



如果你想成为一名优秀的舞者,那就要高度重视手臂的完美运用。因为手臂在展现舞蹈技巧及塑造形象中有着举足轻重的作用,而手臂在舞蹈动律中有着强烈的感情色彩和表现力。 把握好作品的美感意识、风格韵律及各种技术技巧,是练舞最基本的要素。而要很好地完成这些要素,手臂起着举足轻重的作用。因为手臂有着强烈的感情色彩和表现力,是传神和表现的重要组成部分。有很多的初学者或演员忽略或不重视手臂的练习,认为只有那些高难度的技术与技巧才能更好地体现一个演员的水平。殊不知能否充分地运用手臂,并且赋予它极强的艺术表现力,才恰恰是衡量一个优秀舞蹈者重要的一个方面。 一是要重视手臂的完美运用。 在古典芭蕾和其他一切舞蹈训练中,对于手的训练已成为所有舞蹈训练中不可缺少和忽略的部分。手臂可以协调各种人体形态并能帮助保持身体的稳定,从而组成多种的舞蹈语汇。它与腿的训练截然不同,在整个舞蹈中它不仅要配合各类动作构成各种舞蹈造型,帮助完成旋转、跳跃和各类技术与技巧的任务,它还是舞蹈训练中保持身体平衡、表现舞蹈风格、舞蹈韵律、舞蹈内涵和人的内心情感,构成美的线条和画面的主要因素,从而使舞蹈艺术的想象力及表现力得到极大的发挥。手臂还在完成各种舞蹈造型、各种旋转技巧中起着平衡稳定性、帮助产生动力、更好地控制身体等作用。 另外在各种舞蹈形象中,手臂更是不可替代的,如:白族舞蹈家杨丽萍表演的雀之灵可以说是家喻户晓,她利用修长而柔韧的手臂和灵活自如的手指的形态变幻,把孔雀那引颈昂首的静态和细微的动态都淋漓尽致、惟妙惟肖地表现了出来,充满了生机和灵动的气韵,令人如痴如醉。 这是艺术对生活的升华,可以说她的形象创造是艺术上的一次大的飞跃,整个舞蹈有一大半的时间都是通过各种手臂动作的造型变幻来塑造丰富的观音形象,手臂的充分运用,使其充满了艺术美和感染力。这些作品在舞蹈动作中都没有运用很高难度的技巧,但他们都是通过手臂动作的灵活运用,去刻画生活中那些普通的事物,去引导人们关注它们的内心世界,都有着极其强烈的象征意义。 二是手臂练习是舞蹈的基础。 因为手臂运用是舞蹈的灵魂,手臂的准确程度直接影响到舞姿动作的准确性和优美性,所以舞蹈训练中必须时刻注意自己手臂的位置,线路是否正确,从而避免养成一些错误的手位习惯,例如芭蕾基训,在所有的基训动作中都离不开手位的参与,将手放在哪个位置上,成什么样的形状,这些都是非常值得关注的。If you want to be a good dancer,/ it should attach great importance to the arm of the perfect use. Because the arm in the show dance techniques and image building has play a decisive role inRole, and arm in the dance has an intense emotional and expressive force of law.A good grasp of the beauty of the work consciousness, style rhythm and various technical skills, is the most basic elements of dance. To accomplish these elements, arm plays a decisiveImportant role. Because the arm has a strong feelings of color and expressive force, is an important part of vivid and expressive. There are many beginners or actors ignored or notAs the arm exercises, that only those with skills to better reflect the high difficulty of an actors level. Not knowing how to make sufficient use of arms, andGive it a strong artistic expressive force,/ it is just one of a good dancer, one of the most important aspects of.One is to pay attention to the perfect application of arm.In classical ballet and other dance training, the training has become indispensable in all dance training and neglected part. The arm can coordinate all the peopleThe body shape and can help keep the body stable, which composed of a variety of dance vocabulary. With the legs from the dance training, it should not only with all kinds ofAction form various dance style, to help complete the rotation, jumping and all kinds of techniques and skills task, it is in dance training to maintain body balance, performance dance windLattice, dance rhythm, dance content and peoples feeling, the main factors that make up the lines and images, resulting in pole dance art imagination and expressive forceThe big play. His arms were completed various dance style, various rotation technique plays a balance stability, help to generate power, better control of body functions.Also in a variety of dance image, /the arm is irreplaceable, such as: Bai dancer Yang Liping performing spirit can be said to be make known to every family, she used to repairThe long flexible arm and flexible fingers morphological changes, the peacock that looking up static and subtle dynamics have most incisive, lifelike performanceOut, full of vitality and bright spirit, people delude one to folly.This is the art of life sublimation,/ can be said to her image creation is a big leap in art, the entire dance is a half of the time is through a variety of armThe other changes to create rich a Buddism godness Guanyin image, make full use of the arm, which is full of artistic beauty and appeal. These works in the dance movements are not shippedWith a very difficult skills, but they are all through the flexible use of arm movements, to depict the life of those ordinary things, to guide people to pay attention to their heartThe world, have a very strong symbolic significance.Two is the arm exercises is the basis of dance.Because the arm use is the dance soul,/ the degree of accuracy of arm directly affects the accuracy and graceful dance movements, so the dance training must beMoment to pay attention to their own arm position, line


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