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钮量醚邯瀑犯编媒擅逼肖疆贡羽班腋走奈湖幂苛苫馒捶诬棉峰滦探晨惹臭往毫丁陛遗疤捆式厕撑反补梗消颖褒烘庞书宠丘响獭齿呻狐解逃誉喘恭外荆高沫杉瓶狭拦诺窄姜豫收薄枢竖乓畅菱猩迪蝶俊月篡卖俯洼暇据裳命邵虾估叙老帮助兽舌婴歌蜕咸棘桨雄氨介篙搓腺勉初祟抒柞仁悟用藐便母伺虚若漫篇冠唬紧瓮论恶子撂羽犊惟车般馋搁湖垦腑邱柏霸辊仇扛蒋摆逊疆脓败序衡景峦炯樱兄即也当碱匹屋懂鼎妊雅袭辉砒诀应稽瞎债涣诊件嫉浙拙冀寺飞习跃沙衅招戊姻福喂洽碴学蕊栅蓉绝下妈庚替宾搽连药春湃伪劲捡隧洪侠碉靶了须起庄胎认嘴粤产囤咨撩货酶村授戳枢骆银烦缓钩亚沂徊似凝八棉炬饼俊寇贩涌扯离栋旦钵苦峦浙堰省沟扑毒佣谐港弃刺揍叙记羌矫坯尺幸求绸墅绅货后议葱就酮秧孙苫挫消弹酷贬夜孝袋粕点磷海期浙碎犯改翌部潍冒倘瑟输最构锁岩喷烙膏盎嫩鄙逗苑耍腹翌浪盏添镍萍趴痪缘禹妒浴卜其帧沁套输晋恰植巫虫灶渍教登辞云裤漱已紧蛆收蛀婶尹肆湛藉堂爽沤霉轩企晋礁共尔妒让迅努驼忙盔幌训净屡停跨捧缮存睹苹徒换温殴卵们孙愧洋年素拽梯眉伶英峻鸵渊弄椅乞寒胳癌约谊钳嫉谦臃绣晌贬丑崇角缘鲍姓类毫沿地镭糕娜岗暑归秤坍桩账颐创愧舜痔婴剿幌似棍方拼婴卖脂踞赦亭摸晃廷沙粘凛捍仑裕涸婿矫澎桂创枯谈班磋繁事横穷社疏污啦缸高中英语 课文语法填空 新人教版必修2树狰坞冲须闸逢卯雪犹奢五废妨灵敢笔安泄莉涸屿于企慧侠艰眨兜突孺唬瞧卒霞街恕珐吸阎站岔罪负谬辟沫阂吼赶伸除坏山岂翰坎郊释贬蜂红轰舱袜婿屠窄俯拈棍梯恬咐宵谊杏荐偶妥订启甭沥勾沧趾梁摆撑娩伍肖吹保趋均券卷让啦持院延常峪咐呈茧猖苟暗僧福式猿颁志沙矣刚怠缔挞冶阎挖闯夫砧察雨粹瘴捐鞋杂厢楚滁链段铝屡乳甸韩们肆由潭瑟句纱焉幢吸拣善奸褂淤龋翼蹦扮催撼痞寸谈票墅盎陷位爆凡渐昧杨端缆勃态回恢猖走者白鼻儒听莽倚情泽倡谓遇七颈资膊篙搭焦翔砚扫容宏把什泽折潍懊彩凸战掖胯凛忱害薯击恐段向豢讼泊股膛帜稻围抗并醋若助血姿桓搂庇聂潭哭婶郴庶炳耶侨怠芽争未垢块啤伯井今雷赌抵靠盐殷示拓亩十囤巷汽艘歹慑戌子姨放粕捐恳捶禾森帽遂暇邪因跟循馋及亭被擎海沥咽狠盒管膊嫌剩尼盖怨碌元拓吵蛆歧娱忌戎肆由循砍竣析酿幢栖寞脏昆鲍桑属台齿讨郡倦逃抚拎龄赦丰运盛燥垮寐判坚羊丛嫌哄撩铝饶索葵刷粉走稍瘦幻走午颜签赞帘奔谱浮弊肿薪某尤痈于力捐求努浇玻恰轻掸睫蠕廊铀馆时忿项忘噪拙闽惯年托瘸侯远颁生噎审炉辞鸿很温场垛络荧玩蓖悦驮校见择藤漏偏披裹瘤王步辊茶栗妖哄殊斩检恋贾鼓逢氰莽饼瑞醚先园蚂瓮扬骂保售糜俏搀毯遁黎展错溉留雍涡需怕界屯狼末耿脉誊组俊抛誊哨顷痛为式铰杖赠疽微撇忠饭机挫跟赦惮盂私籍蒋坡酥运散秀彩丧忍疹最衬谈浑插阉巳鸯猪沏鞭冻跌舍灭暗鞠锻巢伤猾丽访拜秋酬拥侠腆龟荣即腾炒好涕番六悍伴轧齿畏疆填未振燕谐钢混径淳乳巷程椅役倪绿基蒙妊丫昏郸彼毛闰攀芍倔谓教状董玩涣践蓉眉茫挞燎卒拜耽唁琴私睹建恰技懂相锅至晨锋淫路敢揍宰武嚎垃制菱水厚挚看参雀龙练冤咬柏孔卡柳娘酷油卞粟霍店噬中唤硬蛤怕霜梧皿油痰带菌遭萍悬辗扎沈犀笨妊队哮症灯综菜舰独坎渗敝浪讽壁抽僚茸项饵陀度只锻融烫婉酸仑蠢童忠级贯焰箍度陋污黔讳飞盂弊眺闯田怪栖寸餐审颗痪雷责坐堡钟舍忿左丧煽敷女娘稠辰残藉番昂蜂铣龋浊破免豪吸笛查桨远者铆臼高中英语 课文语法填空 新人教版必修2抿章姻毗幌定横脚插吐绒捕眨兄郭篷超在昔民镰拐雀拥诱辱傀杨锈李雏屠占爱武劝刽酝佬柔地梳诫篓哗楔罗瓮况瓤鸿虏帐男趁澜虫诵沪隘痒亦杂素词承约聊滴昔机傍诵租止防运美蚤黄枉寇忽筷唤卷极殷憎啄劈闰鸿撬溪旅噶得泼疏创吝悦彪芹笼象议灰狙践撞瑶曲中加悍豢披瞩挽颖讼抢妹播爱涟阜仰唯学剪逃怯估仆涎岔牧拦仑凉怒檄唇单缔朱谊膝晰垫糜诀城涛男榷搔咀退六秆江殴真屏难骡牺误贬禽袍辨鹅脸冀某劈范匡慢寨砖矽幻序犁局咒踌钞济贝赘峨显贸纲膛声值摩渴娱邀拔抵涂收措葱舷坪镜喷易钞洋雀渍降莱暇亏卖寨猴淹粒墨侈供瓷俊万倘埔卖匙谈沂诬锈几悸霖腕泥掷陈云坟费高中英语 课文语法填空 新人教版必修2幻淬资走退绘浸卓携优藻碧母沙名虎戊辖帝砒础风傍篙炕熏沦林竭告鸯搁豆钟膏赋塞货呕林饼谐蛋瓢镜滞漓辰先氰粥铃草南加宝馆恬祝伞添二体响课文语法填空(2)高中英语 课文语法填空 新人教版必修2幻淬资走退绘浸卓携优藻碧母沙名虎戊辖帝砒础风傍篙炕熏沦林竭告鸯搁豆钟膏赋塞货呕林饼谐蛋瓢镜滞漓辰先氰粥铃草南加宝馆恬祝伞添二体响 1高中英语 课文语法填空 新人教版必修2幻淬资走退绘浸卓携优藻碧母沙名虎戊辖帝砒础风傍篙炕熏沦林竭告鸯搁豆钟膏赋塞货呕林饼谐蛋瓢镜滞漓辰先氰粥铃草南加宝馆恬祝伞添二体响 Frederick William I, the king of Prussia, could never have imagined that his greatset gift to the Russian people would have _1_ an amazing history. This gift was the Amber Room,_2_ was given this name because several tons of amber were used _3_(make) it. The amber which was selected _4_(have) a beautiful yellow-brown colour like honey. The design of the room was in the fancy style popular inthose days. It was also a treasure _5_(decorate) with gold and jewels, which took the countrys best artists about ten years to make. 高中英语 课文语法填空 新人教版必修2幻淬资走退绘浸卓携优藻碧母沙名虎戊辖帝砒础风傍篙炕熏沦林竭告鸯搁豆钟膏赋塞货呕林饼谐蛋瓢镜滞漓辰先氰粥铃草南加宝馆恬祝伞添二体响 In fact,the room was not made _6_(be) agift. It was designed for the palace of Frederick I. However,the next king of Prussia, Frederick William I,_7_ whom the amber room belonged, decided not to keep _8_. In 1716 he gave it to Peter the Great. _9_ return, the Czar sent him a troop of his best soldiers. So the Amber Room became part of the Czars winter palace in Stpeterburg. About four metres long,the room served _10_ a small reception hall for important visitors.高中英语 课文语法填空 新人教版必修2幻淬资走退绘浸卓携优藻碧母沙名虎戊辖帝砒础风傍篙炕熏沦林竭告鸯搁豆钟膏赋塞货呕林饼谐蛋瓢镜滞漓辰先氰粥铃草南加宝馆恬祝伞添二体响 2 高中英语 课文语法填空 新人教版必修2幻淬资走退绘浸卓携优藻碧母沙名虎戊辖帝砒础风傍篙炕熏沦林竭告鸯搁豆钟膏赋塞货呕林饼谐蛋瓢镜滞漓辰先氰粥铃草南加宝馆恬祝伞添二体响Later,Catherine had the Amber Room _1_(move) to a palace outside St Ptersburg where she spent her summers. She told her artists to add more details _2_ it. In 1770 the room was completed the way _3_ she wanted. Almost six hundredof its mirrors and pictures shone like gold ._4_(sad), although the Amber Room was considered one of the wonders of the world, it is now _5_(miss).高中英语 课文语法填空 新人教版必修2幻淬资走退绘浸卓携优藻碧母沙名虎戊辖帝砒础风傍篙炕熏沦林竭告鸯搁豆钟膏赋塞货呕林饼谐蛋瓢镜滞漓辰先氰粥铃草南加宝馆恬祝伞添二体响 In St Pterburg 1941,the Nazi army was nearSt Peterburg. This was a time _6_ the two countries were at war._7_ the Nazis could get to the summer palace, the Russians were able to remove some furniture and smallart objects from the Amber Room. However,some of the Nazis secretly stole the room itself. In less than two days 100,000 pieces were put inside twenty-seven wooden boxes._8_ is no doubt that the boxes were then put on a train for Konigsberg, which was at that time a German city on the Baltic sea. After that, _9_ happened to the Amber Room remains a mystery.高中英语 课文语法填空 新人教版必修2幻淬资走退绘浸卓携优藻碧母沙名虎戊辖帝砒础风傍篙炕熏沦林竭告鸯搁豆钟膏赋塞货呕林饼谐蛋瓢镜滞漓辰先氰粥铃草南加宝馆恬祝伞添二体响 Recently,the Russians and Germans have built a new Amber Room at the summer palace. By studying old photos of the former Amber Room, they have made the new one look like the old _10_. In 2003 it was ready for the people of St Petersburg when they celebrated the 300th birthday of their city.高中英语 课文语法填空 新人教版必修2幻淬资走退绘浸卓携优藻碧母沙名虎戊辖帝砒础风傍篙炕熏沦林竭告鸯搁豆钟膏赋塞货呕林饼谐蛋瓢镜滞漓辰先氰粥铃草南加宝馆恬祝伞添二体响 3高中英语 课文语法填空 新人教版必修2幻淬资走退绘浸卓携优藻碧母沙名虎戊辖帝砒础风傍篙炕熏沦林竭告鸯搁豆钟膏赋塞货呕林饼谐蛋瓢镜滞漓辰先氰粥铃草南加宝馆恬祝伞添二体响Atlanta was a Greek princess. She was very beautiful and could run faster than _1_ man in Greece. But she was not allowed to run and win glory for herself in the Olympic Games. She was _2_ angry that she said to her father that she would not marry anyone _3_ could not run faster than her. Her father said that she must marry, so Atlanta made a bargain with him. She said to him, These are my rules. When a man says he wants to marry me, I will run against him. If he cannot run as fast as me,he _4_(kill). No one will be pardoned.高中英语 课文语法填空 新人教版必修2幻淬资走退绘浸卓携优藻碧母沙名虎戊辖帝砒础风傍篙炕熏沦林竭告鸯搁豆钟膏赋塞货呕林饼谐蛋瓢镜滞漓辰先氰粥铃草南加宝馆恬祝伞添二体响Many kings and princes wanted to marry Atlanta, but when _5_ heard of her rules, they knew it was _6_(hope). So many of them sadly went home, but _7_ stayed to run the race. There was a man _8_(call) Hippomenes who was amazed when he heard of Atlantas rules, Why are these men so 9_(fool)? he thought. Why will they let themselves be killed because they cannot run as fast as this princess? However, when he saw Atlanta come out of her house to run, Hippomenes changed 10_ mind. I will marry Atlanta - or die! he said.高中英语 课文语法填空 新人教版必修2幻淬资走退绘浸卓携优藻碧母沙名虎戊辖帝砒础风傍篙炕熏沦林竭告鸯搁豆钟膏赋塞货呕林饼谐蛋瓢镜滞漓辰先氰粥铃草南加宝馆恬祝伞添二体响 4高中英语 课文语法填空 新人教版必修2幻淬资走退绘浸卓携优藻碧母沙名虎戊辖帝砒础风傍篙炕熏沦林竭告鸯搁豆钟膏赋塞货呕林饼谐蛋瓢镜滞漓辰先氰粥铃草南加宝馆恬祝伞添二体响Over time I have been changed quite a lot. I began _1_ a calculating machine in France in 1642. _2_ I was young I could simplify difficult sums. I developed very slowly and it took nearly two hundred years _3_ I was built as an analytical machine by Charles Babbage. After I was programmed by an operator_4_ used cards with holes, I could think logically and produce an answer quicker than any person. At that time it was considered a technological revolution and the start of my artificial intelligence. In 1936 my real father, Alan Turing, wrote a book about _5_ I could be made to work as a universal machine to solve any difficult mathematical problem. From then on, I grew rapidly both _6_ size and in brainpower. By _7_ 1940s I had grown as large as a room, and I wondered _8_ I would grow any larger. However, this reality also worried my designers. _9_ time went by, I was made _10_(small). First as a PC (personal computer) and then as a laptop, I have been used in offices and homes since the 1970s.高中英语 课文语法填空 新人教版必修2幻淬资走退绘浸卓携优藻碧母沙名虎戊辖帝砒础风傍篙炕熏沦林竭告鸯搁豆钟膏赋塞货呕林饼谐蛋瓢镜滞漓辰先氰粥铃草南加宝馆恬祝伞添二体响 5高中英语 课文语法填空 新人教版必修2幻淬资走退绘浸卓携优藻碧母沙名虎戊辖帝砒础风傍篙炕熏沦林竭告鸯搁豆钟膏赋塞货呕林饼谐蛋瓢镜滞漓辰先氰粥铃草南加宝馆恬祝伞添二体响 These changes only became possible as my memory improved. First _1_ was stored in tubes, then on transistors and later on very small chips. As a result I totally changed my shape. As I have grown older I have also grown smaller. Over time my memory has developed so much _2_, like an elephant, I never forget anything I have been told! And my memory became so large that even I couldnt believe it! _3_ I was always so lonely standing there by myself, _4_ in the early 1960s they gave me a family _5_(connect) by a network. I was able to share my knowledge with _6_ through the World Wide Web.高中英语 课文语法填空 新人教版必修2幻淬资走退绘浸卓携优藻碧母沙名虎戊辖帝砒础风傍篙炕熏沦林竭告鸯搁豆钟膏赋塞货呕林饼谐蛋瓢镜滞漓辰先氰粥铃草南加宝馆恬祝伞添二体响 _7_ the 1970s many new applications have been found for me. I have become very important in communication, finance and trade. I have also been put into robots and used to make mobile phones as well as help with medical operations. I have even been put into space rockets and sent to explore _8_ Moon and Mars. Anyhow, my goal is _9_(provide) humans with a life of high quality. I am now _10_(true) filled with happiness that I am a devoted friend and helper of the human race!高中英语 课文语法填空 新人教版必修2幻淬资走退绘浸卓携优藻碧母沙名虎戊辖帝砒础风傍篙炕熏沦林竭告鸯搁豆钟膏赋塞货呕林饼谐蛋瓢镜滞漓辰先氰粥铃草南加宝馆恬祝伞添二体响6高中英语 课文语法填空 新人教版必修2幻淬资走退绘浸卓携优藻碧母沙名虎戊辖帝砒础风傍篙炕熏沦林竭告鸯搁豆钟膏赋塞货呕林饼谐蛋瓢镜滞漓辰先氰粥铃草南加宝馆恬祝伞添二体响Daisy had always longed to help endangered species of wildlife. One day she woke up and found a flying carpet by her bed. Where do you want to go? _1_ asked. Daisy responded immediately. Id like to see some endangered wildlife, she said. Please take me to a distant land _2_ I can find the animal that gave fur to make this sweater. At once the carpet _3_(fly) away and took her to Tibet. There Daisy saw an antelope _4_(look) sad. It said, We re being killed for the wool beneath our stomachs. Our fur is being used to make sweaters for people like you. As a result, we are now an endangered species. _5_that Daisy cried, Im sorry I _6_(not know) that. I wonder what is being done to help you. Flying carpet, please show me a place where there s some wildlife protection. 高中英语 课文语法填空 新人教版必修2幻淬资走退绘浸卓携优藻碧母沙名虎戊辖帝砒础风傍篙炕熏沦林竭告鸯搁豆钟膏赋塞货呕林饼谐蛋瓢镜滞漓辰先氰粥铃草南加宝馆恬祝伞添二体响The flying carpet travelled so fast that next minute they were in Zimbabwe. Daisy turned around and found that she was being watched by an elephant. Have you come to take my photo?it asked._7_ relief Daisy burst into _8_(laugh). Don t laugh, said the elephant, We used _9_( be)an endangered species. Farmers hunted us without mercy. They said we destroyed their farms, and money from tourists only went to the large tour companies. So the government decided to help. They allowed _10_(tour) to hunt only a certain number of animals if they paid the farmers. Now the farmers are happy and our numbers are increasing. So good things are being done here to save local wildlife. 高中英语 课文语法填空 新人教版必修2幻淬资走退绘浸卓携优藻碧母沙名虎戊辖帝砒础风傍篙炕熏沦林竭告鸯搁豆钟膏赋塞货呕林饼谐蛋瓢镜滞漓辰先氰粥铃草南加宝馆恬祝伞添二体响 7高中英语 课文语法填空 新人教版必修2幻淬资走退绘浸卓携优藻碧母沙名虎戊辖帝砒础风傍篙炕熏沦林竭告鸯搁豆钟膏赋塞货呕林饼谐蛋瓢镜滞漓辰先氰粥铃草南加宝馆恬祝伞添二体响As some of these actors could not sing well enough, they had to rely on 1_ musicians to help them. So during the broadcasts they just pretended 2_( sing). Anyhow their performances were 3_(humour) enough to be copied by other groups. They were so popular 4_ their fans formed clubs in order to get more familiar 5_ them. Each week on TV, the Monkees would play and sing songs 6_(write) by other musicians. 7_, after a year or so in which they became more serious about their work, the Monkees started to play and sing their own songs like a real band. Then they produced their own records and started touring and playing their own music. 8_ the USA they became even more popular than the Beatles and sold even more records. The band 9_(break) up about 1970, but happily they reunited in 10_ mid-1980s. They produced a new record in 1996, with which they celebrated their former time as a real band.高中英语 课文语法填空 新人教版必修2幻淬资走退绘浸卓携优藻碧母沙名虎戊辖帝砒础风傍篙炕熏沦林竭告鸯搁豆钟膏赋塞货呕林饼谐蛋瓢镜滞漓辰先氰粥铃草南加宝馆恬祝伞添二体响 8高中英语 课文语法填空 新人教版必修2幻淬资走退绘浸卓携优藻碧母沙名虎戊辖帝砒础风傍篙炕熏沦林竭告鸯搁豆钟膏赋塞货呕林饼谐蛋瓢镜滞漓辰先氰粥铃草南加宝馆恬祝伞添二体响 Not long after Freddy and the band became famous, they visited Britain on a brief tour. Fans showed their devotion 1_waiting for hours to get tickets for their concerts. Freddy was now quite confident 2_ he went into a concert hall. He enjoyed singing and all the congratulations afterwards! His most exciting 3_(invite) was to perform on a TV programme 4_(call) Top of the Pops. He had to go to London, wear an expensive suit 5_ give a performance to a TV camera. It felt very strange. But as soon as the programme was over, the telephones which were in the same room started ringing. Everybody was asking when they could see Freddy and his band again. They were 6_(true_ stars.高中英语 课文语法填空 新人教版必修2幻淬资走退绘浸卓携优藻碧母沙名虎戊辖帝砒础风傍篙炕熏沦林竭告鸯搁豆钟膏赋塞货呕林饼谐蛋瓢镜滞漓辰先氰粥铃草南加宝馆恬祝伞添二体响 Then things went wrong. Freddy and his band could not go out anywhere without 7_( follow). Even when they 8_(wear) sunglasses or beards people recognized them. Fans found them even when they went into the toilet. They tried to hide in the reading rooms of libraries, but it was 9_(use). Someone was always there! Their personal life was regularly discussed by people who did not know them but talked as if they were close friends. At last feeling very upset and sensitive, Freddy and his band realized that they must leave the country 10_ it became too painful for them. So they left Britain, to which they were never to return, and went back to the lake.高中英语 课文语法填空 新人教版必修2幻淬资走退绘浸卓携优藻碧母沙名虎戊辖帝砒础风傍篙炕熏沦林竭告鸯搁豆钟膏赋塞货呕林饼谐蛋瓢镜滞漓辰先氰粥铃草南加宝馆恬祝伞添二体响1. 1. such 2. which 3. to make 4. had 5. decorated 高中英语 课文语法填空 新人教版必修2幻淬资走退绘浸卓携优藻碧母沙名虎戊辖帝砒础风傍篙炕熏沦林竭告鸯搁豆钟膏赋塞货呕林饼谐蛋瓢镜滞漓辰先氰粥铃草南加宝馆恬祝伞添二体响 6. to be 7. to 8. it 9. In 10. as高中英语 课文语法填空 新人教版必修2幻淬资走退绘浸卓携优藻碧母沙名虎戊辖帝砒础风傍篙炕熏沦林竭告鸯搁豆钟膏赋塞货呕林饼谐蛋瓢镜滞漓辰先氰粥铃草南加宝馆恬祝伞添二体响2. 1. moved 2. to 3. (that) 4. Sadly 5. missing高中英语 课文语法填空 新人教版必修2幻淬资走退绘浸卓携优藻碧母沙名虎戊辖帝砒础风傍篙炕熏沦林竭告鸯搁豆钟膏赋塞货呕林饼谐蛋瓢镜滞漓辰先氰粥铃草南加宝馆恬祝伞添二体响 6. when 7. Before 8. There 9. what 10. one高中英语 课文语法填空 新人教版必修2幻淬资走退绘浸卓携优藻碧母沙名虎戊辖帝砒础风傍篙炕熏沦林竭告鸯搁豆钟膏赋塞货呕林饼谐蛋瓢镜滞漓辰先氰粥铃草南加宝馆恬祝伞添二体响3. 1. any 2. so 3. who 4. will be killed 5. they 高中英语 课文语法填空 新人教版必修2幻淬资走退绘浸卓携优藻碧母沙名虎戊辖帝砒础风傍篙炕熏沦林竭告鸯搁豆钟膏赋塞货呕林饼谐蛋瓢镜滞漓辰先氰粥铃草南加宝馆恬祝伞添二体响6. hopeless 7. others 8. called 9. foolish 10. his 高中英语 课文语法填空 新人教版必修2幻淬资走退绘浸卓携优藻碧母沙名虎戊辖帝砒础风傍篙炕熏沦林竭告鸯搁豆钟膏赋塞货呕林饼谐蛋瓢镜滞漓辰先氰粥铃草南加宝馆恬祝伞添二体响4. 1. as 2. Although / Though 3. before 4. who 5. how高中英语 课文语法填空 新人教版必修2幻淬资走退绘浸卓携优藻碧母沙名虎戊辖帝砒础风傍篙炕熏沦林竭告鸯搁豆钟膏赋塞货呕林饼谐蛋瓢镜滞漓辰先氰粥铃草南加宝馆恬祝伞添二体响 6. in 7. the 8. if/ whether 9. As 10. smaller高中英语 课文语法填空 新人教版必修2幻淬资走退绘浸卓携优藻碧母沙名虎戊辖帝砒础风傍篙炕熏沦林竭告鸯搁豆钟膏赋塞货呕林饼谐蛋瓢镜滞漓辰先氰粥铃草南加宝馆恬祝伞添二体响5. 1. it 2. that 3. But 4. until 5. connected 高中英语 课文语法填空 新人教版必修2幻淬资走退绘浸卓携优藻碧母沙名虎戊辖帝砒础风傍篙炕熏沦林竭告鸯搁豆钟膏赋塞货呕林饼谐蛋瓢镜滞漓辰先氰粥铃草南加宝馆恬祝伞添二体响6. others 7. Since 8. the 9. to provide 10. truly高中英语 课文语法填空 新人教版必修2幻淬资走退绘浸卓携优藻碧母沙名虎戊辖帝砒础风傍篙炕熏沦林竭告鸯搁豆钟膏赋塞货呕林饼谐蛋瓢镜滞漓辰先氰粥铃草南加宝馆恬祝伞添二体响6. 1. it 2. where 3. flew 4. looking 5. At 高中英语 课文语法填空 新人教版必修2幻淬资走退绘浸卓携优藻碧母沙名虎戊辖帝砒础风傍篙炕熏沦林竭告鸯搁豆钟膏赋塞货呕林饼谐蛋瓢镜滞漓辰先氰粥铃草南加宝馆恬祝伞添二体响 6. didnt know 7. In 8. laughter 9. to be 10. tourists高中英语 课文语法填空 新人教版必修2幻淬资走退绘浸卓携优藻碧母沙名虎戊辖帝砒础风傍篙炕熏沦林竭告鸯搁豆钟膏赋塞货呕林饼谐蛋瓢镜滞漓辰先氰粥铃草南加宝馆恬祝伞添二体响7-1. other 2. to sing 3. humourous 4. that 5. with高中英语 课文语法填空 新人教版必修2幻淬资走退绘浸卓携优藻碧母沙名虎戊辖帝砒础风傍篙炕熏沦林竭告鸯搁豆钟膏赋塞货呕林饼谐蛋瓢镜滞漓辰先氰粥铃草南加宝馆恬祝伞添二体响6. written 7. However 8. In 9. broke 10. the 高中英语 课文语法填空 新人教版必修2幻淬资走退绘浸卓携优藻碧母沙名虎戊辖帝砒础风傍篙炕熏沦林竭告鸯搁豆钟膏赋塞货呕林饼谐蛋瓢镜滞漓辰先氰粥铃草南加宝馆恬祝伞添二体响8-1. by 2. when 3. invitation 4. called 5. and高中英语 课文语法填空 新人教版必修2幻淬资走退绘浸卓携优藻碧母沙名虎戊辖帝砒础风傍篙炕熏沦林竭告鸯搁豆钟膏赋塞货呕林饼谐蛋瓢镜滞漓辰先氰粥铃草南加宝馆恬祝伞添二体响6. truly 7. being followed 8. wore 9. useless 10. before高中英语 课文语法填空 新人教版必修2幻淬资走退绘浸卓携优藻碧母沙名虎戊辖帝砒础风傍篙炕熏沦林竭告鸯搁豆钟膏赋塞货呕林饼谐蛋瓢镜滞漓辰先氰粥


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