共10.0分)51. Its bad. (对划线部分提问) it ?52. Its raining in Jilin today. (改为同义句)Today in Jilin.53. The students are enjoying themselves. (改为同义句)The students are .54. The girls are making a snowman in the yard. (对划线部分提问) the girls in the yard?55. There is a heavy snow in Sichuan. (改为同义句)Its in Sichuan.八、补全对话(选择)(共5小题;共10.0分)A: Hi, Tom. Where is your brother now?B: 56. A: In the park? 57. B: No, it isnt. Its sunny. 58. A: Its really terrible. Its raining.B: 59. A: Im watching a talk show on TV but its so boring. 60. B: All right.A.What are you doing right now?B.He is playing soccer in the park.C.Oh, tell your brother to call me back when he gets back.D.Is it raining there now?E.Whats the weather like in your city?九、选词填空(短文选词填空)(共10小题;共10.0分)differentlyweatherwearsummercoldsweaterbegorainneed There 61. four seasons in a year: spring, summer, autumn and winter. We wear 62. clothes in different seasons. In spring, we dont wear warm clothes. We can 63. out for a walk with our family and friends. 64. is very hot. So many people dont like summer. We often 65. light clothes. Girls like skirts and boys like shorts. And in our country, it often 66. in summer. My favorite season is autumn. I think autumn is the best season in a year. The 67. is cool. Its 68. in winter. People 69. warm clothes like 70. and coats.十、作文(共1小题;共25.0分)71. 根据下表所给信息,完成下面的天气预报。City(城市)Beijing Shanghai Harbin(哈尔滨)Weather Temperature(温度)-5-26-11


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