20112012学年度第 1 学期 TUC-FIU合作学院2009级说明文写作试卷 A装订线- 班级: 姓名: 学号试卷来源:自拟 主考:张逵 校对:张逵题号2分数签字Choose one of the following topics and write an expository essay in no less than 800 words. Scores will be given according to the extent to which your writing fulfils the following: The writing effectively addresses the writing task. It demonstrates a well developed logical organizational structure with clearly stated main ideas and sufficient supporting details. It has almost no errors of vocabulary, spelling, punctuation or syntax, and it displays an adequate ability to use the language with appropriateness. No difficulty is experiencedby the reader. Pay particular attention to the mode of exposition you should employ.1. Write an essay that divides a single subject into categories, parts, varieties, types, methods, or ways. Then give examples that will illustrate the categories, parts, varieties, types, methods, or ways designated. Try to bring your personality into the piece of writing.2. Write an essay to Compare and/or Contrast two items/persons you are most familiar with. Illustrate with examples.3. Explain the Causes/Effects of a situation (an event, a phenomenon, or a trend) that concerns you. Narrow your topic enough to treat it in some detail, and provide more than a mere list of causes / effects.4. Write one extended definition essay using the criteria discussed in class. You may write subjectively or objectively, introspective or research-based, anecdotal or without anecdotes, on a controversial term pretty much anything goes as long as there is evidence of critical thinking, and some new or unique way of approaching the term being defined.In other words, add something of yourself to your definitionand that doesnt mean that it must be personal.You can interpret your research in new and unique ways as well.2009级英语说明文写作评分标准说明文作文评分的主要指标包括:思想内容,篇章结构,语法文体,卷面格式等。具体指标如下:一、 思想内容40%:作文有创建性,构思精巧,主题明确,例证充分,逻辑合理。二、 篇章结构40%:l 作文题目新颖有趣;l 引言、正文、结论三部分各司其职,相互支撑,全文800单词以上;符合说明文(举例、归类/分类、比较/对比、过程分析、原因/结果、定义等)的一般规范; l 段落中心突出,主题句言简意赅,承转清楚,启合自然。三、 语法文体15%:用词准确,文体得当,句子完整,主谓一致,人称、时态、语态前后呼应,标点符号运用正确(文体语法错误每1个扣1分)四、 卷面格式 5%:卷面整齐,字迹清楚,行文格式规范。Ambitious Plan vs. Realistic PlanGiven the heated competition nowadays, it is universally acknowledged that drawing up the “right” plan will exert a vital influence on peoples future. However, which is more likely to lead to ones success: an ambitious plan or a realistic one? Everyone has his/her own preference and of course has good reasons supporting their choice. However, a survey conducted in America leads me to believe that there is a growing tendency for people to lean their preference toward ambitious goals. How come this trend comes into being? The subject of my essay is to discuss the causes of this trend.To begin with, the intrinsic rationality of this trend lies in the fact that peoples potential is infinite. Anything is possible if you roll up your sleeves and get into it. According to a recent survey, most people only explore twenty percent of their brains which means there are eighty percent of our potential is waiting to be discovered. You will never know what you can do unless you really try it yourselves. In this case, when everybody has the ability to achieve goals which were used to be regarded as “impossibility”, how could we decide whether or not this task is so unattainable that someone is doom to failure? Imagine a little boy, reared in a poor family in the west frontier, mostly self-educated, tells you that his dream is to become the President of the United State. I bet most people will consider it as an impractical illusion and may laugh at his conceit. However, this little boy turned out to become an outstanding leader who led the States through a constitutional, military, moral crisisthe American Civil War, preserving the Union while ending slavery and promoting economic and financial modernization. His name is Abraham Lincoln.Besides, people with challenging plans tend to spend more time on working. It seems like a benign cycle, the more challenging a persons plan is, the more time and effort he is willing to devote; the more time and effort he devotes, the more progress he is likely to make; the more progress he makes, the more confidence he will get. With the confidence, he can even struggle for a higher goal. No one can deny the great impact incentive places on ones life. For example, Albert Einstein once promised his wife that he would win the Nobel Prize within 10 years. A lot of people, even his wife thought he was just bragging. However, motivated by this commitment, he immersed himself in various kinds of researches day by day. Finally, he carried out his promise, conquering the world with his world-famous theoryrelativity, which can be described, without exaggeration, as the foundation of microphysics. Furthermore, another factor accounting for the trend lies in the fact that people with ambitious goals tend to have less trouble getting rid of the inherent flaws of every human being- laziness and arrogance. Undeniably, once people achieve the goals they set earlier, it is natural for them to be immersed in the joy brought by their temporary success and gradually lose brave and passion to keep struggling for higher goals. In that case, if we set the goal too low, we are taking the risk of becoming conceit people who are satisfied with themselves blindly. And the statistic Ive collected recently lets me believe that students who hold ambitious goals in their study enjoy a greater chance of making their later career a glorious one compared to those whose ultimate intention is to pass the exam. Sadly for those people, more often than not, their seemingly simple hope rarely comes true. I could take the experience of two friends of mine as an example to illustrate my point. Jean and Neal are my classmates who are equivalent in intelligence; however, they had different goals in a very challenging class: Jean wanted to get A+ in the final examination, Neal, on the other hand, only wanted to pass the exam. Jean worked very hard every day, consulting the professor, doing a lot of research, reading all kinds of reference, and eventually she got an A in the exam, while Neal, unfortunately but reasonably, ended up with failing that course.However, I think it is necessary for me to point out the obvious merits of realistic goals as well. After all, ambitious plans dont fit everyone and we are not allowed to ignore the advantages of realistic plans as well. Unlike ambitious goals, practical ones are relatively easy to achieve and will give you confidence to move forward. For those people who dont have much belief in themselves, maybe
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