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there to be和there being 都可以做宾语。 1)如果是介词的宾语,要用there being,而不是there to be. 2)如果是动词宾语,要看这个动词,我们学过有些动词后面只能接动名词,比如mind, enjoy, appreciate等词后面是必须加doing的形式的;而这些动词同样适用于there being, 不能用there to be. 同样,有些动词只能接不定式的,如want, hope, would like等,后面理所当然就接there to be了。there be句式的非谓语形式There be 的非谓语形式有两种,即there to be 和there being。需要掌握以下几个情况:1. 作主语当作主语时,一般是There being结构,当句式中有for时,一般用there to be。如:There being a shop here is a great advantage. 这儿有个商店,真是方便极了。It is impossible for there to be any more. 不可能再有了。2. 作宾语如果是动词宾语,要看这个动词,我们学过有些动词后面只能接动名词,比如mind, enjoy, appreciate等词后面是必须加doing的形式的;而这些动词同样适用于there being, 不能用there to be. 同样,有些动词只能接不定式的,如want, hope, would like等,后面理所当然就接there to be了。常见动词有:expect, mean, intend want, prefer等:We expect there to be no argument. People dont want there to be another war.Would you like there to be a picture on the wall? 你喜欢墙壁上挂一张画吗? We dont want there to be any comrade lagging behind. 我们不希望有一个同志掉队。 I dont want there to be any misunderstanding between us.我不希望我们之间有什么误会。作介词的宾语一般用There being句式,但当在for后时一般用there to be句式。This depended on there being a sudden change. 这需要有一个突然的改变。The teacher was waiting for there to be complete silence.老师在等着大家都安静下来。They planned on there being another meeting. 他们打算再开一次会。There is now some hope of there being a settlement of the dispute. 现在还有点希望可以解决这次争端。3. 作状语用作状语的there be的形式通常用there being结构。There being no buses, we had to walk home.由于没有公共汽车,我们不得不走着回家。There being no nobody in the room, we realized that there was no use crying.屋里没人,我们意识到哭喊是没有用的。注意:如果句中出现for时应用there to be。It was too late for there to be any buses.太晚了,没有公共汽车了。1.there to be 的用法1) 用作动词的复合宾语。Would you like there to be a picture on the wall? 你喜欢墙壁上挂一张画吗? We dont want there to be any comrade lagging behind. 我们不希望有一个同志掉队。 I dont want there to be any misunderstanding between us.我不希望我们之间有什么误会。 2) 用在It be + adj. for.的结构中It is impossible for there to be any more chance. 不可能在有机会了。 It was too late for there to be any buses. 时间太晚,不会有汽车了。 We waited for there to be another opportunity. 我们期待着还有下一次机会。 2.there being 的用法 1) 用作介词后的复合宾语I never dreamed of there being a picture on the wall. 我从未想到墙壁上有幅画。 I was wrong about there being some misunderstanding between us.认为我们之间有误解是我的错误。 2) 作状语用的独立结构There being nothing to do, we went home. 因为没有什么事要办,我们就回家了。 There being nobody else at hand, I had to do it by myself.由于身边没有别人,我只得自己干了 典例精析:1. Owing to_no shipping space up to the moment, we have to require delayed shipment.A. there isB. there beC. there wasD. there being答案:D。解析:owing to 后面应该加名词,作介词的宾语一般用there being句式,故选D。2. _ nothing else to do, we went home happily.A. There to beB. There beC. There wasD. There being答案:D。解析:本题句意为:由于没事可做,我们快乐地回家了。所选部分应该在句中作状语。用作状语的there be的形式通常用there being结构。故选D。3. I dont want _ any misunderstanding between us.A. there to beB. there beC. there isD. there being答案:A。解析: 本题句意为:我不希望我们之间有什么误会。所选部分在句中作动词的复合宾语。作动词宾语时,一般用there to be 结构,故选A。4. _ a house with a garden is of great value.A. There to beB. There beC. There wasD. There being答案:D。解析: 本题句意为:拥有花园的房子是很有价值的。所选部分应该在句中作主语,当作主语时,一般是there being结构, 故选D。There be 句型的几种特殊结构及其用法There be句型是一种应用十分广泛和频繁的句型。但是对there be句型的多变的特点及其特殊结构的复杂性,并不是每个考生都熟悉了解。在大学英语四级考试题中也常常遇到这一句型结构的试题。例如: Ann never dreams of _ for her to be sent abroad very soon(CET-4,19986-43)A)there to be a chanceB)there being a chanceC)there be a chanceD)being a chance 该题的答案为B)。动词 dream of 要求跟 V-ing 分词结构作宾语,更准确地讲是介词of后要求跟 V-ing 分词结构作宾语,there being a chance意为有一个机会;A)和C)两项均不符合句子结构的要求,所以不是答案选项,而D)项 being a chance 虽然是 V-ing 分词结构,但语义不通,故不能雪又如: No one had told Smith about _ a lecture the following day(CET-4,20011-66)A)there beB)there would be C)there wasD)there being该题的答案为D)。介词 about 后要求跟 V-ing 分词结构作宾语,there being(a lecture)意为有(一个讲座),而A)、B)和C)项内容均不符合结构要求,故不能雪再如:It is fairly common in Africa for there to be an ensemble of expert musicians surrounded by others who join in by clapping,singing,or somehow adding to the totality of musical sound(CET-4,19951)该句子中出现了for there to be 的结构,如果按照上一题的解题思路去理解:介词后要求跟 V-ing 分词结构作宾语,那么,这一结构似乎是错的;但是,实际上此结构没有错,此处只能够用 for there to be,而不能用 there being。为什么呢?这就是本文想要解答的问题:there be 句型的特殊结构及其用法。笔者将 there be 句型的几种特殊结构及其用法进行归纳、总结如下,供读者参考。一、there be句型与各种情态动词连用。 例如: There must be something wrong hereThere might still be some vacant seats in the rearThere ought to be something with which to fill your stocking二、there be句型中的谓语动词be被be likely to be,happen to be,seem(to be), occur等代替,用来描写事物。例如: There are likely to be more difficulties than they have been prepared forThere happened to be nobody in the roomThere doesnt seem to be much hope of our beating that team There seems no doubt that the general character of the landscape,the relative length of day and night,and the climate must all play a big part in determining what kind of people we areThere have occurred many great changes since we met lastThere be 句型的几种特殊结构及其用法There be句型是一种应用十分广泛和频繁的句型。但是对there be句型的多变的特点及其特殊结构的复杂性,并不是每个考生都熟悉了解。在大学英语四级考试题中也常常遇到这一句型结构的试题。例如: Ann never dreams of _ for her to be sent abroad very soon(CET-4,19986-43)A)there to be a chanceB)there being a chanceC)there be a chanceD)being a chance 该题的答案为B)。动词 dream of 要求跟 V-ing 分词结构作宾语,更准确地讲是介词of后要求跟 V-ing 分词结构作宾语,there being a chance意为有一个机会;A)和C)两项均不符合句子结构的要求,所以不是答案选项,而D)项 being a chance 虽然是 V-ing 分词结构,但语义不通,故不能雪又如: No one had told Smith about _ a lecture the following day(CET-4,20011-66)A)there beB)there would be C)there wasD)there being该题的答案为D)。介词 about 后要求跟 V-ing 分词结构作宾语,there being(a lecture)意为有(一个讲座),而A)、B)和C)项内容均不符合结构要求,故不能雪再如:It is fairly common in Africa for there to be an ensemble of expert musicians surrounded by others who join in by clapping,singing,or somehow adding to the totality of musical sound(CET-4,19951)该句子中出现了for there to be 的结构,如果按照上一题的解题思路去理解:介词后要求跟 V-ing 分词结构作宾语,那么,这一结构似乎是错的;但是,实际上此结构没有错,此处只能够用 for there to be,而不能用 there being。为什么呢?这就是本文想要解答的问题:there be 句型的特殊结构及其用法。笔者将 there be 句型的几种特殊结构及其用法进行归纳、总结如下,供读者参考。一、there be句型与各种情态动词连用。 例如: There must be something wrong hereThere might still be some vacant seats in the rearThere ought to be something with which to fill your stocking二、there be句型中的谓语动词be被be likely to be,happen to be,seem(to be), occur等代替,用来描写事物。例如: There are likely to be more difficulties than they have been prepared forThere happened to be nobody in the roomThere doesnt seem to be much hope of our beating that team There seems no doubt that the general character of the landscape,the relative length of day and night,and the climate must all play a big part in determining what kind of people we areThere have occurred many great changes since we met last三、there be 句型中的谓语动词be被一些不及物动词代替,如 live,stand,exist,remain等,用来表示静止、存在、有。例如:There lives a family of five in the villageThere remains nothing more to be doneThere stands the Monument to the Peoples Heroes at the center of the Tiananmen SquareThere exist different opinions on this question四、there be 句型中的谓语动词be被一些不及物动词代替,如 come,spring up,appear,emerge,arrive,enter,follow, 等,用来表示突然出现。例如:There appears to be no substitute for this stuff yetThere came a company of actors and actressesThere followed a spirited discussion after class五、there be句型中be用不定式,形成(for)there to be 宾格词结构,表示有或存在(某种情况),在(for)there to be 宾格词的结构中,主语是宾格词。这种不定式结构在句中作逻辑宾语、状语和主语。1there to be 宾格词在句中作宾语。例如:The students expected there to be more reviewing classes before the final exams there to be 宾格词结构在句中作动词expect的宾语,句中的宾格词m ore review- ing classes作there to be不定式结构的逻辑主语。特别应该注意的是there后的不定式只能用to be的形式,因为这种不定式结构是从there be结构转化而来的。又如:People dont want there to be anotherwarMembers like there to be plenty of choicePerhaps transportation and the means of comm unication have really made it possible for there to be an end to the big citiesIt is fairly common in Africa for there to be an ensemble of expert musicians surrounded by others who join in by clapping,singing,or somehow adding to the totality of musical sound there to be 宾格词结构在句中作介词for的宾语,句中的宾格词an ensemble of expert musicians 作there to be不定式结构的逻辑主语。2for there to be 宾格词在句中作状语。例如:It isnt cold enough for there to be a frost tonight,so I can leave Jim s car out quite safely(for there to be 宾格词作结果状语)特别应该注意的是,for there to be 宾格词在句中作状语时必须用介词 for引出 there be 后面的宾格词。又如:For there to be successful communication,;there must be attentiveness and involvement in the discussing itself by all present(for there to be 宾格词作目的状语)They planned for there to be another meeting(for there to be 宾格词作目的状语)3there to be 宾格词在句中作主语。例如:Its a great pity for there to be much trouble in the company特别应该注意的是, for there to be 宾格词在句中作主语时必须用介词for引出 there be后面的宾格词。又如:It is impossible for there to be any more applesFor there to be so few people in the streets was unusual六、there be句型中be用V ing分词,形成(of)there being 宾格词结构,表示有或存在(某种情况),在(of)there be- ing 宾格词的结构中,主语是宾格词。1there being 宾格词在句中作宾语。例如:Have you ever thought of there being so many work units for you to choose on the talents meeting?(there being 宾格词作宾语) there being 宾格词结构在句中作介词of的宾语,句中的宾格词so m any work u- nits作there beingV-ing分词短语结构的逻辑主语。又如:No one had told him anything about there being a beautiful story about the lake John was relying on there being another opportunity2there being 宾格词在句中作状语。例如:There being no cause for alarm ,she went back to her bedroom(there being 宾格词作原因状语) there being 宾格词结构在句中作状语,句中的宾格词no cause作there being V-ing分词短语结构的逻辑主语。又如:There having been a strong suspicion against the ability of the director,the department asked him to resign(there being 宾格词作原因状语)There being nothing to be done,they have to go back home(there being 宾格词作原因状语)There being no further business,the chairm an closed the meeting(there being 宾格词作原因状语)3there being 宾格词在句中作主 语。例如:There being a bus stop so near the house is a great advantage there being 宾格词结构在句中作主语,句中的宾格词a bus stop作there being V-ing分词短语结构的逻辑主语。七、there be 句型中 be 用 be V-ed 分词,形成there be V-ed分词宾格词结构,表示有或存在(某种情况),在there be V-ed 分词宾格词的结构中,主语是宾格词。例如:There was found a lot of food in the kitchen cupboardThere are now published millions of books every year in ChinaThere was shown at the exhibition an electronic computer made in Shanghai八、there be no 主语名词的习惯用法。1V-ing分词在there be no结构中作主语,表示不可能、无法。例如:There is no denying the fact that China is still a developing countryThere is no joking about such mattersThere is no telling what will happen to him next2there is no point V-ing分词,表示没有必要,无用,没有意义,没有用处。例如:We are disappointed with the new officer elected in our bridge club,but thereis no point worrying about it3there is no use V-ing分词,表示无用,没有意义,没有用处。例如:There is no use advising him to give up smoking4there is no good V-ing分词,表示无用,没有意义,没有用处,没有益处。例如:There is no good discussing the matter with such a fool九、在由there be 主语名词引起的句子中,修饰主语的情况。1在由there be 主语名词引起的句子中,用来修饰主语的不定式可以用被动形式,也可以用主动形式。例如:There is no time to lose to be lostThere are still many thingsto take care of to be taken care of在口语中多用主动形式。但是有时候两种形式可能表示不同的意思。试比较:There is nothing to do now(We have nothing to do now)There is nothing to be done now(We can do nothing now)There is nothing to see(nothing worth seeing)There is nothing to be seen(nothing there at all)2在由there be 主语名词引起的句子中,用来修饰主语的分词或分词短语在意思上相当于一个定语从句。例如:There were 200children studying(who were studying)m usic,dancing,or dram aticsIs there anything planned(that has been planned)for tonight?There be 句型难点解析及练习There be结构一、 There be 句型常用的时态形式有一般现在时、一般过去时、一般将来时、现在完成时和过去完成时。例如:1. There is someone at the door to see you. 门口有人找你。2. There will be a meeting this evening. 今晚有个约会。3. -Have there been any letters from Jack lately? 近日有杰克的来信吗?-No, there hasnt. 不,没有。4. There had been many such accidents before you came. 你来之前就有过很多起这样的事故。二、 There be 句型中be 前面可用一些半助动词,如:be about to (就要), be certain to (一定会), be going to (将要),be likely to (可能), be to (要), had better (最好), have to (必须), used to (过去常), appear/seem/happen to (似乎/恰好)等。例如:1. There used to be a grocery store on the corner. 以前在这个街口有家杂货店。2. There is certain to be something wrong with the engine. = It appears / is certain that there is something wrong with the engine. 发动机一定是出了毛病。3. There appears to have been a nasty accident. 似乎有一起严重的事故。三、 There be 句型中的替换词有:come (来), develop (产生), exist (存在), fall (落下), follow (跟随), happen (发生), lie (躺着), live (住着), occur (发生), remain (还有), rise (升起),stand (站着)等。这些动词可以有时态变化,及物动词还可以有语态变化。例如:1. There fell a deep silence. 突然一片寂静。2. There remains one more test to be carried out before putting the instrument into operation. 在使用这一设备之前要完成一项试验。3. Not long after this, there occurred a sudden revolution in public taste. 此后不久,公众的情趣发生了突然的变化。4. There stands at the center of the square the Monument to the Peoples Heroes. 在广场的中央矗立着人民英雄纪念碑。四、 There be 句型中,谓语动词和合后面的主语在数方面保持一致。如果有两个或更多的主语,则与离动词最近的那个主语保持一致。例如:There is only a table, four chairs and a small bed in the room.房子里有一张桌子,四把椅子和一张小床。五、 There be 句型有不定式、现在分词和动名词形式,在句中用作主语、宾语、定语或状语等。例如:1. There being a bus stop so near the house is a great advantage. 公共汽车站离家这么近是一个很有利的条件。(There being a bus 用作主语)2. I dont want there to be any misunderstanding. 我不想引起任何误解。(There to be 作宾语)3. No one would have dreamt of there being such a fine place. 谁也没想到会有这样的一个好地方。(There being 在句子中作介词of的宾语。需注意的是,结构若出现在介词for的后面则要用动词不定式;若出现在其他介词后面则要用动名词)4. There being no bus, we had to walk home. 因为没有公共汽车,我们只好步行回家。 (“There being 名词”构成独立主格结构,在句中作状语)六、 “There be no doing” 表示“不可能做”。例如:1. There is no holding back the wheel of history. 历史车轮不可阻挡。2. Theres no saying what hell be doing next. 他接下去要做什么,很难断言。3. There is no bearing such rude remarks. 如此粗话,叫人根本无法忍受。专项练习:1. In the eastern part of New Jersey _, a major shipping and manufacturing center.A. lies the city of Elizabeth B. the city of ElizabethC. around the city of Elizabeth D. there lie the city of Elizabeth2. It isnt cold enough for there _ a frost tonight, so I can leave Jims car out quite safely.A. would be B. being C. was D. to be3. The students expected there _ more reviewing classes before the final exam.A. be B. being C. have been D. to be4. There _ no fresh drinking water and no good farm land, it was not a comfortable place in which to live.A. be B. was C. were D. being5. If ever again _ happens an accident like this, we will have only ourselves to blame.A. it B. so C. there D. that6. He said it was impossible for _ a mistake in a computers calculation, so you can rly on that.A. there being B. there would be C. there to be D. there was7. Ann never dreams of _ for her to be sent abroad very soon.A. there being a chance B. there to be a chanceC. there be a chance D. being a chance8. Once he starts talking about Chinese or foreign affairs, ancient or modern, _.A. there is no stopping of him B. he is not to stopC. there is no stopping him D. it is no stopping him9. The chairman insisted that there be a meeting _ within the shortest possible time.A. to hold B. to be held C. to have been held D. to be holding10. Where _ dirt, there are flies.A. there has B. is C. there is D. has there11. Around the world _ may be as many as a million earthquakes in a single year.A. yet B. they C. there D. has there12. _ no air, there would be no life on the earth.A. There was B. There were C. Was there D. Were there13. _, she went back to her room.A. There was no cause for alarm B. Without having cause for alarmC. Being no cause for alarm D. There being no cause for alarm14. _ to the railway station, we missed the train.A. There is no bus B. No bus goesC. There not being any bus D. Not any bus15. He said, “_ a long way to school. _ a long way to go yet before we arrive.”A. It is There is B. There is It isC. It is It is D. There is There is16. There has been a great increase in retail sales, _?A. does there B. isnt there C. hasnt there D. isnt it17. We left the meeting, there obviously _ no point in staying.A. were B. being C. to be D. having18. There is no point _ with him, since he has already made up his mind.A. argue B. to argue C. in arguing D. of arguing19. There was a real pos


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